This game is actually not bad at all

This game is actually not bad at all.
Sure it's not perfect, but it's definitely a massive step up from BF1 and BF4.
Why did you lie to me, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Actually caring about what the internet thinks of a video game

You have to experience a video game to fully judge them. Video games as a medium are very subjective

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Maybe i'm just biased because i don't care about niggers or women in videogames, aka i'm not your typical /pol/-possessed Yea Forumsirgin.

I played alot of bf1 and bfv since december last year. This game is buggy and slow as fuck and you can't deny that. I have played bfv alot tho and it really isn't as bad as everyone says but it's definitely an unfinished game. It's alot of fun especially if you have a squad.

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By November BFV will be at where it should have been at launch d e s u

I think BFV has the potential to become exceptionally good.
BF4 was also an unplayable slog at release, and despite the fact that they never fixed the problems with the gameplay itself, DICE LA ended up fixing that game to a very enjoyable and playable state.


WW2 game.and no Wake Island at launch. Not even Iwo Jima.

>Pacific Theater

Nobody cares.

>dude let's just make Assault better at everything than any other class and do more damage to tanks than even they do to each other

It was fun but I'm not touching it til Chapter 5. Something seriously wrong is going on at EA right now and its seriously affecting all of their games.

Play Forgotten Hope 2 instead of this mockery of a game

Soon, user.
(This winter, along remastered Metro)

im kinda hyped about pacific front, but even tho its overdone i wanna see the eastern front. Maybe even winter war cause they have the suomi and that other lmg.

I just wish they'd pic related

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And people give a shit about Norway and Rotterdam?

it's pretty obvious we're getting an eastern front with the russians after the pacific shit
they have leaked the winter skins already for germans and americans
i guess chapter 6 is gonna be either soviets vs japanese or soviets vs finngolia

it got alot better now compared to how it was at the start

Rotterdam has to be one of the best maps ever made for a Battlefield game.
Narvik is an unplayable abomination.

How many maps have been added since launch?

That just means you're a brainlet and can't see the wider implications.

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Then you're the target audience. REAL people care when a game is marketed as historically accurate and then you get "niggers or women" on the front line of whatever old war (I've never been interested so I don't know the details). If they just said "Yeah it's fantasy" there would be a lot less anger about it. But they didn't, they instead said "Don't like it? Don't buy it" and so we didn't and tried to make sure as many people that were willing to listen didn't.

>can't see the wider implications
Such as?

The problem is that people don't have the time or money to experience every video game in existence so they have to make a selection based upon incomplete information.

>REAL people
No true scotsman fallacy this soon?
Gee, user.

The low TTK and movement isn't convening.

i never realized how much i wanted crouch sprinting, sliding and the new prone system until i played bfv
jesus fucking christ man

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I meant in loading, menus, UI. It's pretty fast paced gameplay wise yes, i should have specified. That is actually probably why i've continued to play it for so long

I hate the revive system. Just let me jab and run.

Making the people who play it believe men and women are equal and fought side by side in historical wars for example.

pic related

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Speaking of revives, Medic is pretty much fucking useless.

Fairly sure everyone is well aware of that.
A videogame is not going to change history.

idk i like blasting people with my sten :3


Did fighter planes ever get unnerfed? Bombers were the problem, then they changed fighter ammo counts to practically nothing and made their guns like BBs against infantry and increased bomber armor.

You overestimate the historical knowledge of the average normie. They mainly believe what they see depicted in movies, games, news papers.. And equality is pushed more and more everywhere.

>EA shills are now so underpaid they don't even change the OP text anymore and go straight to copypaste

No, you overestimate yourself instead.
Starting from you using the word "normie".
You're not special nor any better than anyone else.
Being on this site is a detriment on your mental health, you are not enlightened nor redpilled.
>PEOPLUH R STOOPID! DEY BELIEVE [insert blatant retardation with strong shock value for marketing purposes] FO REAL!!!
No, they didn't.
The internet isn't the world.
>hurr durr muh npcss
You can't even begin to comprehend how stupid you actually are.

It's really not

>fictional depiction of female soldier in WW2 in fictional video game
>this is disrespectful to WW2, this is rewriting history, etc
>same as above only they’re ANIME characters and WW2 was actually CUTE and not a bloody conflict that left tens of millions of people dead after countless atrocities
>Lol that’s okay
Why does Yea Forums always fall for this blatant double standard?

Didn't your EA overlords give you a briefing as to what actually happened before you got sent to the shill mines?

because the most hardcore Yea Forumsirgins have killed themselves already
Yea Forums in 2019 is magapedes, redditors and retards that came from the 2016 elections

I fucking hate how unoptimized this game is. BFV on lowest settings gives me similar framerate to BF4 maxed out. There's no rig out there that can run it at 200fps consistently. I hate low framerates and input lag in my games and BFV has both. Why the fuck do companies focus on graphics when making online shooters, it's so fucking dumb. I mean BF4 still looks good, why halve the performance in BFV for a marginal improvement in visual quality?

