What the fuck?

What the fuck?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I mean he's not wrong

no way this is real

spoilers: they send a dmail back to change his moms diet during pregnancy and make him born a girl

My favorite game is pro-trans, oh no.

this is one of the most hilariously retarded parts of the game

Why are you acting surprised as if you're playing through the vn but your image is clearly saved from google images or some shit

It is

Read: "If he's TRULY DESPERATE".

WOW another fucking western lefty retard mis translated text from a gaim to make it inclusive WOW THAT LITERALLY NEVER HAPPENS!!!!

I'd rather him with the dick instead of a neo-vagina tbqh no homo.

Your turn.


he just wanted to make this thread again
only gay for anime

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God I want to nail her bussy so hard

Do the original moonrunes say that? Paging all autists

Ask distantvallhalla on twitter.

While we're on the subject any trans people want to chat on steam or something? pls be my friend am lonely

>transvestites MUST be transsexuals

why is modern liberal culture so toxic and addicted to labels?

Top Right and bottom left are boys???

it's not pro trans, it's frighteningly sexist

Steins;Gate is one of the worst VNs ever made. Even worse than Fate/Stay.

Yes. It's fine though, no one thinks you're gay.

what game?

Luka can pass but you never will

You must not have heard the gospel.

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not a single one is a boy unless you allow them

because big pharma doesn't make money on transvestites, dummy. All this tranny shit in every media you consume is just another fucking ponzi scheme like everything else in life.

relax tranny

that's fake yeah?

lattan shut up

I'm not gay just confused thinking that they were female.

reminder that the tripf/a/g that translated this is an unironic schizo that doesn't know japanese

Drag queens aren't trans, yet they're promoted as hell.


There's no need to be so defensive mate. It's okay if you jacked off to a few guys. No one here is trying to say that you're a fag because of it. That is what fags do, but no one is saying that you're one because of it.

>transvestites MUST be transsexuals
two words for the same thing sweety

Please just post cute images before this thread gets deleted

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nope. i played it for the first time on my PS3 earlier this year and it was real. i question if it's an accurate translation though.


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Nigger the character actually uses a time machine to make themselves be born female.

gateway drug and normalizing force

>mfw all of these fags falling for the bait

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what bait?

This is now a Kurisu thread.

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Lurk moar

It isn't. Neither is the scene of Okabe grabbing his dick, sadly.

>He doesn't know about the super duper mega ultra secret ending.
nu-Yea Forums is getting more and more casual by the nanosecond.

Attached: Steins;Gate Secret Ending.jpg (960x3793, 1.16M)

There's been a lot of steins gate threads lately and none of them have been good. Just post cute girls or boys.

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>Anime traps
>Visibly indistinguishable from female characters
>Are voiced by female actors
>Don't age
There's no shame in being attracted to them. Also, who's the brown maid? That's the only one I don't recognise.

Yeah, things are getting stale, sadly.

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this bitch can jolt out her sleep and have you disarmed and in a headlock within 1 second just because you turned the light on or some shit because she thought it was a flashbang... he would not be able to do any of that.


There are trannies in japan despite what weaboos say about "xD based japan literally nuttin wrong"
they even elect them to office

Wait what, I thought top right was a reverse trap. I thought reverse-reverse traps weren't real until now.

tumors like to use the only good sciadv vn for their political faggotry

Boys who want to be girls are so cute they deserve to be hand held and protected and cuddled

A transvestite is a person that dresses as the opposite gender (vestite vestige vestament aka clothing clothes vest) imho (and i could be wrong the definitions of this shit is always changing to make it super convenient) a transexual is someone in the process of or has transitioned through elective surgery. Both of these creep me out.


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don't you want to just force him to shoot out ropes of cum in pure pleasure?
and then forcibly make out while he's still recovering?


>the character actually uses a time machine to make themselves be born female.
where can I get this time machine?

poor thing, you need a (You)

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i'm straight, but i want to protect Luka and make him my wife

>I thought top right was a reverse trap.

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Particulary petting ones, god those are so underrated

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What about headpatted?

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This the cute boy thread?

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Why was Zero so shit, fuck Kagari

This is a trap thread my friend. Unless he(she) puts on a skirt this isn't gonna work

Lilly is a girl though, sadly

Ryuugajou Nanana

how about this? good enough?

Attached: Dont Call anyone.jpg (850x1133, 163K)

>no crossdressing
>looks like a regular shota


this is the straight man's thread

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2D women : 3D women :: 2D traps : 3D traps

Top taste is having a different mood each day.

