Is racial diversity really important in games?

Is racial diversity really important in games?

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No there are already too many niggers in our games


Could you imagine locking the seat off her abs? God damn.

No. Now kill yourself retard.

To idiots, yes.

Josie looks literally nothing like that. All Tekken girls have the same body.

>Pale Asian
>Brown Asian

It's not diverse if it doesn't include Blacks.

Yes. But most people think racial diversity also means diversity in beauty. Make every chatacter cute and beautiful and change their skin colors a little bit. Makes my dick harder.

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Yes. Someone has to replace the dying whiteys. Their women doesn't want their men. Their men made a cringy pack called MGTOW and play vidya all day like a loser and have gay sex 24/7. Can't leave those bountiful women and land unsowed.

it's only a problem if the game isn't 99% wh*toids and the incels start chimping out about how its a wh*te genocide

The point of racial diversity as a stance is to allow for a better exploration of ideas and voices so the market doesn't stagnate. What it means to retards is that they see boogeyman colors and get triggered while other retards don't see boogeyman colors and then also get triggered. Which in an ideal world the race of your character wouldn't matter, but we don't live in an ideal world. Just a world full of npcs or people larping as said npcs for laughs.

Yes. Racemixing is hot

only in fighting games

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Uhh It's important in a society that is diverse, but not in a society that isn't so a society that isn't already racially diverse shouldn't be pressured to to become so just because the diverse countries are bigger and more powerful uhh yeah

No you niggerfaggotnazijewscumcommienazifashianarchoincelcunnyfuckerpedo.

It is, yes.

>people complain about the lack of poc and women representation in games
>people make their own game with the main character being a poc or women

You so-called "gamers" act as if anything isn't straight, white, and male it's "political". Fucking disgusting.

They're only cute when they're bimbos!

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Yes. More brown is needed.

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Well, it depends.
Basically realism and plot plays a key part in how much diversity one can put in a game. Example:
A fantasy world with lizards and rabbit girls? Very diverse. WWII Europe? All whiteoids.
Ghetto America? All blacknoids. Wakanda? All blacknoids and one whiteboi with a shield.

No, and it's especially worse if it's force

Yes it is because all white casts tell minorities that they can’t be like them

Since you posted a fighting game I'd say it is for them, a wide variety of countries and cultures represented always brings a lot to the table in them

I mean, it'd be cool if they put more fucking Filipinos in my vidya but I'm not gonna hold my breath
If the representation doesn't feel natural, it's worse for the vidya anyway, and most dev teams are just wypipo who don't actually know what people want to see in representation or why they enjoy seeing it in the first place, but that's just because they're white so I don't blame them

Nah. It should go like this.
>nuclear dumbass tier
White blondes
Black girls with black hair
>competent people
White girls with any other color than blonde
Black girls with brown hair
>Nazi Scientist galaxy brained cutie
White girl with white hair
Black girl with straight gray hair

Is that pic supposed to be racial diversity

Left looks Nordic, middle looks south euro and right looks south euro too

Why are Black women so underrepresented in Japanese games?

When the girls have dark-skin, they are just brown White/Asian by 99% chance.

The only one I can think of who looks Black but decent is Sheva from RE5.

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Yes. If I can't beat my dick to a rainbow assortment of women then what's the point?

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Because they rarely have black girls in their country.
And black people don't usually go there. They can't take milk, what about fish with 30% chances of parasites?

Yes, only complete brainlets think otherwise.

Is RE5 an okay game?

We need more Ainu, preferably cute and funny ones

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Yeah, so all the color of the rainbow can suck my dick

Ainus are literally just Japanese Russians.

>looks Black


>that's Ainu
Their skin is darker, though

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yes, diversity sells

Yes but only if the girls are sexy and the guys put their mission (whatever it may be) ahead of their identity.

As a Flip, please disregard . That would be cringe, seeing a Flip in my vidya.

Not important, but nice to have. And I'm talking "lots of options to choose from" diversity, not the "everyone is a different shade of brown" shit people are pushing.

