Why does this series get such hate?

Invoke such revulsion?

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I only liked Origins and only because it's such a cool recreation of Ptolemaic times. Also Medjay isn't a ethnicity but a rank/status in the Old Kingdom.

it's bad, that's simple

It really satisfies my need for stability, routine and repetition

I don't get it either.
Her game is soooo good.

Same reason call of duty does.
Every year the same game, often with meaningless additions, often worse than the last one subjectively, sometimes much worse than the last one technically, lost its soul after the third or fourth game and even though there's been a pretty good one recently, can you really call it a return to glory?

fun concept, decent areas, and really good animations ruined by fucking terrible combat and constant insane bugs like people's entire faces being gone

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Pop culture bilge for anglophonic cuck men. Not much else to say, really. (((History lessons))) for normies.

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because they made some shitty games after the 3 and 4, then changed the game completely
it's not assassin's creed anymore. it's witcher, but shittier.
no longer are you a trained assassin murdering people with a single blade through the ear
now you have to slash at them a billino times while floating numbers fly off and ooooh now you got a critical hit and you hit the guy so hard with your tiny knife that his body flew 10 feet in the air!!!!
what a fucking shit show of a series
fuck ubisoft


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>why is game bad
>because races cucks and da jooz! o_O
this is your brain on /pol/

I thought the third game was fun and people overreacted to it

They raped it into a yearly/bi yearly franchise. Too much

Women can't be Chads, George.

Kassandra is the canon protagonist, not to mention very hot.

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Because the series have been going downhill since the first game. The great irony is, so have standards, so while the first game got poor ratings, that's only because standards were higher back then.

None of the sequels managed to fix what was inherently wrong with the first game, not even AC2 which lowered the quality all across the board.

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to many gaymes
all feel the same

Because there's a metric fucktonne of them and they only ever incrementally improve if at all. The fan favourite, Black Flag, was beloved because it's best feature was a whole new system barely related to the backbone of the series. When they got to 3 and the best part ended up being the Animal Crossing village and the sailing, they should have stopped and said "maybe we should just do a bunch of spin-offs with different mechanics".

Instead it became a series for the Ubisoft Homogenized Game Design factoryline, where they just try to aim down the middle of the road on every design choice so they can sell the most copies. And it doubly sucks because they have a setting that literally spans all of human history and even near-future sci-fi AND a semi-fantasy semi-mythology Graham Hancock time period.

But every. single. game. has to have the most cookie-cutter, bland, unchallenging, uninventive, completely iterative structure, stretched and padded out across an over-long, under-cooked campaign, while also leaving space for DLC and microtransactions made in the exact same manner. It's gotten to the point where the settings or the personality of the main character don't make any difference to how it plays (except the one time it was a pirate game about sailing).

If they had to stop at each game and say "okay, this game needs to be a single, powerful, defined genre different from the last one", or just built more of it from the ground up, it could have been a really influential series with a long legacy on the medium.

Instead it's just a profitable one that will eventually be discarded from fatigue with no legacy to speak of.

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Funny how the pirate game is the superior assassin game.

I'm not an anglophobe

Oh and it makes me mad because there's so much waste potential. The earlier games felt like a promise to it, and you can't help but feel ripped off and bitter when it doesn't go there.

I'm super interested in Late Kingdom Egypt, and I love the fact they recreated so much of it for Origins...but when I look at the HOURS of boring missions, grinding, and tediousness I'd have to sit through in order to see it all, all excitement leaves me.

>III above anything
>Assassin's snoozefest 1 above II, Origins and Osyssey
>Syndicate that high
I'd complain about IV too because it's the best game but "assassin" parts were absolutely awful trailing missions.

I think their mistake was focusing too much on the assassin's lore shit. They wasted potential with the animus, the machine that could replicate the life of literally anyone. They could have make all kind of games with that.

>There will never be an animus game where you play a great general in a strategy war game
>There will never be an animus game about city building where you play a hero colonist or a merchant
>There will never be an mystery/detective animus game where you have to figure out what happened in an undocumented part of history

Literally anything, and they fucking focused on assassins? That shit doesn't even make sense outside the crusades.

1 deserves a decent spot simply for being the first, and because it has the best plot out of all of them.

Their biggest mistake plot-wise was having the Desmond future animus shit at all. Completely unnecessary.

