Arino will die in your lifetime

>Arino will die in your lifetime
also new episode is up on nyaa
Game Center CX 216 Super Mario Land 2 6 Golden Coins

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Other urls found in this thread:

>game center CX is 16 years old
>Arino is 47

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Why would you post this

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He's only forty fucking seven?

I thought he was in his 50s ten years ago.

Is there an episode guide somewhere? I been rewatching and would love to make a small collection of some of the translated episodes so that they play them at the TV in the dinner room at the japanese place I go to (they are always playing shitty interview shows)

Oh wow this is more than what I was expecting, thanks a lot.


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>watching an old man play videogames
This is the same as watching Twitch streams. Have sex.

>Arino will die in your lifetime

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Mcfucking kill yourself

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Had sex with your mom, it's hard not with the way she was throwing gaping vagina.

>This is the same as watching Twitch streams.
it's the exact same but weebs will tell you it's not.

Die normalfag

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welp here goes the thread

>only 47

what the fuck?

It's a tightly edited TV show that's been going on since before even YouTube existed.

finally a good thread in this board.

is nyaa down?

No, is working fine. It's that shut down a couple years ago.

literally no one denies that it's not the same shit. the difference is just that all the boring parts are edited out. also arino is a real comedian in japan instead of some random.

Nyaa didn't work for me since yesterday

try using vpn

>arino is a real comedian in japan
that's not saying much

>implying I wont die before him

Attached: Game Center CX 181 - Gunstar Heroes [SAGCCX].mp4_snapshot_40.50.png (1280x720, 1.35M)