This game sucks

This game sucks

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Other urls found in this thread:

holy fucking based

>falling for Yea Forums game pushing

Hope you enjoyed wasting $60

Is this a major revelation?
Only capeshitfags will say this game is good, intellectuals don't play this vidya degeneracy

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>playing it undocked is total garbage

why is this on the switch again?

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Because they have no games

Because Nintendo funded it.

It's a Bayonetta 2/3 situation.

I like the game.

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It reminds me of the PSP version which is kinda nice.

Is this about kamala khan being Muslim?

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I thought about getting this game so I went and played one of the older ones for a bit. I liked them when I was younger, after all.
I'm no longer thinking about getting this game.

Nice story. Thank you for sharing with the class.

I think it's okay so far but this is coming from a guy who sinks hours into Musous like no tomorrow. The screen can get really cluttered with shit so it's easy to lose track of your character, doesn't help that camera control isn't too responsive.

But other than that the combat is engaging. You can't mow down enemies like in musous, you need to actually dodge or block stronger enemy attacks or you'll die before you know it. So far the best boss fight has definitely been Green Goblin, followed by maybe Venom/Electro. Ultron Prime was also a pretty good fight, had my team wiped and I barely beat him with Cap. Magneto and Infinity Sentinel were absolute cluster fuck boss fights but managed to get through them. Doing Infinity Trials now before starting the Dark Dimension chapter.


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I think comics and superheroes are mega lame but I bought this game cause a webm showed me the women were thick as fuck.
I'm not disappointed.

It's not a musou. It's a dungeon crawler.

>why is this on the switch again?
Because Nintendo funded it?

What about that character ISNT about her being a muslim?

enjoy your shitty burger mythology

I just made the comparison cause I've played a lot more musous than dungeon crawlers and the combat is similar enough.

I thought about getting super mario odyssey but then i went back and played the very first super mario game and i dont think im getting odyssey anymore.

Enjoy seething over other people experiencing pleasure.

The game is Fun

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Cry harder Capkek

>Rumors going around Nintendo full on threatened to cancel it due to Marvel wanting only MCU shit and no other characters

That analogy doesn't hold because Super Mario Bros is still an amazing game.

based if true.

Enjoying it a lot especially now each character feels unique.

Handheld is a blurry 240p mess and is unacceptable

do you post this image in every thread
get more variety in your reaction folder also better tastes in games

If that's true, then thank fuck for Nintendo.

I'm enjoying it a lot, but is basically the first game like this I play, so maybe that's why.

>Captain America is garbage

Hold me bros

>Nintendo had the balls to tell Disney and Marvel to piss off with MCU only shit
>Capcom didn't

Yeah way better looking non handheld but handheld is comfier

Based Nintendo saving the X-Men from Disney’s Jewry

Nintendoes what Capcan't

Obsessive shipping and fanfic writing.

Is there a source on the rumor?

Put her in

wouldn't surprise me but [citation needed]

Probably because Capcom didn't really care to make anymore Marvel vs. Capcom games and it was mostly Disney pushing it so long as they could advertise for the movies.

But this face conveys my disappointment in you fags the best

>capeshit game is shit

what did you expect?

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Is this game actually fun? I'm debating buying it right now.

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I'll pass then, I can only play on handheld due to.... reasons.

How's online work?
Do they match your character's levels to whoever's hosting?

it's just boring capeshit, don't buy

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What reasons

We better get galactus' daughter next game.

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It's okay
It's fine, it's fun seeing capeshit heroes doing capeshit things.

The story is another infinity stones and Thanos thing.
The game is easy, late game takes forever because everything is HP-sponged up the asshole.

> I'm debating buying it right now.
I would advise against that, as decent as it is - it's still a pretty barebones / shallow game. Wait a years time for the complete/gold edition that includes all the DLC.

But then again, if mindlessly killing shit is your thing go for it!

This thread of is full of non switch owners bitching and shitting on the game cause they can't play it. Same thing happened with the spiderman game.

Cope you children

What happened between 2011 and 2017?

Marvel Knights DLC pack revealed at SDCC. Blade, Moon Knight, Punisher, and Morbius confirmed.

Colossus and Cyclops are to added as free updates August 30th. No clue why the fuck you have to wait a month for them but whatever.

Attached: marvel knights.png (750x582, 416K)

>no F4
>need to pay extra for Moon Knight and Blade
>Cyclops isn't in the game on release
>nu-Marvel characters that no one cares about

saint seiya reference? team ninja confirmed for bros

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I'm doing nothing but studying for the Bar exam right now, so a game where I can turn off my brain for a few hours sounds perfect right now. Thanks for the review man.

Is that an OC or Thanos? If it's Thanos why does he have pointy skrull ears?

That's actually Thanos' son.

Is this game any good when played by yourself, or do you need to play it multiplayer to enjoy it?

Need a source. Based as fuck of Nintendo if true though.

Thane his long lost son

Sadly, yes. It's shovelware. I expected as much from Team Ninja, and Jap devs in general, but I had hoped it would turn out good since I loved the first two. At least we still have the Avengers game next year to look forward, it looks a hell of a lot better than this garbage ended up being.

Fucking sweet. I am kinda wishing I waited for the complete edition though but I guess I could always just buy that again when it goes down in price maybe.

I'm downloading it now, can't fucking wait.

AI is pretty braindead and will piss you off

I thought Thane had gray skin?

Odyssey is fucking garbage anyway. Not a proper 3D Mario game at all, just 3D World 2. I would happily play the original Mario all day over ever touching that boring, ugly piece of shit Odyssey ever again.

Forgot pic

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Fake and gay, stop spreading shit you just pulled out of your ass

AI isn't the worst, they usually understand how to keep themselves alive. Although once you fight someone who spams AOEs or huge beam attacks the AI will just stand there and take the hits instead of dodging. I imagine co-op makes this game piss easy unless there's some difficulty modifier.

its thane, his son and the final boss of the game
turns out the infinity gauntlet was part of a set of armor but thanos knew it was too strong to be handled by anybody, but thane actually puts it on and shit goes full anime

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Yeah not sure
He looks more like this in the game

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Upset that Capcom royally fucked up big and Nintendo quickly put Marvel in their fucking place?

Nintendo games don't really do complete editions until years down the line or when they port the game to a new console. So your money should be good for the foreseeable future.

He has purple skin in comics

Not really. It'a very, very shallow and repetitive and since the gameplay is just fundamentally bad that repetition and simplicity is not very tolerable. Also, half the voice actors suck and the story has absolutely nothing on the MCU's version of this same Infinity Stone storyline.

t. seething Rosalinafag

hows the framerate ?