No, people are genuinely morons if they obsess over skin color this much.
>"I can't admire or look up to this character because they don't have the same skin pigmentation as I do!"
actual brainlet thought process. that being said, it doesnt make much sense to not have a diverse cast if your audience is, unless your going for some kind of historical accuracy. but at the end of the day, make whatever the fuck you want. people dont and never will need a reason to make a cast all white/asian/black etc.

Is this what racial diversity leads to in practice? What matters is the ability of the writers to be able to entertain ideas and perspectives different from their own. This is not true of the sort of person who obsesses over representation.


They should all be delicious brown

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>company wide edict to add extra niggers(american blacks) to anything and everything
>niggers get added to game that would already sell well
>game has """diversity"""
>game sold well
>therefore diversity sells

This is your brain on California.

>but we don't live in an ideal world.
Developer. I'm going into a broader audience, and I need only your strongest female representation.

Are thee two characters fighting related? Their names both end in -ruru.

stop being a cuck, he's right. Representation would be nice, but if its forced/ out-of-place, then its just awkward.

If the game's setting involves a world tour, or characters from different countries coming together for something then diversity is super important in that context. Street Fighter, Punch-Out and Overwatch are all examples, though I'll let you judge how well they do it.

it's too late, go play Soul Calibur

Is it important in hide and seek?

Californians also think that if something is clearly not working that just means you aren't doing it hard enough. If it weren't for a short and shrinking list of reasons I would have left this state long ago.

>on one hand, I don't live in California
>on the other hand, I live in the eldritch chaos plane of Florida and may become a Florida Man someday if I fall to dark powers

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I don't get why diversity only means "black characters".
Why only them? Why doesn't it count when it's asians?

Oh shut up. The rest of the mindless masses are all "Pinoy Pride World Wide" tier of cringe and that's how usually the world sees us. I'm personally not like that and it is cringey as fuck.
Please don't remind me.


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More like:
>company creates ethnic characters that appeal to their diverse consumer base.
>product sells well
>company makes more of the same
>Therefore Yea Forumsirgins cry about white genocide

This is your brain on /pol/

Oh, that's cute. I should probably get try these SNK fighters out. Always had a thing for Metal Slug so it's not like I'm a stranger to the company.

None of those are Asians lmao
get your eyes checked, neet autist

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But these girls are all white?

It does not look up how many colored people were in witcher 3 and how many copies and game of the year awards it got and count how many non white people there were on one hand,
Good games sell first and formost, identity politics is like reason 97 a game does well.

>and that's how usually the world sees us
No world usually don't see you as anything but poor working-class migrants. Which is why having some badass or even normal Pinoy characters would be good for your overall image.

You just missed out on getting the season pass for free unfortunately

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Some of the people pushing for diversity are actually spiteful and resentful people who don't want equality, but to flip the status quo around as some sort of perceived revenge. If you flip an hour glass, it's not going to balance out. It's just going to end up the same way it was before.

No, not at all. Depending on the game it should be realistic as possible. Medieval game? Okay, no niggers. Maybe one or two ayrabs but that's it. Modern game set in liberia? Okay, all niggers maybe on or two whites but that's it. Its that easy.

Aw, damn. Oh well.

Come on buddy, are you seriously denying that ethnic pandering doesn't sell games

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why do white people think that stylized anime drawings look like them?


Minimal language support for other countries, zero support for older systems, who is this meant to appeal to? It's just people sucking themselves off over how tolerant they are.

We are all one plane ride and a very bad day away from being Florida Man. He lives inside all of us, we all have the potential, it will always be there, it's just that some of us are not as good at keeping it caged.

I just realized how many people a work claims to be pandering to can't even play the fucking thing.

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Im gonna keep it real with you chief, most of black people are not aesthetical, i have learned from all my life of watching anime and playing videogames that dark skin is wasted on black people.

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I notice you did not come back with factual numbers and have therefore gave up the point.

I figured "yo where the white women at" couldn't have just come from nothing, so that makes sense.

are you implying that our great ancestors who built the civilized world were not animes and shit?

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No, but giving some females abs is.

>all the vapid moe pandering is actually worship of an ancient progenitor race

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It's funny because three kingdoms is literally the opposite of diverse

What happens if we explore all the ideas other races have to offer, get bored of them, and the market stagnates?

are you blind? there are factual numbers right there.

