4 hours until a new trailer drops

4 hours until a new trailer drops.

Attached: FINAL_FANTASY_VII_REMAKE-E3_2019-screenshot_5.png (1920x1080, 2.71M)

Other urls found in this thread:



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she's so fucking cute

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What is the trailer? Character and story stuff or gameplay stuff?

Shinra + Turks according to Nomura
requesting the blonde + glasses edit of pic related

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nobody knows


just like her VA

Aeirth dies


cute and sexy

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says Aerith in everything

>getting excited for a game with XV's combat

fuck yeah!

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explain this nonsense

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I hope I see her face when I die

I hope I kiss her face before I die

That's her VA? Cute

Aerith is voring Yuna

It'll be shit. Stop looking forward to things.

When are we gonna see the fucking summons?!?

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I reckon they'll be similar to XV in terms of presentation.

Imagine the warmth.

god damn


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cute boots

imagine the smell after a long day of walking around midgar selling flowers haha

I don't care how a fucking VA looks like. I hope she doesn't fuck it up because she doesn't sound professional at all.

She sounds great in what I've heard so far, DESU

Yeah, no, it would smell like the exact opposite of those flowers.

it would smell GOOD

like jizz

that's a weird way of spelling cheese

>Cheese smell
I think not.

beats jizz smell that's for damn sure

No, it sure doesn’t. Cheesy feet are worse.

are you joking
she sounds adorable ingame

is there going to be a tgs stream?
if so link, I can't find anything on youtube.

there's these streams where they're gonna show the demo


trailer is just dropping on its own in about an hour

Thanks, user


I'd fucking kill myself if I was an incel goddamn this shit is sad

in about 10 years

How many more trailers can they drop? Haven't they shown the entirety of EP1 already?

you being real?

thank you

Yes, the game is just the bombing mission and they showed pretty much all of it already. No reason to buy it anymore.

4 hours? Some schedule says FF7remake on 14th. That's within Sony though. Does SquareEnix have their own showing?

it's actually half an hour now

Straight from the official Twitter

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You don't get a summon until the chocobo ranch and I thought this entire game took place in Midgar?

>XV's combat
It's FF13 Stagger system but in real-time.

similar to XV in terms of presentation
and length

There's a countdown

Carbuncle, Cacutar, and Chocobo Chick are confirmed summons

>he doesn't know

Attached: chocobochick.jpg (1024x1024, 93K)

>tfw they didn't just rip Sazh's chocobo chick model straight from FFXIII
baka desu senpaitachi

Why did they ditch the Advent Children voice cast after they've been so loyal to their roles for almost 15 years?

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If you pre-order the remake on PSN you get a chocobo and cactaur summon

I'm waiting to be surprised.

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because they were fucking shit

>new version of The Turks' theme
Hope I can hear if it's shitty or not

because everyone in AC was fucking garbage


they're probably leaving red13 reveal for tgs

So we'll finally get Red XIII + Aerith stuff now?

sephiroth was pretty decent

I really don't care for what they have to show unless it's Red XIII

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not with that slurring

They'll still voice them in other media
Just not in FF7R

user, what do you think this trailer is for?

Probably Cait Sith

it's probably just going to be the thing where Jessie hijacks shin-ra propaganda

10 minutes

I'm gonna getting nervous

What the fuck can they possibly show now?

are you fucking stupid

Shinra and the Turks, they announced it.

Are the Turks going to have baggie suits?

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Red XIII inpregnating Aeris



>Aeris will have her Kingdom Hearts "innocence personified" personality
>Tifa won't call Barret a retard
>Cid won't be abusive to Shera
>Barret won't dress up like a Popeye sailor
>Red XIII won't dress up like a Shinra soldier
>Yuffie won't have unbuttoned short shorts
>No marching or squatting minigames
>Since the entire game is just Midgar and you'd only have four party members until Red XIII joins at the end, Jessie and Biggs will get added as temp party members
>More focus on the Turks
>Rufus won't die
>Palmer won't randomly get hit by a truck when you beat him
>Scarlet won't name the world's most powerful weapon the Sister Ray
>Don Corneo won't try to rape a 16 year-old
>Crisis Core people will show up in Cloud's flashbacks
>Hojo won't try to breed Red XIII and Aeris
>Dio won't be a muscular guy in a speedo
>No Barret date, probably no Yuffie date
>No Tifa/Scarlet girly slapfight
>No extremely time-consuming CPR minigame with an underage girl
>No gay sauna scene
>Fewer wacky enemies
>Increased emphasis on Zack, his parents are no longer missable
>Probably more about Cloud's past during Midgar since you can't have an entire game where you don't go into the protagonist's history
>Final boss of Midgar will no longer be a random tank
>They'll somehow work in "dilly-dally-shilly-shally"

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we get it boomer, you don't like change. Fuck off and cry into your morning bowl of fruitloops.

under 4 minutes you fucking assholes

I'm fine with most of this

looking forward to seeing what their ethics department has censored this time!

where's the stream

look forward to apologising



less than 1 minute bros...


no stream

30 seconds

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holy fuvk aeriyh in the dress

>Pic related isn't in the list

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>Western get Dub from attention whores youtuber

The state of murican VA



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Was that...FF7?

