Good job Sansbro, you also beat Banjo too
Keep going.
Who gives a flying fuck about King of Fighters? Undertale sucks but it has a huge fan base.
For real. Only fighting game fans care about Terry Bogard, and they don't play Smash
>Who gives a flying fuck about King of Fighters?
All of Latin America.
There were a bunch of Latino threads yesterday cumming over Terry. Also if you went to any arcade back in the day the KoF machine was always hogged by Latino's.
*overshadows two characters at once while just being a skin*
>no seriously there were like 2 threads I swear
Exactly. Latin america has never cared about KoF
>huge fan base.
And almost as bad and autistic as the Sonic fanbase. SNK is good with not being a meme.
Who gives a flying fuck about Latin America?
Japan and Asia does.
I think Smash just unironically has the most racist and closeminded fans despite being on a Nintendo console. Pretty ironic
Smash fans have limited perceptions on vidya due to Nintendo's poor third party support for over a decade
Latin America too
It wasn't uncommong to find a KoF arcade next to the MK and Street Fighter ones
How many times we have had this thread today?
>the majority of the population has shit taste
>You're racist if you don't like King of Fighters
Smashfags are mostly Nintenbros who don't play non-Nintendo games
>Zoomer doesn't remember taunting the spics for enjoying KoF
>Or referring to KoF as being exclusively for spics
Nigger, this your first day here?
I remember seeing SNK machines far more frequently than both MK and Street Fighter combined. MK especially was a rarity outside of US because of bannings due to violence. Meanwhile, KoF was the one people played at the Arcades while SF was the one people played at home.
Based, keep actual fighting game characters away from my party game
Undertale fans are fucking faggots and should choke to death, making it seem like this dumbfuck indie queer ass game is popular because autistic niggers like it, never have I met any normal person enjoy it, always basement dwelling trannies
It's only westcucks who feels entitled enough to think that japanese devs give a shit about them
>Kof has american sports team
>Smash has no blacks
Checkmate smashtards
yawn. Latin America hates KoF. You have no proof showing otherwise
Based niggersag poster
>Falco Italian
>Bowser in weeb
>K. Rool in white
breddy gud
>Undertale fans are fucking faggots and should choke to death, making it seem like this dumbfuck indie queer ass game is popular because autistic niggers like it, never have I met any normal person enjoy it, always basement dwelling trannies
>tfw zoomer
>been playing retro games my whole life, including SNK games
>excited to see Terry get in as the SNK mascot rep
>also got Megaman, Snake, Richter, Ken, AND Sans
Personally, I'm living the fucking dream.
All I need now is Dante and Doomguy and the cycle is complete.
Based zoomers BTFOing boomers once and for all
you are seriously asking for proof about kof and latam? lmao
See? Latin America HATES KoF
Yeah I am. But it looks like you're gonna have a bad time!
I love Yea Forums echochamber, no one that actually plays gives a fuck about your zoomer shit go make 300k tweets about it
said the blind man
What? I'm pretty sure Banjo had a much bigger reaction than Sans.
lol see? You can't prove that they like it
Should have been Kyo
Can someone explain me undertale? I don't get it
That's objectively not true. Sans is the single biggest announcement smash has ever seen, reaction wise
Don't know why people are gloating over this. Undertale is a Western game of course more people here cared. Its a different story in Japan
guess what, terry is an actual character. not some dumb ass mii costume.
I'm Argentinian and I like KoF
Your underestimating a lot of the crazy shit that went down really since the days of Brawl when Snake and than Cloud happening. Internet wasn’t the same back than so it’s understandable to not view it being a big deal back then.
Also, Sans’s Impact got cut shorts since Shovel Knight ended up being the first indie game that got shown to be technically in smash as an unplayable character. The only reason people could start thinking about undertale being in smash was all started with Shovel Knight.
Yet he STILL lost to Sans
I'm a Terryfag but undertale is fucking massive in japan, sans constantly leads the top 10 vidya characters lists
cute Nanachi
>not a meme
You must live off of basic twitter memes
>Sans’s Impact got cut short
lol no it didn't
>Autistic zoomers get thrown a bone and think they've won the lottery
The only thing good about this is that I'll stop hearing about idiots wanting Sans in smash.