Yea Forums doesn't actually care about the things it claims to care about. Those things are just proxies for the underlying real reasons. Yea Forums's hypocrisy becomes perfectly understandable when you realise that they are looking at things through a conspiracy theorist lens in which there is a shady cabal of communists/Jews/reptilians (doesn't really matter, this part varies) trying to brainwash the public through pop cultural media in order to bring down Western civilisation from within. Within this framework, Japan stands outside the system, free from corruption, so anything Japan does is okay and in line with traditional Japanese values. But if someone from the West does the same thing, it's degenerate and furthering some agenda. But you can't say that without coming across as a deranged conspiracy theorist, so they've adapted to find socially acceptable complaints instead to bitch about the things they dislike in the games they dislike without letting on why they actually dislike them.

>I'm normal
sure reddit

>This game is actually not bad at all.
how much did anyone even talk about the game?
The advertising campaign was 150% SJW and when the game came out there was some additional commentary about several blatantly dishonest ""progressive"" narratives in the game about how white european men are bigots (which you probably didn't even fucking see).

Nobody talked about the gameplay because the game never tried to sell its gameplay. The discussion was all about the politics because that's what the marketing was about.

close but still retarded

Share your hypothesis then

>when the game came out there was some additional commentary about several blatantly dishonest ""progressive"" narratives in the game about how white european men are bigots (which you probably didn't even fucking see).
I don't think anyone saw those except you in your nightmares

He's exaggerating but the game definitely never tried to sell with its gameplay in any of its advertisement.

In-game there's a story of a black regiment that was boo-hoo discriminated against by evil racist whites. There's shit like portraying assigning the black dude to digging fortifications as a racist implication that he wasn't good enough for front-line combat when that entire premise is just fucking preposterous (everyone had their roles and just did them in fact most men of any race probably would have quite happy to have been doing hard but worthwhile work away from the front lines).

They released more trailers and features dedicated to showing off and talking about gameplay than about "politics". Just because it was all Yea Forums talked about doesn't mean it was all there was to talk about.
Are you going to pretend racism didn't exist in 1914

BFV deliberately inserted a bunch of progressive narratives into the game, and overloaded their promotional materials with blatant progressive pandering.
Whether these narratives came from a cabal of bugmen or not is entirely irrelevant. The narratives are there and they pissed people off. I's not like the game was openly trying to be a fun fantasy take on WW2, it's that almost every single deviation from historical accuracy JUST SO HAPPENED to align perfectly with the progressive stack beliefs.

Japanese games don't push these narratives the same way. They sometimes have other issues and even waifushit gets criticized regularly. But you don't have every progressive value and belief about the world confirmed and promoted the way you did with BFV.

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>Are you going to pretend racism didn't exist in 1914
The racism portrayed in the game is how modern progressives believe racism to have been and how they want others to believe it to have been. It's not how racism actually was.

You misunderstand the issue. Firstly, you're not looking deep enough. Why do these "narratives" piss people off? Why do they detect them in some media in the first place but not in others? It's about the perceived source of these narratives and hence the perceived purpose. Secondly, you're missing the point that the excuses Yea Forums used in order to complain about these things (it's historically inaccurate, it's disrespectful, etc.) apply to Japanese media as well. That is precisely because the excuses don't actually touch upon the narrative.

Prove it.

this guy knows. fuck bf5

>Firstly, you're not looking deep enough.
It's called Occam's Razor. "Entities should not be multiplied without necessity."
You don't look deeper than is necessary to answer the question.
>Why do these "narratives" piss people off?
Because they promote negative stereotypes of white Europeans. They promote unrealistic feminist beliefs about reality. They consistently portray and blame sexism and racism as the most important evil, and especially the kind of routine sexism and racism that modern progressives love to have everyone on edge about.
>Why do they detect them in some media in the first place but not in others?
1. They're only present in some media, not in others. If you think you are seeing a hypocritical reaction, odds are extremely high that you are missing something about the offending narrative. And just because not every single complaining person is able to give you a 100% complete explanation of why they are upset, you wrongly assume your assessment is complete.
2. They're encouraged to detect it by outrage-marketers who WANT them to be upset, so they can write articles about how the alt-right is having meltdowns for such an innocent thing as having a woman in a videogame.
>you're missing the point that the excuses Yea Forums used in order to complain about these thin
No, I simply understand that most of the time when people complain about something, they're not able to fully articulate their reasoning. "It's not historical" is an easy thing to understand and an easy thing to say. Explaining it the way I do takes a lot more effort and most aren't even going to bother to read it much less understand (and after you write up an explanation only for a thread to have it nuked for too much political content, you stop bothering).