Saika > Luka

>can impregnate d'Eon
>can't impregnate Astolfo

why is this allowed?

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3D traps are wonderful creatures and perfectly okay

2D > 3D no exceptions.

Honestly my friend did this to his gf and it seems like she just lost respect for him. Didn't see him as much of a man, really.

3D traps + politics + body image issues = trans


Now you're getting it.

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Saika doesn't crossdress and apparently he doesn't like to be mistaken for a girl.

He looks cute, but he's worse by default.

Attached: Saika.jpg (400x580, 68K)

Just another reason to hate women.

As long as they aren't like an SJW I don't see the problem desu.

Not really, real life isn't like some stupid anime. She was super nice to him about it and said "no. no it was cute" but you could tell. Women just want a man



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I love you Suzuha but I hope they never bring you back

Hopefully robotic;notes getting localized will spice up the shitposting

I know for a fact this wasn't in the pc release I played. Because I would have had to look up what lgbt meant.
So which version is this?

Gave her headpats or asked for one?

The "doctor an image to shitpost on Yea Forums" version.

*this woman* just wants a man
Have no fear, for I am a virgin, but I have interacted with girls and they can be into cute stuff. ESPECIALLY if they're someone that gets off to being called good girl. Rub their head while saying that

"if hes truly desperate he could probably have a sex change operation" is not even slightly a lefty inclusive line what the fuck are you on.

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I know for sure both the Vita and the PC version I played it had it
Nope. You can check if you don't believe it. It happens on chapter 4

Why would I go looking for a line that wasn't in the game?

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Marrying girl Luka is the ending I stopped at because nothing could top it so as far as I'm concerned she's canonically a woman.

>Favourite game
>8/10 quality
>Visual novel

doesn't this dude straight up become a woman through some weird timeline fuckery? because that is hot, TG a best.

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What the fuck? The fuck is this? What were they thinking with this and why? Is this canon? I hope not.

It's less that he becomes a woman and more that you go to a different timeline where he was always a woman.

How the fuck does changing diet also change the Y chromosome to X chromosome when the same sperm already fertilized the egg?

not bad, i guess

What was the proper translation? Cuz Japan sure as hell didn't write those lines.

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>tfw it’s been years and this is the state of R;N

To be fair, they send it one month before she get pregnant


Trans people are gross as fuck, Id fuck him if he kept his dick though.

Is R;N not that popular compared to SG CH and CC? All the promo arts make it seem like some happy go lucky robot story with high schoolers but Im sure the Committee will come into play later on


Don't take my word for it but apparently it was heavily marketed as S;G 2 and the japs were pissed off that it wasn't that and had more to do with Chaos; stuff

Makes sense. You can do the same thing with cyberpunk bartending
Well I have the first release of the pc version, before it was even on steam so if it is they must have changed it.

R;N as far as I know was exclusive to the fucking xbox 360 in japan, so non nips couldn't hope to play it and Its also why its so unpopular, because japan was selling literal single digets of 360 consoles monthly at the time.

I like to think it caused the conversation between Lukas parents about which sex they really wanted their child to be, and once they decided on girl (female) they used other more scientific means. I don't know much about meiosis, though.

Wasn't CHNoah 360 exclusive too? Console exclusive vn is such a dumb marketing move

its ok when japan does it and if they are cute

not gonna lie, she's cute as fuck for a male

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Are double gay blowjobs blowjobs that are double gay or double blowjobs that are gay?

Leave child-porn on the developer's server, then contact the FBI

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>banner for /cm/ appears
>click on it
i figure it's not gay since it's right there but going there by my own volition would be gay

That one is done by two gay boys so it's double as gay

Wow, I've been browsing Yea Forums boys threads too many times to forget that this board exists

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/cm/ is the fujo board, majority of the userbase are females or females (males) self-inserting as androgynous anime boys

the new thing is the green haired character from Promare

Shucchou! Shimakaze-kun no Heya -Josou CabaClu Hen-

Still the best.

Attached: 1548765138546.jpg (835x1063, 383K)

that's a cute girl

Idk about the story because all I ever did was watch the 2012 anime, but IMO that's still pretty cute, I mean did you expect him to stay looking like that indefinitely? even Yaotome no Chrysanthemum acknowledges this

>females (males) self-inserting as androgynous anime boys
That's the dumbest fucking shit imaginable. You can already be an effeminate, limp-wristed submale, but you go through all that effort to become as close to a female as medically possible these days.

Why can't we pet girls in real life...

