>still trusting reviews at all
Still trusting reviews at all
mafia 2 was trash though
You aren't more interesting if you're contrarian
Would party babyz be such a meme if it used the european cover?
>mafia 2 was trash
I mean I already saw people defending far cry 2 while hating first, but mafia 2 literally doesn't have any redeeming qualities. This is a new low for Yea Forums. Gamergate truly was a mistake
Mafia 2 was great save for the blueballing ending
No, it wasn't
>Gears of wars style gameplay
>health regen
>open world was worthless
>missions were shit
>fist combat minigame
>Protag was shit who knew only how to serve others
Also totally ruined mafia unique atmosphere
Mafia 2---while deeply flawed---had some interesting narrative work especially how substantially the world changed while the main character was locked up. It felt absolutely suffocating and headspinning. But the actual gameplay was blandly fine and the world was empty. Decent. The exact type of game that a handful of vocal supporters will trumpet to high hell.
Mafia 3 played better but doesn't get mentioned for----reasons.
Not understanding that major websites have numerous editors/freelancers who review games. Also not understanding judging games against the rest of it's ilk/genre---in this example shovelware vs AAA open world crime games. Party Babyz might be a decent Wii Play/Sports clone with infantile window dressing while Mafia 2 was a bit of a disappointment compared to Saint's Row 2 or GTA IV.
A good reviewer should know the target audience. Maybe Imagine Party babyz™ is a great game for literal toddlers, and a manchild working as a game "journalist" finds it a great addition to the genre.
Mafia 2 was an average open wolrd at best, so the score seems to be fitting
If you gotta complain, complain about god hand
Why do you think Imagine Party Babyz is a bad game?
>every game should be held to the exact same standards
>party babyz
>the game is childish
Video game journalism folks
Also isn't the original version of this with Godhand?
Mafia 2 wasn't very good. They give you the ability to rob stores and sell stolen cars, but all you can buy are guns which you can get from enemies, not to mention the fact there's like 5 points in the game where you lose all your money.
Party Babyz is good, you plebs.
I don't know if "childish" means literally baby-like or "childish" as in crude. Probably a few dirty diaper jokes in there.
>zoomers can't comprehend imagine party babyz
7 is a fair score for Mafia II
>mafia anywhere NEAR as good as imagine party babyz
Christ IGN needs to sort themselves out
understand genre and demographics
>he doesn't main black babyz
>party babyz that low
Remember my words, you'll see it come back as a cult classic ten years from now
I don't get how calling the world bland is a criticism in a game like this. The world exists to drive the story - not as a separate sandbox you can engage outside of missions. The world literally only exists to serve the story, so much so that even the 'customization (changing clothes and car features) exists to serve a gameplay mechanic before being a side-activity. And it works. The shooting is just good enough to be entertaining, and the scope of the missions themselves (along with the writing) are deeply engaging. Not every game with an open-world map should aspire to fill every bit off it with side activities and the like, particular if they're going for a serious tone.
I see what you mean and your logic behind it and I'm not the other guy but I agree with him more.
It's a videogame. Everything in it should exist to serve some purpose, to add to the fun.
Making a giant open world when all the players will do is take the optimal path shown on their maps for point A to point B seems like a huge waste of dev time, money and resources to me.
Mafia 2 was incredibly average, 7 is spot on.
Also believe it or not Party Babyz is an extremely solid party game filled with delicious cunny.
Why they went with a shitty stock image shovelware game cover is beyond me, it doesn't do the game any justice at all.
>the art direction is appealing, though a bit immature for the game's content