If characters like shovel knight and shantae were never shown in Smash Ultimate or ever mentioned by Sakurai, even seeing a mere Sans Costume would’ve been 10X more game/reality breaking for the public than what actually occurred.
>Be extremely popular character
>Some literally who comes up and cucks you out of your slot
>"I may have lost, but if you look at the Tweet count-"
This is like discussing Vietnam with Americans.
I dont get it. Isn't Sans a costume?
The winner is the one who gets the fame. Fighter slots do not matter
>B-but the twitter trends
People trying to create competition in their head for some reason.
Sounds almost like Hillary Clinton and the popular vote lol
Are people really saying Terry lost? I'm happy for Sans too, but Terry is an actual fighter.
lol cope, liberals
Being a fighter loses all meaning when you fade away behind a meme skeleton
>Being a fighter loses all meaning
Not really. A lot of people are happy Terry is in.
>Blonde Hair
>Red hat
>Yells catch phrases nonstop
>People constantly complaining about him
>Relations with Latin America
Holy shit, Terry isn't a clone of Ken he's a clone of Trump
god I really wish I saved that pic of terry wearing the MAGA hat
>undertalefags now are shitting on terry
No wonder why nobody likes undertalefags.
Literally nobody even remembers that terry is in, meanwhile the ENTIRE smash fanbase is going insane over sans.
We get it, Yea Forums despises Fatal Fury for whatever reason and now worships Undertale despite despising it since it was first announced several years because "LOL BTFO GTFO BYOB!".
Like trying to talk to a Republican, always claiming the opposite of reality.
>Being a faggot ass liberal
>on Yea Forums
>literally nobody
>Being a fighter loses all meaning
wow biggest cope i've seen in a while
its not undertalefags. its just people who want an excuse to shit on hat ken because their favorite character didn't get in. Same old "irrelevant" excuse has been used since simon/K.rool. Dont know why these idiots keep trying honestly.
Except it's right. Hence why he has ZERO smash fanart. All of the usual newcomer fan art is going to sans
it's hilarious how nobody gives a shit about terry, a mii costume and the announcement of more characters got way more attention.
>Sansfags parading their costume around as if Terry isn't a fully fledged fighter
Cute. Now make way for the real newcomer, faggots.
Imagine being so fucking angry and obsessed that a meme skeleton triggers you
I like dark skin inkling but it doesn't count
Why? Haven't you vermin ruined enough?
least I don't worship a man who's quadrupling down on the weather map he drew on
>Same old "irrelevant" excuse has been used since simon/K.rool.
So you admit that you're a bandwagon zoomer? lol. Cope harder, underage
>twitter is full of white kids who pretend to love minorities and ppl from different races around the world
>white kids get upset when said people like the character they hate because they dont know him like the retarded white zoomers they are
At the end of the day both Terry and Sans are in the game. It's not really a competition.
>Yea Forumsirgin shitposters jumping back and forth pretending to be both sides of this "debate" solely for attention
You're all sad sacks of shit.
Imagine unironically thinking that fighter slots are less important than actually being playable characters
But if nobody buys or uses Terry then he, functionally, isn't in the game.
Sans is already the default gunner. Sans is also the most hyped up Smash addition ever made.
It is for Yea Forums, because everything here has to be something to either rage about or wave around to EBIN BTFO whatever demons are tormenting their pants that day.
You still have to buy his costume, dumbass. If nobody buys it then he's not in the game either.
>But if nobody buys or uses Terry then he, functionally, isn't in the game
You really think nobody is gonna use him?
But he IS in the game
>Being the playable character that nobody cares about means you win
It doesnt matter, in the end Terry got in, and your favorite character didnt
This. It was only a matter of time after shovel knight shown as an assist.
Sans is the most popular piece of DLC ever created for Smash. He's already in.
>N-No seriously he's in even thought he won't actually exist in anyone's matches!
they even said they were adding more characters.
these fucking smash spergs can never be happy
Opposite actually.
Actually yeah, for Terry fans, they won. I don't need to count retweets in order to BUSTA WOLF
I wasn't aware that popularity automatically means he's on your console without needing to buy him. Is that how reality operates in your dimension?
based quads
He'll be in my matches. I'll be playing as him
>They announced new DLC right after the Terry reveal
It was so obviously damage control.
>Yea Forums is worshiping twitter and the people on it in order to try to btfo each other
Is this really how far we've sunk?