In relation to witcher 3?

It's actually a psychological phenomenon. All races assume a stylized representation of a human being is of their own race. For example, everyone assumes a stick figure is their own race unless otherwise noted.

>China vs China vs China
>sometimes China is there too

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In relation to total war

No, they are muslims.

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So you do not refute my point.
weak dialog sir thought better of you.


You didn't really refute my point either.
I proved that diversity sells.


>not wanting to breed and seed all thots from every nationality.

The incel and pol fags will simply erase themselves from the gene pool. Glorious

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Love this image, breast envy is my fetish also Josie is really cute, fuck Brucefags

All you need to do to prove how utterly worthless diversity is in a video game is post a great and exceptional game without any poc or any minority in them.
>Company of Heroes
>Impossible Creature
>Warcraft I & II & 3
>Quake 1
>some Zelda games
That's just the top of my head so yes every single retard that says yes to diversity is a seething leftard moron that is unironically below 80IQ.

Why do you chinks wish you were white?

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If diversity sells then the recent Rome 2 xpac would sell like hotcakes. It fucking didn't.

Only Japan does the diversity right though,

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Because they do it better.

Here you go, then. Do as you like with it.

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its not necessary, but it would be nice if more black characters werent just retarded stereotypes, my favorite one is Rodin because he is one cool motherfucker.

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>does not celebrate intrinsic features of the races and just worships eurocentric features

japs are so spineless and western worshipping

Sorry for the upcoming racist comment but
>Looking anything like a nigger
Come on my man

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No. We have too many niggers playing Tekken, we do not need 'em in the game as characters.

japs are honest.

The better OP question would be - why are white males so fragile?

They literally feel insecure and oppress if you so much acknowledge women and minorities exist and do stuff

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i dont give shit as long as it is not done as pandering .. with in 90% is exactly the case so we always end with not interesting characters who are annoying i hope all this sjw shit die soon

>Sorry for the racism but
Nigger come on don’t start off with that

>white male pandering is okay though

lol you poltard faggots have zero integrity and can never be taken seriously

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No, the smartest question would be how fucking retarded leftards are that they unironically believe that there are more than 2 gender and sex(apart from biological mutation) while still aren't getting laid and beaten by minorities?

You failed to provide numbers that matter.
I gave you a (you)
Compare the games numbers of the one you brought forth and the one I supplied.

electra was shit though

Not all of us get asshurt about mongrels taking
shit tier cleaning jobs or something every
brainlet can do. That's why i got my white guy privileged free university education and never have to look back.

yes there should be women of every color but they all need to be goths

Is a game featuring all chinese people really diverse? Especially since it's mostly selling in china?

The yellow roastie in the bottom middle is heavily photoshopped. Try again with your cherry picking.

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self inserting is literally floor level brainlet shit. nobody needs to "see themselves" to enjoy themselves. that is so fucking asinine.

I usually don't say offensive shit, but that episode of south park when people could see everything you have wrote on internet made my paranoid

>Compare the games numbers of the one you brought forth and the one I supplied
Runaway success of Total War in China proves that diversity in gaming sells. I don't know why MAGApedes are denying this fact.

>slanteyed yellow goblins
oh wait you're being serious because youre retarded

Every picture of models is heavily photoshopped, white roastie.


It definitely is. If it was heavily whitewashed, it wouldn't have sold well in china.

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20 million with no pandering. So how is that crappy indie game doing, in numbers, basic math?

I hope you're just pretending to be retarded.

I think that's part of the point, the angry white dude is mad at women and black people are enjoying the movies that (let's be honest here) pander to them while they aren't talking about movies that have done the same but very long ago while he has many movies both recent and old that, to some extent, pander to him.