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This game is looking fucking cuhrayzee dude

Who's that guy on the bike?

who the fuck is the blonde dude

Oh my god that was great


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this shit looks way too good to be true. Whats the catch, Square?


Where's my apology bitch


>Don Corneo is a spic
Fucking based

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hiring fans for remakes needs to be a trend


>frog transformation

At least they're keeping the wacky stuff

It's multi-part.

Not surprising, Tifa still looks shitty.


Attached: aeris feet.jpg (740x528, 21K)

>ifrit and shiva
>in fucking midgar


>Reno can teleport behind you.
>Rude can giant swing party members at you

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Aw shit, we're crossdressing again huh?

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That actually looked pretty good.


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G O T Y 2 0 2 0

>frog wielding buster sword

it's so fucking hard to not double-dip


PC port I need you

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looks more like a chinese mobster to me


All I can hear is my anime wife when Jessie talks.

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>Macho man minigame


God Aerith looks hot and wife material. So Yuffie and Vincent when?

>Whats the catch, Square?
Part 2 won't be out for 5+ years and it may never be finished.

I still don't see how the first game is gonna be longer than 20 hours

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You already knew they were going to change shit. Did you really think they were going to make people wait until game two to get any iconic summons?

GOTY confirmed.

who was the blonde guy chasing them on the motorcycle

That ending shot is after the sector 7 Plate falls? It looks real good.

Yikes. This is VERY problematic.

Uh where is this?

Attached: tifa bars.jpg (1405x789, 151K)

GOTY 2020, pack it up boys

>gross elongated gook feet

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>Yup. That's me. You're probably wondering how I got myself into this situation

Attached: giant swing.png (1079x609, 928K)

Likely a reactor.

probably the sector whatever reactor, the second one you go to blow up

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Do you think they'll get Quinton Flynn again?

Shinra HQ

I expect 20-25 hours main story, with sidequests making playtime up to 40 hours.
The original time for this section was 10 hours, they can easily double that.

Summons were never story relevant so the order you get them doesn’t really matter as long as KotR is the final one.

I'm hyped but man at the end of the day we got fucked over since this is still a Jewish split in parts for extra shekels scam

everyone got recast


Shinra building based on the architecture

Tifa's boobs are bigger now?

Midgar was already pretty hefty in the original
I don't think it'll be that hard to add some stuff up


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>shiva gets big milkers
>tifa doesn't

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>Hello Aerith
>what do you want?

YES, sassy Aerith!

They said they changed voice actors for everybody already and that is not Quintin Flynn in the trailer

Nooooooooooooooo Tifabros we got too cocky

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>Summons during Midgar section

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Sector 7’s pillar


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>tfw "ethics department" was just aerithfags wanting to shill their waifu

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after all the money they make from this, they'll probably split it into 3 games

>that new blond guy on the motorcycle
>those stupid fucking dementor ghosts we keep seeing



well user if they were both in the same scale the comparison would actually be negligible


Fucking GOTY, fuck niggerpunk.

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I was flapping my arms spastically bros
I can't wait

What would you do in this situation?

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Can't believe they replaced him with some japanese guy

Nobody is going to mention the new SOLDIER character?

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Where the FUCK is Genesis?


shut up asshat

What the fuck are these black ghosts flying around? Is this Nomura creating his own fanfic again?

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he's probably gonna die before the game ends so who cares

What’s to mention?

Imagine being a tifafag. Just imagine how dogshit your taste must have to be.

>Aeris is bustier than Tifa

Attached: 1494596416895.jpg (800x720, 496K)

>we wasted a whole gen on FFXV instead of getting this instead

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This game looks even better in the sunlight, damn

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>The original time for this section was 10 hours
More like 4.

Tifafags SEETHING that Aerith is the new tiddy monster of FF7



I’m personally okay with it. Seems strange that SOLDIER is always with big hyped up until with these amazing fighters and you never fight ANY. I’m fine with fighting high powered Shinra goons cause it just makes sense they’d send them after Avalanche and eventually Sephiroth

>tifafags atm

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There's an English trailer if all you saw was the jap one

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Good lord in heaven

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Anyone else have a crush on Jessie or was that just the sector 7 plate?