Attached: i-cant-believe-how-hard-right-now-37783799.png (500x413, 120K)

gotta find a boy for that, no lie


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That wouldn't apply to transvestites too?

Astolfo is easily the best trap all-around, i'm not too fond of his body in the Apocrypha anime, but her body in Fate/Extella Link is nice.

>morning after, back to boy mode
10/10 ending
thank you for the sauce boss

Attached: 23.jpg (1280x1834, 649K)

Adult Bridget when?

Boys have a penis.

Girls have a vagina.

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>in a surprise twist Leo is Bridget

arrest this little reactionary

>no place where you can just walk in and milk horny, tied-up traps

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The one thing the anime actually did better.

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is this gay

sometimes i wonder which route ASW will choose:

>a bearded manly man like Leo
>a bishounen pretty boy like Ky Kiske
>still a trap, just older

Attached: Bridget.(GUILTY.GEAR).full.1063178.jpg (869x1000, 233K)

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Moeka was also not pointless in the anime

>tranny with fake breasts and inverted dick vagina

Was Japan, making traps all the time...?
What for?

for dick, of course

i wouldn't complain if he turns out like Poison

but Bridget's entire character is wanting to prove his masculinity and show to his fellow villagers their beliefs are unfounded

Why the fuck is this shitposting faggot so cute?

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comic relief, fapbait or both

lets be real here, majority of men would fuck a female-passing male in the ass if they can do it without no one noticing

>majority of men would fuck a female-passing male in the ass if they can do it without no one noticing

Speak for yourself you denial gay.

WOW another triggered /pol/tard WOW THAT LITERALLY NEVER HAPPENS

Fuck off to your safe space

Im surprised SG0 anime ties elements from all routes so well. The different routes in the VN feels so disconnected I lost track of the cause and effect why answering or ignoring Amadeus Kurisu leads to one thing or another

Not time travel, Reading Steiner, micro blackholes or jelly people?

Yeah, if you're gay.
Astolfo is overrated and shit and his dumb flesh fang should be yanked off of his stupid face.

Lukako actually does want to be a girl

>Waah there are real people in my videogames and not only the heterosexual white circle i've locked myself into through my entire life
Get out of your bubble you mumbling neanderthal

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>Top Right
Literally the best doujin around is him having a sweet 12 inch donger

>he says this while posting in this thread

you're the one in denial if you think most males wouldn't fuck a tranny/trap/femboy like picrel if they can do it without anyone knowing

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They're all boys.

It's not mistranslated. This is actually what he says.

>why does this science-FICTION story based on conspiracy theories and pseudoscience have fantastical elements in it????

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no, they aren't

Astolfo and Luka are girls

The best girls have both, though.

Have we been getting more Steins;Gate threads or is it just my imagination?

>I'm a fag so everyone is a fag

We have.

>Work with a bunch of blue collars on a o&g company
>famous brother-and-sister singing duo in my country
>Common "joke" bar question reaches their circle
>"Would you rather fuck the guy in the ass or be pegged by the girl"
>They all pick fucking the guy in the ass
Speak for your self you denial straight

Attached: 1546265624573.gif (435x316, 2.91M)

Read the reply chain and think about it very hard. You should be able to solve this.

yes it is you mentally ill fuckin fag

homosexuals are seriously the dumbest group of people on this planet, holy shit


ruka can turn into a girl, but theyre both boys

i want to fuck them, thus they are not boys


Homosexuals have higher IQ's than straights, actually.

haah op took the gaeman rout=e.

None of those things are silly or retarded.

Given the fact that his is what google gave me and the image is too mucked up for saucenao to help.
Can i get a hint on who the girl on the right is?

Attached: This just raises further questions.png (715x660, 163K)

Why was his eyes gouged out?

Anastasia from The Idolmaster.

Attached: Anya.gif (245x281, 1008K)

japanese people are pathetic and can't handle real men in the comics they jerk off to

It's not real. Steins;Gate is free from the taint.

does she have a dick

nope, only her doppelganger Saika has a dick

pic related also from the Idolmaster series has a dick too though

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A cute

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Thank you user


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Still waiting for a Switch version.

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cute grills

imagine she riding (You)

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I'd rather ride her desu, I bet she's hung

why is her vagina so big

Puffy Vulva

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she's very small, but i think she can get the job done

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Puffy volvo.

mmm, I'm not understanding. can I see it from a few more angles?

Kaine had a hard life

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Kaine is intersex though so theres a decent chance she has testicles so this isnt the best example to use

Who are the three on the bottom right? Especially the brown qt.

what do?

