Hey Yea Forums I am shit at computers, is the following with case worth 460 eur?
>Dell Optipex 7010
>Intel Core i7 3770
>16 GB Kingston
>Gainward GTX 1060 6GB OC
>256 GB SSD
>Seagate Barracuda 500Gb HDD
Hey Yea Forums I am shit at computers, is the following with case worth 460 eur?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, its actually a pretty good deal user.
That thing was used for cryptomining, wasn't it.
wrong board. also no one cares how shit you are at googling things.
nu /v disgusts me more every day.
Looks good to me.
Also fuck off to /r/
For the price that's an amazing setup.
Yeah the gpu is really solid, the cpu is the one thing getting old but for that price I'll buy it
It’s a good deal. Enjoy it while you can you ugly tranny.
what the fuck I thought computers are videogames???
now that you mention it, possible
guy has been selling similar set ups for a year now with bit differences like asus 1050Ti 4Gb instead and lower price
Yes just for the graphics card
It's good but you should be careful about buying used pcs.
New? Yes.
Used? Maybe, it could be burnt out
It's good
Kill trannies
>reddit spacing
I want to kissu Ueno-san
This is bait right? Everything is shit. Stop triggering me with this shit bait. Fuck off
She's very Funny
kill yourself promtly
shh amerifat
>implying a single double linebreak is reddit spacing
Enjoy fitting in.
seething redditnigger
go back already
ur welcom
no one was using 1060s unless they wanted to lose money
>4 core in 2008 + 11
you were doing so well then i saw the 580
Make sure you have a PSU that can handle it. 500w SFF.
I want to kiss her cunny
Is this a thinly veiled loli thread?
that's fucking rad get it
I want to deep tongue kiss her cunny!
You're right, 570 is the better value.
JCs are not lolis user
doesn't mean anything when it's running games like shit. nice to see you added a psu this time
You will be King of Potatoes
I want to marry my tongue to Ueno-sans cunny! My tongue and her cunny forever after!
an FSP 400W 80+ is also included in the price and 1 year guarantee on the CPU and RAM
also pre-built with win10 and drivers installed(but that doesn't matter much)
some parts have the original box too
and pic related with it's faggy lights
anyway, thanks all, I'll consider it then
my elitebook 8460p was getting a bit too old now, hell I could never play even dow2 properly on it
beggars can't be choosers
They are.
the cheapest 1060 on amazon is 300 dorrars so its pretty good price user chan
>value doesn't matter in a budget build
Don't shitpost using my wife thanks
Why are JCs so healthy?
no retard i said value doesn't matter when the gpu itself sucks dick, you realize it's for gaming right? dense mong.
It's a good gpu for 1080p gaming though
That thing can run kinda anything and at that price its bargain.
don't respond to him user
its abit over what the parts cost used, but seller gotta make profit out of non tech people.
You mean...the 5 letter word?
It's all so pointless
In my country an 1060 costs 200-250 EUR.
So, yes. It's worth it.
Yes it's a good deal, the 3770 and 1060 should still be able to play pretty much all games in 1080p.
>tfw no season 2
miku = my mouth
player = cunny
Then that thing is a fried mess, dont buy it.
I want to feed Miku every day!
It end on Y
Say it already!
I don't have all day...
Good diet and lots of exercise.
she isnt a slut, she only fucks me!
video games
Lets be honest you wouldn't want a girlfriend like Ueno.
I'd rather play with her butthole
Imagine how tight it is.
What the hell is the plot to that anime?
cunny > video games
She's a rapist
imagine slowly stretching it with your fingers until you can fit your whole tongue in there
I liked that chapter where she raped Tanaka's sensory organs. Too bad the anime skipped that, what a waste
I can't tell if you guys are joking or not
What anime is this?
Read the thread
Who knows?
Imagine feeling her butt squeezes with you tongue while you force it in.
you guys are 2 lewd
For You
460 euros? Yea thats an extremely good deal.
I'd be suspicious if it was just a Craigslist add or some shit. It could've been an amateur miner or have some issues.
it is Ueno-sans fault for being too sexy
Holy crap!
why is she wearing sexy grown up underwear
>256 GB SSD
>Seagate Barracuda 500Gb HDD
Prepare to run out of space unless you replace them both
Why is she wearing buttplugs all day?
spent the previous 5 years on 120 GB ssd
I'd easily manage on 500, don't worry
>seagate harddrive
enjoy it dying in one year
>nvidia 1060
enjoy each driver update reducing performance
okay this is a troll thread, now kindly fuck off
That's a very good deal. If its second hand you want to make sure that it's running ok though
Cunts like you set out to intentionally confuse newfags who know nothing about computers. I7 is a fine processor, works great. 1060 is a perfect GPU. OP didn't say he wanted to play the newest shit on max settings in 4k. The hard drive you've a point on, though only because its second hand.
This is too puffy!
You sleep on it when you’re full.
Must feel like heaven.
no such thing
ute loli butts