Have you seen the gameplay dude? Looks very bland

This game is infuriating played solo because the AI teammates do nothing and a lot of the boss fights require you to be pretty actively dodging constant AoE's or engaging in other various gimmicks they apparently aren't programmed to like throwing back Green Goblin's pumpkin bombs to stun him. Multiplayer isn't very fun though because you're just stuck as your one character the whole mission.

Not compared to this, at all. It needs improvement, sure, but they have a whole year at least to do that and it already looks significantly deeper, more engaging, and more fun than what this ended up being.

>No Ant-Man

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The series was always a casual coop diablo clone.
What did you expect.

Personally i hope they at lest salvage the models and re use them for MVC4.

Pretty bad. Lots of slowdown and drops when doing synergy attacks or when tons of effects or going off like explosions. Cutscenes also drop frames sometimes.

rumor has it he's coming in an update down the road

Lmao 74. I guess the first UA is still the only good UA.

Don't do that to me user. Don't give me hope.

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>unironically thinking of yourself as an Intellectual
Well that's just fucking pathetic

There's no loot and never was so the Diablo-clone comparison makes no sense to me. This is, at best, a Dynasty Warriors clone meets isometric beat em up with WAAAAAYYYYY spongier enemies.

Haven't unlocked the whole cast but I'm quite certain I can say with confidence.

Wasp the cutest girl.

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If you are gonna post about soul you should be posting x men legends

I kinda like this iteration of Black Widow but her moveset is kinda shit. Actually that's true for projectile-based characters in general.

>Lots of slowdown and drops when doing synergy attacks
So like all MUA and X-men Legends games? Which at this point is probably intentional?

I like a lot of what this game has but there is also some stuff I kinda question.

>More customization stat system so endgame is something if that is what you are looking for
>Good starting roster only to become better
>Interesting skills and extreme attacks
>combat is more smooth than I thought it would be

>Difficulty is more annoying than hard
>Spam down stagger gauge the game
>AI is brain dead and the game seems to be balanced on co-op
>Synergy attacks aren't as creative as MUA2

He's retarded

When is 74 outright bad?

Is the combat really just button mashing or is everyone just salty?

Nope. Crystal and Spider-Gwen are hottest and this is objective fact. Gamora would be higher but Vanessa Marshal's voice is way too MILF-y for the character.

Anything below a 90 is shit and anything above a 90 is overrated shit.

It really is crazy how much more soul the first game has. It's the little things really, like how you had those hub bases where you could talk to people with multiple routes of dialogue, that the simulator missions actually had a little bit of dialogue and setup to them, that you could pet lockjaw, that there was multiple costumes and they all had a slight effect on your stats. 3 is ok but feels like quantity over quality.

Pure button mashing, literally nothing to it. Mindless and not fun at all because the enemies are the spongiest sponges this side of a looter shooter.

It is the same amount of button mashing as the other MUA games.

Though positioning is really important and you actively have to dodge/roll out of the way. So the game is less brain dead than previous games but Yea Forums doesn't play games.

It is button mashing but it's not absolutely braindead cause you need to aim your attacks with certain characters and also need to be actively dodging against boss characters and managing your SP/Energy attack gauge.

Me too

Is the game more or less braindead than D3? Played that game as a monk and just had to spam the basic attack to win.

Whoever said that docked is "smooth" is a fucking liar. Right off the bat, the game runs in the sub 30s and sub 20s during combat.
Game is a technical mess. It would be a completely different experience if it had a locked framerate. Team Ninja and Nintendo should be pretty fucking embarrassed by this.

>thinking of yourself as a intellectual
>goes to Yea Forums

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More braindead. There's no loot or builds or anything to manage, just some attacks and stat trees to dump resources into to increase. Enemies are damage sponges. This game is completely shallow.

This Black Widow is great, only thing I could ask for is a more comic accurate belt.

Good choices however Wasp just looks TIGHT in that bodysuit.

If you are just spamming basic attack in D3 you must be playing the easiest difficulty. D3 is in no way a demanding game but you have to use defensive c/d's and the like on harder difficulties.

The game itself is as brain dead as any other in the genre. People play these games for the variety of characters and flashy skills. If you want challenge play souls like games, though I find those mediocre everyone is different. I will say that I am still not sure how I feel about MUA3 compared to the others. So wait unless you are a comic book fan.

Conman happened that's what.
You fuckheads are never going to get a new MvC.

How is it Team Ninja's fault that Nintendo sells toys advertised as gaming systems?

>i-i-it runs like shit on purpose
Nincels are hilarious

The piss poor performance is basically just confirmation that the game is a timed exclusive and was developed more with the other consoles and PC in mind. There is no other explanation, it was blatantly just not made with the Switch exclusively in mind or else it would not run this badly.

>hate captain marvel ever since the sjw shit thats been happening
>end up trying her out and putting her on my team
>tfw she becomes the most useful member on my team along side miles
>tfw you will never be a black twink taken care of by curvy space dyke

Attached: captain.jpg (1280x720, 147K)

D3 is the most braindead game i ever played. if you go look up a video right now it will literally be a guy falling a sleep while he walks forward and enemies die around him.

Or it's just a third party being shit at optimization. That awful #FE game was and still is exclusive to the Wii U, didn't stop it from having nearly ten seconds of loading screen for literally every battle.

While it isn't 60 fps I haven't noticed any slow downs on docked mode. I think you guys are either trolling without playing the game or just haters. Is it the smoothest game no, but none of the MUA games have been.

Scarlet Witch has an ass that needs to be on my face

Don't get this game if you feel that way. The genre is not for you. People like these games to relax and goof around with different teams or in the case of d3 builds. Lets be honest most games are brain dead if you boil it down enough.

Oh it's guaranteed to be 50% that, this faggot in particular has a chip on his shoulder over Team Ninja.

I thought her combat sucked huge ass. Maybe when I unlock her other special attacks I'll change my mind. I thought Iron Man was shit but then I unlocked the laser spin and charge move- fantastic character now.

This. Squarely blaming this on Nintendo is pure fanboy shit. Team Ninja is fucking garbo post Itagaki.
Did anyone else notice the reused Other M textures in the opening stage? Gave me a hearty laugh.

This game is less Ultimate Alliance and more shit tier shovelware PS2 era licensed tie in. It feels like those old Gamecube/PS2 Ninja Turtles games and that isn't a compliment.

FUCK YOU, LIAR! I went out and bought this performance abortion because LIARS like you bullshitted people. Fuck you and fuck your bullshit lies. The game runs like garbage, get over it.

