Dude catgirls lmao

dude catgirls lmao

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Are they going to give Nia a hands on lesson?

Why are the tits on the bitch on the right so small? Every fanart I have seen on Yea Forums gives her bigger tits
Dont tell me they are lying

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She's an imposter.

extremely risque panty shots

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>My two wives seduce a younger girl who’s jealous of them into performing sexual acts with the intent of recording it for my pleasure

Well I didn’t know this was my fetish until today but boy howdy, it sure is

This is what they look like in game.

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I cant tell from this angle
You got any more I need it for research

where is the rest of the video?

why does she make those retarded faces

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Dude, PLEASE, show me the full thing

I want to go ravage het cervix

weird i dont remember this scene. is this near the end when fighting malos?

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>like Nia's hair style post-reveal
>but actually kind of want an altered version of her old outfit

I think it's right before Pneuma awakens

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*sweats* Ha....ha, y..y…..yeah, those....catgirls, huh *gulp*

Robot girls

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Holy shit was Xenoblade 2 a massive disappointment after all the praise it got. Not even big tits and panty shots could convince me to endure what is probably the most boring combat system to date.

Why is Nia even a cat girl? Only cat thing she does is a dance during combat. Her English VA makes 0 attempt at cat sounds and neither does her Japanese VA really. Its like late in development they realized how boring of a character she was and attempted to fix her with this cliche anime trope of a race.

I just played this part. It's at the end of chapter 7

how the fuck dont you remember the scene where your wife reveals her whole being

is there more of that



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did you not play the game?

Imagine the foursome.

Because she's a Blade from Gormott that resonated with a lot of Gormotti Drivers. The Gormott Titan gave birth to humans that evolved from Feris-type monsters that have cat-like attributes due to being formed from DNA data of Earth's animals stored within the Core Crystals

Obviously not

I wanna find this but I can't.

Do it faggot.

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Please no

Because it doesn't exist. It's a collage of multiple different pictures. The Dromarch is from a SFW wholesome picture of Nia eating a lot of seafood, his hat is shopped in, the Nia picture is one of her many generic suggestive low angle ones floating around.

i'll give her something to be smug about

Okay but what about the Welsh accent?

nia have weird shoes

Gormott is XC2 version of Wales, like Mor Ardain is Scotland and Uraya is Australia

In the dub they decided to give each major region of the game their own distinct British accents to further drive their differing cultures and origins. Gormotti were voiced by Welsh, Ardainians by Scots and Urayans by Australians

nice pink joycon!


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Its criminal, I tell you

Where are the anime dog girls?

You already had an off-topic waifubait thread once today, cabal.

I'm gonna sink this thread with no survivors.

Dog girls? They're bitches

damn, I think it's time to start drawing then

I liked it.

This goes against the cabal's narrative, they'll eat you alive for this.

Seek help

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You're the one that thinks everyone that doesn't sing praise for your favorite Switch game 24/7 is the same person.

Got to a mental ward

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Thanks for announcing your arrival.
I hope you get better soon.

Is this game actually good? I heard it takes 40 hours to get interesting.

I'm 300 hours in, so I guess?

Nah, it's shit only praised for waifufaggotry.
The last two games were amazing, and this is a stain on the one proud legacy of the series.

X was pure trash

If you're a brainlet

>have to level up community before progressing through the story

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Purify your illness

They teach you that?
That's good, you're already on the road to recovery.

Or you don't have shit taste. Brainlets can't understand game design, of course they would like shit games.

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It takes a village to advance the plot, user.

>X doesn't have good game design

It would have been believable if you just criticized the lack of story like the other shitposters, you just outed yourself as a cabalposter.

Yes games with bad gameplay don't have good game design, are you dumb or just can't seek help?

Obtain medicine to fix your disability.

how do i learn how to draw like this? how long does it take?

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get the fuck off Yea Forums, Hillary

I'm glad you got medicine too, but I hope one day you're cured enough to not talk in third-person.



Waifuscum are literal NPCs that only care about anime tits, faces don't matter.

With bad games? Why? Just play something better

Like what?

Active a cure for the sickness you have

it's a skill only taught in japan. unironically, western copycats can't seem to understand anime because they're all so focused on fundamentals.


Oh no, you're spelling is getting even worse.
Maybe they gave you too much medicine?

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Dumb zoom zoom

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>Cabalposter like OOT over Majora's Mask
No surprise there.

>western copycats can't seem to understand anime because they're all so focused on fundamentals
western furry art is unironically better than japanese fanart

Yeah of course faces don't matter, they arent real

>Zoomer makes assumptions
Not surprised.

>Yea Forums was honest
>the artist actually drew the tits smaller than the ones inbthe game
First time I have ever seen this happen.

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Only a zoomer would pick Ocarina of Time as an example of a good game.

At the same time, only a zoomer would pick it as an example of a bad game too.

Relieve your disease

That's good.
Maybe you are getting help after all.
Does it feel better?

I mean it depends. If you compare the greats vs the greats then it's an even comparison but on a whole, not many furry artists draw like Jessica Wolfclaw or Chrono. If we take averages from both styles, anime always comes out on top.

Objectively incorrect, only boomers spout OOT being the best game ever made. Zoomers prefer BOTW, dumb Zoomer. No wonder you think X is good.

im a zoomer
i prefer MM

Nah, zoomers are the ones singing endless praise for OoT because of what e-celebs tell them, same with the hate.

OoT is so infamous for being loved and hated nobody in this day and age actually played it, at least when it came out.

I'm a zzomer and boomer so hah.

Stop , Millenials would pick OOT as a good game and the hipster/contrarians would pick it as a bad one or say MM is better, and boomers that would've been gamers in that era either weren't playing it, or they would've been autistic manchildren and so their opinion would likely not have been a valid one.

E-celebs don't talk about OOT, they talk about Dark Souls.

>Xenoblade 2 has so little going for it that people are discussing Zelda


Why is Xfag allowed to enter a thread, explicitly say he is only here to shitpost and derail, and not get banned?
I know that he's just going to be back in fifteen minutes, but at least keep up appearances.

Because this isn't /vg/.

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Imagine being so obsessed you see your imaginary boogeyman everywhere

>xFag posting in my fucking thread again
fuck you

It's "Xfag" you retard.

>xfuck patronizing me
i swear to fucking god

Why are you so mad?

>Nia will never scold you then bite your penis as punishment, lapping up the blood as it slowly trickles out

It's like how ACfag can shit up Metroid threads and not get banned

This is one of the most embarrassing jrpgs I've ever played. Does anyone here actually hold this series highly or is it just for the waifu threads?

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Mating press this cat

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>no peeking pubes



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