Second biggest mistake was turning the Templars and Assassins from small but powerful secret societies into massive groups that literally every famous person throughout history was a part of.

II was the only legitimately good game, and ofc yearly release caused the games to become trash

11 games in 12 years should be enough of a red flag. Just for comparison, Dragon Quest is also at the 11th game for the main line series and that one laid the foundation for JRPGs back in the day. I haven't even played the games, but I expect slightly more differences between the games than between FIFA games.

This. I wouldn't even mind the game being about assassinations if they stopped diluting it with all the other mechanics.

Trying to think now, about what they added over the years that wasn't assassinating.
-base building
-team management
-town building
-all the upgrading that comes with sailing
-gang wars/territory domination
-RPG character stat grinding
-loot and weapon grinding

And then there are the extra features they added that are directly related to assassinations or traversal, but that utterly break the game due to bad balancing.

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I don't pay attention to these games, but sometimes I just remember the way they handled Desmond's story in 3 and I will never get over what a bizarre choice it was. I wasn't even invested in the story, but it is so strange that they chose to just kill him off like that.

I don't understand how people enjoy these games to be honest

One feature that was genuinely good was bomb crafting from Revelations. So of course we never fucking see it again.

I'm amazed Ubisoft didn't see the massive love for Black Flag and just decide to use their sailing engine to make a standalone pirate RPG thing.

Wasn't Brotherhood supposed to be good?

It went from a great alternate history concept and architecture porn to a bloated collect-a-thon released every year. It simply wore it's welcome out.

3 was slated to be the end of the series and probably was going to be the case until, sometime during development after the script was fully written, upper management decided to backtrack on the idea.

I imagine the original idea was to let one of their other series become their new tentpole.

There were changes to Conor's story too. A couple of letters and scene with him and Haytham that positioned him as a tragic figure and made the games moral about revenge being a futile cycle got cut just before release. So that made his story seem like a big waste of time with an irredeemable arsehole when it was intended to be something like a Metal Gear Solid game.

With Desmond, they outright say "you have two choices", which in no doubt were actual endings you could pick from, before they backtracked and decided to pick for you.

>Pop culture bilge for anglophonic cuck men
Says the guy who put the most pop-culture relevant game in the series in "god tier"

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This series is just such a fucking shame.
A great concept, amazing recreations of places in history, and then it gets turned into the most boring, repetitive, awfully written piles of shit.

Black flag, Origins, 2
Rogue, Brotherhood
Unity, Revelations, 3
Syndicate, Odyssey

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Because it's the same bullshit over and over again ad infinitum. Once you've played one asscreed game, you've played them all. And it's not the sort of style that's captivating and keeps you coming back. It's the type where you've done it once and you'll have had your fill. The gimmick gets old quickly

Is Syndicate really that bad? Was thinking about getting it on sale.

Revelations was my favorite


It's fine for the scenery of London but the characters and story are absolutely retarded

Unity was actually a god-tier AC game that should have been the standard, but Syndicate fucked it up for everyone and now the series is essentially just an action-RPG.

causal normalfag trash

>but the characters and story are absolutely retarded

Well that's pretty much true of most of the series, innit?


Fucking this, especially:
>Instead it became a series for the Ubisoft Homogenized Game Design factoryline

I absolutely cannot stand that shit. People give EA and Activision a ton of shit, and rightfully so, but pound-for-pound I firmly believe Ubisoft is the hands-down worst game company. It's just that they often fly under the radar. At least with those other companies, they'll make shit games of somewhat of a variety of different genres. But with Ubisoft, you literally get NOTHING ELSE beyond bland generic asscreed clone with bland generic asscreed clone gameplay.

I played a few of them many years ago but the memories all blur together.

I think it was 2 where it had the real world story where Desmond stays with those group of people like the sarcastic Brit and the hacker grrrrrl?

God it had the most poorly written dialogue I have ever heard in a video game.

>1 & 3 Mid tier
>2 Low tier
You wut nigger?

I don't see anything wrong with "where's Charles Lee" , Connor was behaving irrationally, the whole story was about him being stubborn and naive

this is your brain on renting free on pol

it gets a little ridiculous when you find out the guy you want to kill for burning down your village was actually the guy trying to save your village and the guy you're working with is actually the guy who burned down your village but you have to keep working with him because Nigchilles told you so.

