was the GameCube a good console?
Was the GameCube a good console?
Well yes, but actually no.
It was the only console worth owning if you already had a gaming pc to play GTA 3, POP, Diablo 2, etc.
It had the misfortune of competing with the PS2, but it was a good console.
>the ps2 wasn't worth owning
>all you needed were multiplats GTA 3, POP and Diablo 2
>Even San Andreas, a normalfag favourite, had unique features on the ps2
Your normalfag opinion is trash. If you couldn't find a big selection of good ps2 games at the time, that only became emulatable on PC many years later, you have irredeemably shit taste.
All the consoles at the time were good desu, they all had. A lot of really excellent games
Anyone who thinks ps2 is better than GameCube is gay.
>implying the vast and varied ps2 library of good to great games is inferior to the comparatively limited selection of good GameCube games
Nincels need to sit down. The GameCube had some great exclusives, and some multiplats like RE4 and Viewtiful Joe were better on GameCube than the ps2 ports, but for every great GameCube game you could list 5 great ps2 games not on the GameCube. Nincels are just deluded. The same is true for ps1 vs N64, the former massively outclassed the N64 both in quantity and quality overall. A few exceptional games like OoT, MM and SM64 does not even out that imbalance, I don't care what the delusional nintendies say. Sony simply had so much more on offer during the 5th and 6th generations.
But which console had the best intro?
It was the last one worth owning. After the 6th gen, PC reigned suppreme
Anyone who thinks ps2 is better than GameCube is gay
t. pedophile nincel
good games so yes it's a good controller
You mean Nintendo Shitcube?
Kinda this.
It depends on what measure you are using. Number of games, type of game, your personal favorite game, hardware wise. etc.
I would say it has a good number of gems on it, but the mini disc were a mistake and it suffered from following the N64 which was heavy with game shortage. But overall it had enough to be interesting.
Graphics by ATI? ATI my ass.
t. gay
"Good" is not a very high bar to pass. Of course the Game Cube was a good console. Whether is was great or not is a different story
Fantastic party console. Built in handle, durable controllers, controllers were designed to have their cables wrapped around them.
It was good but also third place because everyone and their granny owned a PS2 and the xbox had muh halo online multiplayer.
Gamecube had some good games but not the vast library of good shit the PS2 had, and the only good online game was a dreamcast remake MMO.
Yep, one of the best ever
Yes, but it was easily the weakest of the three consoles and took the longest to build up a decent library. I owned one since it launched in NA and regret not getting a PS2 first instead.
ps2 > gamecube > xbox
Yes. And aesthetic.
Yes. It was the last Nintendo console with good first-party games up until the Switch, and it actually had a pretty respectable 3rd party to boot. It was just terribly overshadowed by the PS2, and the Xbox's online play.
In general, yes.
The Gamecube had lots of great games, had a retro charm, and was super comfy.
All of that is correct, except the gamecube itself was under powered and held back by minidiscs. It wasn't just overshadowed by the PS2, in terms of hardware it lost to both consoles. However, the gamecube controller is absolutely one of the best and most comfortable controllers too. Octagonal stick rest is incredibly underrated, especially for non 3D games.
>he says as he defends the normalfag console
6th gen was a good time. i saved up in high school and had all 3 systems
The Gamecube was more powerful than the PS2, though. It (and the Xbox) lost because they lacked the incredibly robust third-party support of the PS2.
The cucks should have just went with cartridges again.
Shit, I stand corrected. I was certain it was the other way around.
A lot of people have the perception that Nintendy hardware is perpetually underpowered because of the Wii/DS and every other machine going forward (also, the PS1 generally had better looking games even though the N64 was more powerful, so people think the N64 was underpowered), but the Gamecube was quite respectable for its time. Metroid Prime in particular is a game that, to me, holds up ridiculously fucking well for its time in terms of graphics, in large part because they put such a huge focus into the overall detail/atmosphere.
>controllers were designed to have their cables wrapped around them.
Best part right here
I thought that Gamecube games ended up looking the way they did because of programming wizardy from certain devs more than the hardware, which caused the confusion. Look up what nintendo had to do to get the water effects in Mario Sunshine, or the fact that Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3 looked so damn good because of the devs going outside the box with their programming and pushing the limits of the hardware at the time.
>I thought that Gamecube games ended up looking the way they did because of programming wizardy from certain devs more than the hardware
This is certainly a big part of it. Good developers with programming wizardy will almost always trump good hardware. But, that's why a lot of Gamecube games still hold up so well. I still remember my uncle, who was a 3DCG artist, gushing about how good Mario Sunshine's water effects were.
Only if you like games for children like mario and zelda