Will Square ever top this?

will Square ever top this?

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Its not even close to being the best in its own series so yes.

will Tidus ever top this?

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enlighten me which one is, then. VI and IX are decent but nothing is as good as this.

This game couldn't even beat a game two generations ago.

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7 > 6 > 12 > 8 > X > the rest

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both the battle system and the story are better in X
Kefka is a better villain than Seymour, Jecht, or Yevon.

they've only done so 20+ times

>12 over anything
>7 and 6 on top
>8 at all

>both the battle system and the story are better in X

FFVI’s gameplay is so garbage they introduce the main mechanic halfway through the game and FFVI drones will unironically defend this

yes. X was and still is a marvel

what mechanic

>You will never spend an eternity in Spira

Comfiest world, bar none.

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For me: 7>5>6>4>12>9>1>3

Others idc about

You mean a terribly written main character?

Little Ronso! Weakling Ronso!

Final Fantasy should have ended after this.

as opposed to '...whatever' angsty retards?

>ended before 12


What are you even saying?

Nothing can unironically beat VII, it's one of Yea Forums's top choices for a reason.

x killed it for me forever

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They can't, the aesthetic of the game was truly magical.


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I'm a ps1 babby and I always though it was ugly as shit, so much so it's unplayable. Also the music is honestly worse than the later three.

that Tidus had depth instead of being a straight up anime character

>B-But it's supposed to be cringy!!

i wish i lived in that village built on the water that got fucked by sin

Just because you played it as a kid doesn't make it the best. All it has going for it is a decent battle system. Everything else was mediocre crap.

FFX is perfect

so, just like every other final fantasy?
I played them all 7-10 in release order.

That comparison is odd, and also biased, anything can probably be "better" than anime characters, it doesn't mean that he isn't badly written. Matter of fact, that is straight up idiotic because anime can encompass too much of a range. Would you call Ghost in the Shell badly written because it's anime? Or better yet Legends of the Galactic heroes and many others? I don't think so. Your justification makes no sense.

>Comfiest world

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FFX is the best Final Fantasy game currently released.

Where do I start with FF on pc?

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will any game be able to top this?

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No, because Hironobu Sakaguchi, left after FFX. Which is also when the quality began to decline.

>nothing is as good as the game that killed the series
OK bro

Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, SD2 and 3 and many other games were better than FFX before it even came out. In fact, FFX copied a lot of stuff from the games I just mentioned.

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7 and 9
Stop playing after that
Maybe play 10 with the Japanese dub after
Skip 10-2, it'll just leave a bad taste in your mouth

X-X2 remaster

>better than VI and IX
In your fucking DREAMS


Into the trash it goes

>youtube.com/watch?v=h-iAPNfg7kA starts sounding

How did they manage to make a tropical village so brown and drab? Amazing.

>Best battle system in the series
>One of the best leveling systems in the series if you werent an NTSC cuck who didn't get expert sphere grid

>All it has going for it is a decent battle system
of course, that's why it's one of the best. it is highly strategic on no-sphere grid playthroughs, and moves at a fast pace are better games

>>Best battle system in the series
Thats literally all it has going for it
Other than the good combat its a corridor simulator with linear as fuck everything
>best leveling system
Absolute brainlet. You saw all the flashing lights and circular paths and thought WOOW! SO COMPLEX!
Its functionally exactly the same as FF13's leveling system, aka there may as well be none because its completely linear. You get some teleport spheres late in the game that let you mix things up, but until then every playthrough is completely identical. FF7's Materia system absolutely shits on it and FFIX's skill system shits on it as well. At least in those games you can do different combinations and different builds.

>contrarian retard
Off to reddit it goes

Every FF before it is better. XII is arguably better. It only beats out XIII and XV, which isn't an accomplishment.

*blocks your bath*

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This, except change "better" to "worse".

you can't name a better character growth than Tidus

literal kino isekai that goes from annoying sportsball chad to fixing his daddy issues and owning up to saving the world

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>tfw i'll never get to experience the maximum kino that is ff10 for the first time again

FFIII, VII, VIII, XIII and XIV have better PC versions. The other games have shitty versions compared to other platforms. Usually crap mobile ports.

