What's the Megamind of videos?
What's the Megamind of videos?
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literally who/what?
>Will Ferrell
dude wacky facial expression lmao
>Jonah Hill
>Megamind of videos
the megamind movie
>very underrated classic that had to compete against titanic blockbusters
I can't really say user
Titanfall 2?
Aw, so you were recommended that video too I see.
so suddenly people are talking about this after a meme reviewer released a video on it huh?
fuck it, i'll take it, this was a pretty good movie all and all
It's actually a good movie, dude.
How old were you when you watched it? I was 18, so that's probably why I've always liked it.
>actor names don’t line up with the heads
Why the fuck do so many movie posters do this?
It's the second best capeshit deconstruction film ever made.
16, first time around I thought nothing much of it but when it started showing up on television i watched it again and payed enough attention to have a laugh
>Underrated during release, but gained a cult following.
>Goofy sense of humor with more mature underlying themes.
>Features aliens.
>Either finally getting the critical recognition it deserves, or an overrated meme, depending on who you ask.
Earthbound I guess.
It's a lot like that Disney Atlantis movie. By that I mean it's a movie you hate when you're younger but really appreciate when you're older.
Meme reviewer and it was added to netflix lately.
I remember seeing a video on this once. tl;dr names are listed in billing order and that's decided by either who's the biggest star or whose agent screams the loudest. Graphic designers don't care about that gay shit though and just try to make a visually appealing poster first and foremost.
I felt the same way about The Nightmare Before Christmas of all things
As a kid I thought it was filler, a seasonal thing and nothing to really pay attention to, now far into the future I can easily rank it among my most favorite of movies
What’s the first?
Oh man, Titanfall's 2 campaing was so fucking good, what a waste.
>they killed Titanfall 3 to work exclusively on a garbage BR piece of shit that died after a month
I hate EA so goddamn much.
>forget-me stick
That shit made me kek, would be too overpowered in a video game
>zoomers are now unironically spouting their critique as law on their favorite movies they saw as little kids
>there is no easter bunny, there is no tooth fairy, and there is no queen of england
Funny in 2010, funny now.
That movie really predicted modern Yea Forums.
I always liked Atlantis.
>meme reviewer
You mean schafarilis? I recently unsubbed too him, saw him on a live stream, I wanted to vomit my brains out.
probably meant for youtube.com
This movie had such a great soundtrack
what... what does he look like?
So... How do these meme reviews end up getting into everyone's suggestions even if you never cared for the reviews subject material?
I remember faggots shitting on this becdcause the humans looked "generic" even tho they're stylized as fuck.
Also Megamind's hydro gun is easily one of the best and most creative weapons out there.
Behold the mongoloid
It's just like the text to speech reddit channels that youtube keeps shilling to everyone
You mean Treasure Planet right? Atlantis is utter garbage.
No, I meant Atlantis, pleb.
Treasure Planet is still good though.
My best guess is that the tags are somehow perfected in a way for it be recommended to everyone, whether by the uploaders hand or Youtubes.
I don't know how Youtube, shit, even Youtube struggles to know how Youtube works sometimes
The only good part was seeing Metroman regret his life. Everyone else had no character.
>Treasure Planet
Post that one webm right now
god hand?
for what purpose
I mean according to the ending that cat captain does have a dick.
To anyone who hasn't seen that movie: Yes. That's canon. Now take that with you on your way back to tumblr.
Underrated and based film
I actually blame that movie for my current sci-fi obsession, before watching it, I was a pretty average normie who like playing soccer and talking to girls and shit. After seeing it, I got incredibly depressed that I didn't have a cool mechanical arm like Silver, and I became obsessed with it. I had crayon-drawn blueprints and word docs of part lists and all this shit that I thought I would need to get give myself a mechanical arm with gadgets and junk. It got to the point where my therapists told my mom that I couldn't be allowed near sharp objects because of some dreams I told them about where I cut off my own arm and attached my home-made Long John Silver arm. She freaked the fuck out and hid all the knives we had, and my dad had to cut my food for me for the longest time. He finally stopped doing this when I left for college...it's been a good month of freedom so far, but they still call me every day asking if I'm ok on my own. Ffs, they told me brother who's here at school to keep an eye on me, and he keeps coming by with boxes of pre-cut food. I still eat it because, hey, free food, but it's so fucking infuriating
Also, I really liked Mr. Arrow, he didn't take shit from anyone
someone explain the deal with shipfaggotry to me please, ive watched a lot of anime and Ive yet to give a shit about whether 2 fictional characters getting together or not
I think it's just a thing lonely people (mainly anime/video game fans) resort to in order to feel like they have some understanding of relationships.
It's the little things that effect people in big ways.
People laugh about it sure. But the universe man. So simple. Yet so complicated.
Also I teared up at the end. That last seen of the clouds. Mother fucker was I lucky to actually see that movie in theaters.
>at the age where you're still using crayons
you were just fucked up user, if it wasn't treasure planet it would've been something else.
sotn unironically
mama mia that some good pasta user
Dude, respawn makes awesome campaigns. It's the reason I'm looking forward to Star Wars.