At least mii gunner is finally getting some attention
>for Terry fans, they won
Yeah see, like I said, Terry lost due to having no fans. Meanwhile Sans is in major tournaments.
>They announced new DLC right after the Terry reveal
>damage control
So Banjo-Kazooie was also damage control for Hero?
Even the quads are on Terry's side
I thought the stinkies banned the Mii Fighters because of their customizable movesets.
How can Terry fans win when they don't exist?
>implying my favorite character didn't get in
>its not undertale really
>ImAginE A meME triggers you
irony at its finest
I can say that about whatever you're a fan of.
>All these stinkies doing damage control for a 90's fighting game they've never played
Why are boomers so mentally unhinged?
Actually, there's a good chance it was. E3 is western, after all.
>I'm not a Terry fan
>Therefore Terry fans don't exist
Go outside
Imagine being so fucking triggered by a meme skeleton that you resort to using a spongebob twitter meme. You are SEETHING rn
So the two Western characters in Smash are damage control for all the disgusting Japanese shit characters in Smash?
That's literally backwards tho. Sans is the one who won the popular vote.
>all these zoomers desperately trying convince themselves that nobody likes Terry
He's in the game and people like him. Sans being more popular wont change that. Quit complaining.
This. It's just racism, plain and simple.
Terry is just getting hate because he's the first Japanese character in Smash.
I might try Smash just for Terry
I can ask the same thing about all of the zoomers crowing and jerking off over a furry meme indie game.
There was a vote? When did this happen?
>He's in the game and people like him
It’s been 2 days since sans came out and terry isn’t even out yet. No one’s gonna actually use sans in tourneys, gunner sucks, and I say that as a gunner main before the sans stuff. I’m sure Terry has lots of fans. Why do you even want to hate on him? This isn’t a popularity contest, sans and Terry are both gonna be in the game and you’re not loosing anything from it.
>He's in the game and people like him.
>Solid Snake in halfbreed
I mean TECHNICALLY his Mother is Japanese but his birth was hardly a natural one. The dude's a clone of a white American guy and at most has like 0.1% DNA from his Jap mom.
I literally do not care about anyone in Smash other than the Donkey Kong characters, Banjo, Daisy, and the Sans costume.
Blow me from the back, but remember, wash your hands from all of your inane shit-flinging.
>notable character with tons of memes from a current era game that adults and kids fucking love
>literal who ryu clone with a MAGA hat from some fuck all street fighter rip off from an era in which your parents were still not divorced
>No one’s gonna actually use sans in tourneys
They already do. Because Sans is just THAT beloved. Terry doesn't have any fanbase, so tourney appearances aren't possibly
>Who gives a flying fuck about King of Fighters
Fucking everyone that's yelling "Terry"? Why does everyone want to flex on each other when it comes to character announcements? Smash is being so inclusive of everyone that there's really no point.
>>He's in the game and people like him.
Sorry people like things you dont. I thought you retards would be used to this by now.
>Meanwhile Sans is in major tournaments.
lol mii gunner is garbage and even is there is people that will play them they wont use sans costume.
>not liking a smash character is racism now
For fuck's sake, I like Terry but you guys take this shit way too seriously
Why are you acting like anyone in that room knows who Terry is?
I don’t get why you guys care so much about it even if he’s not popular
Makes sense strategically. The west would be bummed if it was just Hero, so they show off Banjo that same E3. Most of the world would be bummed if it was just Terry, so they announce new DLC and release Banjo that same day. Damage control.
That doesnt matter for tourneys, no one gives a shit about star fox but wolf gets played a lot in tourneys because hes high tier
You're on Yea Forums people here refuse to accept that fact.
>Hes in the game and people like him
You certainly seem to, with how much you and your kind won't stop screaming over Terry.
The novelty of Sans being a mii costume will all but certainly die out by November, no point in getting so worked retarded boomer/zoomer war
Are you really trying to be this hardheaded and in denial that he's a popular character? Why even make any threads if apparently no one cares? Does he secretly bother you?
I really don't understand this little game you're all playing.
They also cheered for Hero when Yea Forums went “FUCKING JAPAN SHILL PICK”
Why is the Nintendo NY crowd so respectful??
