What made minecraft became such mega hit?

What made minecraft became such mega hit?

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Yea Forums

rise of autism in kid

nice engrish pajeet


It's easy to access virtual lego

It's fun.

Brown Bricks

Good and fun for really anyone regardless of genre preference or personality

and can be run it a toaster pc

Yeah and it costs 20 bucks so any kid with his birthday money can get it after seeing some eceleb play it

back then its because of it's innovative creation & survival system and now because trannies and zoomers are having deep nostalgia for this game which scares me as a man who grew up with shit from the early 2000's, not the early 2010's


1. Infinite lets play potential led to everyone being exposed to it.
2. It's a very good game for social interaction.
3. Lego is just a great universally appealing concept
4. It ran on low-end PCs

If you provide a good sandbox people make their own fun.

Why are you in a state of nervous deliberation?

Stealing ideas from Dwarf Fortress and implementing them better.

By pandering to the completely fucking braindead. There's no story, character development, or even a primary objective, it's just MS Paint with blocks. For 20 bucks. Tetris is more of a game than Minefaggot. The perfect fit for the average mouthbreathing zoomer.

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Yeah, fuck you, I've played Autistcraft

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photoshopped pic


Yong Yea

>Yea Forums
>bunch of idiots that saw the potential in something continuously updated and could ride the train with it
>read: yogscast

Its fun
No amount of shilling can compete with that

Children do not need instruction or tasking to be entertained. They'll create their own games in their own worlds with their own rules and all of it is incomprehensible to adults. Minecraft allowed any kid to generate a unique continent sized playground where the only limit was imagination. It also appealed to adult weirdos who want to play with legos but cant afford them


You are fucking retarded if you think it's bad because it doesn't have a story or primary objective.
It's just a building game your mainly supposed to make your own objectives. It has things it that you can do as an objective.
you're just complaining about a virtual lego game for
>Le contrarian ranting
fuck off you're not smart.

I'm going to play Cube World instead to be an edgy contrarian.

It became a hit because Notch while lazy fat POS was first and adept at gaming the crowdsourcing movement to shill a very simple idea.

Also I have a 1.14.4 dedicated server up. It a pretty chill seed with spawn being a island and a vast ocean with various different islands to explore.
Its FFA with the one rule that exempts spawn island, otherwise go nuts.

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You're a spaz

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why didn't that workout for fallout 4

Based stroke-poster

Better question, what caused the recent resurgence this past year? For awhile, kids moved on to other FOTMs like Hearthstone or the million Battle Royale games, but Minecraft is now as popular as ever. I also saw that it could be considered the greatest selling game of all time, depending on how Tetris is calculated. That's fucking bananas.

Cause it wasn't supposed to be one
(and people still did with mods)

Is yogscast even relevant anymore? I would consider them a staple of YouTube and gaming in general around 2012 or a little after that but I don’t hear shit about them anymore

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Even if you count every Tetris individually its still the best selling game of all time

Pewdiepie is definitely a chess piece for Minecraft’s resurgence, but you can blame nostalgia culture making people in college reminisce about when life was simple and they could play Minecraft all day, and coupled with cringe culture mostly focused on fortnite until recently, for Minecraft’s re-appearance across every trending sight on the Internet

was sold to the gamers by a gamer
was open in that way that allowed people to do what they wanted with it
was simple satisfying and allowed people play with it
people have a deep need to build to create to make things then stand back and be proud of them and show them off to others
one of the two biggest things that made minecraft take off were the amazing minecraft builds that people were able to do
and movies that people made with minecraft

Minecraft wasn't just lightning in a bottle, it was a perfect storm in a jar.
First and foremost, Notch marketed it to people, not demographics. He just threw it up onto the internet and let people find it.
People who found it felt like "discoverers", not people who clicked an ad.
It also fit perfectly into the rapidly modernizing let's play format, giving people an incentive to watch EVERY episode to completion rather than just drop in on the creator once in awhile.
So, to review:
Solid foundation from Notch being "with it" enough to advertise to the right people
The perfect Eternal Let's Play, creating a youtube recommendation singularity
Solid core gameplay and a million peripheral styles
Frequent patches
I don't give a fuck how much of a meme you consider it, but soul
the top selling game of all time

Hard to say. Probably a combination of Fortnite (or rather, Fortnite hate), the game FINALLY hitting the turning point where the amount of new content feels like taking a few months' break during alpha/beta, and general nostalgia.

The game has so much missed potential I just want bedrock to meet piraaty with Java.

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It’s on everything

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