What is MAGA and what is total war?

pick one, yellow roastie, you chinks are all hideous creatures

My brain fucking hurts from reading this sort of retardation. You're saying that a strategy game with 100% Chinese in them, sold well in China, a country where 99% of its citizens are Chinese which isn't the first time it happened. Where the fuck is the diversity in that?

i do not like any pandering in games thats is one reason why i hate romances i games it brings most of these cultists with it but i understand that you need to projecting your leftists bullshit becouse otherwise your brain cannot function


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it's just an easy way to sell a shitty product. a lot of guys enjoyed the american mcgee's alice games, and some because waifu reasons, but also because she's a good character. people who actually play these games and really care about them aren't the ones praising diversity over game quality.

>the angry white dude is mad at women and black people are enjoying the movies that (let's be honest here) pander to them
So where's the movie that panders to white male?

furthermore i'm not even white

i think he meant "licking the sweat"

phoneposter with autocorrect who doesn't proofread

no, because diversity is used as a selling point, often in place of gameplay improvements or else

I hope you're just pretending to be retarded.

see It was gonna sell well no matter what. Total war is an example of success through diversity


Not really its just pandering

You are the fucking problem

Most asian women have man sized pelvises so 2nd and 3rd are not asian

Too many niggs these days

>he took the bait

How has this newfriend not presented digits to defend herself?


The bait is why retards think diversity and race is important, that's the problem.


>slavs aren't a minority

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Which of the following is a diverse game?
>A game with nothing but east asian people.
>A game with nothing but white people.
>A game with nothing but black people.
>A game with nothing but hispanic people.
>A game with a mix of all of the above.

Just make them cute and I don't give a fuck.

If you are going to use sameface and almost the same body,Japanese games might as well change the pallet so at least you don't get rainbow hair in your characters

>Most asian women have man sized pelvises

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Yellow or white no roastie would even look at ur beta ass. ;)

A game with nothing _______________

>Liking grannies

>I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the content of their character but by the color of their skin.

Confirmed retard. You're performing some extreme mental gymnastic there by saying a game with nothing but Chinese people are somehow diverse because they're not white people when that has never been the case. It sold exactly because of no diversity bullshit and China since you know, China is overwhelmingly Chinese.

Straight up fantasy or non-sense settings like mario, warcraft and zelda don't count. Zelda doesnt have humans, warcraft is a setting were being a different race of human means nothing when there are elves and orcs around. And mario is straight up non-sense that gives context to platforming.

>literal porn star

wow all asians must look like this

based okita poster

BASED and redpilled

>I have a dream

Only if the other races are sexy animal girls.

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sadly, they do

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Go do stuff in the continent were you belong.

>Straight up fantasy or non-sense setting don't count
Why the hell not? Those kind of setting are prime staging ground for diversity bullshit since you can just insert niggers and chinks nonchalantly. Instead we have evidence that you don't need fantasy space nigger to make your product successful and good.

kek, so true

This homo gave up, enjoy everybody as the filthy transitioning homosexual was out classed in logic by a sweed.

Only if there are cute women and handsome men. I dont want to see a bunch of ugly people of any race.

People only ever brought up Blade because niggas were acting like Black Panther was the first black super hero movie, not whatever that pic is trying to imply.

Not really I see too many whites in my games, I want to Asians only

From the comic makers viewpoint (looks like Dobson), every movie starring an white male lead/all white main cast.

Point being that you could then start including settings that don't even have humans like Ratchet and Clank.

Homeworld is literally about space jews you idiot

Dude talk to the local artist,
Asians make ideal White characters.

Better question: why do you think they’re Asian? I don’t see no small, slant eyes on these drawings.

Is that applemilk?

Only betas get yellow roasties.

I don't particularly care, so long as it's a character, rather than trying to sell the ethnicity as a character trait. Not designing them to look ugly as fuck also helps.

>Durr these characters don't look Asian, Asians are only slant-eyed insects!
Bunch of morons. Putting aside the fact that OP's pic is fanart drawn in an anime style, Asuka's in-game model has actual slant-eyes due to being Jap and Josie is a flip wherein slant eyes aren't usually the given.

well, two of them are asian characters

This is the weirdest Exodia summon I've seen so far.

Racial diversity is only inportant to people who pretend they aren't ravist


Better question: why do you think that Asian people only look like WWII propaganda caricatures

Yeah bro you tell em. The one in the middle obvious looks like this picture.

