Rockstar Won

Rockstar Won

For the Reddit deaf:
>GTA VI Development started in 2012
>Set in both Vice City, fake Rio de Janeiro, Liberty City, and Ludendorff
>Game WON'T be as realistic as RDR2
>One playable protagonist
>Set in 1970s-1980s
>You play as an up and coming drug lord-wannabe named "Ricardo". Another key character called “Kacey” is a part of the narrative. You start off as a grunt doing runs as a cocaine smuggler from Vice City to the new large South American area before making your way up. GIANT prison.
>Will feature a “CHAPTER” system similar to a Tarantino flick or RDR2.
>Weather is a heavy focus. Hurricanes, floods, etc.
>Buildings change over the eras, vehicles too
>Older, rare classic cars get more expensive as time progresses etc
>HEAVILY inspired by Netflix's Narcos
>They want to have an incredible 70s/80s soundtrack, but jury is still out on that one
>Madrazo return
>Drug empire building is a mechanic similar to Vice City Stories but bigger
>You can only have weapons on your person. No arsenal in your back pocket
>Your personal vehicle (similar to GTA5 but can now change it) will be like your horse saddle in RDR2. All your equipment is stored in the trunk. Similar to LA Noire. You also store your body armour in the car. If you wear it, it appears, no longer just an invisible thing.
>Tons of subtitle reading because the characters speak the language they're native to. Mostly English though.
>It will discuss topics such as HIV and the immigration crisis of the time
>Fictional Fidel Castro
>Next Gen only. Not PS4/XB1.
>Game is now their primary focus, alongside another title (which is believe to be Bully 2)
>Game is still in Pre-Alpha so names, locations, details could and probably will change
>No ETA on a release date

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>no weapon in your back pocket

rip fun

sounds gay as fuck rip GTA

>Development started in 2012
>Highly inspired by show that came out three years later

Daily reminder that GTA was never good
and this "leak" is 100% bullshit

it's possible
RDR2 went through many iterations and script changes through out it's 9 years of development

no such thing

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Fake and gay

>GTA was never good
False. GTA is way better than the pathetic weebshit you fags push like DMC

Source: Just trust me, I got a big dick ;)

>GTA better than DMC
you live in fairy land.

def agree, Tarantino only made joints in his peak.

>play as spic
no buy

>dude my PS2 rehash is epic because they brought back my fagfu
Lmao okay, enjoy your white haired twink games

I just wanna know when RDR 2 is coming to PC. Really want to a 2nd playthrough bois.

Hahaha holy fcuk you devil may shitters are absolutely autsitc and insufferable.

Is this real? This sounds profoundly autistic

I will.
Enjoy your empty world with cookie cutter Rockstar missions.
seething GTAfag

I dont want to go to a shitty brown people place though :(

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GTA is one of the blandest game series to ever exist dumbass

Fuck you nigger ill slit your throat while you sleep

You already played as a guido, nigger, and slav, they need something new

Daily reminder that "[insert extremaly popular thing] was never good" is a weakass bait and you people should stop using it already.

Going back in time sounds SO bad. Growing up in LA, GTA V was the perfect setting for me. Felt so comfy and at home in modern SoCal and if anything the games should be very modern or set in the future. And we don’t need to be confined to America- Let’s go to Tokyo or Brazil

Holy shit, yet another open world game with a huge budget and TONS of character customisation and STILL no fucking waifu to do it with. This is some hardcore bullshit. I want to dress up a $200,000,000 femc, motherfucker.

I am not even baiting.
GTA is hot fucking garbage and it baffles me that people enjoy it.
The most fun I ever get from it is fucking around the city for an hour.

You play as a spic in the best GTA game
The ballad of gay Tony

Do you even know what the word "bland" is suposed to mean or did you just used that word because it sounded good in your head?

>What is GTA Online
>What is RDR2 Online

Yes but will controlling my character still be clunky as fuck?

>>Next Gen only. Not PS4/XB1.
I guess my time is up boys this is where I get off the train

You don't even understand the buzzwords you post

>if I can't understand the appeal of something, that means the appeal doesn't exist!

You should have stayed quiet and pretend that was bait, now you just exposed yourself as a dumbass.

ok but tell me
why would you believe a random reddit post?

saints row 3 has nude mods ;)

>Pacific Rim
By that definition, would most film with CG be classified as kinography?

>set in 70’s or 80’s


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You play as a spic in gay tony, and he was the worst character in the entire series. Also OP's "leak" is 100% bullshit.