I would never buy a switch so i won't. I had to play D3 on hardcore just for even a semblance of stakes. I had fun playing through the story but all interest vanished after a couple of rifts. D3 has really good feedback I'll say, all the different animations for enemies dying from different effects are pretty cool and well done.

>most games are brain dead if you boil it down enough

This is not true

This is a complete lie. I have been playing all day docked and the game runs and looks like dogshit. The first two NEVER had these problems on 360.

Why are you replying to yourself you loser?

>tfw there are literally two(2) Peter Parkers on my team
What the fuck is going on?

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Kamala, Psylocke and Gwen all day

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Alright what ever you say sperg. Maybe your system is shit if you are telling the truth. The game has no noticeable slow downs compared to the rest. It isn't hard on my eyes like Bloodstained. It isn't 60 fps but the game runs roughly 30fps constant. It may dip to 20's but never lower and I can't tell. Maybe I am not picky since this game isn't an esport title where you need perfect frames.

You have nostalgia problems if you think this. They ran worse than this game. Go watch some old gameplay videos on 360 if you don't believe me.

Is Spiderman shit tier?

Sadly, yes. All the Spider-verse characters unfortunately are weak as fuck.

Oh yeah, Yea Forums logic. Forgot.

>literally put psylocke on my team since i got her
>pause every 15 mins to just stare at her ass
the devs are fucking based and there are some wonderful asses
>that glimmer on Wasp's ass

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just use the XP shards things. That is exactly what I did but once I did captain marvel became useful.

Does anyone know how long the campaign is? Thinking about buying it to co-op with a friend.

Other than cutscenes, which I get, you'd have to be literally new to not know that 'dynamic slowdown' is basically a series staple.

Here is the game supposedly on a 360. Looks and runs worse than MUA3.

Skip to about the 8 minute mark to see a boss fight. There is no way this runs worse. Also more textures and shit going on in 3. I get that you don't like the game it isn't as good as the other 2 were at the time but don't over exaggerate.

I heard 10-15 hours.

I've been having a blast doing local co-op with friends.

Someone post Psychlocke.

>Itagaki sperg is in the thread

Cautionary warning: You're dealing with a massive autist that will samefag and lie through his teeth to downplay anything TN touches. I have no idea if the game is good or not but make sure you don't take anything said in this thread seriously, it's got sperg aids.

Shut the fuck up Nintendie shill. This game is fucking abysmal.

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You haven’t even played it. You probably don’t even like capeshit you’re just mad people are talking about a Nintendo exclusive game that isn’t mario or zelda

I haven't owned a Nintendo console since the SNES you console wars mongoloid child. Forgot to mention that he's also a massive Xbox shill so this might be him.

I don't like capeshit that much but is this game like Gauntlet Legends?

>Lumbar Lordosis

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wow you sound mad. can't afford a switch? why are you here?

Not really, it has nothing on Gauntlet Legends.

Persona girls are so fucking ugly holy shit

Shit bait and a shill. Sent.

Keep outing yourself you retard

I played the first one and skipped out on 2. Did they remove anything significant from the previous titles in the new one?

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No alts right now. FreeLC later.

Yeah. The depth, soul, and fun.

Better than what 2 did. 1 alt only? Jesus.

I'm enjoying it. Nice change of pace from bloated open world shit and it's dumb fun. I will probably get bored later on but it's fine when watching stuff in the background.

Not a big deal considering 1 was just texture swaps up the ass

Lack of costumes. They are just pallet swapped. However apparently in the fall they will release free dlc with alt costumes.

Other than that I guess you can say that there are less special skills since you only get 4 per hero. But it's not a big deal since you only ever used 4 in the other games.

There are a lot of haters in this thread for some reason... or prob just one that is spamming. I would say this game deserves the 7.8. I like it as a comic book fan but I would not buy it if I wasn't. If you liked the MUA games even today I would say you will probably at least get some enjoyment out of it. Might be better to wait if money is limited.

When the fuck do you unlock Black Panther? Literally my most wanted character.

MUA had depth?
If adding characters like Elsa, Thane, and fucking Morbius isn't soul, I don't know what is.
>and fun
Do you have friends?

I like it so far
It's kind of bullshit and low quality but that's to be expected from the series
It's like how Musou games are kind of bland and repetitive but you like the characters and you like the way it sucks
It has Elsa, the girls are THICC and Luke gets all cute when his wife calls so it's fine for me
and there's probably going to be a lot more freeLC or at least some decent DLC down the line to maybe look forward to

Progress story

Anybody playing with a gamecube controller? Looking to try for local play with friends but fuck buying Switch Controllers.

I didn't even noticed I haven't unlocked him yet. He is unlocked second half of the story. I was just pumped I finally unlocked my team of: IF, Ghost Rider, Wolverine, Doctor Strange.

Does the game have any complementary material/lore/comic covers/character biographies? I recall learning a lot about Marvel lore in MUA1.

At the very least the game can make fun of itself. Taking the Saturday Morning Cartoon feel makes characters interacting fun to watch. More enjoyable than MVCI'S horrific dialogue.

To be honest Thane has always been a fucking shitty character.

Ehh. I like the Infinity Armor he wears.

>He is unlocked second half of the story.

I hated starting off with the Guardians. I fucking hate MCU Guardians. At least it's better now that I'm playing the Avengers. Got a team going of Iron Man, BW, Thor, and Hulk right now and mostly playing my boy Tony. Probably going to go Defenders once I unlock them, plus the Doc. Until I get African Vibranium Ryu Hayabusa.

There's a Gallery Mode but it ain't much

>Hating the GotG
>Hating the MCU GotG to boot
>liking WE WUZ KANGS Panther

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I shutter to ask for actual gameplay advice in this thread but here goes. What hexagon are you all investing in first for the lab? I am thinking the energy one mainly for the easy leveling of alts but also since energy runs out so fast on my heroes. I have been sprinkling Mastery and vit as well.

Mobile tier garbage, a 13 years old game (the first one) is way better.


Agreed it really does, looks awful too like dunno how they made it look so bad.

I hope this is bait.

>liking Redditors of the Galaxy

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>tfw loved the first two and was hype for this
>ends up being complete garbage

Fuck this. Team Ninja and Nintendo were a mistake, this should have been made by an American dev if not the original studio themselves.

0/10, they're the best characters in the MCU and by far the best version of those characters on top of that. Their comic counterparts fucking suck.

Can we get a vs mode? I just want to fight people.

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The point was he's a deep ass cut. I only knew about him because of MAA.

Doubt the original team exists unlike Retro Studios and Metroid Prime

Did the rerelease of the original game release physically cause I want to track that down instead of buying this one

I meant the Black Panther part.

