Holy fuck

Attached: 64535.jpg (1600x896, 174K)

zero ass

is this photoshopped? i thought the slaves were based

>faithful depiction of a slavic woman

this is ingame footage bro

is this the switch version

I have no ass...wow....


I'm lost. What's the significance here?

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It's a man, user.

They went sjw with witcher 3

Nice hair. What is this, 2003?

Nintendo babies got Witcher 3 recently and there's a lot of adult content in it. It's blowing their innocent minds right about now.

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>witcherfags think they can actually compete with todd on waifus

Attached: 1561234201929.jpg (1280x1853, 697K)

Someone translate this post into human.

more than censure
i'm worried about how total hit it looks

Attached: tenor (1) (1).gif (220x391, 34K)


Not Todd.


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This is them after finishing the transition btw. Now goes by Tamara Zawada.

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Kill yourselves please and thanks

>implying todd doesn't design the games around making argonian and khajiit waifus

Attached: Pretty_Kitty.png (600x1000, 765K)

what the fuck lmao

I don't get it. Is it a metal potato slav or a tranny?

Yo I refused to believe that

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She definitely has an ass

>people dont know about this guy
holy shit. he even wrote a public letter of thanks to CDPR around the time of TW2.

Literally put in the game as a woman in honor celebration of his transition. The joke, obviously, being that this is the first female the player can romance and have sex with.

>N-no! My waifu! NO!

Attached: cdpr trans.jpg (1236x443, 50K)

oh god no
no no no no no


Stop forcing this meme.

yes, I know he transitioned. It's still a guy, sorry. And you are too.

Now Yea Forums can no longer like the witcher because of the tranny obsession

>no ass

Attached: images (21).jpg (202x250, 6K)

Yea Forums is mostly transwomen but none of them are willing to fess up to it. They all identify as women on the inside by they claim the distinction is that they don't actually live as women. They merely *want* to. That makes a world of a difference for some reason.

Doesn't bother me because that particular incarnation is from the get go female. I once boned a my best mate's twin sister. Couldn't help but think I was boning like 60% of his DNA.

i don't really care about trannies if theyre actually fucking good at their jobs

it's faggot and tranny diversity hires of people with no fucking talent that hurt the industry

It takes a strong man to deny what's right in front of him.

what the fuck is wrong with that guy's face?

>Yea Forums is mostly transwomen

Attached: moe cringe.jpg (262x234, 14K)

he's an incel

he's a boob guy

stupid nigger thinks because shes not clinically obese, she has no ass


Keira bros, can we recover from this?

Keira Metz existed as a character before any of this shit you actual crazy person

Holy fuck, that projection.

Where did I say that in my post? Oh nowhere, use your eyes to see

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don't reply to this fairweather wanna be brainwashing faggot

So you fapped to a male/tranny, big deal. Get over it.

>Doesn't bother me because that particular incarnation is from the get go female.

>need to make model
>choose man
>face scan man's head and face
>put him (reminder that he was still living as a man for a lot of the production) on female body

>"from the get go female"

You can LITERALLY see the pixels from where OP shopped the pic you absolute newfags

Attached: samefag2.jpg (307x254, 6K)

coping whitey

>face scan

>op actually thought we wouldnt notice the pixels

Attached: SEETHING.png (515x494, 462K)

It's the switch's resolution, idiot.

Google reverse search

Attached: ass.png (1512x1167, 740K)


>bubububububut NINTENDO!!!!!

1080p for comparison

Attached: NW7oZbp.jpg (1920x1080, 280K)

>wow, a blond tranny and a blond person in game. What does it mean?

>Ask what the point of the post was
>You're a newfag

Attached: 1552843819907.gif (160x160, 2.87M)

>butbutbutbutbutbutbut CDPR!!!!!!

Attached: 1507258767634.png (485x443, 22K)

>tfw used to be called Zawada in school

fuck off incel freak

It's aliasing you dumb faggot.

