Making AAA games seems a hell of a job

making AAA games seems a hell of a job

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he seemed alright in the interview though

He's a scumbag that forces their employees to work overtime. Pirate his games.


>the PR team told me to make some sad looking face to become a meme and capitalize on that exposure

CDProjekt won't feed their employees meat.
They keep them just strong enough to work but not rebel.
They all end up looking like this guy.

Only a complete retard would go into game development without knowing that his life will be a living hell.

fuck off some western lazy pussy complain because they don't know what work is

i heart they keep each employee in a single small cage with automated food dispensers to fatten them up , then force them to lay several eggs every single day and when they send them off for meat processing.

Wow. Look at this commie.

pirate every game then, faggot

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The face of a broken man

>your face when your company is now full of american trannys

I mean, the EU paid for everything anyway so of course I am going to pirate it.

Game development is just a meat grinder. It's so bad that 3D artists are told to go into even advertising before they consider games.

I pirate everything but even I'm buying cyberkino

Imagine wanting to work in video games

Netherealms (mortal kombat) literally only hires contractors for their games and fires them after release

They do this so they can bully them with the false promise of being hired

>AAA games
Are you retarded? They're small and poor studio.

They were like 10 years ago lol

that's how it works though. hire contractor for a project. project ends, the contract ends.

>that forces
They all do, that's the AAA development.

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oh no

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Remember to get in on GoG.

This pisses me off so much. My mom is dead and I would do anything to see her again.

Be happy that she didn't die thinking you are such a dissapointment and failure at life that you might end up shooting a school up like the tranny.

Kojima looks younger than ever

This guy is literally giving his life force away for video games.

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He's 44 wtf

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Kojima also makes garbage games.

he's a millionaire, he should retire

wtf? he did that to his employees??


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You can point out the EXACT moment CDPR went to shit. And that was when they went public and got noted on the stock exchange. That moment they sold their souls, principles, liberty for artistic vision and integrity.
Witcher 3 was homogenised, consolised, casualised to make SHAREHOLDERS happy. Not the people who made the game or the ones who wanted to play it.
Same has happened with CyberPunk 2077. It was rebooted two times already and has barely ANYTHING in common with their initial vision for the game. Again, just to pander to the lowest common denominator so they can reach the broadest casual market for maximum profits - all of that just to make SHAREHOLDERS happy. Not the people working on the game with ambitions and with crazy, never before seen ideas they would love to implement but can't because of strict checklist-approved, time constrained milestones they have to obey.
See that pic? Marcin Iwiński hasn't been seen smiling in years. YET they chose that path themselves. They wanted to play with the big boys and be like Bethesda and Rockstar.

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Based mom.

fuck, i never played it, but this game looks amazing
i need to buy it

When you take the black pill.

You should it's high quality stuff

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Elden ring > cybershomething somenumber

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While I don't advocate crunch, it's an industry wide practice that even small indie devs have to partake in.

That's what happens when you abandon the path of Eurojank.


>has barely ANYTHING in common with their initial vision for the game

What was the original vision?

Well yeah make good games yourself if you're so great

The unhealthy virgin kielbasa vs the chad healthy sashimi

You can do anything (c)

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Fuck game devs. I don't care if they're overworked, just give me my games.

oh shit, why have i been wasting my life with dark souls and skyrim?

>came out as trans to kids
>they were okay with it
Bullshit. This faggot is lying through his fucking teeth.
Imagine your dad saying one day "Hey I think I'm a woman, so I'm a woman now".
That's gotta be debilitating and embarrassing. Those kids are going to get bullied and teased for having a mentally-ill faggot as a father.

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>guy who founded his own company and built it from the ground up into one of the most successful game studios around today
>"ideas guy" who was handed a pre-built company on a silver platter and hasn't done anything with it but churn out his one trick pony over and over again

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fuck off anita

that ancient japanese art of the honorable combover

but not only unhealthy food but mostly stressful job is killing him, this man is finished. Jebać Marcina, he can't teach his people how to make a good gameplay, he's a hack

Art is sacrifice. Any creative undertaking in history considered big by the culture undertaking it required some form of enforced slave labor.

>left cringe
>right based

I'm sure this multi millionare cares about your memes chum

>implying iwinski isn't balding combovering hack

This really reminds me of the first Letho fight in 2.