Not being historical in a game that at least sort of pretends to be historical is just the most obvious and easy-to-explain feature of the offending narratives.

the narratives in the game are flat-out incorrect in their portrayal of historical events, for one.

yes, so what?
the game was badly marketed, more at 12
if it wasn't for the bugs, glitches and questionable performance, the game would have been a godsend
it plays ten times better than bf1 and bf4 combines

>You don't look deeper than is necessary to answer the question.
In this case, you fail to adequately explain all the contradictions, so you have to look deeper.
>Because they promote negative stereotypes of white Europeans. They promote unrealistic feminist beliefs about reality. They consistently portray and blame sexism and racism as the most important evil, and especially the kind of routine sexism and racism that modern progressives love to have everyone on edge about.
Ah, I see you're a bit of a conspiracy theorist yourself.
>They're only present in some media, not in others.
They're not present in half as many as Yea Forums thinks, and in some that Yea Forums fails to pick up on. I am not missing anything about the "offending" narratives. I know that they have a place somewhere in the greater conspiracy theory, and that is why they are perceived as particularly heinous.
>No, I simply understand that most of the time when people complain about something, they're not able to fully articulate their reasoning.
But it's not their reasoning. It's something else than their actual reasoning. That is my point.

>Ah, I see you're a bit of a conspiracy theorist yourself.
It's not a conspiracy. Well, it might be, but again that is irrelevant. Feminism and progressive stack ideology is common knowledge and whether it's coming from a political movement, an intellectual movement, or a conspiracy is entirely irrelevant to the topic.
>But it's not their reasoning. It's something else than their actual reasoning. That is my point.
Right and and the only alternative you can come up with is conspiracy-theory crap which is because you're just as bad at this as they are. (Worse imo, since they just care about games and you actually believe you have thought about this analytically)

>the game was badly marketed, more at 12
The game being badly marketed is the answer to OP's question: "Why did you lie to me, Yea Forums?" So apparent'y

...So apparently OP didn't catch the news at 12.

there is a difference between badly marketed and people on Yea Forums shitting on it because it has le evil niggers and womynzz ruinin' mah ww2 historical gaymmzz
i dont think those people even played the game

I don't know why people are incapable of accepting that people don't like this game.

I'm a big BF fan who really enjoyed the passed few iterations of battlefield, but this one just sucks.

Have you played it?

nothing beat bf2 bf3 and bf4. I play on pc, performance is complete junk. There's no way to refund this without getting banned on origin.

Yes actually

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What is it that you didn't like?
>300 hours
That's a generous amount of hours, user.

>What is it that you didn't like?
Many, many things. I just don't care enough to post a giant list
>That's a generous amount of hours, user.
Compared to the other Battlefield games, it's nowhere near close

>Many, many things. I just don't care enough to post a giant list
Well that's not really helpful, isn't it now.
Care to list at least the biggest issues?
>Compared to the other Battlefield games, it's nowhere near close
That's personal, i guess.
300 hours is a lot for me.

>Feminism and progressive stack ideology is common knowledge and whether it's coming from a political movement, an intellectual movement, or a conspiracy is entirely irrelevant to the topic.
No, it's entirely relevant. By casting them as part of some "agenda" that you stand opposed to, you imbue them with greater meaning than is really warranted. This is the underlying narrative that makes it so that it's nefarious feminist/progressive/communist/bolshevik/Cultural Marxist/anti-white ideology whenever the West does it but just a natural result of pure creative processes when Japan does it.
>Right and and the only alternative you can come up with is conspiracy-theory crap which is because you're just as bad at this as they are.
No, you think I'm just as bad as you are, but I'm not. I've come to this conclusion through careful observation and an understanding of human psychology.
>(Worse imo, since they just care about games and you actually believe you have thought about this analytically)
See? I am, of course, the Enemy, and therefore you attribute to me all the evils that They are known for. But suffice to say that if you actually cared more about video games than about pushing your ideology, you would sound like and not like . It's another contradiction. One of the excuses. Of course the real underlying justification is that you're one of the good guys and your ideology is good, nay, the very natural order of things.

>because it has le evil niggers and womynzz ruinin' mah ww2 historical gaymmzz
that's the whole point.
Yea Forums was shitting on it because they were responding to marketing deliberately intended to provoke that reaction (at least partially). That you say this merely proves you are an NPC-programmed idiot incapable of thinking for yourself.
The miscalculation is that this shit was only supposed to trigger a handful /pol/tards and alt-right bloggers who could be used as clickbait to sell a narrative (and which dumbasses such as yourself continue to believe). Instead, it annoyed far more than they thought it would and what was supposed to be some nice viral outrage marketing turned into a class A shitstorm.