The prevailing theory is Ancient Ghosts or Sephiroth Clones

make tifa's tits bigger

the absolute state of blindfags

*adjusts shinbra*
Let's mosey.


I'd rather XV get this amount of care desu

Oh yeah, he's in.

Attached: genesis.png (590x657, 236K)

English trailer:


I still hate tifa's new outfit


They have to make it a full game somehow

Fuck you.

Not enough info to go off on right now. He’s probably a new recurring boss.

fuck off retard

30fps never looks good

go back to PUBG, Gackt!

Looks like they're making the generic soldier grunts you fight actual characters this time

That dress clearly held back a lot of her assets. Wall Market may be amazing.

That’s been confirmed

Imagine her face when she dies

I wanna kiss her so bad.

based nips fixing her face

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lol you haven't replayed it in a while user


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>paying $60+ just for midgar

>Don Corneo voiced by Mark Hamill

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damn, I wish they didn't go non-union on this lol

Noooooooooooooooooo why does Aerith looks so good reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

not seething, envious, and look at shiva, even she escaped the ethics department...
it's not fair, square.

Okay, where?

Same. It keeps looking worse and worse.

Yes he is.

Dub is the definitive version

Does anyone else find it weird Tifa’s joining in? At this point in the game isn’t she supposed to be too reluctant to share her feelings overtly?

Ah whatever, probably just Love Triangle Marketing.

I know it's been confirmed. What I'm saying is they said before they weren't that sure how they would portray it.

But judging from how much they teased it here, it looks like they really going in on it.

Dress up as a woman to try and get my bussy blasted.

>"Wait a minute those eyes"
>Literally says "mako eyes" in Japanese
Wtf is this localization

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Considering how much original content is going to be in this game, going from the trailer, how much of the content is actually an adaptation of the original game?

>This is your new Zack brahs!

Its the Destroyed part at the end of the trailer what i think it is?
>Rip Sector 7

>pays $20 for fortnite emotes
not sorry zoomers we're taking it back


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How can anyone say it's soulless at this point?



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This guy

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>Dem squats

We're going back, boys!

cannon fodder

>source: my ass

But will Cloud stop acting like a retard and climb?

>have to play something like this at 30 fps

>the new SOLDIER character?
He's not new.

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meme template

I want an entire wardrobe to choose from


I played through it a month ago. The section is short as fuck.

>it actually looks good

Attached: what.jpg (575x323, 20K)

It's actually Barret who's the retard

I don’t think so, that weird compacted face thing didn’t seem to factor in. It was clear a ton of shit wasn’t done for the early trailers

shiva looking like a snack

Literal anime dub tier.

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Attached: eGq309F1_400x400.png (400x400, 253K)

>Frog Cloud with tiny buster sword
>Aerith is gorgeous
>art direction is insane
>multiple new boss fights that look great
>can control other characters in the field, not just Cloud
>Darts mini game and squatting rhythm mini game
>Shiva and Ifrit look fucking amazing
>level design looks good as hell, is neither a linear hallway nor an empty open world trash
>tons of cutscenes, beautifully animated
>already seen combat and it looks pretty good even in early game footage

It's unbelievable how hard 7R is shitting on XV so far.

Attached: it's rape time.png (1640x907, 2.09M)

wtf is Zell doing in FF7?

Actually being able to look back at the destruction of the pizza slice dropping is such a nice touch
Before you only got to experience the destruction by seeing the old gateway collapsed in by debris

Game stops dead for Cloud doing some outrageous acts of carnality upon her

Attached: Screenshot_20190911_161947.jpg (1392x1080, 275K)

The english VA is kinda shit

Was that really the boss battle theme? Sounds so shit now


This game is making me feel things for Aerith that I didn't before

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God I hope they make the Wall Market section as comfy as it was in the original.

>President Shinra shows up as a hologram instead of showing up in person
i will allow it

>SP FF games fighting over who's the best shitter

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not an argument

>translation sucks

Look at Tifa's belly


imagine being this fucking autistic

was that mark hamill as corneo

I've forgotten so many bosses

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me on the left

nice trailer squenix

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tifa is flat
why do they ruin everything

Is the Don MARK HAMILL?!

wtf tifa has abs

Gotta give it to you Square. I was hoping this game would be the final nail in the coffin to bury this trash company but they managed to make it look good.

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How much Japanese you know weeb?

>Wutai gets mentioned
Why would they be enemies with Shinra, I don't remember this


I'll buy the dub if they do get Mark Hamill


Them being at war with Shinra is literally why Sephiroth got famous because he shit on them

Probably Jessie having a Titanic moment in all honesty

>aerith looks happy as fuck
>tifa is all sad
you know whos the slut in this situation..