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Pretend its kuro and go to town on that cup


use his dick as a hand warmer

I will literally destroy Fujisaki's throat

I recognize that speedo swimsuit.

>they literally just named him "Dark"
thanks user, thought you were goofing at first

>comic relief because I say so

I can make it harder.

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Fluffy Voldo

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She mostly gets hard by killing shades

The left side of Kaine’s left body is unbelievably black, with pulsating and jittering pulps of meat, as though it is an entirely different organism. The traveller keeps on repeating to herself “everyone is equal”, and smiles at Kaine. The traveller looks down because Kaine has been staring down the whole time. Then she sees Kaine hold something with her demonic left arm, and she was absolutely horrified when she notices what that thing is.

Kaine is holding……. that swelled up and stiff male organ. The traveller saw the blood vessels on the object shaking. Kaine isn’t just possessed by Shades, she is also a hermaphrodite. “I can’t control myself… in the night after I killed Shades…”

This is the first time that Kaine has talked to the traveller. Kaine narrows her eyes and opens up her lips, then she looks at the traveller has she rapidly moves her left hand. Her breathing becomes much more rapid, and her eyes lost focus as she looks up into the sky.


The traveller doesn’t dare to look at the finishing moment and backs off.

“Don’t come here! You… horrible Shade!”

The traveller escaped as she hears Kaine’s out of control screaming, it sounds like sobbing and laughter at the same time.

How come they let a tranny join the military

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You can impregnate Deon you dummy.

No, this is not real. If it is real, then it's from a different translation than the original one. This is definitely not in the original visual novel translation.

>Do the original moonrunes say that?
Short answer, absolutely not. The original fan translation didn't say it either. If it's real, then it's the "official" translation done by western SJWs

Long answer - There's words in the Japanese language that don't have English counterparts. "love" and "like" are great examples of this. You ever read/watch some eastern product where the guy is like "Ai-chan, I like you. I love you." and thought it was weird that they'd use both of those phrases back to back? Or just "I like you" instead of "I love you" which then comes off as insulting since it's not 'love'? It's because in Japan, there's a word that's between those two. It's more than 'like' but less than 'love'. Pretty much every translation handles that situation differently.

So western translators are FORCED to take SOME liberties with the translation to make some phrases or words make sense. "localization" is exactly that. It's why they call it "localization" instead of "translation"

i bet youre one of those mentally ill fags that thinks getting fucked in your ass is manly and masculine

When I said "watch my 6", I didn't mean that!

>draw a girl
>voice the character by a female
>write the character as a girl
>say that they have a dick that you never see
>suddenly you are gay for being attracted to it

Male Ruka best Ruka.

Attached: 3a6ad242b7d89ef70653341b662d6254.jpg (750x1000, 184K)

The scene of Okabe grabbing his dick is real, tho

That wouldn't make him a girl

Ruka has a bigger penis than Okabe

that shit is hilarious

>tfw no boyfriend

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they're identical, but you can breed female Ruka

both belong with straight men anyway

Actually not really. In one of the fandiscs all he actually wants Okarin's dick..
Once they go out he suddenly has no problem being a man at all. He's just gay in denial.

>implying I want kids
>implying dicks aren't vastly superior to vaginas

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Nah, in the actual scene Okabe grabs her pussy

You're right, the power of her heart does that by itself.

>started dating a really cute femmy boy
>after a year of dating, he comes out to me as trans, says he wants to be my girlfriend
>accept her because I love her no matter what, and she's already short, cute and very effeminate so will probably look great as a tranny
>now I have a girlfriend

Attached: 13672252067662.gif (500x518, 1011K)

It's real dummy.

Ferris is the best one out of the bunch there I don't even want to fug him, he just needs a loving hug after all the shit he keeps going through

Is it? I'm not actually that confident that it isn't, but I at least know the pussy scene happened, so I just assumed it was an edit of that. I specifically don't remember Okabe noting Luka's size, and I feel like that's something I would remember.

heh, faggot


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Sounds fair enough.

You just need to send a text through time to your pregnant mom telling her to eat more veggies.

It happens in Darling.


I don't mind. I love him(her) very much and that is all that matters to me!

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So, does he want to cut off his dick?

i want to put female hormones on Ruka's food so bad

No. But the hormones have shrunk it.