Black flag is a great pirate game with this really annoying assassin minigame you're forced to play occasionally

They have to churn them out yearly. It’s made by people on a never ending crunch. When you play an Assassins Creed game you are literally playing the bottled up fatigue of a bunch of wageslaves.

I tried playing AC1 on my PC but I remember the controls being complete ass and the beginning/tutorial was tedious so I just quit, especially since everyone was just telling me that AC2 was infinitely better. So later on after I got a PS3, I downloaded AC2 and gave that a shot, and I actually liked the game. Not 10/10 or anything, but definitely solid. So then I decided to play the sequel AC Brotherhood. I think I got a mission or two in when it dawned on me that this game was 100% exactly the fucking same as the last one, and that I was getting tired of the "run across city, go to objective, run back across the city to the quest giver to complete, rinse and repeat" gameplay. Never touched another one.

>quintessential ubipoo face

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>One feature that was genuinely good was bomb crafting from Revelations. So of course we never fucking see it again.
Why though? I never found it engaging at all. All it did was make a handful of different types of bomb which you may as well have just bought in a store.

Plus the gas bombs were OP as fuck.

It HAS to be getting to the point that their own games are competing with each other now, right? The only difference between them are their settings, and the settings aren't all that different.
AC = historical
Watchdogs = modern, urban, soft-cyberpunk
Farcry = third world conflict zones (unless it's a spinoff)
Tom Clancy = military
the other Tom Clancy = military but post-apocalyptic
the other other Tom Clancy = military but in single buildings
the other other other Tom Clancy = military but in the dark

And ALL of those fucking games play damn near identical to each other 80% of the time. If I didn't care about settings too much and just wanted an open world game with some stealth some combat some exploration some light RPG mechanics and some territory mechanics, where I play as an underdog fighting an oppressive regime with a rag tag group of friends, I'm not going to buy a Farcry, AC, WatchDogs AND a Division.

Now if each of those games actually were mechanically distinct from one another, I might.

>Assassin's Creed Origins
>Very next game is set even earlier

What did they mean by this?

That's the point, he was stubborn and irrational

But the game is beyond repetitive. Just because it was fun in 2007 or 2008 (whenever it came out) doesn't mean it still holds up.

The whole series is inherently dishonest. From the very first game it had a story hook (the Animus) explicitly designed to be a vehicle for an unlimited number of sequels so dumbfucks would keep buying them.

because 1-6 are practically the same game

that being said, odyssey is amazing

>Oh shit what Historical figures do Normies know about from Greece
>Uh, Sokrates?

>what is AC4?

the pic you posted has a better face

I replayed it a couple months ago and had a lot of fun with it
You could tell it had been cut short in parts though which was unfortunate
2 and Brotherhood were alright, but whilst they brought in good things they also brought in bad things. Revelations was utter garbage.

Did the overarching story with desmond and the precursors ever go anywhere? Last game I played was Brotherhood, but I haven't seen anything about this stuff since, and it looks like they just dropped their plot so they could just keep making random games with random settings.

A pretty bad game. Just because it has boats and pirates doesn't make it good, we all know the gameplay is atrocious and plagued by the very same fucking issues AC1 had made worse with each iteration.

>put Karl Marx in Syndicate
>"Hey kids! Seize the means of production!"
>series gets to a point of such cynicism that the modern plotline of one is about a game developer run by Templars

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It got popular, normies like it, and it gathered a cult following among cringe teenagers. Typical contrarian/hipster Yea Forums.

Besides that, the game does great for what it's intended to do, make you feel like you're in the current era that it's trying to portray and learn about certain things that were around the time, like Columbia University of New York being once a hospital for the sick before it became one of the top Ivy league schools. Origins even went through the trouble of making a tour of Ancient Egypt where you can learn the entire dynasties and see the temples/pyramids of the past through simulation.

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>ancient egypt
>ptolemaic dynasty

they needed the era where you kill white men.
else it would have been problematic.

>the game does great for what it's intended to do, make you feel like you're in the current era that it's trying to portray and learn about certain things that were around the time, like Columbia University of New York being once a hospital for the sick before it became one of the top Ivy league schools.
That's right, except:
>the game
is shit. Also you just lost.

where my pvp multiplayer bros at?
only good thing this series ever shat out

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Is Odyssey worth playing through? I heard it goes full fantasy nonsense, but does that help or hurt the game?

