The only Pokemon fans will get change is if this game underperforms. What are the chances of that?

The only Pokemon fans will get change is if this game underperforms. What are the chances of that?

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If it underpreforms, they'll just cancel the main series and move completely to mobile. There is no winning

>What are the chances of that?
Considering the nature of normalfags, I'm still expecting it to sell 12m-14m or so because it has Pokemon written on it

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Theyll never do that because Nintendo needs it to sell consoles. Hell I'm willing to bet that's the reason it's not on mobile already. TPC is ready to go to mobile, the head even thought the switch was going to flop. Gamefreak couldnt care less. However Nintendo loses out if pokemon ditches them completely and Nintendo has more or less the most sway in the relationship so... They force gamefreak to shit out a game and make sure it's ready by holiday season to push units.

A Pokemon game underperforming means it will sell like 10 million units. At worst 5 million (IMPOSSIBLE), which is still a huge profit. As long as Nintendo demands yearly releases, the games will not change for the better.

I'd say about 30%.

I'd say about 13% and 50%

National dex fags are just a vocal minority. The "controversy" won't have an appreciable impact on sales.


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It is kinda cool that he replied to him

is that guy just a Sony fan trolling?

Not likely.

>sells less than Let's Go
Well well well, I guess people want more Kanto and less features.

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Zero. It looks like shit and I'll be buying it. Why? Because my niece likes Pokemon, that's why. There aren't enough good games for kids. That's why these games will always sell well.

This honestly, /vp/ can get as buthurt as they want about the kanto pandering, but in reality little kids still play and enjoy pokemon, and people with kids don't really see a problem with the game.

I don't think anyone with a brain would be mad about less Pokemon if they actually updated the ones in game with Stadium tier animations, but they're literally just as lifeless as the fucking 3ds.


No, normalfags only care about muh pokedex, and not the actual problems with the games, like animations, framrate, postgame content, and no exploration.
They were happily eating up all the shit until very recently.

based hoes mad spammer

Through the last through gens, the games have gotten a shitton of improvements for the competitive and online side of things. That's really the only thing I care about, and if they continue in that direction I'll be content.

Slim to none?

Poketards complain but will eat it up because they can't stand missing out on it.
If it does fail Masuda will just say "lol smartphones" and casualize the series further

Why are the weather siblings so fucking sexy?

This is why compfags need to be gassed

I think there is a good chance it won't sell as well as SM for a few reasons
-smaller install base, console hasn't been available as long
-higher price tag, even though it's commonly said pokemon fans will pay anything and eat up whatever shit, I expect somewhat reduced sales just because of the increased cost, for no reason other than market forces
-cutting pokemon is one of the few things autists and normalfags care about, it's been a series staple to have everyone until now, and if GF fucks up and drops some fan favorites they could get a pretty bad reception
It will still be a massive financial success though. It'll still sell millions and their budget is next to nothing so there's no risk of them really suffering, just looking bad because they didn't exceed last gen's sales. And for that reason they may decide to ignore any loss in revenue rather than change their habits. Gamefreak doesn't make good games and I don't see them changing unless the series is somehow torn out of their hands.

Competitive has been shit since XY. On-console competitive is even worse.

Unless they reveal something massive, the game will underperform. Not be a failure, but sell lower than what investors were hoping.
Maybe this will be enough to get Nintendo to go in there and tell them to stop being lazy cunts.

>Competitive has been shit since XY. On-console competitive is even worse.
Just not true.

Seeing hall the pokefags seething over something as insignificant as the amount of pokemon in a game reminds me why I'm proud of be a digimon fan

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This will be the first pokemon gen i'll probably not play, i don't really care about the pokedex drama, the game just looks...meh...

I notice most of the people defending gamefreak's laziness are either blind retards who slurp up to them because of brand loyalty or they dont play Pokemon to begin with and think it's stupid, yet feel the need to chime in on the argument.

This product is lacking and not for the benefit of something else. There's no real reason they can't make a game thats good and satisfys what the core fans want. People are expressing their dissatisfaction not only with cutting Pokemon, but the shit animations, bland overworld, crappy dynamax gimmick and the general lack effect on GFs behalf. The national Dex thing was merely the straw that broke the camel's back.

That said, these games will probably outperform the Let's Go games. Nothing will be done to correct anything. Mudsuda or GF will never admit fault. Their response to the outcry had been: we hear you and we don't care, suck it up.

And they will continue to shit out lazy games for as long as they are profitable, eventually fully moving to the moblie market.

>Mudsuda or GF will never admit fault
If there is no drop in sales there is no fault. Friendly reminder that the world doesn't revolve around you.