>tfw i main Ken
>tfw will probably main Terry
>tfw gonna shit on zoomers online
>tfw i shart on Sans shitters yesterday and today with Ken
lol gonna be fun
>tfw you bought Terry just to spite undertrannies
>people like him
>will all but certainly die out by November
yeah right around the time sans becomes a fighter like how they did with krool
as a mii costume
>the west
How hilarious that you freaks think that you = the entirety of western civilization. Are all Americans this narcissistic?
People on Yea Forums really don't believe that everyone would be positive for a character reveal. They think only in social media clout.
Why are you projecting so many insecurities onto me? Are you THAT mad that literally everyone sighed a collective "WHO" at the Ken echo?
Wrong, only popular characters are used at tourneys.
I dont know who Terry is but im still buying him because i want the whole roster
They're literally yelling Terry Bogard before he's shown. Stop being a clueless faggot.
K. rool was a fighter in Smash 4?
>he doesn't know
thats the point ironically, there less popular so they're mad it exists at all. ts a dumb reason but its also just Yea Forums's anger towards everything
Because you're just telling me "Why are you acting like everyone in that room knows Terry." They clearly got fucking excited obviously.
Good I hope one of his taunt is ''are you okay'' im gonna spam this shit in arena so much until the zoomer undertale tumblr tranny kick me
No, they're yelling the leaked Vergeben name. So where exactly is even one person who knows who terry is?
>everyone quoting "people like him"
Do people here really not know what SNK is, or are you guys just baiting?
What made you think I meant burgers specifically? The west, as in not Japan.
But they're not? They're actually really reserved for a live crowd. They don't even get up
This is what they're SUPPOSED to look like
Its just one samefag
Isn't "are you okay" part of the B U S T A H W O L F move though?
Unironically hang yourself
So if we go by your logic of "Everyone must be THIS excited in order for a character to be popular!", then none of the Smash newcomers for Brawl, 4, or Ultimate are popular at all.
Why would anyone know the name of a borderline bankrupt company that already got bought out once?
eat shit you dumb zoomer. There mega fuck tons of latinos playing KoF at a high level, and it finally came down to China vs Latin america. Latin america FUCKING BODIED the chinese
They're just coping. They hate Hat Ken so much they need to convince themselves that nobody likes him. Salt is hilarious. Same with Sans annoying boomers.
Keep seething
Even just ''c'mon c'mon'' will do the job
>If my nobody from a fucking dead 90's series is unknown then EVERYONE must be!!
>not knowing a character is racism
Call me David Duke I guess
Of course we are. I was arguing with someone that was bitching about how Japan only makes Japanese characters for Smash and never includes anyone in the west, but it completely flies over that some Japanese characters can appeal to people in other parts of Asia or Latin America, and they're like "lol who gives a shit about them."
I really hate people man.
Oh my fucking God, you really are this hurt? So, because the volume of excitement for Sans completely disregards people being hype for Terry. what are you on?
Because it’s a big name in the Fighting Game Community, you know, that thing the Smash fanbase is “supposedly” apart of
Fucking Latinos I can tell you that, the only ones at my job who made a huge deal out of Terry was any Latinos people. They love KOF.
Everyone at my job had the same reaction to Sans though which was just confused laughter that a fucking meme character got ANY representation.
Terry is a solid pick and I'm glad Terry fags who saw him as nothing but a pipe dream got him. Banjo was mine, and call me a fag, but legit cried like a bitch when he got revealed. Been waiting 20 years, glad I got to live to see the day.
You literally came into a laugh at FGC cucks thread. Who's seething again?
Adding fighting game characters is boring cause you already know what their moveset will be
All of you shitting on Terry lost no matter what you say. He is in the game he will be a characters and people will play him.
It doesnt matter he is in the game you lost there's nothing you can do or say that won't make you sound like a little seething bitch.
>dead 90's series
>it's literally getting a new game next year
>Terry has been in three crossovers, two on the Switch
You are painfully delusional.
>people more hyped over more DLC characters and a cartoon skeleton custom than the actual new character reveal
The absolute state of SNK
>Because it’s a big name in the Fighting Game Community
Is this fucking bait? This reads like "Smashtard speedread a wikipedia article when he became a fake fan" kind of shit. SNK gets shafted on a regular basis from FGC events, and the FGC doesn't even recognize half of their games
I agree with this entire post wholeheartedly.