Also, they all suffer from being Final Fantasy games. There's much better JRPG series out there to spend your time on.

As overrated as FF10 is its still way better than FF8
Not like that is an accomplishment either
But at least it has fun combat, which 8 most defintiley does not

>you can't name a better character growth than Tidus
You need to read more books, watch more movies, play more games, and above all; have sex.

Unlike most people, I don't hate Tidus. I think he is a good character and they ruined it by spending 80% of the game focused on Yuna.

With that said, he is hardly the best in all of gaming. there are secondary characters in a series like Suikoden or Dragon Quest with a better arc than Tidus. Again, in large part because they waste so much time focusing on Yuna and a pointless journey rather than Tidus. FFX is a game of world building, not "Tidus' story" as the games plot claims.

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>There's much better JRPG series out there
Fucking this
Take the DQVIII pill

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FFXII was the last good mainline FF game

I base my order based on what I consider requires the least amount of modding to be playable.

10 is the best right out the box and it doesn't require any modding. It was a really, really good port. 10-2 is aids and I wish I could scrub my memory of it.
After that is 7, which you can play out of the box too but the most used mod I see is for the old music
9 looks like a phone game and I feel requires a bit of modding. You can play it out of the box, but you really don't want to.
8 is a trainwreck and requires a fuckton of mods and a bit of work to be playable. Not a huge loss since it's the worst game of the four.

All that being said, 7, 8, and 9 ports are not worth paying money for. Pirate it or just play it on a psx emulator.

No it was fucking trash

>9 looks like a phone game and I feel requires a bit of modding. You can play it out of the box, but you really don't want to.
>All that being said, 7, 8, and 9 ports are not worth paying money for.

What the fuck? Why are you lying?

>Every playthrough identical

Nice bait NTSCuck play on expert and you can take anyone on any path.

I can't name even 5 comfy locations in IX
What was there? Chocobo place, Blackmage village, the first city and weird-ass castle..?
The most comfy thing about IX was Quina swamp and overworld

X had like 20+
>Besaid beach, village and temple
>Kilika harbor, forest and temple
>Luca boat trip
>Luca & Mi'ihen highroad
>Djose temple
>call me crazy but Thunderplains was comfy too
>Everything about Macalania area
>Calm lands, especifically hidden temple
>Mt. Gagazet
>Al-Bhed desert - I forgot the name
>Cid's airship
>Bevelle dungeon (music makes it comfy)
>Road to Zanarkand
>hell, even inside of Sin is comfy

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Fuck that gay shit. Would have been great if they kept the overworld travel like in FF7 and 8 where it's a globe. They could have had a really good detailed worlds by now with lots of secret caves and locations to fight rare monsters, strong bosses that roam around, hidden weapons, hidden items, and mysterious locations that have lore knowledge of the world. The world maps would have also been bigger than 7 and 8's, just so it won't feel so linear.

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Emulate the GBA version of VI.

What exactly am I lying about? 9 has a giant, laggy, android cell phone ui menu. And none of those three games are ported well enough to warrant paying for.

>"cant even name 5 comfy locations"
Try: the entire fucking game

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This game probably has the comfiest ost of all time.
These are in my opinion the comfiest songs in the ost



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I want youtube.com/watch?v=h-0G_FI61a8 played at my funeral

Tidus has the coolest looking sword of all the FF main protagonists

1 through 9 are all better by proxy of not having voice acting.

Noctis's Engine Blade would be neat, if it wasn't just a blatantly stolen design.
Thanks again, Nomura.

>its another "anything other than 6, 7 or 9 is the best final fantasy game" episode

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I agree. And with Lulu as your wife.

9 > 7 > 4 > 5 > 10 > 12 > 13 > 6 > 15 > 3 > 2 > 1

Haven’t finished 8 cause it feels pointless actually fighting battles.

The only reason people pretend to like this game is because FF7 is popular, everything it does is worse than FF7 which is already not a very good game

Replace 4 with 6 and its correct
Highly based and truthpilled

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9 = 7 > 6 >>>> 10 >>>>>> Everything Else >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dogshit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13

>frog orchestra comes in

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No because Square doesn't exist anymore. And Yoshinori Kitase no longer makes games. Also FF6 was better.