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>draw a black person
>give it a jaoanese name
>"OMG it's Asian because I say so :)"

nah, the plot is literally space jew but the Hiigarans themselves could be any generic white man space empire. We pretty much saw that all of them are white.



>hehehe time to dump my whole folder of low-res images of my ugly waifus AGAIN!
>THAT'll show em!

She is. Not the niggers in america, but she looks african.

>draw an anime character
>give it a jaoanese name
>"OMG it's White because I say so :)"

>they're jews but they're white so it doesn't count
do you seriously think the vast majority of jews aren't white?

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Is this queerbait gonna defend his position Or is he a shlomo for them.

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That's what Asians look like, weebcel.

I don't care about your fetish folder of real life uglies you fucking degenerate. Fuck off back to /pol/

They are ugly, and nobody cares about your shit eating taste.

Yes but only if it makes my dick hard.

The fuck? I didn't make such assertion, I just told you the plot is literally space jews but the Hiigarans themselves could be of any white ethnicity just like your typical white space empire.

Don't you have a Tifa thread to cry over?


>bruised knees
This is some next level stuff.

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Yes ugly.
Date a girl with down syndrome all the fun less disgrace to the parents

Don't you have a "Tifa is white" thread to spam for the 100th time today?

>Fuck off back to /pol/
You should.

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>to spam for the 100th time today
Kek, says the /pol/tard constantly spamming his fetish folder.

>I don't care about your fetish folder of real life uglies
Don't say "anime characters are asian" then, you utter fucking retard. Jesus fucking christ.

>he doesn't know
They're not anime characters you fucking retard. You're literally throwing a bitchfit over anime fanart.

Attached: this looks familiar.png (4240x3744, 3M)

Haha you call others "poltards" and accuse others of having a "fetish folder" when you autistically spam yellow fever threads on /pol/ with photoshopped pictures of Asians with surgeries. Stop postponing your inevitable suicide and kill yourself already.

>making a collage of posts making fun of you in your off-topic threads
weaponized autism

>that projection
Spamming your ugly folder of waifus like a degenerate won't convince anyone /pol/tard. It just makes you look like a drooling special ed kid.

someone still hasn't made an edit of that to have Talim and Josie instead.

No, but there's also nothing wrong with minorities in video games (unless its a strict historical which is rare).


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I didn't make that, someone else did so nice try I gues. Turns out when you act like a retard enough times, someone's bound to notice.

because asians are insectoids with no personality?

>still projecting
You're literally a drooling special ed kid making collages of Yea Forums posts from your off-topic threads.

Right is best.

>I didn't make that, someone else did
You've been making these autistic schizo collages ever since someone exposed you months ago. Funny how all of those posts by random anons can only be found in your yellow fever threads.

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>ran out of insults so decided to copy instead
You sure showed me kiddo. Feel free to dump the rest of your folder.

No. Unless trying to aim for a realistic world setting. Else its just pandering

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If Nessa is kosher by SJW diversity standards then I consider it a fair compromise.

mental illness


God the election ruined this fucking place.

>You've been making these autistic schizo collages
Nice try but I didn't. I do see it posted every time the same faggots start throwing a hissy fit over anything "asian" and start spamming the same mongoloid images. Looks like this thread is no different since you're getting all butthurt for being called out.

>Nice try but I didn't
Yeah you did, schizo. Keep throwing a bitch fit. Ever since you got exposed for spamming yellow fever threads on Yea Forums, you've been making these weird collages.

>he thinks it's all one person
Kek. I don't even use a phone. I just rename the images I save here.

is me while is the one you're looking for. Stay mad though, seeing you dump your degenerate folder every time you see "asians" in Yea Forums threads is amusing.

Diversity and inclusion is never going to be received well until the industry fixes its obsession with nerfing cuteness and/or sex appeal.

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>Kek. I don't even use a phone
keep telling yourself that, you're posting from your phone and a computer

Who's the schizo again?

>Racial diversity

More like delicious intermingling.

You'd have to be really small minded to not enjoy that.

>You're literally throwing a bitchfit over anime fanart.
Says the yellow fever autist spamming "anime characters are asian" on Yea Forums.