>Yea Forums was shitting on it because they were responding to marketing deliberately intended to provoke that reaction (at least partially).
>That you say this merely proves you are an NPC-programmed idiot incapable of thinking for yourself.
Actually that would make Yea Forums the NPC-programmed idiots. For fuck's sake you admit to knowing this was their marketing strategy and you still couldn't help yourselves, huh.

no scout heli no buy

t. damavand peak\sunken dragon shitter

>you are an npc because you fell for the marketing stuff
>implying it wasn't the whole of Yea Forums that fell for it
Wow, how do you even live with yourself?
Writing such incoherent inconsistent posts.
Sounds like you are the NPC, user.
Many such cases.

It's literally amazing

>No, it's entirely relevant
No, it's not and your inability to see this is why you make such a great NPC.
>By casting them as part of some "agenda" that you stand opposed to, you imbue them with greater meaning than is really warranted.
>This is the underlying narrative that makes it so that it's nefarious feminist/progressive/communist/bolshevik/Cultural Marxist/anti-white ideology whenever the West does it but just a natural result of pure creative processes when Japan does it.
Japan doesn't do it, though, that's the fucking point.

The BFV trailer was a scripted interaction depicted in a quasi-realistic manner featuring stereotypical bro-like soldier camaraderie. If you imagine manly soldiers doing manly things, that's what the BFV trailer was. Except that the man was swapped out with a woman, doing everything a man can do (and with a prosthetic limb to boot!).

That is entirely fucking different from an anime game where big-titted girls in skimpy outfits and gigantic weapons are depicted engaging in stylized melodramatic fantasy combat. The "greater agenda" is irrelevant. The simple fact is that the BFV scenario feels wrong, because it's trying but failing to realistically portray a woman like a masculine male. Japanese games blatantly juxtapose exaggerated femininity with exaggerated masculinity for maximum entertainment value.

>Actually that would make Yea Forums the NPC-programmed idiots
No, not NPCs. But yes, they're being manipulated (and in fact some of it may even have been false flags intended to spark the controversy).

I stopped caring about bf since bf4, please tell me how this the better among those nubfs

Also, often a gambit presents a lose-lose scenario. It's not as if NOT complaining would have yielded anything like a better result.
Though again, based on the fact that BFV had to be discounted so quickly after its release suggests that this particular marketing ploy backfired in a bad way.

I stopped playing BFV after 3 weeks.

No elites was the deal-breaker.

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>historically accurate
yeah, I remember the IRL battle of Rotterdam involving the British army, or when the Sturmtiger was used in the Battle of Narvik in 1940, and when everyone on both sides all had assault rifles in 1939.

>a strawman argument based on a fictional play that is itself a strawman argument

magatards can't help it. same as the captain marvel backlash, same as the black mermaid backlash.

play this game almost daily, fuck tons of fun even when i have to roll solo, the br mode is a good relaxing gametype when conquest gets to be crazy. I like nearly everything about it. Worst bit is trying to stay on top of tides of war for the new guns. I realize I can buy them fairly cheaply for CC and with 140k I could probably go a while without playing TOW but i'm too cheap for that. Gotta get me some guns.

Hopefully they learned from their mistakes, given they fired everyone involved with the marketing of BFV and the ceo of DICE has retired.

>baaawaaa i need that overpowered immortal unit to enjoy the game baaa im 12 btw
good riddance.

shit nigga I hope you aren't being paid for this



Just move on and play Hell Let Loose. It's basically BF1942 but slightly more milsim.

It balances Milsim and arcade just right IMO.

i thought firestorm was dead, user

>skipped bf1 to wait for bfv

Is it too late to get in bf1 or should I wait even longer?

bf1 is fucking garbage, user
genuinely one of the worst battlefield games ever made
did you like bf4 and wished it was better?
if yes, play bfv

further masculinization of young western women
>b-but’s it’s just vidya
>it’s just a book
>it’s just a film
>it’s just television
>it’s just school
>it’s just social media
this is how modern cultures get rekt, a bunch of little things happen simultaneously and low iq normies focus on one little thing and say ‘that’s not a big deal.’

>low iq normies
>but not me, im the redpilled masterrace overlord that can see through the lies of jewish emasculation

game is a stinking turd, anyone who plays it can smell it. almost a year since release and it probably has more bugs now than then, worse bugs at that.

Yeah I bought it when I saw BF4 on pc was pretty much dead as all of the "full" servers were just utilizing some kind of glitch so I would only be joining matches of 12 people. It's pretty fun in my opinion. A lot of people say that it doesn't remind them of WW2 but I assume that's because they mainly know the American conflict. It feels like war to me.

it is during the day, i work from 6am till 3pm but on a day off there isn't much action on PC, after about 5-6pm lobbies fill up fine. it's low population, i'm in nyc area and i regularly get paired up with the same randoms from week to week - i mainly play it as a cool down from conquest which is non-stop action and i like how it forces me to use more guns i'd normally ignore in the regular online
i just like the game user- sure i want people to play it but i don't think it's worth full price for the amount of content it launched with. anons should wait on sales if they want to dive in. i like this bf game more than any of the others in past years. the limited spotting makes the game play so much better, i hope the next bf game keeps that to a minimum.

nigga when people say it doesn't remind the of WWII it's because of the gunplay. We had a whole generation of WWII shooters so there are specific expectations like the side role of automatic weapons.

everyone knows women didn't fight in ww2

get over yourself, the stg also wasn't used until 1944

the historical accuracy relevant to the gameplay you just glance over

video games just aren't for you

>it doesn't remind the of WWII it's because of the gunplay.
The fuck?
The gunplay is the best in the series.
It's 100% WWII.
Did you even play the game or what?