I'd top this little number, if you know what I mean

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>almost 2020 no transparent magic sword

One of my favorite parts about FFX was how they shat on the stereotype of "muh villain becomes god" and just slapped Seymour out of the way early enough to ultimately fade in to obscurity.
I also like how they baited him to be a potential party member by having him in your team at one point, though everyone with half a brain could see it wasn't going to happen

>by having him in your team at one point
I dont remember this

>One of my favorite parts about FFX was how they shat on the stereotype of "muh villain becomes god" and just slapped Seymour out of the way early enough to ultimately fade in to obscurity.
He's one of the final bosses though and he is the main antagonist
Wtf are you smoking
>I also like how they baited him to be a potential party member by having him in your team at one point, though everyone with half a brain could see it wasn't going to happen
The same thing happened with Sephiroth, its not really a new thing

FFXII fixed Random Encounter bullshit, but characters, story and world was boring and empty.

At the first battle with Sin he fights with Yuna and Auron and he has all these super OP spells

after the centipede(?) boss at the beach before the sin attack.

>He's one of the final bosses
He's literally Team Rocket tier pleb that just gets on the way constantly despite being trampled everytime
They try to make him appear menacing but in the end he's just an angry sociopathic incel. Take any other FF villain and they have better ambitions than just "REE KILL EVERYONE IT'S BETTER THAN SUFFERING"

>and he is the main antagonist
No, the main antagonist is Sin, or more precisely, Yu Yevon

>get 12 on pc to try it out
>see this armor
>uninstall and refund
Fucking Nomura and his cancerous gay shit

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>characters, story and world was boring and empty
Literally had others outside fighting monsters and the world was only boring for the first couple hours or so until the plot moves and you leave the desert.

I think its been a while since you played bro
Seymour is constantly on your ass for the entire game, you fight the fucker like 4 times

Ive played 6 and 10, and I'll probably just wait 10 years for the full ff7 remake to be done and readily available. Which one should I play next, out of 8, 9, and 12?


>wqit for the remake
Why would you want to play a shitty remagining?
Its not going to have the same charm at all. The main thing that makes FF7 special is the unique weirdness and quirkiness of it.


Also 9 is the best in the series by a considerable margin so play that.

no it isn't, X is. Classic ps1 games feel shitty and archaic in comparison, and ancient 2d pixelshit is garbage in general
t.IX is my favourite

I'd say it's bad because its Ghost in the Shell.

Because the combat on all of 6-10 is roughly the same, and I really just want the story/characters, which I imagine wont change all that significantly

5, but expect a flimsy plot but most fun of the retro titles, then 7, 8, 9 and 12. Don't skip 7. It gets p comfy by the time you get out of Midgar
>fuck this game for this faggy character you see in the opening only

7 is boring ugly garbage, skip it.
It's only considered good because of OoT tier manbabies who still haven't gone over the fuckhuge marketing which only ahowed the abysmal cg

>x is
>ix is my favorite
I'm sure it is

Are you implying bellyshirt mcgee is any better? Everything from X onwards is hyper-faggot shit and I wish someone would shoot Nomura in the face and get a real art director

>revisionist history
Every kid thought Cloud, Sephiroth and Vincent were badass.

>IX is my favourite
>classic ps1 games are shitty
>X is the best
Are you schizophrenic?

Yeah but that doesn't make him the main antagonist.
From the very start, you and your party are after Sin and he just happens to steer the plot like three times

hate to break it to you, but they thought they were fucking faggots, and they played chad games like tekken, gran turismo and fifa

He has far more screen time than any other villain so how is he not? Would you prefer I say major antagonist? I dont understand why you're pretending he doesnt have a major role in the plot

yes, the ps1 games were shitty. IX is my overall favourite. X is the best videogame.
Are you a fucking 5 year old?

>more revisionist history
Next you'll tell me kids didn't watch DBZ

>IX is my overall favourite. X is the best videogame.
Are you actually retarded? Like are you missing grey matter?