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this is probably the worst steins gate thread that i've read in a while

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>He doesn't know Steins;Gate
Send a d-mail and delete yourself

If only if the direction was on par with the original series

Lukako isn't a tranny, he just wanted to confess to okabe. His character arc is about the gay taboo in Japan.

This is the future you chose.

That's very cute and I'm glad she's living the life she wants to.

>Okabe grabs her pussy
Is Okabe a Trump supporter?
Is Trump actually Okabe?

You're just two homos with severe delusions.

They're both real you retarded secondary

I've just finished Steins Gate and it was great. Is steins gate 0 good? What about Chaos Child?

0 is shit compared to the original S;G VN unfortunately. Chaos;Child is really good and one of the best SciADV VNs, but I'd recommend playing Chaos;Head first.

More like fucking improved

there's nowhere near enough doujins where okabe fucks luka(male)

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0 is just decent with heavy flaws instead of a modern classic masterpiece like the original. Worth reading if you're hungry for more though.

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>Astolfo, rider of black
what did they mean by this

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>even Astolfo is a bbc slut

Nigger if you'd actually know the story you'd know Luka's character arc is about accepting his homosexual feelings for Okabe, instead of hiding behind wanting to be a girl. It's exactly the story trannies wouldn't want to hear.


Posting on Yea Forums wont make your dream come any more true

Imagine being a zoomer that gets triggered by a game that came out in 2011 in Japan for inserting current year American politics into the game. At some point you have to realize that your understanding of reality is whats wrong with the world.

But it is true. The strangest part is how a below average looking nerd like me ended up with such a cutie.

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Then post pics. Oh wait you won't cause your a larping beta faggot

>posting pics of myself and my girlfriend on Yea Forums
Fat chance incel.

Annnd I was right, yet again. Have fun dreaming ya fat fuck loser

This is an anonymous website, I don't need to post proof of anything for some rando user.
Oh well, at least I'll be getting my dick sucked tonight.

>character clearly states that he's always felt wrong as a boy and wanted to be a girl in every adaptation
>once he knows that being a girl results in a friend dying he understands the gravity of the situation and accepts that he has to be a boy again
>he's okay with it because of okabe, who he loves, being there for him either way
>fans blatantly misinterpret this as him just wanting to be a girl because he can't admit his feelings for okabe
Fuck you people, god damn

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>character clearly states that he's always felt wrong as a boy and wanted to be a girl in every adaptation.

Wrong, you fucking moron. He's always referred to himself as "boku" even in the female timelines. Embarrassing, user, to pretend you know anything.

The Visual Novel explains it much better. But he never once makes an assertion that he'd rather be female except for when saying he'd like to send a D-Mail, which was later revealed as a front because he believed his romantic feelings towards Okabe would no longer be unfounded if he were born female. In many instances he clarifies to people that he is, in fact male, as well as using male pronouns.

The entire point of his character arc was accepting that "Lukako is Lukako", and that he didn't have to change himself. Additionally, his female attire and gentle demeanour is due to his overbearing father and his messed-up upbringing. Basically, Luka's issues stem from a mixture of confusing emotions, problematic upbringing, a selfish elder sister and a pressuring father rather than an inherent sense of being in the wrong body. In summary, he starts the series a very confused homosexual looking for a way out of his rut, and ends the series a homosexual comfortable with his feelings and receiving a mutual respect between himself and Okabe.

It's disgusting that you would try to spin an actually interesting character into "he's definitely a tranny, yassss", all because you don't know shit about the source material.

This was literally what made the anime a 3/10 for me.
You couldn't come up with something as retarded as this if you tried.
Not only that, but Luka's gender and how he was treated during his upbringing or his life in general 100% informed his personality, his shyness, etc. Not to mention that the chemical balance of a female brain is different to begin with.
In other words, if Luka had truly become female and grown up as a female all his life, not being labeled or feeling androgynous at all, simply being a gil, he would have developed a completely different personality.
But there we are and Luka is the exact same person he was before, except with a vagina instead of a dick.

I can't believe that there are people who would honestly call Stein's Gate one of the greatest shows/vn's of all time. It's so unbelievably retarded only a certified retard could enjoy it.
Then again, that's what most of the anime community seems to be.

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no, those are the interesting parts, because they are the parts the entire story revolves around.

Sure, traps are cute.
But the only cuter thing than a trap is

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he stays with them tho

Why are some people so desperate for Luka to be a tranny?

sucks your dick and calls you double gay

bad traslated to pander the LGBT faggots
i liked how that boy was actual more a girl than the girls , okabe and him was the same situation than achiman and his trap friend.

Because trannys are cute!