A KOF tourney in China was one of the most viewed Esports events
Is this all you people have, just screaming the same tired old nonsense constantly because you have nothing else?
>not a new IP
you are very autistic my friend
>guys come on you lost cause I said so PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO MY KEN ECHO!!!!
lol cope
I came in to laugh at Sans fans still pretending that people like me who hate him would get mad over him being just a mii costume.
>it's literally getting a new game next year
>Terry has been in three crossovers, two on the Switch
Doesn't matter in the slightest, dead series for dead boomers.
I think the big question here isn't "Why isn't everyone happy with Terry?" Because its understandable that some people just don't play fighting games
The real question is who the fuck hates Terry? He is a chill dude, has cool and flashy moves and charming engrish. Even if you didn't want him there is absolutely 0 reason to be mad about him. How the fuck can you hate Terry?
He is in the game I will play him and I will 3 stock you casual ass.
>I came to laugh at the fans that blew me the fuck out
I don't see how that benefits you in any way? Coping mechanism?
The Cong did legally surrender.
The only people who don't like Terry are the guys that don't know Terry. Even people who wanted other people from SNK games begrudgingly accept Terry.
Because Yea Forums must make up whatever retarded cockshit it can for drama and attention. Ironically it's the same things their sworn enemy sites do as well, making them hypocrites as well as babies.
You'd need to buy a switch for that first, which you won't do
This. He is just like Ryu, you either love him or you are neutral about him.
They see it as Terry taking a DLC character slot for a character they want instead.
That or they're just shitposting for fun.
Isn't Sans just a costume? Whoop-de-fucking-do.
Holy shit it's just a Mii costume
Not a real character
Mii wearing a costume
>All this Hat Ken butthurt
I fucking adore it
See what I mean, dude? You are proving my point.
Sans fans are super-delusional. A Mii costume is not a "victory"; it's more like a consolation prize than anything. I'm glad he's not a fully-fledged fighter. I'm glad he's deconfirmed.
Snake: "Did you know the Katana was folded over 100 times and is considered the strongest blade."
Otacon: "Snake, please..."
>Doesn't matter in the slightest, dead series for dead boomers.
Okay, bro. We'll just be "dead" over here. Why don't you stop being mad and play an SNK game, you crybaby? Or keep being in denial, it doesn't really matter.
>btw i want muh western trash characters like doomguy, masterchief and crash
>btw i want muh nintendo characters but im too fucking retarded to see that the dlc are obviously just about 3rd party characters
I have nothing against him, I'm not big on fighters, the first time I even probably heard who he was was a bit ago during that "SNK Heroines" thing.
People hate him because "he took a spot" from someone they wanted.
can't even tell which party you're talking about
>Not a real character
It's literally Sans himself
I really fucking hope Terry's trailer is a remake of that interaction. I fully expect it, desu.
>being a mii costume instead of a fully-fledged fighter
Boy are Undertale fans stupid
hahahaha seething
Meta Knight is black
The thing is, it's not even really King of Fighters. It's Fatal Fury.
Everyone is saying Latin America and they are correct, and while Latin America will still like Terry because he's also in KoF, Iori would've pulled WAY more hype than Terry ever could.
But it's a bit of a dumb argument because they probably won't buy a Switch, Smash, and then the DLC.
1v1 my ken right now.
Don't bail out like all the faggots.
Its a costume
not that user but you sound really stupid here. you're all gonna jerk off to the idea of playing sans, but then remember he's not a real character and the novelty will wear off in a week
>literally the most popular Ultimate addition
>somehow not winning
Why are you so upset? Having a... BAD TIME?
>smash kiddies are scare of real fighting games
What part is the costume? It's LITERALLY Sans himself
it's all pixels on a screen. He's as real as anything else in the game. Seeth harder
SNK has been bought out more than once. The whole NESTS saga is about one of the buyouts. Arguably, Antonov is about the new buyout but he’s Russian where it was actually a Chinese billionaire who did it because he fucking loves SNK.