Fair enough. Pretending it's all just one user samefagging isn't going to cure your mental illness, so I'll stop trying to convince you.

>Who's the schizo again?
You, because you are paranoid and autistic enough to believe those posts in your retarded collages come from one person.

>being this retarded
Keep exposing how much of a brainlet you are for foaming over literal fanart.

>you are paranoid and autistic
Oh the irony, what with you crying over that one phoneposter samefagging and all.

ever considered suicide instead of projecting? your pain and mental illnesses will go away, I promise.

>k-kill yourself
Kek, I already said I'd stop. You mad?

>exposed you months ago
This. Here's the picture that exposed that severely deranged autist with yellow fever. He's been freaking out in every thread since that day.

Attached: 1562062936372.jpg (4552x4328, 3.53M)

What an autist. This is why yellow fever should be capital punishment.

Funny, I've never been in any of those threads nor do I even post about "muh grorious nippon waifu".

Guess it's just really hard to believe that more than one person can think you're full of shit huh?

you're small-minded enough to enjoy that in the first place

>Another /Pol/tard thread

Ah Feels good Ameribros

Attached: American.png (554x554, 27K)

>Company of heroes
>All white
Also there are females in the game, so diversity!

Have had back people for a long time, even if you don't count BotW, and I don't only mean gerudo, also gays.

It's a fucking Italian, also there's donkey Kong lol

It's astonishing how this deranged NEET autist with yellow fever is constantly replying to the same posts over and over and tries to defend yellow roasties.

I can come to Yea Forums at any time and click on any thread and he's going to be in it and he'll always spam his retarded "Anime characters are Asians" pictures or those retarded non-sensible collages.

>I've never been in any of those threads nor do I even post about "muh grorious nippon waifu".
Keep telling yourself that. You're the only one autistic enough to do it and you always get angry when somebody points it out.

>Also there are females in the game, so diversity!
You're talking about CoH2, CoH1 are literally all straight white males just like god intended.

>Have had back people for a long time
Zelda 1 is even longer.

>It's a fucking Italian, also there's donkey Kong lol

I'd fap to all of them, nobody ever will want to do that to you

>the weebcel is still going at it, even after he said he'll stop
just kill yourself, the pain will go away, maybe youll be reborn in bizarro world where asians dont look like hideous insects

It depends.
Games like Planescape: Torment hosts a diverse set of characters and it makes sense because it is set on the planes.
If the game was Kingdom Come: Deliverance, then it wouldn't make much sense.

>muh exposed phoneposter
I don't care about your retard wars with the Jap-obsessed phonephoster. Huffing and puffing about how you goteem isn't going to change the fact that the source of OP's pic aren't even anime characters just because you got rustled over someone's fanart.

>you always get angry when somebody points it out
Look who's talking. This is actually the first time I've heard about your Jap-obsessed phoneposter yet you're all acting like you won the lottery or something.

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my question is why do western devs not put thicc ass ebony women in their games. it’s literallt always some scrawny chick with an afro.

I said I'd stop convincing you. Are you so mad that you literally can't read anymore?
>k-kill yourself hurr
I see you've given up.

>brain damage
>still having a bitch fit due to getting exposed
>"Uh I don't even care but I'm still gonna chime in and sperg at you"
grab a rope and neck yourself already, you're worse at samefagging than Barneyfag

Nobody thinks you'll stop. You've been doing this for a decade.

> I don't care about your retard wars with the Jap-obsessed phonephoster. Huffing and puffing about how you goteem isn't going to change the fact that the source of OP's pic aren't even anime characters just because you got rustled over someone's fanart.
> Look who's talking. This is actually the first time I've heard about your Jap-obsessed phoneposter yet you're all acting like you won the lottery or something.

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OP's pic aren't anime characters. Stay mad over nothing.

>I can't read
Okay ESL

thats just shadow, m8

tl;dr on what the fuck is happening here?

imagine being autistic and making these

You're a weebcel and don't even know what anime is. Holy autism.

Kek, surprise surprise, guess it really was just a bunch of /pol/tards. Not going to continue arguing with kids who have literal mental illness.

