The game.
How long have you been playing for, only to lose on this wonderful Tuesday?
The game.
How long have you been playing for, only to lose on this wonderful Tuesday?
7 months fuck you
I played the game before it started on Yea Forums. It was a thing when I was in the younger boy scouts division (think 8-14) one of our chiefs introduced it to us, that was back in 97.
I lose.
I actually lost in a filename thread last week, so it doesn't feel too bad.
This isn’t Reddit faggot
Bruh, this was around before reddit and Yea Forums were ideas. This is lie some OG (yellow webpage) funnyjunk shit.
The original aim of The Game was to get everyone on earth, regardless of language or culture, to play the game.
How close are we to that goal, now?
Weeb cutters used to scream this shit in high school back in 06 or 07 and it was the cringiest shit ever.
Probably the vast majority of "the west" is aware of the game. But I'm not so certain about Asia, especially the rural parts, or all of Africa, or most of South America.
But probably a few billion are aware.
you’re now breathing manually
fuck you
Implying implications.
What the fuck is this
you’re now blinking manually
Guess what asshole, there is now no comfortable position for your tongue in your mouth. You don't know whether to cross your legs or sit flat. You don't know what to do with your arms. You are blinking manually. You are now aware of the weight of your jaw and that you have to constantly fight gravity to hold it up. Every time you swallow your ears click. You are now aware that your nose is always in your field of vision. Some part of your body now itches. You just lost the game. Somebody once told me the world was gonna roll me, I ain't the smartest too in the shed.
Somebody once asked could I spare some change for gas, I need to get myself away from this place.
>No rickroll
So close yet so far
But in the end, it doesn't even matter.
What game?
I have a better game
If you don't reply to this post your mother will die on her sleep[\spoiler]
You son of a fucking bitch.