I mean, someone can probably find fun in the boring cookie cutter missions and empty overworld.
I guess it just isn't my cup of tea :^)

I wouldn't dismiss leaks like this so quickly, RDR2s entire map was leaked years in advance. Rockstar is definitely making a GTA now that RDR is out of the way

Samefagging this hard

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Yes, now you are starting to understand. Just go play other games and let people enjoy things in piece.

They'll repurpose the assets from RDR2 for gta6 but you're an idiot if you think it's coming before the next 3-4 years. Gotta re-release gta5 and rdr2 on ps5 and scarlett first.

you used the wrong word there m8.
It is peace

sounds cool but doesnt sound real. i hope it is though

>Sources: I know all these people, and this is 100% truth guys!
Also for a website with lots of people who bitch about Reddit, there always seems to be posts about it. Inb4 strawman argument

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>being that wrong

>Set in 1970s-1980s
I don't believe it, Rockstar isn't going to not make a modern GTA game after how profitable GTA V was. Setting the game decades in the past will be less marketable; no cell phones, no modern sports cars and jet planes and vehicles like that, no modern guns, no zoomer music and modern culture.

>>Older, rare classic cars get more expensive as time progresses etc
So, time progression in the story?

They won't reuse RDR2 assets for a next gen game this is Rockstar who sets the biggest budget record with every release they don't cheap out

But the leaked car for GTA6 was modern.

they cheap out on their workers

If it's in the 80s you'll get a primitive cellphone you did in vice city. That decade has all the stuff you mentioned they just aren't as new

They could make bank
>Older, rare classic cars get more expensive as time progresses etc
imagine a gta online where time progresses and items could potentially get more expensive if you don't shell out early.

Ricardo is a gay name
They could have come up with something more interesting and original than “up and coming druglord.”

sounds fake as fuck

the what

>pacific rim
Made me laugh.

that time progression thing sounds interesting but i'd really love it in a bully 2. i was thinking a game where you play as father and son at the same school in two eras - that'd be manageable in a small scale game like this where it's just a school and a town. maybe your main bully in the 2020s is the son of a guy your father bullies in 1990, maybe you bring a teacher to justice in the 2020s for a dark secret you witness in the 90s. loads of ideas.

I liked that other fake leak about cop and criminals ala the wire back in Liberty City
I guess I just want more LA Noire/Cop type games

>Chapter system


DmC2 sucked.

>rio de janeiro
>ignoring all the space in between
>another retelling of scarface
I'm going to call full of shit

I really thought they'd use RDR2 as a sort of transitional game to finally get away from GTA forever.
They must be beyond sick of making those by now.

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I don't think anyone in the world denies that

>Won't be as realisticnas rdr2
>Goes on to list a shitload of realism stuff
Oh well mite b cool. That Scarface game was low-key great.

>people unironically discuss reddit here now

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yeah i can see a lot of people being disappointed with going back to liberty city but it's been 11 years. i'd actually really love to see it 2 console generations later. the rumour in the OP just doesn't sound like it's for me at all.

>Changes over the eras
Why the fuck waste time and effort in that?

>Grand Theft Auto 6
>The game is about drugs

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It sounds like this guy just likes Narcos

>highly reliable
>worked for k*Taku


The imageboard is dead, long live the image board

yea I feel the same way about WW2 games
they act like we just got burned out and no one wants to play them anymore but its been over a decade since we got some of these games. A dense modern city sounds awesome

*timidly raises paw*
what's wrong with reddit?

Could Rockstar pull off a whole country? Or multiple cities like the op describes?

wow cool amazing i can't wait for this exact same fucking thing everybody's played by now. i can't wait for the same lame ironic radio stations, or kinda-funny dialogue every once in a while, or, my favorite part, fucking driving from one cutscene to the next. gta 3 was good like twelve fucking years ago, i'm so goddamn sick to death of these 'masterpieces'. 5 sucked fucking dog dick.

Removing arsenals in the name of realism has never been fun.
You're forcing players to stick with a single set of weapons for the entire game without giving them a chance to experiment.

Max Payne 3 could had been way better if it hadn't been limited to 2 weapons.

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Both are shit

I understand if this was a yearly thing but its been years since GTAV was released
if you got a good formula just stick with it and don't saturate the market

Why doesn't TakeTwo just make Rockstar make a Bioshock game they own the IP bros?

I don't see why they even need to make another one, V is still printing money and will probably continue to do so for years

Multiple cities yeah, GTA always has airports so theoretically a game with both Liberty and Vice city is possible

The same reason you you don't choose an rpg studio like Bioware and force them to make a looter shooter. Genres are too different.