>Did the rerelease of the original game release physically
No. Good luck.

What gives you enhancement points for the alliance enhancement?

>Psylockes run and walk animations
Shame her durability is so low.

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Say this on Reddit and see how many autist sperg out over it

Leveling up

They would've gone full Brie Larson designs on Captain Marvel and the rest and still had the same shit game design since they have to remake all the features the first 2 did from scratch instead of build off their own coding

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No wonder you faggots defend this. You guys have been indoctrinated

They'll just dismiss anything that's not what they all believe

Pretty sure the consensus everywhere is that the game is bad, because it is.

Pretty much. You can't even be critical with the game. They will literally foam in their mouths. It's amusing. The game is subpar at best which shit frame rate and everyone will defend it and tell you are wrong.

I want to do unholy things to Psylocke's ass.

So you admit to never touching an MUA game or Legends game in your life then? Good on you. Should have been there for Legends, quite the phenomenon.

Just imagine. This is a tame comment and he still got shitted down

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>it okay for this game to run like fucking shit because a decade old game also runs like fucking shit
You people are beyond help. The fuck is wrong with you faggots? This game has no excuse to run at smooth 30. Shit dips as far as 19 in handheld mode and mid 20s to 20 while docked. Resolution is a mess since its dynamic and its constantly changing

proud to be a nintenbro

Nintendies are delusional. That's not specifically a reddit problem, and is in fact worse here, just look at the defense force drones in this thread trying to protect this disaster.

Again, if you're talking about the big super moves having slowdown, they kept that shit even in 2. At this point it's a part of its identity and an intentional thing. If it's cutscenes, it's no excuse.

Not him, but it's at all times. And yes, including cutscenes. The game's performance is dogshit despite having literal phone game graphics.

Super moves are not the only thing taking frames. Some skills and the amount of shit going on the screen dips you hard. How the fuck is having horrible frame dips a "series staple" let alone okay?

I hope the hard mode changes what bosses do. The Dr. Strange fight was cool as shit but most of the bosses before that are way too easy.

You fit better at r/MAU3 with their circlejerk.

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what games are similar to maa but with a bit more depth in combat

>Super moves are not the only thing taking frames
And I clearly said that shit isn't okay. Only slowdowns with supers make sense. That is why I said beyond that is no excuse.

Kamala embiggens one of my body parts if you catch my drift

On the Switch? Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes.

The Diablo series and all of its clones such as Titan Quest, Grim Dawn, and Path of Exile.

>wanted to go back to 1 and 2
>the new ports were delisted last year
>they only lasted 2 years on the digital stores
what the fuck

Because Team Ninja cant optimize worth a shit on any console

Wonderful 101

>This fucking reaching for port begging
Days Gone runs like ass on PS4, does that mean its a timed exclusive as well?

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Activision lost the Marvel license. The Deadpool game got delisted too.

Bullshit lies.
This video shows the first 2 MUA games ran and looked like ass on both PS3/360 AND PS4/X1

I was hoping this game might have helped recapture the fun and feeling of Marvel Heroes at least a little bit, but nope, it's just shit. I miss that game man ;_;

>another game where performance is fucked in handheld
That undockable switch lite sure is turning into a brilliant idea

Performance is fucked even while docked

i picked it up on amazon a couple months ago, check there

That game looks even worse than this one.

>the dlc was only around for 1 month before it got delisted

No it doesn't. Absolutely delusional post. That game already looks like it has way more fun gameplay than this trash.

That game doesn't look like it has gameplay at all.

That game didn't even show any gameplay really. Just bootleg mcu and manfaced Widow.

It's weird, because Bloodborne also has frame dips, yet these people don't even bat an eye, but they will be the first in line to tell you how bad any game runs on the Switch.

It's not like the previous games ran well.

They showed actual gameplay at Comic Con today. Attendees only, but you might find leaked footage somewhere. It looks fun and way, way deeper and more engaging than this garbage. Thor basically looks like he plays like Kratos in the new God of War, Hulk is straight forward just crushing everything and reminds me of Ultimate Destruction, and Iron Man was a bit like a third person shooter with lots of repulsor blasts and missiles. It is looking good.

>Slower, shitty "cinematic" version of the same boring one button beat em up shit, but with worse visuals and less color.

Seriously, you've gotta have a vendetta against the Switch to even imply Crystal Dynamics' turd doesn't look awful even in comparison to this shovelware.
Yeah, looks great.

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>It is looking good
It's looking pretty generic gamplay-wise

Yikes. This Nintendie defense force shit is fucking sad.

This game was a waste of a slot on The Game Awards. Kind of pissed me off a bit. You think they're going to try to show something more exciting like the BotW sequel or Bayonetta 3 info, but it's just... this. Whatever.


Go see a doctor, your anus must be bleeding a lot.

Fuck Nintendo, but also fuck Crystal Dynamics. They're worse than post-Itagaki Team Ninja.

So who are some of the most fun heroes you have tried so far?

For me I was surprised at how much I like the hulk in this game. Games tend to make bricks boring but his ability to charge up attacks and the animations are actually good.

Strange has awesome looking skills but feels weak

Ghost rider has been fun as fuck as well. Wish you could ride his cycle while moving through the level.

Sad that Spidey is boring and weak. Captain America has the best buff and synergy starters but other than that he is meh. Wolverine is wolverine but his healing is nearly worthless in this game.

Scarlet Witch is pretty fun and quite strong. Hulk is practically a necessity for bosses and heavy enemies since no one breaks the stamina gauge as effectively as him and he hits normal enemies hard. Iron Fist is fun. Also, I have no idea who Crystal is but she's hot as fuck.

Yeah Hulk actually made the game fun by bypassing the spongey stagger gauge. I wish most heroes could do almost as much as him to the stagger.

I like Danny, Luke, Matt, and Wanda. Wolverine is my main hero though.

>nintendo publishes a game where pplaying it undocked is total garbage
>make a switch which only plays undocked

what the FUCK did they mean by this?


>Hate Kamala with a passion
>She's fun to play in-game
Why does this always happen

What? I was trying to start actual conversation about the game instead of shit posting

Open your eyes, user. Kamala a cute and fun.

she looks like a female Dio

>Kratos in the new God of War
Over the shoulder melee with a magnetized player character that slides to each next enemy is absolutely the shittiest combat imaginable. I'm not even here to defend MUA3 I don't give a shit. The Avengers game looks like shit too.

Having a real conversation on a game on v? A rare sight.

Is there viewtiful Joe?

Been playing it for a few hours.