He mentions Wutai. Part 2 will be the overworld, Yuffie, Vincent, Red XIII, Cid, the Highwind, the Temple of the Ancient and Aerith’s death right?

Pretty much have to, because there's nothing to look at on her chest. How hard are Tifa-fags gonna get blown out when Yuffie's tummy is revealed in a couple years?

>One second scene
OH boohoo

Tifa has some curves, yall said she was flat now

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You realize you're in a Final Fantasy thread on Yea Forums, right?

these KH visuals.....

They literally went to war with each other


>buying a cross-gen title on the older gen's hardware

Is that fucking Mark Hamill as Don Corneo?

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Replayed the original recently, discovering she was a mega-cutie the whole time was a trip.

It's also Yuffie's entire motivation.

What the fuck is wrong with this localization? Its like they are improvising new dialogue or some shit. Do Amerimutts really like this kind of shitty dub?


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>they replaced Quinton Flynn

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That seems too good to be true. I figured it'd go to Cosmo Canyon, maybe Nibelheim

>he bumps his sword against the doorframe when he tries to draw it

Looks like blonde Angeal.

Aerith is making my heart stop
Tifa's time is over

I like Heidegger's english VA

>we did it, Patrick!

Tifa seems like more of a damsel than aeris in this trailer. Not the biggest fan of tifa but I’d be cautious if I was.

ohnononono nigger barret look what you have done

Fuck. Actually seeing the overworld from Midgar is a trip

>Once a Jedi Warrior, and a descendant of the Skywalkers
>Dies in the 8th movie
>Reincarnated as a pimp in Midgar

>Removing the poor
Base Shinra

They replaced everyone.

>Tifa is flat

Attached: tifas.jpg (525x865, 44K)

>nothing bombing mission related

fucking awesome

It’s just backstory inserted in

Tifa is a damsel though? People literally have altered memories if they think Aerith was a damsel in distress when she's the more proactive of the two

>Entire party can training now.
Okay. Sold on day one.

people don't understand her tits don't start below the black of her bra

>bush did 9/11
>president shinra made the plate fall

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Did they make Tifa's tits bigger?

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I just can't get hyped about it knowing I'll have to wait another 5 years to play the next episode, and another 3-4 after that for the last one.

i want to lick tifa's abs

>Jessie is going to die all over again

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Everyone always thinks Midgar is much longer than it actually is. It's a real testament to how fucking good the pacing is for that whole section.

thats fucking funny

I just hope there's an option for classic costumes, whether it's DLC or an unlock or whatever

except for Jessie and her lover

I refuse to get excited for this
I got excited for FFXV too and look how that turned out

They will get bigger if she trains.

I doubt it will be 5 years, the engine is already done and thus most of the main recurring models are also done
3 years probably is my guess


SE wil Retcon Jessie's death by leaving all of them somewhat crippled or too wounded


I can't imagine it'll be 5 years. It will probably be 2 years or so for each episode.

they were never small to begin with you deluded virgin

>Jessie is getting a bunch of new kawaii moments in the trailer like the hugging on the bike and cutesy parachute dialogue
They're going to play that shit straight to the hilt. I fully expect her to be a major seasonal waifu next year.

That's even worse.

At times. And I agree Aeris is more proactive but the whole climax is built around saving her and the secret of what she is.

But Tifa can’t even make a jump without “CLOUD!” apparently

That was a completely different team wasn't it?

we did it, boys. pollution is no more.


people said the same thing last gen

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Now they just need to give her back her old outfit, and we'd have something.

where he at tho

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nice nose Tifa

Seraphim Sephiroth fight is gonna look fucking bozo crazy


Will they do it justice?

it's a reference to the original you dumb zoomers

They're establishing the Tifa waifushit early so that the reveal later that literally everything Cloud does is for Tifa doesn't come out of nowhere

>SE drops trailer on 9/11 anniversary
makes you think

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Wait for the Tifa DLC!

weak meme bro. thought you were going to hit back with a proper zinger

They fucking saved tifa

Final Fantasy is BACK

Part 2. Along with the bulk of the story. I wanna go back to that place where you build defenses against monster? What was that place again?

and more impactful because it will be guild trip for garett and the gang against shinra

Based Remake

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Just use the Distant Worlds arrangement.


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Can't believe they blueballed us from cross dressing Cloud in the trailer

Who the fuck is this Crisis Core-esque SOLDIER faggot now? Also, please tell me we can use Japanese voices. These are Bible Black dub tier.

>What was that place again?
Fort Condor

saddam hussein flattened those towers like a &*%( pizza!!

If Shimomura helps out with the compositioon, yes.
I hate Kingdom Hearts but it had some great tracks.