Hey both of these are me. I was lashing out because of that meme skeleton making me so angry, but I've come to my senses. I'm sorry everyone.. Honestly I've never played smash
>Everyone talks about how all of latin america loves KoF and finds at least 3 arcade cabinets in their daily life
>I have literally never known any of this because I just happen to be in the 1 country that was dominated by Mortal Kombat
I feel like I really missed out on something
>wanting niche fighting game characters in your party game
Ryu and Ken already had it covered.
peak millennial
>undertrannies are going full mental
Its a costume that the mii gunner is wearing :)
>"...my bad"
>hahahaha seething
Still proving my point. And you're putting words in my mouth.
Again, I am not upset at all. And saying a meme skeleton that's not even the main character of a game he's from is the most popular pick for Smash is highly subjective. Also, the "bad time" meme got old years ago.
Boy, you dinguses are reminding me why I hate the Undertale fandom (which I'll admit, I used to be a part of). Good thing you're being less of a bunch of harassers and more of a bunch of laughing stocks who think they're cooler than everyone.
Smashtards just cannot stop being retarded
Boy are you stupid.
*Seethe. Work on your spelling, idiot.
>What part is the costume?
Its a mask and an outfit that a Mii is wearing. Not different in anyway to the Skull Kid costume
Im still waiting.
Not what I meant.
Well well, look at the City Skeleton rolling up in his fancy Japanese Mii Costume
>No bone
>No blue SOUL
>No infinite Glaster Blasters to spam
>No continuous damage after landing an attack
>No auto dodge
>No automatically losing a stock after being hit once
>No puns
>Not a single fucking thing that actually makes Sans, well, Sans
can we just agree to be happy that its not tracer. Even steve would be a better
Aye, now that I can do
Imagine if Ken and Terry did that in their Team win screen.
we already got terry's trailer
He probably means gameplay trailer. Kinda like how Negan got 2 trailers for Tekken 7, one as the reveal and another with gameplay.
Why do people keep saying Sans and Ness are the same person? Ness the central playable protagonist of his game and Sans is the strongest NPC antagonist of his game.
What about the starving African child?
>Sans is the strongest NPC antagonist of his game.
Dude just has 1 HP, he is a pushover
>Why do people keep saying Sans and Ness are the same person?
Stupid meme started because of an infamous video by a notorious youtuber who's known for making dumb crackpot theories about videogames
And Yea Forums worships it despite claiming it hates Youtube and everything on it.
But hey.
Sure user.
But it is
Since Sony got a rep with Joker, when will Microsoft get one? Don't say Banjo that doesn't count he's most well known for his N64 games. I think the solution to this problem is obviously add Master Chief to Smash.
It just makes so much sense. First of all, he's a cool guy and he doesn't afraid of anything. Second, he has good potential for alternate costumes because there is a large variety of spartan armor types. Third, you have a good moveset to work with because there are so many iconic and fun weapons in Halo, including melee weapons which would round out things nicely.
The final smash would be the spartan laser gun; it takes a second to charge, just like in Halo, and in that second before it fires it makes its iconic PFEOOOSHHH sound, complete with the red targeting beam. Its downside, obviously, would be the fact that it takes longer than usual to activate and it's easier to prepare for. However it also one-shots every character in the game at 0%, so it balances out.
>Sony got a rep with Joker
Persona is not a Sony-owned property though
>Since Sony got a rep with Joker
Cloud Strife, you zommer garbage bag.
Checked and based.
Overwatch is a incredibly poisonous game, it hides itself behind cute Disney-eye characters a fish and reel to catch vulnerable kids and literally retarded people into their trap, siphoning away their money before they realized they have spent 300+ dollars on cosmetics in a first person game.
I wouldn't be able to look at Smash the same if Tracer was added into it.
I mean when all of your mainline games are exclusive to Sony platforms, and your game director is doing press conferences alongside the CEO of Sony talking about how important the Persona franchise is for the Playstation brand, you're effectively a Sony rep. Banjo, on the other hand, had all of his best games on Nintendo platforms, and had one shitty game on the 360 like a decade ago. Technically Banjo is owned by Microsoft, but his soul belongs to Nintendo.
by ''mainline games' I am referring to the Persona mainline games, I mean, I am aware there are Persona dancing game, fighting game, and dungeon crawlers on other platforms, however Persona 1-5 all debuted on Sony platforms exclusively. And yes I'm also aware that Persona is not the mainline franchise of the series overall. Just to clear things up
I'm from México and everyone was talking about KOF yesterday
based quads for a deserving character
based post
blessed post
You should have stopped typing after "Brawl. Could have just said Sonic or Snake or Mega Man or Cloud and ended there.
