Pick your autistic bro

Pick your autistic bro

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kanji 100%. top tier bro

Tough choice but I pick Kanji


Kanji. I wasn't aware that being homosexual was due to autism. That explains why Yea Forums is so gay.

Akihiko is the only straight guy here. So him.

Akihiko > Yusuke > Kanji

Shit, tough choice. As much as I love Kanji and Akihiko, I’m gonna have to go with Yusuke.

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Yusuke, because he'd be pretty fun to hang around. Yeah, you'd have to lend him money at times, but he'd be the funniest dude around.
He's good and all, but he's too much of a fucking door mat. Like, he'd be fun to hang around if another buddy was there and they'd bicker. He'd be too nice on his own.
He'd be my gym buddy, but not my autistic bro. Outside of working out together, he'd just sit there in silence or would be doing his own shit, like we'd hang out ONLY if it was to discuss important shit. Overall too boring.

Now this is a hard choice.


>Emperor is autistic
I don't remember P1 MC being an autist

Seems like the type that would be really obnoxious to casually hangout with, as others have mentioned. Would make a good Gym bro, but terrible friend because you both work on completely different energy levels.

>The lights are on, but nobody's home. He's endearing enough, but the intellect just isn't there. He would be fun to do arts and crafts with, chilling on a nice day. But he's either too dumb to hang out for any long periods of time.

Yusuke is kind of the complete package
He has brains, drive, and his quirkiness is entertaining. About the only time he'd become obnoxious is when he gets all sentimental when I'm constantly spotting him money.

Here's the real question: who would win in a fight? Kanji or Akihiko?

I mean, Akihiko has formal training, even at the time of P3, but Kanji is a natural scrapper that casualluy takes down biker gangs because they keep his mom up at night.

Would go with Yusuke but he'd probably try to mooch some money off of me more than I'm comfortable with, going with Kanji instead

Akihiko easily but he's been flanderized the most by purseowner devs

P3D was surprisingly good. Q/Q2 and arena, not so much.

My one argument for Akihiko is that, if you can stand sitting in silence with someone that's a sign of a strong bond.

Yeah but the other spin offs redeemed themselves by having content

Yusuke since we're both poorfags and he's the only one that actively patrols thots

Debatable; but the comment was about Akihiko being flanderized. Not the content.

a\some of the symptoms of autism include either hyper-heterosexuality or homosexuality