Fun fact, recently found a used 25th anniversary Ultimania. And you know how everyone says “Cloud, Aerith, and Barrett were the first 3 characters”?

Well Red was around early on too, but it looks like from Amano’s art she was Cloud’s dog essentially. Like Interceptor or Angelo.

I can’t see how tifa looks different

That's probably the reason they made her outfit so shitty.

>domestic terrorist attack

>thinks its coming for pc
First on Ps4
Then on PS5


it will obviously come to PC


It's because of the g-g-g-ghosts!

Shiva is babe

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Well, in their own words they haven't even begun to think about episode 2. You've also got to remember it wont be on current gen consoles, it'll release deep into the next gen so re-using material from episode 1 will be mostly out of the question, not to mention episode 1 is only midgar and 2 will be 100% new areas. If it took them nearly 5 years for this I can't imagine 2 will be anything less than 4.

Probably. After the bar Tifa recedes in importance for Midgar, which works well for her, so this may be “don’t worry she’s IN THE GAME.”

What's with this fucking hyperfixation on motorcycles, it was literally just a 3 minute segment in the original game
Nomura is genuinely having a mid-life crisis

I will be using the dub.

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>no Elena

More like Aerith is more based than Tifa

What time is the TGS stage show on at?

is she censored

we /fit/ now

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>SE been porting all their games to PC
>7 isn't getting a port
SE loves money too much not to.

tseng is too pretty

Not everything, just a lot of stuff he did as a kid. When the story starts he does a ton of stuff not really for her. The climax of Midgar was for Aerith after all.

I want to sit in her lap bros

google it

You do fight them. All the generic grunt soliders are SOLDIER

Elena doesn't show up until after the Zolom

I actually like Cloud's English VA in AC

>gameplay will be ff15 garbage all over again

i sleep

How big will the overworld be? Will we have the ability to fly the Highwind?

You've got two arms you retard.
Hug them both and walk in like a pimp.

>they kept the stupid mini-games
I was already cautiously optimistic about the remake, but I'm pretty hyped now.

>Reno is even more gay than AC version

Even in nitpicked screencaps from the last trailer she never had tits this large

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Can we please stop the "they will cut X" doomposting now?

At least until part 2 and 3 where the actual weird stuff is

And Indian?

the silence is great

That's a Sephiroth clone you secondary

>ethics committee
>more like "fuck tifafags" committee


You do fight SOLDIERs, they're just mixed in with the generic shinra grunts.

Attached: latest[1].png (325x374, 95K)

>tifa still looks fucking retarded
i have nothing to apologise for, YOU should be apologising to me

Attached: 1560330017176.png (425x797, 201K)

>Shiva is allowed to have a big chest
>Tifa isnt

You mean cherry picked? lol the actual insanity of you titmongers

Attached: tifapunching.png (1920x1080, 1.78M)

Fucking newbie

I'm glad shiva is still a whore so we can use this picture as an argument to show them how they did tifa wrong

>mfw we get to THAT part of Shinra HQ

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In part 2.

So when are they showing footage that isn't midgar?

This looks too good. No half-assery anywhere.

>Hidden contract says Snoy exclusivity on all parts until finished
>PC port of Final Fantasy 7 Remake Complete Edition in 2028
Playing this on a shitty base PS4 instead of my PC is going to suck horribly.

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>Honey bee inn
>Don Rapeo
>not actually weird

>Yuffie won't have unbuttoned short shorts
Fuck la mia vita.

I thought I lost interest in this but it's doing a great job at hitting all my nostalgia triggers

Can't wait to see FF7's ending again

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Yes cherry picked, I had a brain lag.

Better watch TGS

Terra x Cloud confirmed.

It's gonna be glorious.

Is that fucking Skull Face as President Shinra?

Her tits look good here but in other caps she looks saggy and misshapen. Far from what the legendary Tifa is supposed to be.

seething incel

In about 4 years

A few years

best boy is quick


>epic game store exclusive

I'll never forget this boss
He tormented my childhood because I was a shitter that ran from every fight

I miss crackhead Reno, why did they have to pretty him up


It's kind of fucked up that they aren't advertising this as "FF7 Remake: Episode 1"

They're literally just calling it "FF7 Remake". It's not the full game. It's not even a third of the full game.

>No squatting minigame


>Part 1 ending after Midgar is just pure fan speculation
>SE has never confirmed this

It would be a neat marketing decision if they hid all the post Midgar shit until after release just like how people thought the whole game was Midgar back on the PS1, then having their minds blown when finding out there was so much more game outside the city.

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>you probably won't live long enough to play the final episode


would you a Tseng

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>XV was a tech demo for 7R

Why on earth would you spoil later sections of the game in a trailer, user?