Automatic weapons have always been prevalent in WW2 media whether it is accurate or not.

a bunch of fucking losers obsessed over women being in the game when it's irrelevant

I played the beta

I don't like low ttk so I am slightly biased, but a WWII shooter should not be balanced around the assault rifle. The assualtrifles should basically be smgs with the primary being full size rifles.

The latest battlefield V pacific trailer certainly had a massive lack of pink haired women.

But we both know that Katanas will be melee weapons.
And since they confirmed no faction limits, i hope you'll like japanese soldiers in Rotterdam and Germans on Iwo Jima.

Even without women and black people in the German army the game is historically inaccurate

Another thing, semi automatic rifles are incredibly useful in this game and are the main ways to engage (and win) in long distance gun fights aside from the support class. The Gewehr 43 is my most used gun in this game and I've won many encounters against automatic weapons.

the people who didn't like it because a woman was in the trailer will find something else to endlessly bitch about

I played the game and it was nothing but full auto rifles. Forgotten Hope 2 had a perfect balance of bolt rifles and automatics for the normal soldier since it doesn't try and endlessly hook CoD kids with ADD.

>And since they confirmed no faction limits
shit do you have a source? That makes no sense.

This doesn't absolve blame from those deliberately trying to stoking negative controversy for selfish ends. You passive-aggressive pussies are a far worse plague.

Don't care. 00s shooters are pretty boring nowadays.

And? It's not like DICE is capable of making good games anymore so of course there is going to a lot of shit wrong with what they make.

Pay attention, dumbass.
The fact that people exist that will complain about anything doesn't mean that all the people who complained about BFV will find something to complain about.
Jesus christ grow a brain.

No such thing as bad press user

Why is this thread full of shills trying to shame people for not liking this game?

There actually was a squad of British engineers that fought the Germans in Rotterdam, it obviously wasn’t as grandiose as in the game but they were there. Also it would be straight up retarded to restrict weapons and vehicles to maps because of when and where they were used and I don’t understand why anyone would that

Defending something doesn't automatically make you a shill. That's really dismissive of any argument. People are allowed to discuss a game on a video game board

Thats every bfv thread. I hope they are paid shills, I can imagine doing it for free.

>It was a masterful scheme to get more PR!
Nah dawg. We're talking about Sweden here, they genuinly believe all that "right side of history" stuff and are certainly all about promoting progressive ideas through video games.

Nazis were bad user

>Also it would be straight up retarded to restrict weapons and vehicles to maps because of when and where they were used and I don’t understand why anyone would that
I freaking love it. FH2 and WW2 Online did timed vehicles and weapons great. I especially like when light tanks like the Pz 2 and vehicles like the Bren carrier are the kings on the map and dominate. You don't get that when everyone drives around in a king tiger all the time.

What does this have to do with allied depictions?

a woman in the trailer was the least of the games problems

yet it was blown out of proportion by fucking autistic

battlefield isn't really a hardcore shooter, it's a pretty casual experience

allowing you to pick a female in a multiplayer game is irrelevant to the core experience because plenty of things are historically inaccurate aside from that

stg in 1939, tiger tank in 1939, etc

one of the biggest lies there is.
There is definitely such as thing as bad press.
It doesn't mean that sometimes, bad press is better than no press. It also doesn't mean that everything that someone say is bad press, is actually bad. But there's most fucking definitely bad press that you want to avoid.

All of this is beside the point, however, because no matter whether the press is bad or good for you doesn't change the moral judgment about stoking controversy for selfish reasons.

Nothing, but I'm just reminding you

>a woman in the trailer was the least of the games problems
>yet it was blown out of proportion by fucking autistic
It wasn't merely "a woman in the trailer" user, if you want to understand you can't keep making these stupid mistakes.

if they complain about the fact you can choose a woman in a multiplayer game

yet have no problem you can use an stg in 1939 they're hypocritical idiots and their opinion doesn't matter

it's a fucking video game

How were they stoking controversy? By having women and minorities in their game? If you want a sim, don't buy a battlefield game.

>allowing you to pick a female in a multiplayer game
complaints about this would have been relegated to alt-right circlejerks except for the fact that BFV decided to promote cringy go-girl feminism in their trailer about a history-themed FPS game.