>every character feels different and fun to use. Only characters that felt the same so far was Spider Gwen and Miles but they are both Spideys so whatever
>camera can be a bitch sometimes (playing by yourself and with heroic camera helps a bit)
>trials are nice side things to do
>few hidden crates to look for. Nothing important just usually art or exp but still fun to look out for
>breaking stuff in the environment gives credits, and A.I. walks around breaking shit when you walk in a room which I was surprised/happy about
>synergy system mixes it up a bit even if they aren't flashy like in MUA2 (its also used to open certain crates so sometimes you'll need a specific character for it)
>I like the added alliance sphere grid. Just something nice to work towards along with leveling up characters and moves
>FPS can get shitty sometimes and stay away from playing it handheld mode
>game is easy but I never considered the MUA games to be difficult
>holy shit Hulk, Wasp, Iron Fist, and Spider Gwen decimates everything (this isn't a negative I just think they are really good)

Overall I think it's okay. Probably not a $60 but definitely a $40-$30 game if you like Marvel stuff. I'd even say better then MUA 1 and 2? It also helps that I replayed those games a few months ago in anticipation for this, and I was in for a rude awakening when they weren't as great as I remembered.
1 definitely does beat this game out in content, costumes, etc. Pretty much all the extra flashy stuff. So I'll give it that.

Anna-Marie, aka "Rogue" from the X-Men.

Power: absorbs powers, memories, and life force by skin-to-skin contact. The longer the contact the longer the absorbtion effect lasts. Contact for too long can kill the other. She can copy powers temporarily after touching another person with powers.

Her character arc for a long time was lonliness since she could never touch a person without hurting/killing them. She eventually learned to control her power and is able to do something simple like holding someone's hand.

>makes games that still look amazing today and they ran at 60fps
>made Ninja Gaiden Sigma for the vita play like butter

Yeah, sure, it's Team Ninja's fault, not the literal phone hardware

Imagine getting a handjob from that


Pretty fun for me hoenstly
But sometimes I can’t play well cause I have to pause to stare at every females fat fucking ASS

how did she learn to do that without testing it on the living? what's the most powerful character she absorbed?

I like Danny but he dies so fast

Who else took ass pictures with the switch’s camera button
Be honest cmon

I found a +1000 vitality ISO-8 somewhere that helps him a lot, upgraded it to be close to +1500.

So far Scarlet and Hulk are pretty much must haves since they're so effective. I'm still figuring out my other 2 but Kamala also seems like she's worth keeping on a team. I thought Hulk would be shit but he's actually really good. I feel like I'm the only one who likes Hulk enough to have wanted to use him in general.

I couldn't resist, Spider-Gwen and Crystal are so fucking sexy. Scarlet Witch too, but her cape hides her ass.

I like Hulk and was planning on using him before too, but he's definitely way stronger and more fun that I expected him to be.

I like She-Hulk more in general but Bruce is OK. I like a run here or there and Planet Hulk was fun. The movies kind of killed my love for the character though, Mark Ruffalo is such a boring actor.

Hulk is great in this game, except for the fact that he's a manlet for some reason. Half the characters are taller than him kek

>most powerful
In the 90's show, it was Ms. Marvel/Carol Danvers and it gave her flight and super strength for the longest time till she lost it due to reasons. After that, I'm not sure.

Wasp booty

I only found a +500 Strength ISO and put it on Wolverine. All the others I have are pretty common.

They’re gonna enslave Koei Tecmo to improve performance

I like that you made a sarcastic post and then posted the shit”created for diversity” character

Your based.

>Try out online
>Play as Cap
>Other three people are Wolverine, Hulk, and Thor
Thor is running at 2 fps
>Doesn't matter because all enemies are calculated on your side
Nice to have a game where Nintendo's shitty online doesn't ruin it.

The games were always shallow
It’s about “Aw shit capeshit being cape shit”
You either like it or you don’t

Why does this series have absolutely no continuity?
>Ultimate Alliance 1 ends with tease that Black Widow is a traitor
>Ultimate Alliance 2 completely drops that has shit about Skrulls secretly infiltrating
>Ultimate Alliance 3 completely drops that has a tease about Galactus coming
So what completely unrelated event will 4 tease during its story that has no involvement from Galactus?

Attached: metoo.png (1037x296, 605K)

I’m taking a break but me and my boy Troy are having a good time

Pretty much what constantly happens
Hopefully the lite will calm the poorfag masses

Don't mind me, just flying to the "least use character" position!

Attached: Falcon.jpg (725x555, 87K)

Any time Kamala was on screen and opened her mouth i skipped the cutscene.

Besides her character, i enjoyed everything else about the game.

>My boy blade is back
Say no more I’m sold.

I played with everyone but her. I plan on keeping it that way.

If you like Zelda, Hyrule Warriors is very good for just turning your brain off as long as you play the story mode. Adventure mode will require some brain and actually is tough and frustrating on harder challenges due to RNG, but story mode is ez pz, has tons of fanservice, and is fulla just mowing down mooks.
I've played up to Avengers Tower in MUA3 and Friendly mode is pretty easy but I wouldn't describe it as turn your brain off. Something about it is tiring I guess. All the flashy lights or maybe the frame rate or something.

>putting Blade and Morbius on the same team together
that seems like an odd choice

1's tease ended with Galactus too
Didn't Widow's traitor thing get resolved as a side plot

Go be mentally ill somewhere else. She’s a god damn cartoon character.

>playing this game in Handheld
dear god no

>bragging about owning a baby toy
based and poor

>calling others children

>owns a switch
OH NONONO HAHA based tendie!

A cute cartoon

Durability is a useless stat in the game. Vitality is what makes or breaks someone.

Bloodborne's load times and fps drops were absolutely maligned on here before patches improved on both significantly. I still can't believe FromSoft is making us hold out for their PS5 remaster or whatever they plan on doing to make a 60fps Bloodborne, but as it's now it's bretty gud

Haven't even used him yet and I just finished the Dark Dimension. I'll get around to it eventually.

Did the writers add her as a joke character? I noticed a lot of her lines seem to be her trying to political and not funny...

Which is not helping Marvel sell her comics.

For some reason, the infinity trials that require you to use a certain character swap out your first team member for that character without checking to make sure that they're not already on the team. I haven't tested myself, but I read on *that* website that having multiples of the same character on a team makes them level faster, too

She's in the game. Cope.

Spider-Man is alright but Spider-Drone sucks and you really have to get a feel for his combos. His aerial web balls melt health bars

When did they take the 1st game off steam? I was hoping on getting it at some point

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I refuse to use Kamala because i hate her comics and character but hopefully they add Mr.fantastic or Super Skrull as dlc. (they both can stretch)

Just pirate it
You gotta dig hard to find the update/DLC though

Her comics don’t sell Cope.