>incel freak
So he's a tranny?

trannies have more sex than Yea Forumsirgins unironically. thats why they are hated so much. even a failed mail gets laid more often

What PS2 game is this?


Literally tapped that last night. That's the ass you get. No shop here

>what is a typo

That's some massive cope. Trannies are omega incels that crossdress to have a voice, the voice of the mentally ill. They know they will never get laid in their whole lifetime and not even fags would wanna fuck them, so they larp as women to seek revenge on the world. That's it.

Attached: meritocracy.png (760x509, 212K)

>turbovirgins that have never seen the light of day try to damage control their inhumane pedo lizard waifu simulators
You go and buy the next game Toddy Boy tells you to

i've been having sex with men and women since i was 16. transitioning just made it even easier. You on the other hand will die without anyone ever touching your pp unless you pay for it. Stay salty incel

Attached: Girls.jpg (600x536, 81K)

that's fucking aliasing
you're retarded

Bro u ok?

Now try to find her arse.

no surprise there

No, it is not Zero's ass.

Attached: drakengard_3_08.jpg (1280x720, 701K)

Do you honestly think anyone on this planet would be jealous of a tranny? Hell you could win a lottery and I would still look at you and say "thank fuck that's not me"

>"thank fuck that's not me"
then you are delusional because even if i am a tranny atleast I have people in my life who love and care about me. You are a forever alone beta loser who could die tommorow and no one would notice. not a single person

>proud of being an aids riden cum dumpster
the actual state of mentall illness

just got tested 2 weeks ago, still clean.
Stay mad sweetie ;)

You don't know me. You want that to be me, but how can you know? I do however know that you're mentally ill, you've confirmed that yourself

>tits bigger than my head

>You are a forever alone beta loser
Not him, but how do you know that? Stay mad, tranny


As clean as my smelly armpit. You probably patient 0 for plasma AIDS

>zero ass
No, that's a man ass. This whole character looks like it was modeled after a man.

>itt niggers and pedophiles argue over what's the better ass

because mother fuck caring about a middleground, am I right
no one likes a le fencesitter xd le centrist bad haha us vs them

>he thinks newfags actually think for more than 5 seconds about the buzzwords they use
C'mon user, you're setting the bar a bit too high there.


Attached: 1553890331262.jpg (1680x1050, 901K)

I have a bigger ass than that and I'm a guy.

>, but how can you know?
everyone here knows its true user
nice samefagging
>hurr durr I literally don't know how STD testing works

You can tell you have never been laid in your life when you think this kind of thing.

Don't worry user that's just Jason Schreier

No one said she didnt, its just pointing out where the face model came from

The Witcher 3 came out before said tranny looked anything like a female, so it's still retarded crazy person shit.

Let me see

>since i was 16
i think was early, trannies have fame of being people with mentall illness derived from being molested in childhood

Attached: buffalo_bill_2[1].jpg (650x360, 115K)

speak english you dumb shitskin

Shut the fuck up, retard.

They can't test for plasma AIDS without a plasma tester that's how it works

Ever heard of aliasing son?

considering I get sick and then get better after only a week I can guarantee I don't have AIDS and you are reaching REALLY hard in a poor attempt to cope with the fact no one wants to touch your pp

You know baseless assumptions only work when you use them to make yourself feel better right? I could call you a loser virgin too but it doesn't mean anything if it's not true. You're just making things up to make yourself feel better now.

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>he actually took the time to photoshop that pic almost 10 minutes later

Attached: stop (2).jpg (598x448, 31K)

>literally 3DPD
Most blatant shill thread on Yea Forums right now

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Lying to yourself more lol
I guess it takes that kind of person to believe that they can actually become a woman and not some horribly disfigured man.

>Implying that character looks anything like a female
There's nothing wrong with being a faggot user, the first step is admitting it.

i bet all those perverts from craiglist never have unprotected sex and get tested every week too

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Imagine trying to psyop a toy.

