I'm still mad.
I'm still mad
i had my fun with it. bayonetta 2, xenoblade Chronicles X, wonderful 101 etc.
now, its just a glorified gamecube emoulator.
God this thing feels like such a hunk of plastic shit compared to the switch. everything about the WiiU was terrible, i have no idea how nintendies used to defend it.
>tfw it's still the best VC platform because nintendo insists on putting nothing on the switch.
>tfw streaming GBA games using this is comfy as fuck becauswe I don't even need to have the TV on.
This console was plagued by the technology of its time. If it was released in 2025, it would have been great.
what did he mean by this?
Mario Maker was basically the only only thing I played on it
I love how back in the day, Nintendo could be relied to release something worthwhile every quarter. Now you'll be lucky to get a good game from them every two years.
enjoy your horrendous input lag on n64 games
>Was the first game console I ever bought with my own paycheck
>Desperately wanted to stick by it no matter what
>naively thought it could live with the the then called "NX"
>Slowly start to realize not even Nintendo wants to deal with it anymore
>Eventually sold off virtually all of my games for it after buying my Switch, except for Nintendoland
>Still have it, even though it's in a literal cardboard box in my shed
>I haven't felt the need to take it out since putting it there
There is no greater pain than being Wiifag
couldn't disagree more. the wii u gamepad felt like a well-built, ergonomic gaming machine. the switch is a piece of shit with terrible build quality by comparison.
>he didn't homebrew his wii u so it still has a purpose
fucking disgusting
I'm still mad too, OP.
I’m mad that they purposely gimped BoTW on Wii U to push the switch version. If you’ve played WW or TP on Wii U you would understand what I mean
I literally just played through a few games on my WiiU this past week, when's the last time you touched yours? A few years? I remembered it being better too but i swear to god it feels like a chink knock off with zero quality. The analog sticks are shit and don't track things properly (I know it's not just mine) good luck playing something like shovel knight with the sticks or the absolute worst dpad to have ever existed. It's bulky like a malformed duke. The button layouts are different for every game like nobody came together at nintendo and decided what the basic template should be albeit this isn't that bad of an issue it's annoying as fuck though. Everything can be summed up by saying it FEELs like, just holding it and playing it for a few hours, a souljaboy console.
I have a hacked SNES classic user, I don't have need for that either.
>Lag on N64 games
Is this true? Speedrunners use the VC version to run DK64
>Be Nintendo
>Release Wii with tablet
>"Should we release Luigi's Mansion 2 on this?"
>"Nehhhh, lets make it 3DS exclusive lol"
The tablet was perfect for Luigi's Mansion 2, what a fuck up.
I have a hacked snes mini, too. And one sealed in the box. That doesn't mean it doesn't have a place in your battlestaion, you fucking mong.
Maybe it's just me, but I kind of just started using my Wii-U again, because I've burned out all my switch games. 3D Land, Wind Waker HD, Mario Bros U, it has fun games.
Why is the Wii U so comfy, bros?
switch was just for the morons
wiiu has better games
wow sure got me with that meme image
I played like 2000 hours of MH4U so I'm ok.
I still use mine everyday. But it's entirely as a bedside tablet.
I got my fun out of it.
I seriously doubt you ever owned one.
The joycon layout is pretty garbage. I stopped bothering using joycons all together and have just started using older controllers via adapters.
In 2019, a hacked Wii U is beautiful thing. Get fucked OP.
I do own one. I got in on that price match error a few years ago where Walmart was selling the NSMBU+L bundle for $60.
>The analog sticks are shit and don't track things properly (I know it's not just mine) good luck playing something like shovel knight with the sticks or the absolute worst dpad to have ever existed.
this is some hilarious projection from a switch shill. the wii u's sticks don't drift just from breathing on them funny, and it actually has a d-pad, not separate buttons. on top of that, the gamepad was actually comfortable to hold for longer than five minutes. i used off-tv play on my wii u all the time, but my switch never leaves the dock anymore.
This is literally better than the switch
if it was released in 2025 it would of been the ouya 2.0
The only problem I have with it is the loading. It takes longer to load stuff for me than it does for the 360/PS3 (all internal)
I still like it and have hope Lost Reaver private will be working soon
wasn't that 3ds only?
That's because you have the hands of a 400lbs mouthbreather and forget not to eat your joycons every time you take them out of the dock. WiiU is literal retard proof you can chew on that all you want buddy.
Dude just get a GBA or DS or even emulate them on a Wii or PC. The Wii U is like the worst way you can possibly play old games.