>people are still sleeping on ken and probably will too with terry
Honestly a little glad, the shotos are unironically the most fun characters to play for me.
Fuck that noise. Goemon is in.
Enjoy it while you can.
isnt Ganondorf a gerudo-nigger?
>up for debate
>fucking Eagleland
Sakurai said in the presentation that they were still working on the gameplay trailer.
cute CUTE
It actually fucking infuriates me that actually want Sans. He doesn’t work as a fighter on any conceivable level. His whole gimmick, aside from dying in one hit, is that he literally breaks the game just in stall long enough for you to get frustrated and give up. There’s also the fact that he’s so lazy and depressed that even if you kill his brother, he can’t be assed to fight until he is literally the only thing standing between (You) and the world’s destruction. You simply can’t do Sans justice having him be a playable fighter, especially since Sakurai these days is super autistic about representing a character. People just want him because he le wacky meme skeleton without knowing or caring about what Sans is actually about
its just a costume bro
Crash is the original Snoystation mascot. Gex is the 3DO mascot. Sakurai fucked up by making Bomber Man an assist to be the Hudsonsoft Turbografx rep. We could have had the ultimate console war but no.
You tumblrtale autist are so fucking annoying. None of your characters deserved to get in at all because they literally have 0 moves.
Frisk has at least 8 moves. (Stick clubbing, Toy Knife swipe, Tough Glove punch, Ballet Shoes kick, Torn Notebook slap, Burnt Pan bash, Empty Gun pistol whip, Worn Dagger/Real Knife slash)
*ehehehe fire emblem cuck houses.
You again? It sucks.
>People just want him because he le wacky meme skeleton without knowing or caring about what Sans is actually about
Getting too worked up about your fictional character friend there.
But really, half of those people that want Sans just want to react to his announcement. Most of those fuckers have like 10 hours played on Smash.
Actually playing the game (outside of streaming it) is becoming secondary or tertiary to gaming.
Get hyped for X, X comes out, care for an afternoon, get hyped for Y.
Repeat until controversy, then upload reaction to controversy.
Megaman was bigger
And SKorea and China. KoF 98 Online is making so much money for SNK, we are talking about 51 million USD per month. I bet you all those gacha games has made made more money than SF5.
Latino actually.
I always thought the empty gun was just lobbed whole at enemies as a projectile. What with the whole "must be used precisely" thing.
There's not even a reason to get angry about slots anymore because there'll be more DLC Fighters. They knew he would have niche appeal, so they both pandered hard with the trailer to that niche audience and made it up to everyone else with the announcement immediately after.
What world are you living in FAGGOT
You can't pacify in smash.
Same reaction when a western character gets included.
Terry is in the game, Sans' costume is, but it's not him.
>Its a different story in Japan
Undertale is really big in Japan user, and there's like non-stop fanart from people over there as well.
Yesterday was really funny.
So? Even pacifistic Frisk beat the hell out of Asgore. Frisk understands that sometimes violence is an absolute necessity.
Smash is obviously nonlethal anyway, considering the ones you just defeated clap for you in the finish screen.
Never thought I'd see the day where Yea Forums would hate on Terry.
More like autists that need some sort of autistic "rivalry"
Papayrus >Sans
Would you people get the fuck over it already, you got Sans and Megalovania, quit being so damn greedy.
>Banjokes are mentally unstable trannies
Who woulda thonk
m8 I have no idea what you think is going on here I just replied to a poster who was replying to me, I am not making any sort of demands for Frisk in Smash.
Frisk was forced to beat the shit out of Asgore.
Do you think the smashers are there consensually? They're slaves to Master Hand.
t. steveposter
Too happy
zoomers are a cancer
...Saying this as a 19yo, but I still agree with you. The majority of people in my generation are fucking idiots
eh its fine every gen has their idiots
Yup, and people like are one of them
how people from latin america reacted
skip to 25:00
ok maybe zoomers are a bit more deranged. I guess it cause they have easier access to all of this degeneracy.
I don't know or care what you're talking about.
The Undertale fandom was a sick joke of a monkey paw's wish made 10+ years ago when the West was first exposed to Touhou memes and the infamous nico nico douga video, and wanted to be just like those passionate japanese people without realising what was shown to them was heavily curated by weebs hiding away the awful shit.