But are the Honey Bee Inn girls still in?

because theyll release episode 1, take 5 years to add episode 2, then just drop the entire thing

This game is going to be a fucking letdown. You know why? Because when was the last time SquareEnix released something of notable value that blew people off the edge of their seats? The original Final Fantasy VII came right off the success of Square's golden age coming out right after a slew of some of the most memorable JRPG's (Chrono Trigger, ToM, FFVII, Super Mario RPG, and even Square USA's SoE). Nothing so far shows that this will be a good game. In fact, it's reminding me a lot of FFXIII and that's a bad thing. Enjoy long winded out hp sponge enemies to fill up the corridor pacing.

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>>Part 1 ending after Midgar is just pure fan speculation

He looks like a 17 year old girl.

that would've leaked ages ago

They don't even use the same engine, what?

If this music doesn't make me cry from sheer nostalgia overload I'm uninstalling and refunding

>Because when was the last time SquareEnix released something of notable value that blew people off the edge of their seats?

Yeah that's what I just said. The pullup minigame with Tifa looks cute. I assume you can assign any party member to each of these games, with their stats altering performance and rewards.

99% of JRPG characters must be a plain, bishie, white 20-somethings. I think the government mandates it.

They will 100% cut trap Cloud, now you have to play as just Tifa saving Aerith.

The game releasing on March 3 2020 is only Midgar. They've already confirmed this. it's a heavily expanded Midgar, but it's only Midgar.

Don't say things like this

It just feels like they just used XV to test ideas and refine them for 7R

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Honestly it makes more sense because it was always stupid that he would physically appear in front of armed and dangerous terrorists who would probably shoot on sight.

Yeah, yeah. Go away.

They probably don't even have further episodes planned out yet. Obviously the intention is there but knowing SE I doubt they even have funding secured and so they literally don't even know if they'll be able to make more episodes.

based doomer

>Highwind in part 2
user I

>here's your tifa bro

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Hey a nigga can dream can't he?

he looks exactly like he does in advent children

>They will 100% cut trap Cloud
The trailer says otherwise, he getting MANI PEDI MA BOI

Hope it was worth it, Barret

people are going to throw cash at this and there is nothing you can do to stop it lel

No one gives a shit boomer, fuck off back to your retirement home.


yep this shit is never finishing

Attached: file.png (616x343, 62K)

I agree but I'll still get it because I want my own opinion on it regardless if it's trash or not.

None of the people who worked on the MMO are working on this game.
No. When the game finally comes out, you'll be disappointed. And despite that disappointment, you'll not learn a single damn thing.

Still looks lame as fuck.
Nothing can save Tseng.

Why push this dumb love triangle shit when the winner is already decided?

>Turn based combat doesn't work in a modern game. It feels weird and out of place
Also Nomura
>Lmao wacky minigames

I guess Tifa is with you for the whole wall market? Or you can return later too. Idk.

did I see Odin or what was that

>None of the people who worked on the MMO are working on this game.

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I too, did not watch the trailer and wanted to shitpost.

I seem to remember telling you to go away.

I mean she was cute in the original sure but remake certainly is going through extra mile for here.

yuffie isn't in yet though

And that's ultimately how the company gets their money. Because you'll toss money at them regardless.

Tifa's abs... I still love her. After 22 years.

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>Bush did 9/11
Who knew SE were Truthers?

i'm sure they have an idea of what they're going to do
ff7r is going to be a cash cow and it releases in 6 months
they probably already have a skeleton crew outlining 2 and 3
the good thing about this being several games is that all the game systems are already in place and they can re-use A LOT of assets
if they outsource a lot of art they can probably push out a full-fledged sequel in 2 years


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Because both relationships matter to cloud’s development.

And most consider one party dying to be an anti-climactic end.

I thought this at one point, since they're not openly subtitling the game and just throwing it out as 'FFV Remake' without a 'part 1' or something

That would actually be pretty fucking rad if it was Kunsel

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Yakuza is finished.

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Me in the middle

You do return later to climb the wall.

Avalanche are hypocrites.

That's not moving the goalposts. That's a fact faggot.
I seem to remember not giving a fuck

>screams in fujo


Attached: Eligor_FF7.png (385x375, 116K)

You're so jaded and probably can't get excited for anything anymore, your time has passed boomer.

Before she was cute, personality-wise especially. Now she’s gorgeous.

What the fuck is this?

>there's going to be people that buy this in March and then get pissy and shitpost when they realize it's just Midgar even though Square has explicitly said that the it's only Midgar.

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I don't remember getting any summons in Midgar. Pretty sure the first one was Chocobo at the farm.