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how do you go from sackcloth-wearing swordsman to looking like jack the ripper

You go through the dynasties of Khufu and Djoser too if you browse through the pyramids, how they ruled, and the complexes around the pyramids/temples and how they built fucking doors everywhere that lead to nowhere and believed they were gateways that only the dead in the afterlife can maneuver through.

>tfw super excited for oddsey's return to naval combat
>no rogue waves
>no giant storms
>no legendary ships
>no waterspouts


Honestly I just explored all the tombs and never finished the game beyond that lmao

It's shite and it's way too grindy. Imagine 120 hours of fetch quests and filling exp bars

That's unfortunate. I really like ancient Greek myths and I haven't had a good game in the aesthetic since Titan Quest.

Multiplayer sucked.

Terrible PC optimization and the story is not everyone's cup of tea but they are actually the best mainstream series to date.

I know we shit a lot on Ubisoft but given that is reddit's job now, I actually like Ubisoft and if you think AC gets a bad rap you should try the Division, that game is stupid fun and I would had thought it would be Yea Forums favorite given that the division rewards you for being an asshole or grieffing other players.

>boat gameplay is atrocious
care to elaborate user?

shit-tier gameplay

That part where Ezio sings non-sense in Italian will make that one my personal favorite.

Agreed, it was totally unexpected yet totally fucking awesome. I wish they brought it back, hell they could afford to make a F2P multiplayer only AC game focusing on this, there certainly is room for selling cosmetics and shit to retards.

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To be fair, the creator/original writer for AC was let go (kicked out) after Brotherhood I think, maybe Revelations.
tfw captcha has been raping my asshole refusing to let me post for the past 5 minutes

>Every Ezio game gives you the opportunity to beat the shit out of that guy who cheated on your sister

>Edward is welsh
>but Connor is half anglo

Long story short Desmond died in 3 to save the world, leaving a precursor named Juno to roam free, then she died in a comic

If you just say it's bad without explanation, your comment has no weight, no use & you won't convince anyone to share your views.

I said "gameplay is atrocious", that includes boat combat, melee combat, boarding, everything. Fucking Pirates! had better gameplay for fucks sake.

The multiplayer is the most pure example culmination of what that series should have played like as a whole.

edward's son is half anglo

So after 3 they just totally dropped the animus plotline?

That should make Connor half mohawk, quarter anglo and quarter welsh

Now it's about being some faceless fag working for Abstergo as a code monkey that goes into the Animus and accidentally learns the truth of history behind the Templar's lies. At least until Origins, now the new MC is some Arab woman who's working for the Assassins to find precursor relics and is currently dicking around Atlantis uncovering items of power.

i hate your ranking more than i hate this franchise

No, there's still animus. It's just different people and if I remember correctly, its not 100% accurate any more, to account for playing different sex characters and mythological beasts showing up

>still no mesoamerican asscreed
Fuck ubishit for >le vikangz meme, >le sparta meme. Pre-contact Mesoamerica would've been great

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To me it's the same as WD2. Technically it's a good sequel that managed to fixes and improves many of the predecessor's (Origins) faults, but it resulted to be a bland, boring, and a chore experience as a whole.

Origins is so repetitive (who would have known) but Bayek and his story is engaging enough to play through. It surprisingly has some heart and it's something that Odyssey just lacks. There are so many TECHNOLOGY from Origins that Odyssey surprisingly lacks, like how every pedestrians has a daily routine.

I see, but basically what's happened is they only keep the pretext of a main character using the animus as a carry-over from when that was actually a relevant plot detail, right?

It's self evident, needs no explanation, they are just bad games (i played about an hour of 4, which is touted as the best one, and it was very, very bad, not good at all).

They dropped nothing really, neither the Animus nor the modern day assassins versus templars war. Simply it all took a back step, it's just a mild distraction in the background. The core of the game is now exploring different timelines.

We all expected AC3, the series being planned as a trilogy, to culminate with a modern day AC game playing as Desmond outside of the Animus where you would actually tackle the real issue. Instead, it ended boringly, and since then all sequels have been equally boring. Assassins do nothing but fuck around, and too little happens for anyone to care at this point.