I never liked his looks in the comics. MCU is better but he's completely unarmored

Maybe it’ll get a performance patch

You can still buy full price digital codes on Amazon that'll activate on PSN. Not sure about PC or Xbox but as I understand it the PC version of the new ports sucked major dick

Attached: brains.jpg (773x678, 39K)

The real problem isn't the game or the console being shit
The real problem is that anything MARVEL is fucking garbage

amazon says it will be here by 11pm today and it sitll hasn't even arrived in my state from texas

Does that still work even if it's delisted, i don't really want to gamble 60$ on that.

That pic doesn’t make any sense.
Ms.Marvel was created to a obsessed fan Muslim girl of Captain Marvel (after feminist and sjw’s turned her into a boring feminist dyke) who was widely hated especially after her boring live action movie.

It makes no since to like any of these characters because they are solely political based intro’s into the marvel universe. Hell if you read why Kamala Khan was created, it shows very clearly that she was meant to be a feminist, leftist, Muslim icon and a not great super hero with a cool power and interesting back story.

They never even gave her a arch nemesis. Her comics are mainly her hanging out or social issues.

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I didn't know this bitch could use gear third as well.

>Square Enix published game featuring 3 completely different styles of gameplay
>Not a terrible fucking sign

They just fine until MCU made those awful live action movies about them. They have been based off the shit live action persona’s ever since.

Tasteless faggot.
I barely like platformers in general but I’ll be tar and feathered if I didn’t say I enjoyed the fuck out of odyssey
Just everything was awesome
The way Mario moves the music hold NES rumors coming to life
>You can become Bowser and break 4 blocks at once
Seeing that come to fruition was pure sex

She's basically a gimped version of Mister Fantastic

For Spider-Man you have to learn to dodge and spam his air attack. He's terrible at chipping stagger but the air attack eats through health bars.


If you don't believe me, then compare your high level character with a low level character. I have a character who has 2,000 more durability than another character, yet melee hits both of them for the same amount of damage. Anyone who doesn't believe me, should test it their self. They release this fucking game broken?

Yes the codes still work. Theoretically they should work through to at least the end of 2019 since people have bought some this year in anticipation for MUA3, they've worked, and digital codes usually expire on Dec 31st

Is there anything more embarrassing than the defensive image reply?

I believe you. I haven't noticed any fucking difference in health and attack damage after upgrading many times from when I had none. Probably entirely arbitrary numbers.

She’s not Muslim though, Muslim isn’t a race you know

He probably keeps those images on his computer because he loses a lot of arguments. He probably has a big folder of them as backup.

Sure, thinking that a company that has made games that perform better on far weaker with far more pronounced bottlenecks is being limited by hardware.

That's right OP. One week and we'll be playing a chad's game.

Attached: xxlorenzxx.png (960x960, 945K)

I have a save where I didn't spend any enhancement points, I been beating the game without any upgrades so I can do calculations on how effective each stat is to determine what is the best build. So I fucking know damn well that these stats don't fucking do shit. I am going to try a 5,000 difference in durability next and if there's no fucking difference then fuck these developers for trolling us.

She can’t, the artist keep drawing her hands big because it makes her stand out in pictures. They knew that her character alone looks boring and has a terrible costume thus makes us not care what her power is unless the show it. She doesn’t have cleavage because she’s muslim and that’s why everyone else obsesses over the the other female characters but not her.

P.S. Fuck Islam.

I used codes bought through amazon for delisted games on Steam and it worked

is that thane? your telling me the game has stats but they are irrelevant!??!!

>that doctor strange battle
is just me or that was a much harder than it should be?

Attached: 1561586103208.jpg (960x960, 91K)

>infinity henshin
That's how you know this was made in Japan.


Yep. What threw me off though is that when you level up, you DO notice a difference in damage, a significant difference. but when you buy the fucking nodes there's no difference. I can upload a video for proof if you want. 3,000 difference in durability/resilience and get hit for the same fucking damage.

Wait until you fight the Dread Dormammu. Haven't gotten a Game Over yet.

Your literally fucking lying. She was created solely for diversity reasons and nothing else. She’s a shit character and a shit skin.

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Link to that vid or are you going to post a pic? Because if your right i’m just going to wait for this game to go on sale for cheap instead......

I thought it was all in my head. I have been putting in energy and mastery shit and my heroes run out of energy just as fast and do it seems just as much dmg. I really hope this is a bug that they will fix in a patch next week... or that the stats matter at max level.

Why do people here find Ms. Marvel attractive? Her costume is retarded looking and her hairstyle sucks. Not a sexy character at all.

>game filled with particle effects and detailed character models on screen with a wide "field of view"
>running on phone hardware
>dev is expected to do voodoo magic to make it work
>not even the first time this happened

Yes, cardboard-kun, they just aren't taking enough of advantage of the powerhouse that is the switch.

You must be fun at parties.

Despite all that, her original run was bretty good.

So it's a worse game than 1 and 2? Thanks for saving me money.

This is the same shit EA and Bioware pulled with Anthem where the stats and numbers meant nothing and all the starter gear was actually stronger than the end game stuff. Totally fabricated facade of progress and character growth but does nothing.

What? Nintendies were pushing another shit shovelware because they are starved for games? What?

She's cute

I’ve been playing it undocked and it feels fine to me

They poorly budgeted resources for the Switch, if not outright poorly optimized the game, there are better looking games that run better.

mistique it's very built girl

It’s okay to take a loss. I’m glad you understand that she’s a shit diversity character now with a power other better characters have.

Wow. We really are in the midst of children.

I actually like her and her movie but good for you son.

It means they are going to release an always docked switch.

It was never top selling so no. People brought her 1st couple of issues because they heard Marvel was making a new character and wanted to see what she was about. After they found out she was just a diversity feminist her comic sales never recovered and it got sooo bad her creator abandoned her due to low sales.

Compared to every other female in the

The other girls are sexy

Don’t ask Kamala khan posters that question. They always say she’s cute and are just shit posting. They don’t even read comics.

Imagine she shrank her fist then stuck it up your butt then inflated it back up to that size.

I used him once in the first level and he's really fun to use. I just don't like Falcon much so didn't use him again.


There's a lot of assumption in this post.

She doesn’t have a movie you low iq ape. I said CAPTAIN MARVEL had the shit boring movie not Kamala. Fucking learn to read instead of thinking “Cute,cute,cute,CUTE”, every two seconds.

Kamala isn’t anything but a shit skinned Muslims. Go try to preach islam else where....