It has access to pretty much everything worth playing up to that point.
switch has retroarch so who cares
But that's wrong, you fucking retard
>Everything handheld up to and including the DS
>Everything home console up to and including the WiiU
>Runs Wii and Gamecube games natively
no, i just have normal-sized hands. the soitch is designed for people with tiny soi hands.
I still use my Wii U as an entertainment device. I stream all my shows on its YouTube, Netflix, and Amazon apps. It's a shame Hulu dropped support.
I to this day use the gamepad as my universal remote. Probably the best feature to come from the Wii U. Only games I ever played on it were Smash, Mario Kart and Bayonetta tho.
you look like a fucking idiot either way
sorry i replied in the wrong thread
If I didn't had 3 laptops already I would probably do this.
Is it worth getting a Wii U pro controller now?
So does Wii and PC.
Wii, PC, and why can't you just buy these consoles separately so you can play the games not blurred, darkened, upscaled, and with input lag.
>and why can't you just buy these consoles separately so you can play the games not blurred, darkened, upscaled, and with input lag.
Ah, so you DONT know what natively means?
It's ok for retrogaming but the bluetooth drivers available for it are kinda shit, I'm thinking about getting a mayflash dongle. Get the white one it doesn't shows fingerprints.
Man did the 3ds kill this system. You literally could not go a day without hearing "3DS version" when a Wii U game was announced. letting their systems compete like that was fucking retarded.
Yes exactly, why don't you buy the consoles so you can play games natively instead of emulated (shitilly) on Wii U Virtual Console
Bottom game?
I hated that fat piece of shit. What on god's green earth were they thinking? "what child can resist the joy of playing video games on a handheld CRT?" Trying to reach the buttons while holding that whale gave me carpal tunnel and arthritis.
Xenoblade 2.
REMINDER Yea Forums tried to shill this dead on arrival console
>Trying to reach the buttons while holding that whale gave me carpal tunnel and arthritis.
pic related is you
>still seething after all these years
>mfw I've played Pikmin 3 and W101 countless times and not you
i'll wait for the port.
sorry I forgot only grown-ass men are allowed to play riveting adult dramas like Super Furry 3D World. Now if you'll excuse me I have cookie dough to eat and Free! movies to watch while I wait for my Animal Gatcha Pocket Piss flower garden to beget more bullshit clicker chores
>has to wait 7-10 years to play games
thanks god that I'm not a poorfag
>his version will be better than your version and he will have a better time no matter how long he waits because he's still playing the game for the first time
>the dpad is almost as bad as switch pros
why can't they make a smaller pro controller
Lotta ofwpilled anons here, allow me to help
>hack wii u
>hack wii mode
>have access to best emulators
>able to inject Rom's into vc
>run GameCube isos natively in 16:9 patched
>pirate and mod games
>play those games handheld if you want
>use any controller you have with homebrew
I will gladly buy the Pikmin trilogy if Nintendo decide to release it on the Switch. Enjoy being poor, fag.
spotted the soiboy with soi hands.
Literally all of the inputs are spaced out the same as they would be on a standard controller
It had cross play with the 3DS which made it very good to play with my brother.
MH3U did sure but was there a wii u version of 4 ultimate?
Oh shit my bad, yeah it was 3U.
>better version
>without the second screen
>the better version
literally LMAOing at your life
Those HD ports still were shit but them fucking over WiiU owners was no surprise.
Once Iwata got sick that thing was fucked
unironically based and ergonomicspilled
It's a good controller but the "triggers" are just regular buttons and feel like shit. Still good just to have a second controller for playing smashu with friends if nothing else.
don't compare this lcd trash to a crt.
I’m not talking from a graphical standpoint I meant being able to swap items seamlessly, viewing the map without pausing, etc etc. going from playing Zelda with 2 screens back to one sucks
I like the pc edition
Yeah but a lot of games had similar features like Batman but yeah that was absolutely an amazing enhancement
The last time I blindly trusted Nintendo.
I wonder if Iwata's death killed off Nintendo's soul.
>>got banned after playing everything i wanted
>>Sold it
>>move from venezuela to a real country
Only good memories with Wii U but i am still mad that they say the Switch is the "next gen" for 3ds instead of Wii u, they dont want to admit they failed
It's infinitely better than the degenerate faggot machine that shouldn't be named we currently have.
>original 1st party games that didn't die 2 months after release
>free online with no friend codes
>virtual console with nes, snes, gba, n64, and ds that cuts the price for vc games you bought on wii vs subscription service with only nes games on the degenerate faggot machine
>not exactly a wii u thing, but club nintendo was an actually decent loyalty program that gave out proper rewards unlike the shithole my nintendo
I'm mad that miiverse is dead
>caring about analog triggers
racing games are boring