Reminder that Mai is NOT getting in Smash Ultimate.
Now fuck off.
Reminder that Mai is NOT getting in Smash Ultimate
I hope she gets in and her final smash is just her getting gambanged by shotas like it's a Saigado doujin
Im getting in her if you catch my drift
And even Doomguy too!
She may not be getting in Smash, but I'm getting to smash her.
I just want to say that nobody fucking cares about that Reimu piece of garbage that wont be in the game and only in your imagination, you fucking cunts.
Thank you.
If she won't be in the game, There will surely be that minority that'll make it themselves.
Oh yeah she's getting in Smash Ultimate.
As a spirit for the real SNK rep.
I don't get it.
That is what you get for knowing about pic related.
Say it will never happen, it will 100% real.
It will never happen, faggot.
Who the fuck is Mr. H anyways
yep never ever, shes too sexy
That honestly sounds a fuckton like Mai.
How would you react if she does get in though?
It’s a tossup between her and Ryu Hayabusa for me desu. Doomguy for the 4th spot.
Didn’t a new KoF game just get announced?
I'd rather take my boy, Kyo Kusanagi.
Yes, in EVO.
The fuck are you talking about?
You're a cool guy, user.
He’d be cool, but Mai is more iconic.
What about Iori?
please don't bully mai