Trailer looked pretty meh. Kinda cool that minigames were in, but everything else looked like garbage to me.

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remind me what a red foot soldier means

What's with that stupid fucking face Aerith?

And they're also never a threat which makes you question why they're hyped up.

You obviously do give a fuck, since you're here telling everyone to stop liking what you don't like. Go away.

>no elena

Kind of sounds like it, and I hope it is. Between potentially this and muhfuggin' Skektek, he's making a nice comeback after getting fucked with Disney Wars.

Attached: Skektek.jpg (310x465, 27K)

Damn they ruined his face.

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I faithfully trust the old devs to catch lightning again, it's too big of a project to just throw out to the public without testing and approval of those working on it.

her name

Yea, just surprised it would matter then.

That's the problem.

Part 1 ends at the midgard serpent just like the PS1

>even though Square has explicitly said that the it's only Midgar.
Oh piss off fanboy. If they were honest the game would say "part 1" on the cover. You think millions of people pay attention to these dumb game shows?

Yeah, but these days it doesn't matter really, they can get the initial money but after youtube reviews/online discussion comes out it could be a major failure or be a good game, you have to spend money on it to get it first to have a proper opinion on it.

can't wait for all the gold saucer minigames
i spent so much time there as a kid

>when squeenix do good thing
>give example of when squeenix do thing
Yeah you're retarded


Awww what's wrong? The original FFVII too confusing for you little zoom zoom? Do these old chibi models make you cry?

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The entire scope and pacing of the game is different. Your progress most likely won't even progress from Part 1 to Part 2.

OH God, shut the fuck up

Fuck you, 13 and 15 were good.
15 fucked up with production and budgets big time and became a money sink.

I just cannot get into this at all knowing full well that the game will end up with 6-10 parts that release over the next 30 years

Yea they made him fuckable

Reno looks better than he did in AC, I guess.

The lastest trailer clearly indicates otherwise. The image of Tifa and Aeris linking arms with Cloud is them persuading him to trap it up.

Squad commander

I say they're from the train graveyard

its coming for PC user, and Expect SE shoving a Exclusive Skin for Cloud.

>knowing full well that the game will end up with 6-10 parts that release over the next 30 years
whoa, you being optimistic there.

>summons fight alongside you

Attached: ifirt.png (1300x712, 1.16M)

You know FF7 is shit and the fans are faggots when they care and hype up crossdressing.

>Cloud steps out of the dressing room, and looks like pic related

You know it's going to happen.

Attached: Lightning Dress.jpg (700x700, 228K)

Make me faggot

>money sink
ff15 was a big success
i think it has sold around 10 mil? beating every ff but 7

He obviously does know and is under NDA

This is after that, he crossdressed to find TIfa. Plus if you look at the background, that's the train graveyard.

>tfw no vore images where the eaten pulls out a knife and cuts his way out

Attached: vader(2).jpg (383x263, 60K)

>FF7R: $59.99, rel. 2020
>FF7R GOTY edition, $59.99, rel. 2021
>FF7R E2: $59.99, rel. 2025
>FF7R Crazy Motorcycle: $19.99, rel. 2025
>FF7R Condor Crashers: $19.99, rel. 2026
>FF7R Chocobo Racers, C, B, A-Rank all released as $9.99 DLC, 2026
>FF7R Chocobo Racers, EX-Rank: $19.99, 2027
>FF7R E3: $69.99, rel. 2031
>FF7R E3 GOTY Ultima Weapon edition: $69.99, rel. 2032
>FF7R E4: $69.99, rel. 2038
>FF7R Complete w/ Advent Children DLC: $119.99, rel. 2042

Would be hillarious and based, desu.

I wonder how shit like Knights of the Round or Bahamut Zero are going to work.

The producer of the game is under NDA?

Looks like he came out of the Far Cry games

>Part one is Cloud, Tifa, Barret, Aeris and maybe Red XIII
>Have to wait years to see Cid, Yuffie, Vincent and Cait Sith

Weak bro

Attached: 627.jpg (627x352, 36K)

You forgot the Season Pass for every Part.

It's gonna be a gag, then he'll go back in and come out looking a little more like Cloud

I'll buy it if it means we can have an actually good version of Advent Children

What possible benefit would Square have to withold this information

it would probably be the best thing to do.

Another thing people were wrong about:

After the last trailer many said Aerith wouldn’t be the spunky little thing she was in the original. Here she’s dismissive toward Shinra goons as she would be.


>i'll be 50 when AC edition releases
bring me a cryo chamber

damn I'm happy I'm not as pathetic as you or Anthony Burch

>Have to wait years to see shit
Cry me a river.

She doesn't show up here zoomer.

