If you could add any one thing to fix Pokemon what would it be?

If you could add any one thing to fix Pokemon what would it be?

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Shad's new style is super cute.

I thought this was vore from the thumbnail. Now I'm disappointed it's just Shad.

but who was baby in the end? rat or human?

So if the trap dude and the pokemon dude are essentially the same, can we summarize they are Shad self inserting?

a ditto

Post the rest of it pussy

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the uncharacteristic hairy arms on the pokemon trainer are the biggest giveaway that he's self-inserting.

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>shadman is actually improving

Honestly I agree with you. Even if his art still looks like garbage it's an improvement over the piercings and chromatic aberration.

>Chew! Chew! Jew!

What did Shad mean by this?

i can dedeuce that trap is shaved shad but he forgot to shave and traps arent hairy so he just made the pokemon trainer,i cant believe im saying this but

I wanna fuck shad man

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Reminds me of that scene from MiB 2 where the alien eats the guy and looks all pregnant haha

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>3rd panel:chew chew jew
What did he mean?


>be shadman
>draw pedoshit because you know it's provocative
>trigger the shit out of the internet
>laugh while they desperately try to prove you're a genuine pedophile instead of your typical edgelord troll
Is he, dare I say, based?

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are those pikachu eggs or human eggs

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go on...

Pregnancy is kino, and egg laying is all the fun of childbirth with no actual gross babies and umbilical chords and shit.

>uncharacteristic hairy arms
Dark haired guys have more noticeable hair on their arms. I'm blonde but I still got pretty fuzzy arms. You sound like a twink with no testosterone or bodyhair whatsoever.

Wait, how did it takes it's clothes off? Do Ditto have the ability to generate clothing? Wouldn't the clothes technically be part of it's body? Are Ditto part Namekian?

There isn't anymore. And there never will be.

god I wish that were me

That's bullshit, Pokemon only lay one egg at a time.

A lot of artists selfinsert. Nothing new there.

But why so many fucking eggs

and then he got a visit from FBI

FFX combat

Holy fuck

What will come out of those eggs?

What are you, 12? I can't remember the last time I saw a dude that didn't have hair on his arms.

why'd he take his shirt off?



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More Pikachu, because the original Pikachu wasn't holding the incense necessary for Pichu


>pink hair to show ditto
Clever but this is gross


have sex

Wait why he didn't fuck the metamorpho before the pregnancy? It's just his fetish?

blessed shadman thread

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I guess because when you are breething pokemon that's what happens. You get your boxes filled with eggs

The anal sex one is better, pregnancy is grody.

>Shadman is now starting to draw Pokemon Porn
I have no idea if this is a good or bad thing
Is he gonna stick to humanoid Pokemon or go full fucking deviant and draw the more beast-likes?

He also is constantly making /pol/ bbc addicted or trys to make them come out of the closet

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>ditto didn't just transform into the magazine except pregnant
Missing out on a great joke


I'd rather fuck the ditto when it's tranformed into the cute female Pikachu tbqh~

Here is a hard truth pill for all of you to swallow.
If an artist manages to be recognized just by his artstyle, he is a succesful artist no matter if you like it or not.


Joke's on you faggot, I actually like Shadman

yeah i knew someone would say this

gonna need a part 3 where theyre hatching

I hope it's not the generic humanoids.
Those are Reddit.

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>implying I don't like >Shadman



cute anus

>go check his site out
>those Mewtwo ones

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It’s much nicer to look at than his older styles.

>not eggscellent
One job, dude.