I think Rebecca, Scott, Desmond's Dad and now Layla are still around. Also she gets immortality


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t. sucked at it
hehe gotem

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One of them was bisexual so that's cool, but everyone else was a het-cuck.

Because it's the biggest piece of wasted potential in human history.
And not just once, but multiple times.

I do not know user , I think they consider Haytham full anglo because he lived like that desu

>lacks, like how every pedestrians has a daily routine.
Might be because of the rate that Ubisoft wants to churn out AC games. Like, jesus christ guys give me a break.


they could even turn it into a battle royale game
100 players in a big map assassinating eachother till theres 1 left
they could do so much with it even in other games but ditched it for more boring singleplayer, it hurts me

I was pretty good at it, it just got boring and repetitive real fast. I played Brotherhood, Revelations, and 3 before I stopped caring. I don't know if 4 even had multiplayer. It all kind of blurs together, but I remember certain skills just being so OP it rendered everything else meaningless. I remember being able to constantly just chain stun an attacker. How easy it became to identify the target and just shoot them with a hidden gun, etc. And everything was so clunky and unsatisfying.

I'm still assmad that they promised multiplayer naval combat and we never got it.

I would love a Mesoamerica game with a fully rendered Tenochtitlan, but not if it was an AC.

kek, this. The shame of it is that I want games set in all the historical settings that AC does, but AC is fucking trash, so it "doesn't count". For example, I love games with an egyptian theme, but i'm not going to play the egyptian AC.

Sounds like you are hating yourself more than you hate the game. I love this series

I played from brotherhood to 4, and yeah it had multiplayer, though it was lackluster and didn't add much, but I still enjoyed it. It definitely had faults, especially the first few games when smoke bombs were ultra cheese and as you say basically make the other abilities redundant, but it got slightly better each increment. However, shooting someone with a gun would only net you 100 points and it wasn't a viable strategy to win unless you were playing with real shitters, just like the morons who used to run everywhere and come last.

The premise though was great, and they could do a lot with it, clean it up and make it less clunky, it has a lot of potential to be fucking god tier. Instead they ditched it for more subpar singleplayer rpg faggotry.

I have a hard time imagining a vidya corporation spending monie on a game with such an obscure setting as pre-contact America. Only indie devs would do such a thing, Expeditions: Conquistador for example.

this, and if they would have added the ship combat of 4 to unity in some way it would be considered the best ac


Assassin's Creed is the best game about the Assassins while Black Flag was the most fun game, prove me wrong.
Unity had a potential to be The Great, but got fucked by ubisoft because they couldn't delay the game for a year and they needed to somehow shoehorn microtransactions in the game and cut some basic features like hiding on the bench for that. Fuck you Ubisoft, i wish you got bought by vivendi and dissolved

ac3 should be up a tier just because of haythem

please don't be this retarded

>caring about ass creed's canon

Black has the shallowest gameplay in the series and inferior compared to AC3

I'm sorry you're gay and hate having fun

I like to have fun and that's why I don't play AC games anymore


The combat has been really bad since the first game and they have yet to fix it. Storyline has been a clusterfuck since 3 and they have no idea what to do with it. Some of the games are outright broken (Unity) or boring (1, 3, Syndicate). And I absolutely hate that they've added RPG elements to the newer games.

But if you're like me and really like touring a historical setting then they really are the best series for it.

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RPG elements are just an excuse to put microtransactions in the game.

>Billions of assassin creed games
>Not a single one about the actual original assassin.

I played AC1 and thought it was kind of clunky but that the story was decently interesting, and the setting was cool. Played AC2, definitely smoother gameplay but I thought the story went a bit off the rails at the end. That was the last AC I've played, but Origins and Odyssey interest me just because of their settings. How are they? I know that they're totally different, gameplay wise, from the first two.

I don't know what the fuck the point is of the games post Black Flag. I really liked how it was this contained story given how AC1 through Revelations had a story arc with a beginning, middle, end (even if 3 stumpled). Everything after just feels like its a mandatory inclusion that just adds in gimmicks and retains characteristics for brand recognition. What the fuck is the point of the Animus anymore? Why are the Templars still around? Who are these AI cunts coming in blazing out of left field? It just feels like they're beating a dead horse at this point.