>a massive step up from BF1

Attached: maxresdefault1.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

fyi I deleted the beta the moment I was playing a sturmtiger in narvik. It's just easier for folks to focus on the girl since she's so obviously wrong and prominently displayed but the game has serious issues even without her yeah.

a woman with a prosthetic in the trailer

fucking reddit idiot

cares more about politics than the gameplay

no they didnt, just because a woman was in the trailer that does not mean they were promoting feminism

reminder the allied fire bombings of germany killed more civilians than the official red cross estimates of the holocaust

Attached: 1547507479928.gif (440x300, 1001K)

people are still complaining about assault rifles being the focus of BFV. It's just that people who complain about about firearm and vehicle inaccuracies will still complain about women inaccuracies, while everyone complaining about women may not care about guns.

>muh forgotten hope
You poorfags never cease to amaze me.
>don't play bf4 it's shit, play insurgency instead
>don't play bf1 it's shit, play verdun instead
>don't play bfv it's shit, play forgotten hope\all those retarded ww2 games that came out after codww2 made the setting popular again
Really, it's like talking with senile people.
Your games are unfinished, early access garbage that nobody will play in a month.
>plsss trust me its better
No it isn't.
They're not even aimed at the same audience.

how boring

Do you have links for that? Have not heard that before

>Your games are unfinished, early access garbage that nobody will play in a month.
Are you not mentally well?

>How were they stoking controversy?
Here:>The BFV trailer was a scripted interaction depicted in a quasi-realistic manner featuring stereotypical bro-like soldier camaraderie. If you imagine manly soldiers doing manly things, that's what the BFV trailer was. Except that the man was swapped out with a woman, doing everything a man can do.
If this wasn't deliberately intended to piss off conservatives, it was a fucking retarded idea.
And, the moment objections began to surface they immediately reached for the "our game isn't for bigots like you" rhetoric, along with an army of braindead NPCs programmed to repeat boilerplate such as "crybabies complaining that women and minorities exist"

>he thinks bf1 was a good game

>tries a game 8 months after release when they've finally added all the content that should have been in from launch
These threads are literal mouthbreathing retard tier level.

>just because a woman was in the trailer
describing it that way is disingenuous.
It wasn't merely "a woman in the trailer." If you believe that's all it was, then you are a retard. Sorry.

but they didn't
that's the funny part
the game has no content
it's still the same as release
it's just cheaper now
was kicking yourself in the face part of your shitposting masterplan, user?

You're projecting your feelings onto them. The initial trailer looked pretty bad, but they didn't do that intentionally. You're assuming it is some kind of conspiracy.

>cosmetics dont impact the game hurr durr
Imagine being this fucking retarded. A game where you have to visually identify players cosmetics have a direct and immediate impact, and this is just the gameplay argument. Then there's one to be made for immersion too. Fuck off idiot.

The game play is fun but the depth of the game is very shallow. you hit max rank in less than a week, weapon skins are all the same no variety, BUGS everywhere. DICE can't make games anymore there's so much broken shit everywhere and they keep making it worse. Removing items that were already in the game and putting them in the DLC shop. Trying to appeal to the 90's babies by putting in battle royal, which is hardly played. Taking way to fucking long to release content, they'd rather just throw more weekly grinds to a gun or weapon skin then actually release expansions full of content. I could go on but you get the point, i hope.

>when people who dont play the game try to sound smart making comments about it

holding and shooting a gun isn't particularly hard

you will play with females when you play battlefield

everyone knows women didn't fight I'm ww2

yet you're forgetting that this is a video game, if people get overly ass hurt over this they aren't the target demographic, they care more about politics than a video game

and they lack the intelligence to separate the 2

Thanks man

it literally was all that it was

women play video games with you as well is that shocking

I got over that when I was 10 years old

just start the thread with that next time

>Guys this is WORLD WAR 2
>The greatest war in history!
>Unparalleled breadth and scale!
And then the game released with 2 factions, 1 real front and a couple fake ones. Fucking yawn lame and a damn shame.

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Gameplay wise, it is.

If you don't understand why the woman in this scene is incongruous the problem is you:

reinstalling just now

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the fact that you shoot someone with slightly more narrow shoulders is irrelevant

what do you do when a real life female joins your squad and uses voice chat

it's a video game

stgs nor tigers were used in 1939

one of these have more gameplay impact, I'll let your little retard brain try to figure it out

I legit don't want to play a WWII game wIth female soldiers in it, my immersion autism is too big, I realized that when I played CoD WWII, if there was a way for me to disable that feature locally I would buy the game.

>this game is actually not bad at all
It is though.