No, or at least not without a price, remember the GTA IV vs GTA V meme detail videos? The smaller scale your game is the more attention and polish you can give to it, the bigger it is the less detail and lifeless the world will feel.

>GTA isn't eternal PS2 rehash

It's getting stale at this point the game launched on PS3 and 360 this is the first gen without a new GTA

I think with RDR2 they've finally unfucked their shit. It's both their largest and most detailed game yet.

I don't know what reddit deaf means but I'm assuming it's a term you redditors use for us. I don't give a fuck what information you have you cocksucker, I want you to leave and never come back. You don't belong here and you were never welcome here.

>another GTA
I might have cared years ago but at this point it's like whatever. You've played one, you've played most of 'em.

lmao how did you even come to conclusion of comparing those 2, completely different, games? Did you get bullied in high school by someone who liked DMC?

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That's all those types of people are good for.

If you think those are shit why would you think the next game made by the same developer would be any different?

dude bioshock was basically a looter shooter with rpgs elements no reason rockstar couldn't rock it open world style

Kill urself my man

My dad works at rockstar he said the game is going to be based

Pretty sure they've publicly stated that they'll never do a GTA set in the past again, and also that they'll never do a GTA set outside of the US again. This shit is all retarded.

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If the game contains any of the cities: San Andreas, Vice City, Liberty City, then I'm not playing. I want a new fucking city or a more fleshed out mini-city from San Andreas. If Liberty City is in then I will unironically kill myself.

>If Liberty City is in then I will unironically kill myself.
you sound like those girls that say "literally" a lot

Why would you want them to risk fucking up by making a new city without any foundation when they can just make more accurate versions of the cities they've yet to fully realize? GTAV was essentially one city and that was still huge.

>people believe this is real

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open world cover shooter with aim assist like any other GTA so why would I give a FUCK

yeah I'd rather see a new IP than GTA VI

>They must be beyond sick of making those by now.
>what will probably be 10 years since the last entry dropped
>acting like it would be stale

What the fuck? Why can all these other companies that are considered "muh cringe dweeb Yea Forums core" shit out cheap, same shit every other year and get praised for it. Yet Rockstar can't make a new entry to their iconic series once a decade without it being "overdone". The bias around here is ridiculous.

because there's an entire country left to explore. I've never been to America but I know there's more than LA and NY. There must be some other cities worth exploring

I don't know if they'd want to pull off multiple cities. Or rather, multiple maps. It's not about the singleplayer anymore, it's about GTAO 2. They could pull off a map with two GTAV Los Santos sized cities, sure, but I can't see VC and Rio existing on the same map.

There's definitely room for a GTA: Fargo riff, but cockstar is obsessed with California, New York, and trying to be Goodfellas

>open world
it literally cannot be good. stop pretending it can be. there's no good way to do open world.

They've done Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, and California. Where do you want them to go that's any more eventful than that?

I'm surprised they haven't made one centered on Las Venturas yet, it's a mob town, a good setting for a map and to write a crime story in

LMAO fuck off spic, maybe we will be able to murder your whole country in GTAVI

The teaser trailer will break 100 million views in 5 days when it drops. Rockstar will be flexing on the whole industry.

Why would they be working on a GTA 6 when they should be working on undead nightmare 2

>they should be working on undead nightmare 2
They could be, the last undead nightmare was teased 1 month before it dropped on xbox 360 and PS3.

If there's not mention of it by the end September, it's not happening though

And not a single erg of soul as far as the eye can see.

more like your vendetta against rockstar won't let you see soul

zombies isn't the current hotness
there should be a RDR BR mode

Every GTA has featured progressively more and more stuff with less and less substance. The core story has suffered every single time, presumably as more development time gets sucked into the pointless activity black hole. Couple that with rick and morty fan tier writers and you've got a mess.

>zombies isn't the current hotness
Which is why it will be aliens

There's a fuckton of references already in the game that aliens are up to no good in the RDR world

>rick and morty fan tier writers
you're not even trying now with your contrarianism faggot

>Every GTA has featured progressively more and more stuff with less and less substance
More like you're getting older and bitter. You stumbled upon new offerings of "game play" since 2005 or whenever since GTA SA dropped and you think Rockstar should change their design to specifically cater to these things you want. If it was getting less fun to play GTAV wouldn't still be played everyday

to be fair it launched at the end of their cycles and the true version came out later for PC, xbone and PS4. The new game updates aren't even supported for PS3 and Xbox360.