Wish fucking granted I guess.
I'm 31, kid.
New canon as of 4 is that everyone was invited, Villager looked pretty fucking excited.
Mexico still has arcades around and theres always people playing kof in them, its eternal here.
>A grown man is doing this shit
That just makes things even worse
Only for you.
>Mii Gunner main
>they added Sans costume for it
I don’t even like Undertale but hell, this is pure meme magic and I’m sure as hell am gonna equip it
Terry's actually in the game
Sans is just a costume
Based. I feel the same, fellow zoomer bro
true hype is this guy
forced meme cock sucker
>tfw gonna dab is Sans shitters stuck playing shitgunners with same hard ass BUSTAH WOLFS
They didn't ban them last I remember, you just have to name your Mii fighter a specific way so your opponent knows what moveset you have.
literally just Sanscucks assmad that Sakurai didnt make him a actual character
im glad Samurai still has good taste in vidya and doesnt pander to meme fags
Where is his move list?
It's the fact that no one ACTUALLY thought there'd be any kind of rep from undertale, and it got a costume AND music track that's making everyone go nuts. I mean, it was just a joke for god's sake.
You need this more than the Blockheads.
i hope we get more fighting game characters while memepicks get relegated to costumes
>Scorpion and Fullgore get anounced as full characters
>Waluigi gets anounced as a fucking suit
fighting chads unite
>shitposting intensifies about Mii costume BTFO of Terry
>played a lot of Smash today and yesterday
>not a single person playing Sans, let alone Mii Gunner
Per usual, it's a bunch of rosterfags and secondaries that don't actually play the fucking game.
How? Terry's inclusion shows that he took higher priority than Sans. If Sans was such a popular character then why isn't he mainlineing DLC#4. Terry has a legacy, Sans is just a "Le Punny meme boneman". Cry all you want, Terry is getting more content than Undertale ever will get. Once the meme has dried up, Sans will fall to the wayside.
>mfw someone says bomberman is the turbografix rep
is king harkinian the cd-i rep?
And he just keeps winning while all his opponents seethe. This year is getting better and better.
jigglypuff and hero can both pacify
cool, child
Zoomers never played fighting games.
>Sans is the most popular piece of DLC ever created for Smash.
>Ignoring Banjo
AAAAHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! That's rich coming from a mask.
>no blacks
There's donkey kong and diddy
You still there?
I work with a bunch of zoomers, and the reaction was a resounding "meh". Didn't even mention Sans because I don't give a fuck about some retarded mii costume being "in". It's like celebrating the fact that Heihachi Mishima got a Mii costume and claiming he's a now a playable character. Pretty sad. Terry is at least a fully fledged character.
You're a fucking braindead idiot.
I'm not even a conservative and for some reason this image made me lose my shit. Why?
>That "ARE YOU OK?" right before the shot with his silhouette
That's a good reaction. Good to know people actually give a fuck.
How do you know that? Did you ask them if they knew it was Terry from the Verge leak? Or are you making up bullshit to further move the goalposts?
sans = skeleton after ness suicide
I think you need to get checked into an asylum.
Any Kens on right now?
Guess I'll have to go back to my unique character with a tailored stage filled with cameos and music. It's a shame I cant play with just a blank slate wearing Meme Skeleton's mask with a shitty moveset....sssiiiigh....
So by your own logic Sans can actually be in Smash, because, like the situation in Genocide, he's being forced to do it.
>B-b-b-buhhh huhhh he only did thing cuz he break da gaem
Who gives a fuck about your shitty headcanon about Sans being some secret weakling that can't fight. None of it matters to Sakurai. I hope you coping Charafags collectively jump off a building.
Forget the meme skeleton. I can't believe Goemon's existence was even acknowledged in 2019 and that Konami is letting people remember his existence.
>tfw no Goemon stage with hype as fuck pachinko music
>Boneheads have literally sunk to the levels of Ashley-pedos and genofags.
Dear god my sides.
Sounds like someone is still assblasted about samsho beating out smelee at Evo this year
>memes as a measure of popularity and quality and as a metric to decide whether a character should be in a game
Yeah, unfunny memes that were beaten like a dead horse after a day and were unfunny after a week. You need to go back