Why are you so assblasted about Kamala, user? Seriously? You mention her a lot despite hating her so much.

She's Cyclops' cum-rag dumbass.

How me a video of these performance issues


Elisa got a dick

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my only gripe so far with it and im in shadowlands (not very far i know) but the FUCKING CAM, fucking keeps fucking doing stupid shit when me and a friend play or even when its just me and im near a wall

What is the most important stat in the game? I plan on maining Ms.Marvel.

Jesus that's a big clit

sorry but chadclops only bangs psychics

Attached: 1560684394809.jpg (300x300, 21K)


This game has possibly the worst camera issues of any game in the last 15 years

>Yea Forums doesn't play games
It's such a sad state.

Did you play MUA 2?


She’s not even the bottom of the 200 comics sales list for 2019. Her books are trash.

I literally laughed my ass off when I saw this in the game.

The “Don’t main Muslim scum” stat

She one of the reasons Marvel’s sales keep going down. Diversity was at some point pushed as Marvel’s #1 goal and making shit characters like Kamala hurt their pockets by wasting comics on her.

the camera is fucking awful

You sure making spiderman sell his marriage to mephisto has nothing to do with it?

Speaking of cum, it would be really great if someone wrote a fanfic comic about Kamala getting kidnapped and then brutally tortured and raped by muslim men for her being a feminist, pro lgbt and not praying everyday which muslims actually hate.

I'm interested in playing it since it looks fun and I have fond memories of playing X-Men Legends and MUA1 back in the day, but I'm gonna wait until it's $30. Hopefully being Nintendo-published won't mean the price will never drop like every other Nintendo game.

Yup. Very disappointed, this could have easily been a great game and it's just garbage. What a waste.

forgot pic. My bad.

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Holy God I hate the purple aim guys so much. Almost no time to react, one shot takes over half your health. Poison clouds everywhere. Mighty difficulty was a mistake.

When do you fight AIM dudes? I just beat Dormammu.

Nintendo didn't develop the game. They also said the only character they had to beg to get permission was Elsa.

after attilan which is short.

Hulk's actually seeing a resurgence in popularity among comic nerds since Immortal Hulk has been pretty good so far

>this is going to hurt me more than it does you

>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 developed by Team Ninja and published by Nintendo exclusively for Nintendo Switch
I'm still baffled that this game exists but I'm not complaining

>mechanically worse than a 10 year old game

Will a bigger waste of a slot ever exist?

Attached: marvel_ultimate_alliance_3_crystal_by_steeven7620_ddao2w1-pre.png (721x1108, 1.13M)

I played it for about an hour. It's mediocre at best. It does nothing great, most things are okay or bad.

When she was a bad guy, she absorbed Miss Marvel's powers long enough to send her into a coma, permanently giving her Miss Marvel's superstrenght and flight powers

>Basic attacks change to the element of the last ability used
I can't 100% hate her

Normally I would disagree but it cost the slot of Black Bolt or Medusa or hell any of the Royals not named Gorgon.

It's not a Nintendo game, fucking idiots.

Why would a Capcom character be in a Nintendo-exclusive Team Ninja Marvel game?

We're talking about a game with three Spider-Mans AND Venom here.

There was indeed loot in MUA1, look it up you fucking moron

Nintendo Published.

Black Bolt and Medusa are coming as a free update.

Is this confirmed or just speculation due to the files being found?

Still just speculation
He'll probably come along with the fantastic four update


She's based

Your playing it at the absolute lowest level. Which is weird cause you can crank up the difficulty whenever you want and make it as hard as you like. Trying to get high scores on the ladder and shit you actually have to know how to play, group enemies, avoid bad fights, and manage defensive cooldowns.

If they cut Miles it would have been fine.

Capcom has a 39 year track record of bending the knee whenever Marvel asks them to, I wouldn't be surprised if they have to prostrate themselves after every meeting with the Mouse

>hottest girl in the game
>wasted slot


Why are you telling me what i did? I played it on the highest difficulty available the moment it became available and then i went up to inferno 3 before losing interest, difficulty is just a gear check anyway and playing on hardcore when there's bosses with enrage timers is just asking you to never play a difficulty until you can faceroll it unless you want to die, which is what everyone does. I even played a character on Inferno 1 from the start.

I played on PS3 so there was none of that ladder stuff, just sounds like score autism.

I'm at work now, I'll gladly post a video, I just have to learn how to record on switch. Expect it in an upcoming thread at least.

Well your talking about story mode, which no one even plays. D3 is all about playing rifts and doing big damage, decimating hordes of enemies and shit while going fast as fuck. Once your actually doing high end rifts there is a bit of skill in managing your skills and navigating rifts/picking fights. Its extremely easy to get killed if you position yourself badly.

>score autism/gear check
The only reason anyone plays. Its the loop of killing shit, getting better gear, and killing stronger shit for better gear. If you don't like it's just not for you which is understandable.

Ok apparently after quick google switch has built in record function. I'll upload the video tomorrow, or the next day. (I am thinking I want to make the video more detailed to show definitive proof that the stats don't work)

>couple of rifts

I just want to say the first rifts are a million times easier than the later rifts. That's a bit unfair assessment.

If it triggers you what color is her skin, then I'm gonna main her harder.

Tanks a bunch.

Muslim isn’t a skin color you stupid reject. Don’t confuse my posts for others that hate Kamala.


Damn you got even more triggered. This works for me, all I had to do was pick a cute girl and you get mad for it. Damn.

F4 is DLC as is another X-Men pack
Based of them to add Cyclops and Colossus for free as well as actual alt costumes. They were probably cut
from launch duee to time constraints.
This game could have been perfect with a few more months in the oven.
The "Complete Edition" would just be the base game and the $20 Season Pass.
So just buy the pass.

Cute girl? Where?

I don't know about nodes, but ISO-8 definitely makes a noticeable difference. I can equip a 1500 strength ISO-8 on a melee hero and their attacks will hit for more. Also everything seems to stack. On my main hero I have +15% melee damage, +10% strength, and +1500 strength and I kill stuff faster than I did before I bothered upgrading ISO-8.

Ms.Marvel. I dig her type.

Though I'm gonna have to get Psyloche too when I unlock her.

I just unlocked the bios for the characters from the 2nd stage. Kind of interesting that Nick Fury is acknowledged to be Fury Jr.

I like the game, just reached the Dark Dimension and I'm having a bit of fun.

The rest of the characters aren't Ultimate or MCU based so it had to be Nick Jr.

Attached: IMG_20190719_113930.jpg (1280x720, 243K)

Any cute girl deserves to be there, remove falcon, who cares.

