How did Kojima bungle it up this bad?

How did Kojima bungle it up this bad?

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bait but I understand it's necessary to start a thread so here's a bump

They should have marketed it as a front mission game from the start. And also made it a good game.

It was directed by Hideous Kojima.

>This time I wanted to focus on the game instead of the trailers
>Game is even more trash
Damn it Kojimbo.

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Kojima has nothing to do with Left Alive.

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I said Hideous, not Hideo.

Shit has got Kojima's fingerprints all over it.

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Left Alive is the exact same quality as MGS games but without Hideous's review bonus

He wasn't involved though.

I don't believe that for a second.

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Yoji Shinkawa was, but not Kojima.

Well, it's true.

why is it so bad?

>People making up shit just to bait Kojima Drones.

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>making shit up
It's been confirmed Kojima worked over time on this project.

Attached: Left-Alive-Artwork.jpg (1920x1080, 559K)

Left Alive wasn't even a Konami project.

Man what really happened to squeenix to have that double bill of embarrassment with Left Alive and The Quiet Man

Someone cared about funding some unconventional projects but didn't care enough to have some actual quality control.

If you really think that, then you seriously haven't been digging deep enough friend.

Kojima had litterally nothing to do with this tho

Kojima played an active role in guiding the development.
>When we initially started the Left Alive project, we consulted with Hideo Kojima

It's typical Japanese westaboo tacticool stuff.

>No source


Look if you are going to meme, at least put some effort into it. Gaslighting like this isn't even entertaining. At least try to make it sound like a kojima fanboy at squeeninx is at fault or something actually believable

To be honest I initially thought this was a KojiPro/Konami game at first.
Yoji Shinkawa character art, same art direction and cinematography as MGS5 and visuals and a UI that look like the FOX engine

Post the whole statement, you disingenuous retard.
>(Regarding character designs) “When we initially started the Left Alive project, we consulted with Hideo Kojima, Kenichiro Imaizumi, and Yoji Shinkawa, and got their consent.”

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Has anyone here played it?

Meant to reply to , obviously.

Absolutely not. Game has less than 360 review on Steam, which would be okay for an indie game, but not here.

>Make Front Mission
>But it isn’t Front Mission
Saw this coming.

Memmin aside, what the hell was square thinking? They went to all the trouble to get all that talent together, then then just shit out a half assed world of tanks advertisment.

I can only imagine how it's internal development looked, you just know there were people on the team that genuinely thought the project was important, only to slowly realise that it was shovleware as the game was "worked" on.

>Memmin aside, what the hell was square thinking?
it's not that weird when you look at their recent work
>what the hell was square thinking with deus ex
>what the hell was square thinking with thief
>what the hell is square thinking with the ffvii remake
>what the hell was square thinking with ffxv

Thief was 5 years ago.

it's relatively recent and it's the same people making bad decisions.

I was initially interested, but after playing Tom Cruise's The Division - before the patches, I have no taste what so ever for bullet sponges, or anything even remotely bullet spongey.

I didn't even know it came out

It's better that way user.

How are they staying afloat then?
Surely they must be doing something right, or they might be collapsing soon.
What do you think?

That sucks, I was kinda interested in playing a new Front Mission

I don't know why, but i've looked into the game and I genuinely want to fucking play it,
It has a lot of things I like in a game, I don't really care for gameplay, I play games for context (e.g. Nod vs GDI in C&C) It's hard to describe, it's a little retarded.
But full price, and even half price is a bit much for me honestly. If they game goes for 66% off, i'd probably pick it up.

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I really wouldnt, it's hardly functional, and from what I've seen, it isn't even a real fm game

Since you're retarded, I'll explain for you. Yoji Shinkawa works at KojiPro and can't just work on outside projects without permission, so the Left Alive team had to talk to Kojima and Imaizumi as well as Shinkawa himself to get him on board for Left Alive.

It was actually direction by Video Brojima, Hideo Kojima's evil twin brother that was created 40 years ago through cloning of Kojima's DNA and has been plotting his revenge on the world all along.

I really want to play this game. But there is not pirated version, as far as I know.

Redpill me, pls.

>A Front Mission game with fucking Shinkawa art

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Can't pay the bills if you haven't got the skills.