I don't get it

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>Not going to continue arguing with kids who have literal mental illness.
Are you implying you argue with yourself?

You don't get it because you're retarded.

Ah yes, I sure can relate to a red peanut

incel with yellow fever got exposed for samefagging and spamming yellow fever threads and he's been coping tenfolde since that day

Fuck no. Why would the characterization of the characters rely upon race? Unless it is specifically built upon the troubles of growing up in a gang or the stress of asain perfectionism I see no need at all to make all the characters different races because "muh diversity."

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>come in the thread expecting Tekken lewds
>it's just a bunch of faggots arguing over inane nonsense
Why does Yea Forums continue to disappoint?

You're right; their race shouldn't matter unless it's part of the plot. Let's let the default be black, then.

But i like when they make it feel natural

Nah it's just one sperglord with yellow fever.

The irony of this thread crying over diversity is that fighting games (which is what OP's art is based on) actually benefit from said diversity. Hell most classic fighting games have characters with different races/nationalities just because it helps in adding variety to the roster.

I would have literally no problem with this. A character can be any race the creator wants them to be, but if it has to do with their story it's even better. If it's simply because of a checklist and an agenda, that's when we strike a problem.

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Yes. Whites and Asians make the lion's share of games. Shitskins and their useful idiot 'allies' whine about us not putting more of them in. Make your own shit.

>200+ posts and still no Tekken lewds
>one sperglord
At this point it's more believable to say that you're all homos.

No, and nowhere else either.

This. You fucking idiots keep drawing attention to it with this fake racism bullshit and our games actually take a hit, we can tell the difference, the retards in the mainstream can't.

You guys are the biggest cucks holy shit.

dumb phone poster

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The middle one makes my peepee hard

All shitty fighting games have diversity. Good games like UNIST, BB and Samsho don't have any of that shit.

Is it important ever ? Nop .

I'm more concerned with the lack of lolis in most games rather than the lack of niggers.

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>tfw no cutie Filipino workout gf

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I like how Yea Forumsirgins think they can tell these things from drawings of cartoon characters as if the fucking picture has dna. The fact no one challenged this idiot about this boggles my mind.

The secret to understanding the push for diversity is that the companies only care about money and the majority of certain companies customers are rich white people. The first reaction is, well they are trying to attract black people...but sadly no.

Once you realize that white rich liberals have intense self loathing you start to understand the only reason these companies do it is to pander to rich white liberals, that prefer seeing other races over their own. To a white liberal, seeing a white man is like seeing shit on the screen.

Same as when you walk into a bank in a 99% white area and there are black people in the posters on the walls, when your food store in a rich white area with almost no openly gay people flies the pride flag or when Amazon has black people wearing headphones on the front page.

It's not to attract those people, it's to pander to and felate the rich white liberals that hate their own race.

In conservative areas, or in stores that exist to sell products to conservatives you never really see it.

Companies that do these things aren't being nice, they aren't being inclusive. They just did expensive customer research on the rich white people who buy their shit and found out that this shit sells to them.

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Only in fighting games because if not for diversity then characters like Dhalsim, Blanka, King, Jaxx, wouldn't have been nearly as iconic. I don't think it matters in any genre outside of that, but it's always nice to have representation of other nations sprinkled about here and there.

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This, what's with the rampant loliphobia these days?

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I would say that it's important to keep games to which ever racial diversity suits their setting. In other words don't put niggers in my medieval europe games.

Alright, I know people like to call rddit a lot and even more people like to bitch about that but it is literally rdditers. Not. Joking.

Diversifying your product range is important for generating revenue.

If you have a wide range of flavours for waifus, you just know you'll rake in more cash.


>goto antifa march complaning about how evil white people are and how great diversity is
>99.9% rich white people in the march

The SJWs are cracking down on sexiness, and nothing is sexier than a loli.

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There's a large swathe of zoomers who didn't grow up with anime. A lot of them go on anti loli crusades against twitter artists. There's a whole thing about it on twitter these days. It's just retarded sheltered normalfag babies who don't know reality from fiction.