The game's titled Marvel Ultimate Alliance, they could have gotten away with having Black Fury Sr., but them acknowledging black Fury as Jr. makes me hopeful that we'll see white Fury at some point.

I care

He's in

>Wow a button masher only kids would like is good at best and boring at worst
Nintendo needed a Superhero button masher for kids while the MCU is at its peak right now. Go back to bitching about Breath of the Wild and Mario

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I watched every trailer for this game before it came out and I still have no idea what hype this was supposed to build and what it's supposed to be. Who is this for?


Like all Marvel Ultimate Alliance games, for casuals who like Marvel Characters and kids who want to play Couch Co-Op

>amazon said they will deliver today by 11 pm
>its already 8 pm
>it hasn't even arrived in my state

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It's not a Musou and was never meant to be a Musou you weeb shitter; it's a 90's arcade beat-em-up in 3D without quarters. It's supposed to feel like the X-Men cabinet or TMNT and not your Lu Bu simulators.

your best bet is on console. pc is terrible even pirating.

>grunt enemies throw you around by a simple attack

>portable mode is so blurry you can't see faces

>spam the same three attack to do the same combo

damn this game is rough

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> that 2D portion of the Kingpin level with the sihouettes

literal capekino

I don’t read comics or watch marvel cartoons but from my first time witnessing this character........she’s pretty lame and cringe. He lines were abnormally corny and her costume looks like trash. Her stats are okay, but that’s all that she has going for her. I wish they replaced her She-hulk instead.

Attached: D_4q7VTUwAAS4_B-1-1.jpg (410x631, 77K)

I know this is nitpicking, but I really wish something could be done about Thanos' voice actor. It's a powerful bass, yes.... but it feels silly. There's no depth to drive it other than 'deep voice for deepness'.

That probably doesn't make sense, but the voice is still rather lame.

Also, Steve doesn't seem like a good fit for Venom, either.

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The ps4 and xbox one versions are terrible like all the other console releases

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-18-01-17-55-1.png (414x630, 287K)

Not really. Good looking females are nice but we all know they were never the driving force for this. You think about “Muh dick” too much

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-18-01-10-15-1.png (499x679, 294K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-18-00-30-43-1.png (318x364, 137K)

He should be. I’m a DC guy but from what it looks like, this “Diversity and Feminist” movement is hurting sales on both sides.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-18-01-08-49-1.png (193x366, 107K)

>all women have a women of marvel buff
>nothing universal for the men though..
game is literally telling me to make a waifu harem team

Attached: 1563444852749m-1.jpg (329x575, 50K)

Yeah I don't know jack either desu but she's right in my wheelhouse in terms desu.

I also love She Hulk btw, especially when she's voiced by that disney show chick

en la fortaleza el switch coge buena wifi

That ninja level was REALLY fucking fun and I'm really liking my Defenders + Ms. Marvel team.

Honestly, the more I play, the more I like it. It's not the greatest thing ever, but it's fun. I've never played a musou game aside from demos, but it feels like what a musou game always seems like to me.

I just want to unlock Black Panther and Dr. Strange already.

>the graphics are smooth and pretty
>all the girls have shapely bodies and nice faces
>everyone's favorites are here, they got a bunch of deep cuts, and there are even more on the way


Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-19-11-43-26-1.png (402x817, 444K)

I think about your dick the right amount.

Naw I feel you. Personally my favorite is the old capcom one. And Josh Brolin sounds cool as hell but there's no way they could get him.

Black Bolt would be too OP

>everyone's favorites are here

Not the most important one.

Attached: squirrel girl.jpg (631x800, 55K)

How does it compare to 1? Is it worth 60?

That guys been voicing thanos in cartoons for ages

>Ricky usando wifi
Ok ya eso es demasiado que lo saquen pal carajo

No, it's garbage. Don't get memed by weeb incels and Nintendie shills, the game is shit and not on par with the originals at all.

There's barely any RPG mechanics/customization compared to 1 but the actual gameplay feels a lot better
It's hit or miss

I fucking hate this, I fucking hate docked mode

Thank you! The old Capcom voice sounded great!

I really wouldn't know. The last good Marvel cartoon I watched was Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

Playing with the wife, its best when playing co-op

>not on par with the originals at all.
Damn nigger, that's a real nice joke.

Attached: yamazaki-laughinghard.gif (122x125, 23K)

wrong zoom zoom

Attached: X-men-legends.jpg (1280x1024, 156K)

It's alright, nothing special. Not worth 60 bucks though. It did get me in a Marvel mood though so I suppose it did the job that Disney was hoping for

I was tempted to keep Thor on my team because he shreds through shit like it's wet toilet paper.

How do you synergy link when playing coop? We conly get the prompts with AI partners and not each other. Trying to break down a secret door in the Raft

>wasted slot because she’s not mcu
Fuck off movie fag ranged elemental girl is based


What makes 3 better than the original?

alright then. I won’t waste money on it

Question, am I supposed to be switching teams? I like to try new characters, but would like to stick to a specific team eventually, would that break the game? (my team most used team has a way too high level or something like that)

Pick two main characters and then two low levels so you can get the alliance points from leveling all the characters up.

I want to fuck Doreen

That guy is a disgruntled individual that doesn't own a switch. Especially considering he used the word incel.

>diablo clone with a marvel coat of paint

who would have thought?

i like it

Is there a threshold with the low levels that you should switch for others? Also fuck xp cubes are rare and you only get 1 per trial after beating it.

in that line specifically, she's an young, impressionable youth parroting things she doesn't fully understand

Controls, camera and fighting feels better

Reminder Colossus and Cyclops don't have files

Fury is white in MUA1 and MUA2

The MCU has not been kind to Hulk

Is Diablo worth getting into if I Like this game? Is the switch port of 3 any good?

Maybe if you like the braindead but enjoyable combat
2's a lot better if you want proper customization/builds

If you like this game definitely. D3 RoS ihas a lot more content. If you haven't played d2 you will love the game. I think it was good for what it i

Also he's been actively refreshing this thread to tell more people the game is bad. I am willing to bet you that he samefagged and replied to himself to convince people that his persuasion is working.

To be honest, I'm looking for something that's like a fun beat 'em up. But something with more customization sounds fun too.

D3 has you taking out a bunch of monsters at once especially near the end game. If you like to feel like a God and have some customization (a lot more than MUA3 but less than D2) go for it.

Assmad shill. Fucking yikes. Sent.

>only speaks in buzzword

How much of a useless bum do you have to be, to devote your life to this. Willing to bet your disabled autistic ass is going to join future threads also.