>one thing is worse therefor the other is perfectly ok
The only tiny brain fuck here is you. Stop wasting our oxygen and hang yourself already.

trying to inflate the politics like the sad reddit child you are, you lack the intelligence to separate politics from a multiplayer game

Not to mention the massive scam involving the deluxe and collectors edition

There's literally nothing wrong with this mindset and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It's like if they added women into an NBA game. I don't play sports games but you get my point.

why aren't you complain about the one more important to gameplay

yet something that has no effect on gameplay is glanced over

seems like you don't care about video games, yet care an awful lot about politics

Garbage game with authoritarian game design that forces you into roles like in Overwatch and other hero shooter trash, literally an inferior product to BF3 and 4 in every aspect except graphics.

no it isnt, women can reasonably hold a rifle and shoot it, they cannot dunk over a 7 foot center, or compete in sports with men

Sports games follow a real world roster tied to current players in the league. There are no female NBA players so this would be impossible.

or if you buy a cabela hunting game and the hunter is a woman

>strawman arguments
If you can't defend it without going "but what about" then stop wasting my time moron.

women don't hunt apparently

>cant compete in sports with men
>but the extreme physical toll of being in an active warzone is something they're perfectly capable of doing to equal measure

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why do you care more about the fact that some players have cosmetically more narrow shoulders

yet don't give a shot you can use the stg and tiger tank in 1939

seems like you care about politics over the gameplay

This game would be great but every other round it makes me a Nazi and really upsets me. I was never asked if I wanted to participate in the 3rd Reich and frankly I'm not cool with the normalization of Nazis.

you're stupid
that's literally my point there are no female soldiers in WWII (by and large)
women can hunt retard it's not called cabela's men hunting lodge

>i'm not your typical consumer
Yes you are goyim. You've been targeted and successfully sold a product. What's more is you praise this company and use it as some sort of moral flaunt to people who don't like this company.

Shabbos goy.

>a strawman argumen
That's this entire website now

>proving my point
Thanks user, I'm done with you now.

extreme physical toll, walking and sitting in one area for days at a time, nah bro, nice try retard

There's a reason guns are called the great equalizer user. Personal adversity in conquering harsh conditions and being able to shoot straight are what helps soldiers win wars. Someone who could bench 300 lbs could easily be killed by someone in good shape that could only bench 100 as long as they are using a gun. Sports are mainly tied to having large physical attributes

From just reading your posts it seems like you're the one who won't respond to the obvious question that he is providing

you care more about politics than gameplay

>liking any battlefield games past bad company 2

>forces you into roles like in Overwatch and other hero shooter trash
Nigga, the shitty forced teamwork (Attrition) was nerfed to oblivion. And now Assault is like the best class in the game. Teamwork in BFV is nonexistent other than reviving people.

t. 400lbs landwhale

>This game is actually not bad at all.
you're right, it's just mediocre

>that's literally my point there are no female soldiers in WWII (by and large)
War games don't have 1:1 rosters of the actual soldiers that fought in them. You're completely missing the point of why people play sports games

Soldiers lug around 80+ pounds of equipment for miles and miles at a time. Do you think a woman can do that easily? If you do you're lying to yourself

a women can fire a gun and kill you, a women can not dunk a basketball over you, do you understand that

Literally what is there to respond to?
Literal 10 year old arguments. I dont give a fuck about the StG and the Tiger being in the game in x date because it doesnt detract from the WW2 theme. Having women running around with prosthetic limbs and katanas does. Must take some special kind of mental issue to have trouble understanding this.

It's buggy as fuck, has too little maps, they've removed most of the game modes they added over time because ???????, the weapon balance is still awful, tanks still control like total shit, still only 2 factions, the upgrade system is still poop, they neglected content in the main game to make a battle royale mode nobody cares about, and they keep piling on cosmetics when they need way more content. I've tried very hard to like it but I can't it's just shit. 4 is underrated and 1 is actually a lot better now with how much content it has.

Assault has always been the best class in the game though since launch, semi-autos are OP as fuck at mid range and can even counter snipe and they have the best automatics up close. It's BF3 all over again except now the class with the best guns also has the best vehicle gadgets. Amazing how little progress this franchise has made since 3.

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in battlefield they dont

Yeah, it's not as hard as you might think dude. My buddy in the Marines is small as hell

Yeah but the lame ass pool of weapons is still there, call me when I can use DMRs and shotguns on the engineer class, until then it still falls under authoritarian garbage design with no overlap between classes or margin for adjustment like in previous games

Historical accuracy is politics? At the end of the day they called it BFV not battlefield world war two so I'm perfectly fine with their little fantasy version. They can add aliens and space ships for all I care.
You're probably right I don't play them so I don't see why it would be any different if every player had the same number and was only differentiated as hockey player 1 hockey player 2 etc

Good job, you finnally responded. I don't entirely disagree with you either, you just acted like a retard

it actually does detract from the ww2 theme because they didn't exist yet

this actually has an effect on the gameplay, unlike some character models having narrow shoulders

this guy gets it

if you let your zeal of politics get in the way of enjoying a multiplayer game, you missed the point that it's a video game

>trying this hard
Already established you're an idiot but I think its time for you to stop now user.
>character models have no impact on gameplay in an FPS
Fucking lol

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you hate the fact that women are in the game yet have no problem using the stg in 1939

seems like politics are more important to you than gameplay

Even manlets have stronger bones and more muscle mass than women retard

So a developer should be able to do whatever they want as long as it's fun, because it's a video game? They can make a holocaust game where you play as a breakdancing nun in concentration camp playing cards and sweet mini games and that's fine?

and yet women can still do it, walking and standing still isn't hard

I would be fine with that

it's a video game

>a massive step up from [...] BF4
OP confirmed shitter and newfaggot.