> Japs should put in more ugly characters

unironically fucking retarded

no but forcing it is part of the degenerate leftist agenda

If you think the entire corporate world is pushing diversity just because some randos are racist on the internet, you're retarded.

It's not just customers though, it's share holders too. Rich white liberals are more likely to buy shares in a company pushing the diversity memes.

This is what is behind Blizzard going full blown SJW for instance.

>black fragility


Why does reddit love censorship so much? Wasn't that site originally founded to be a liberal paradise, as in actual free speech?

Not to me, but I can see why some people would like more diversity. It never hurts a game in my opinion.

Dude, c'mon, they don't fucking believe in anything. They just do what their feminist and sjw overlords tell em to and those guys just do what corporations tell them to. I'm sure if you go high enough up the chain you'll find someone behind it.

Japanese want things to be pretty, sounds based to me

>advocate for diversity and inclusivity
>but, also, condemn traditional beauty standards and sex appeal
Seems kind of counterproductive.

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Hint: They don't mean the things they say. They don't believe in jack shit, it's just words used to push a certain agenda.

For my dick it is.

Bruce is going to be in and people will use him over the crybaby.

Companies don't believe in anything, they just pander to the people in the majority who buy their games. Or the share holders that invest in them.

No really.

But reason of why is "necessary" is because nonwhites cant handle the fact that video games made by white people will always feature white characters.
This combined with white people's white guilt which leads them to pander PoCs out of fear of being called racists makes the issue a big deal.


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Only if they're cute girls

Only if they all have white features

Lock your own seat, retard

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It's not pandering if white people make movies about white people.

We could've had a comfy tekken thread but a "yellow fever" obsessed samefagging schizo ruined everything, get killed.

No but body diversity is for my dick. We don't need all girls to have the same cookie cutter body like lmsketch made them.

Liberals don't want racial diversity, retards. They want paucality and homogeneity. They just say racial diversity, but in fact it's actually about mindsets for them. What do all the people they want to replace whites with have in common? They all vote for the left.

The race thing is just bait.

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>ethnic pandering sells games
the vast majority of people buying 3 kingdoms are not chinese, or even asian.

>once those sales go sky low
>sky low

it is important for my dick

>all the incel nazis ITT

Except everyone's already moved on from that. The fact that most of the thread is just about SJWs and leftists should clue you in.

More Nicole Scherzinger kind of diversity and ban the Lesie Jones type

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Diversity means less white people

not at all. but diversity can make some types of games better. e.g. fighting games. also as a gimmick, it works as cool shit even in a history themed game like yasuke in nioh.


Not really, i couldn't care less about a characters colour

go back to tumblr, retard

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should have black people only cumskins are not wanted

The concept of diversity is, indeed, not about race. It's about power. You can very clearly actually read that if you just open ANY fucking critical theory or Foucaultian philosophy based text on the subject: it's not even something anyone is trying to hide.
Modern left only understand and only takes interest in a single concept: POWER. Anything and everything is boilded to that, and only expands on that.
"Diversity" is a demonstration of the power of left-wing thinkers and "those for whom they speak" over the medium. It's more of a symbolic gesture, a "WE get to make calls here" than anything else.

It's one of the reasons why they focus on games outside of western cultural centers so bloody much: why there is far more scrutiny and pressure actually leveled on East European developers than there is even on american ones. It's a simple symbolic gesture of dominance they are trying to push.

It's incredibly fascinating to see the movement that once build itself upon renouncing the "cultural colonialism" of the West now just happily doing precisely that...

Yeah, that's what I said.

God that right one tho

diversity works as long as the characters are attractive

As long as it's not done to pander to SJWs.
>Look, we have gays in our game
>Look, we have black people in our game
>Buy our game
Shit triggers me so much, it's unbelievable.
What triggers me even more when retards starts to bash developers for not including that in the games or having not enough of that.
For fucks sake...

I want a brown (Latina, Arab, Indian, etc. NOT Black) wife.

Only racists care about the presence or absence of races in games.
Especially when the creators of a game are from a country which has no history whatsoever with some races like black people for instance, yet some dumb uneducated white westerners starts projecting their own racial guilt politics onto them.

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>dumb uneducated white westerners

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