He's a white nationalist fascist.

craigslist hasnt had a hookup section in a long time user. Way to keep proving how much of a virgin you are

>Way to keep proving how much of a virgin you are
This may surprise you but there are actually other ways to have sex without the use of craigslist..

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only good thing about Keira was that slight glimpse of areola showing from her dress, otherwise she is shit.
Best girls are obviously the Iron maiden and Annah Henrietta but thats mainly because she has pretty hair and that noble uppity women are probably a fetish for me, she has an horrible personality and is retarded though

Fuck, so it's true that people saying "incel" and "have sex" are trannies.

>You are a forever alone beta loser who could die tommorow and no one would notice. not a single person
What if I'm not? What if I have people that love me, a cute girlfriend AND I get to keep my dick?

If she doesn't have an ass how does she sit down?

It's true. You should go into VR Chat threads sometime. Or any one of those 'why do you only play as a girl in video ganes' threads.

The majority of Yea Forums is gay/trans in denial.

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that's kind of the point user, but you were the one who brought up craigslist thinking it was the be all end all or that people even hook up there anymore


i get to keep my dick (7.5 inches and thick), i have a cute loving gf, and i have people who love me. You don't have any of those things user

I call people on Yea Forums and Yea Forums niggers and trannies, I call people on Yea Forums and and Yea Forums and Yea Forums and /fit/ incels and tell them to have sex. Just the way it is.

1080p for comparison

Attached: 1080p.jpg (1920x1080, 170K)

I'm surprised that you think it's more likely for a tranny to have people that love you than a normal person.


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>he thinks that Yea Forums is full of normal people
Where do you think you are newfag

Attached: giphy.gif (480x287, 1.21M)

>but you were the one who brought up craigslist
I didn't though

I'm not so sure about that buddy, me and all of my friends have strong chins, can't say the same about commies and lefties

I keep forgetting I'm a Chad for Yea Forums's standards. But I still think nerds are more likely to have a girlfriend than trannies, I've seen it, and trannies are extremely lonely people.

>I keep forgetting I'm a Chad for Yea Forums's standards
user why do you keep larping

Attached: 05a.jpg (600x474, 94K)

i'm sorry, i'm not updated about degenerated things and i dont know what medium trannies uses to whoring yourself to perverts with trannie fetish

>is a literal psyop toy

lmao kill yourself brainlet nazi

The medium i use is meeting girls irl and dating them. Having a lot of sex doesn't mean with a lot of different people user, most of the time its with the same person over the course of a year or so. I know it's hard for you to wrap your mind around the idea that people could have monogamous relationships and have sex with only 1 person since your sexual "experience" comes from jerking off to slutty hentai girls

I know its bait, but what do you aim to achieve? Even if you somehow confirmed that people that you are talking about are virgins, will it change them? Will it change you? Both you and people you are baiting are wasting time on some pathetic banter

>waste of time
spotted the virgin

>spotted the virgin
spotted the virgin


>I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time

>Multiple responding
Found the butthurt virgin

You're replying to larp, retard. They're the same that chadpost when they're called out for their cuckold fetish.
>I fucked a married woman last week
Same exact mongs. 99 out of 100 trannies are unfuckable fat men with pink hair, the 1 left is in porn.

wait what the fuck
i'm confused and mad

>i'm a lesbian transwoman btw
all "lesbian" trannies are just patethic and lonely fucks who starve for any type of affect(wherever it come from), they becomes trannies in a desperate attemp to approach and get laid with women but in the end they only get dicked and sucking cocks of unknown perverts, faggots are the most most polygamous people and trannies can't have long lasting relationship because trannies are insufferable cunts

Attached: chriss-jpg[1].26653_.jpg (528x720, 40K)

>failed male

we know what you meant, how you truly feel about yourself, tranny :)

>tranny projection

lmao, you're a freak and you know it too.

ok bro.

why is she not naked?

We all now realize that Yea Forums is a huge waste of time.


damn she hot