I mean XII already did it so it's not something new.

Who is objectively the best Turk?

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Now she rivals Lydia in the snarky waifu material

I get excited for plenty of things user. But I know when a company gives lack of a shit for many of their products (SoM remake, FFVIII remastered) that it tends show a routine pattern.

Knights of the Round might as well be a DMT trip

See it yourself in ten years or so


Nomura has said time and time again that the crossdressing is in. Settle down.

You are quite literally the faggot here.

Reno is best boy 22 years running

there's no way they aren't in there at least as cameos
cid designed the airship after all, yuffie hangs around in the forest outside of midgar (she likes materia so why wouldn't she head into midgar), cait sith is a shinra employee
maybe in some flashbacks or log entries or something from hojo's lab

Can’t wait to see how many scenes are made way more awkward by Cloud now always having the sword on his back.

Tseng is their leader so him?

We ever talk about how Tseng is attracted to someone he’s been watching as a little girl?

>when squeenix do good thing
Dragon Quest XI
FF14 Heavensward, Shadowbringers


yeah that's about it for the last 10 years.

It'll be running on the Playstation 7 so anything is possible.

More like
>FF7R is actually released
>Nomura dies of old age before completing Kingdom Hearts 4 or Episode 2
>Square Enix is broken up in a bankruptcy agreement

>13 motherfuckers show up and just starts smacking the enemy/boss around for 2 minutes
Would be pretty good.

They might change the name or add a subtitle in the next 6 months, who knows. Anyone that goes into this expecting it to be the whole game is going to have a really bad time though.


>Part 1

without her ff7 wouldn't exist

Tifa looks like shit.

where's the 4k uncompressed shiiiiit? This youtube quality is cramping my style.

Same reason nobody knows what really happened between Kojima and Konami, it's not their business.

go be gay somewhere else

Elena. I'd say Reno but I didn't realize how dumb that dude looked when I first played the game.

3 times as strong and fast.

Reno because he's the only one with a shred of character development.

yfw the game ends here.

>Japanese trailer
Tseng's voice actor going out of his way to pronounce her name Aeris

>English trailer
Her name is written and pronounced everywhere as Aerith

it's like they decided to revert the status quo of both regions' versions for the sake of mantaining the discussion about her name, even though both are different as a remake

I hope part 2 ends with Cloud becoming a vegetable, then the first third of part 3 is you playing as Tifa.

Nah, they wouldn't show the ending in a trailer...would they?

An internal spat isn't comparable to news regarding the episodical structure of the game.

Mustafa Kemal

this is like 2 hours into the original game

Just wait for her and all the others to cameo now that compilation is being worked in

Whatever, I'd rather them not skimp out on details and rush through shit desu
As long as it doesn't take 5 years between each part

Wait, wasn't there a scene inside the prison. Pause at 0.21

seethe more Tifacuck. Aeris will always be Cloud's true love.

>Part 2 will likely release on PS5

Call me autistic but I hate when a trilogy begins on one platform and continues on the next gen.

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I can't not hear Daffy Duck saying her name any time I see it spelled that way.

>Tseng's voice actor going out of his way to pronounce her name Aeris
that's just because they don't have a "th"

speaking of the Japanese voice acting everyone is really good, especially Maaya as Aeris/th.

they have already shown Shinra HQ which takes place after this

So....did they replace Cloud crossdressing with him going in with Tifa and Aerith or something?

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Nanaki is cut.

Based EOP

holy fuck that was better than I ever could've imagined

Aeris pretty much won

That's literally how it's always been pronounced in Japanese. There is no 'th' in Japanese.

cut your dick off thanks

Which is why they're creating so much original story for the remake.

Have you played the OG game?


He's not going to be in the game


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i mean it's inevitable
ps5 releases late 2020 so there's really no choice
they probably already have graphical effects etc that they've shelved that they can insert into ps5 version

dilate shitposting trannylord

Is Red XIII a dog or a cat?

Don Corneo is confirmed to be Mark Hamill.

I've 100%ed it.

ohnonononono furfag is seething LMAO

I always finds it weird that right after the second bombing mission. Tifa just straight up went to Don Corneo instead of trying to find Cloud.

>He doesn't know how the Japanese language works
That's how they pronounce the th sound you retard

at least it'll have a bigger impact now
i barely understood what was going on the first time i played it
even the ending wasn't that impactful to me

realistically part 1 will probably get a rerelease on ps5
you could buy both if you dont want to wait haha

That's just 7th Heaven or some other inn.

Then dont ask dumb questions

It's 100%. No one is going to be making PS4 games in 2022. Maybe EA will put out FIFA, but I'm not even sure about that.

more like PS5 will be backwards compatible so it's a repackage at most