>Try to fight him normally
>Get my ass handed a few times
>Look online
>Aard > 2x Heavy and repeat is the best tactic

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CP77 doesn't look like a piece of art but rather a bog standard console shooter in a slightly futuristic setting though


Oh man I remember cheesing him like this for like 1/2 of the hp

he's an amateur though

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>kick letho's ass in boss fight
>get ass kicked in cutscene
Why the fuck do they do this shit? What the fuck is the point of a boss fight you are just scripted to lose after you "win" anyway? Just play your damn story cutscene and stop wasting my time with pretending I actually have an input here.


>t. falseflagging polish tranny
>see guys we good them bad buy our game
How to identify the reddit and resetera shilling tranny:
>reddit spaces
>uses facebook memes
>blindly shills and defends said piece of media without taking in any criticism or giving criticism of their own
>thinks hollywood and corporations are based
>relies on reverse psychology and mental gymnastics to prove that you are "wrong"
>thinks trannies aren't mentally ill
>tells you to be a part of the mindless collective
>takes out the /pol/ boogieman
>calls you a contrarian even though he's a contrarian shill himself
>massive hypocrite
>its popular so it must be good
>samefag mass replies (You)
>pushes for SJW agendas
>will say he hates trannies just to blend in
>has a large amount of dick in his mouth while shilling and making posts

All great accomplishments of humankind have been done this way you brainlet milennial.
Its funny, since a lot of games tackle the topic of sacrifice, you'd think someone playing a lot of games would understand this.

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They're video games. Not rocket launches or pyramids.

I feel bad because I’m polski and this company is one of best things to come out of Poland next to Jewish death camps.

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>it's not art because I don't care for it
Nice metric for art you have there.

>I’m polski
shit, it checks out, this guy is legit

>trying to make piratebros look bad
How much are you actually paid for working overtime, Ivan?

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So? Who gives a fuck about the pyramids these days? The value to the average human is next to 0. How many people have played some Zelda game and gotten effected by it?

Getting your dicked sucked by millions of shills will of course let you look dried out.

So what? I'm to remain a grunt till the end of the game?
Also did they talk about augmentations and humanity? Will too much augs on main character have negative effects on how people view V

No,slavshits just age like that.

still much better than some disgusting jew subhuman or a german shiteater

Slavs are somewhere in between those two so it makes sense

I give my life
Not for honor, but for (You)

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Making vidya is a waste of time for a lot of roles. Programming and Engineer people are working far worse hours and for far less pay than getting something in another industry. Unless you get off on the idea of being a part of something or making something, you're a literal fucking retard being abused by the company.

What you think is a bad deal isn't what some others will think is a bad deal. Some people could work at a Fortune 500 company and make a lot of money, but see it as a bad deal because they find the work boring or incompatible with their morals.

jesus christ

Imagine hating yourself to the point that you want to completely wipe your identity and have your race become extinct. It's uncanny.


>A black person has independent thought, let's abuse them
>Black people, let me tell you what to think and feel

>tweeting out personal family shit for twitter likes
what a fucking psychopath

I'm not saying he doesn't, but crunch is common as fuck.

>He will die in our life time

>needing a reason to pirate

poland has a bigger cult of hard work than japan, literally no one cares about that here, being able to work overtime is seen as a merit

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>being able to work overtime is seen as a merit
you are fucking dumb debilu pojebany

taka prawda

you are going to gulag too

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i bet this tranny actually believed what he wrote

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>play like a retard
>game is shit waaa
fucking retard

thanks god we have workers deficit now, a few years ago when you refused to work at saturday few times you were basically fired ("we got 20 people waiting for your place") now i'm refusing almost every saturday and they can't do shit because there is no fucking people except for ukrainians. Based


Poland doesn't have salaryman culture though. That shit is as bleak as it gets.
After work you pretty much have to spend a few hours with your co-workers and boss before spending more hours to commute home.

I don't understnd why these millionaire CEO don't just retire once they made it. What's the point? Are you that passionate about video games that you have to be there everyday and kill yourself doing it? Just take the money and leave, keep in touch if you're still interested, and go on vacation forever

>After work you pretty much have to spend a few hours with your co-workers and boss before spending more hours to commute home.
i haven't heard bigger bullshit in my life

oh no! overtime! the hourroure!
its like every other job that requires results before deadline!

Quick rundown?
I didn't watch e3 this year.

SJWs are the real racists because they can't stand that a black person is creating something that goes against their narrative.

Nah m8 its real

I've experienced this in the US. Even though I could just go home after work, I felt obligated to stay and talk to people because everyone else did.