Stay bad, OP.

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>Rotterdam has to be one of the best maps ever made for a Battlefield game.
Rotterdam embodies every shitty modern DICE map design philosophy. You are thoroughly zoom.

Well I disagree that video games supersede everything else I guess.

No what's important is when you make a WW2 game you make it feel like a WW2 game, women in prosthetics using katanas doesnt make it feel like a WW2 game. Also I dont subject myself to your completely arbitrary ranking of what should be important. Go strawman somewhere else, you're getting pathetic now.

i dont know user, i'm pretty hyped for the pacific

Sounds like you`re the target audience for it OP, hope you enjoy it. #everyonesbattlefield

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That's called projecting, user.
Don't do that.

you'd have to be one hell of a retard to think that's projecting

The amount of people that did NOT play the game at all and care more about the politics behind it than the fun is why this board is trash.
The elections were a mistake.

>just drink more soi like me and you won't notice!
All I did was post the video that proves my point.
The woman in that video is obviously forced, acting in a comically try-hard masculine manner and is easily the most prominent NPC in the whole segment.

>you care more about politics than gameplay
so did DICE, unfortunately

It's a joke of a ww2 game, get hell let loose instead, that game actually has the US and just added utah map.

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runs like anus tho

who gives a shit dude
it's a trailer
none of the stuff you see in that trailer is in the game
have sex, incel

Stop playing on 200 ping servers.

I'm not.

all missing the point
The male/female gap in battlefield performance isn't measured by a single metric like "can you carry a heavy bag." It's a complex activity requiring a host of traits including strength, agility, reflexes, weapon skills, stress tolerance, and determination, just to brainstorm a few. The fact is that men tend to perform better along ALL of these dimensions most of the time, leading to cumulative massive differences in performance.

>who gives a shit dude
>it's a trailer
>none of the stuff you see in that trailer is in the game
yeah that's the point. welcome to the thread

yet a woman can shoot you with a rifle just as well as a man can, yet a woman won't dunk a basketball on you

yes armed conflict takes skills men are better at, yet the gap is smaller

are you telling me women can't perform better than the, 2-30 guy on the scoreboard

nope adding a women in the trailer is not equivalent to making politics matter, you blew it out of proportion and failed to recognize it's a video game

Just felt like more of the same. Politics aside, I still have BF1 and feel like if I really wanted to play some battlefield I could just play that, the playerbase is still active on that one and there's a lot of maps now.

I'm just tired of WW2 Games. Aside from them trying to invoke woke agenda, shit on their fanbase, and release buggy shit at launch it was going to be be awhile before the game moved from shit to mediocre

I'm telling you that you need to suck down a lot of soi milk to not see the incongruity in the portrayal of women on a battlefield as if they were identical to men.

yep a character with narrow shoulders is more important to you than actual gameplay elements, we get it, video games aren't for you

nope forcing the female soldier into the trailer like that was an attempt to pander to progressives and SJWs and say "look how woke we are" and it backfired because most people don't have bitch tits from all the estrogen in their diet.

take any college or high school aged woman and put her on the team,I bet money she will perform better than the vast majority of retards that play this game

you'd lose your money
looks like you don't actually know many women and should probably have some sex

no it wasnt, your schizophrenic mind blew it out of proportion, it was just an attractive blonde chick shooting at things, it wasn't meant to be interpretted autistically

she's red-haired and you seem desperate

I know enough women to know that many men can't swing a baseball bat, yet my mom was a semi pro softball player that could hit 80 mph pitches

my dad has a brain injury and can't throw a baseball

women can be better than men, even at things men are universally good at

black women have bone density on par with white men

and you're an autist who's first thought was politics, instead of just an attractive blonde woman shooting a gun

>trailer shows retarded levels of historical inaccuracy with prosthetics, katanas and other assorted shit
>it's not in the game, why do you even care

>battlefield v thread
>ctrl + f women
>32 matches
This is why the game sucks, OP.

It's crazy how much staying power that one trailer had that it's still being discussed over the actual game. However the actual game is nothing to write home about. If you've played any battlefield game after 3 you've played this one too.

girls should just go form their own baseball teams then, why even play softball when baseball exists?

at this point right now it's the lack of maps and interesting modes desu lads

I just want that Pacific front already

we all want that, user
that and metro