If they make it as good as Titanfall 2's, it'll be a blast.
I was thinking of this exact copypasta recently lol
I just watched that kid's review of it. He never fucking tied it back to his thesis. Being well written doesn't make something subversive. This angers me.
Remember when Schaffrillas made Youtube Poops instead of shitty clickbait videos about fucking cartoon movies?
Me neither.
It's subversive by means of deconstructing the capeshit genre.
Welcome to TVTropes. Where it's impossible for anything to be good if it isn't some kind of high intellectual artpiece, because otherwise I'd feel bad for wasting all my time and money on it instead of getting a fucking job.
>YouTube poops
What's the point when most of them never venture into the more surreal realm like "deliver us" or a lot of hankster hillignton's poops
A better question is when YTPs just fucking die out because all the contributors decided to become internet armchair critics.
God, I really hope that the upcoming Jojo Part 4 collab turns out to be good.
Is Titan basically what would happen if a avid Yea Forums user got superpowers?
>Dreamworks face
No, that's Kylo Ren.
This, also
>zoomers nostalgiaing over forgettable trash piece of media
People that have to use the word Zoomer to feel validated don't really have an opinion about anything.
>buzzword buzzowording over buzzword piece of media
Some people, or retards as I like to call them, just want to laugh and clap their hands at WTFBOOM, three frames repeating to make it vaguely look like someone's humping something and also spadinner trash.
Honestly I don't get it. Even back when I was an elementary schooler in 2008 I hated that shit. It's never fucking funny.
>defending Youtube reviewers
no wonder he likes shrek so much
>How old were you when you watched it?
About 17/18 it would play constantly during summer camp that I was in. I always watched it with the children because I couldn't swim.
It's been memed a bit on ifunny.co for about 2 years now
Speak fucking English.
The YTP circle of life:
>start channel with low-effort spadinner
>get to a few thousand subs in a couple months
>move on to higher quality edits, much further between releases
>someone finds out your password was "password1" because you're a retard
>instead of doing anything crazy like uploading off-brand videos or spewing slurs, they just delete your channel because they're also a retard
>never reupload your videos, depend on low-quality mirrors scattered across dozens of channels
>suddenly return years later to upload two more videos
>someone guesses your password (password2) and deletes your channel again
>disappear for good
>ten more people take your place, certain they can do better
>rinse and repeat
It's either that or
>start channel with low-effort spadinner
>get to a few thousand subs in a couple months
>move on to higher quality edits, much further between releases
>people start saying you are selling out and getting worse
>release something you consider your best work
>Gets wide recognition outside of the ytp community, but the ytp community itself shits on it
>try and keep making higher than normal quality shit, doesn't get anywhere near the same attention
>Have to whore out to other types of videos
>Never get the respect you once had
That or become a furry and sink the channel with your furshit.
So Youchew is literally Yea Forums and hates anything popular?
>another topic "spontaneously" appearing
>in a few months the opinions will be solidified in move on to affect other interpretations of culture down the line
>all because one organization decided to recommend something to us
What the fuck next, Yea Forums will retroactively start loving Despicable Me?
dont forget
>start channel with low-effort spadinner
>get to a few thousand subs in a couple months
>move on to higher quality edits, much further between releases
>suddenly a random company whose work you edited in a YTP bombards you with copystrikes
>gets your channel taken down
>get discouraged and never return
>your old work, including the material that got copystriked, is re-uploaded on memorial channels, which the company doesn't give a single fuck about, rendering the copystrike and nuking of your channel completely pointless anyway
>disappear quietly into the night
It's pathetic that people latch onto a topic because some moron on youtube made a video. How does it feel to be a sheep, Yea Forums?
Megamind was a severely underrated movie.
Why are so many YTP creators furfags and regular fags? Also I wonder what the suicide rate for YTP creators is. It's gotta be higher than average.
I find it funny to imagine the characters being voiced by the names above their heads
I just happened upon it on netflix, no clue who the e-celeb everyone's talking about even is. It's a fun movie
Talladega nights
The Yea Forumsedditors are up in arms over le meme movie.
I thought it was a good not Shrek 1 good but decent.
It kinda stings, but I'm not gonna choose not to believe it just because it was shown by the algorithm. The moron youtube critics were right.
Even more fun is finding a tiny channel with roughly a thousand subs, then having two different friends recommend it to you the same week. Thanks, Youtube.
>Why are so many YTP creators furfags and regular fags?
probably because they're the kinds of people who sit around on the internet and get into weird subcultures like that in the first place, so the few who can do video editing take up sentence-mixing their cartoons and shit so all the characters say bizarre things
a lot of early YTP was making fun of other youtubers or other internet drama after all, which those kinds of people tend to foam at the mouth over
The part that's weird that someone made a video, it's that all it took for a bunch of people to suddenly change their minds about something and start talking about it, which will no doubt ripple downward even if only in some minor way coloring other discussions.
It shows the potential for massive cultural shifts, and all it might take is some dude checking a box saying "recommend this"
I don't know about that, I really liked it when i first watched it. It's not that hard to appreciate it.
what the fuck am I reading