>Are you implying bellyshirt mcgee is any better?
How fucking closely are you staring at the MC during gameplay?
You're not even supposed to only play as him.
7 is still considered good because of it being the first 3D FF and Clouds identity crisis and romance. FF7 was one of the first games where people gave a shit about a character dying. The CG scenes were bad mostly though
Also tits

>Will square ever top their worst game

Highest rated FF game of all time

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9 > 5 > 10 > 6 > 7 > 4 > 10-2 > 8 > 15 > 12 > 13

Never finished 1/2/3 and never touched the 13 sequels.

What X had was a godlike OST I still hear every week or so.

Meant for

user, is everything okay?
If you've had a stroke we can get help.

>I can't name even 5 comfy locations in IX
Daguerro (the water place)
South Gate
Are all 10/10 comfykino in my book, something about IX just gels with me. X is great as well and has a nice soundtrack, but its better at being melodramatic and dark while IX excels in its simplicity and lighthearted tone.

Killing a series doesn't mean it's bad. Like RE4 was a great game but a bad development for the RE series.

I agree that X is the best by modern standards. it has the most fun grinding and post game content of any of the ff games i've played, but most people are going to disagree with your post anyways. everyone has their favourite it usually goes back to the first one you played in most peoples case.

You forgot
Conde Petie
Esto Gaza
And my fav Madain Sari
>that accordian

I agree but RE4 is hardly the best RE game
Same with FFX, its a good game but its a pretty shitty FF game

> FF7's Materia system absolutely shits on it and FFIX's skill system shits on it as well. At least in those games you can do different combinations and different builds.

Couldn't agree less. it hardly works in a battle system where characters don't really have a niche outside of limit breaks.

Praise be to Yevon. That's what I would have said if I was a follower of Yevon.

I'm almost finished with ff7 for the 3rd time. I last played it about 8 years ago and I honestly am bothered that this game still to this day gets so much praise when quite literally 20+ hours are spent following Sephiroth around with minor story to the characters sprinkled in.
I'm still enjoying the game but what the fuck. As a kid I remembered this story being epic and way better but now I just feel like its overlooked.
Also difficulty is non-existent in this game. Obviously it's not a selling point for the game, but even minor challenges aren't hard. Kinda makes that speed up function on the updated copies much more useful because it leaves me to believe there's no point in combat outside of story related fights or boss fights.
I'm basically playing a 50 hour movie.

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The Overworld theme for FFIX is literally the most pleasant piece of audiokino to ever touch my eardrums
0:57 especially

Tidus was hit.

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Doubtful. But I bet he tops Tidus.

FF10 is my favorite video game of all time. But I already own it on every console its been released on. Just wondering if I should buy it for the switch as well or should I get travis strikes again?

In terms of storytelling and character, no. This is the perfect story and character pair.

Also, you realize the characters are pretty boring. Cloud and Tifa didn’t get proper characters until the compilation.

which Final Fantasy game is this?


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I can't think of a more useless character in video game history. He is shit, pure shit.

Just VII. X is the 2nd best in the series easily. It easily has the best battle system in the series though, and the most post-game challenging content of any FF. If it wasn't a cuck linear map with no overworld and felt as open as other FF's with more interesting characters it would definitely be #1.

The coffee man's home/windmill is phenomenal. Fantastic music. Very comfy.

While they certainly lost all of that generation's (7, 8, 9) data...not all their artists did. The man behind most of Alexandria, Black Mage Village and some other random spots kept all his.

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>not teaching Kimahri Ultima and Holy and BTFO those two niggas

So I'm at the point where you have to go and help the furry after he stabs Seymour. I'm currently grinding to unlock Lulu's flare. I just got the -ga spells. Should I continue to grind to get Flare at this point or is not worth it at this point? My plan is to get Flare and then use a Blk Magic Sphere and have Yuna have Flare too..

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If square have been incapable of making anything as interesting as chronocross what hope does FF have?

this is objectively wrong.
its 8>10>9, and the rest is not even worth a mention since ff was never a good jrpg series compared to other jrpgs

Imagine being this contrarian.

Oh shit mate you've done it now. Yea Forums has to shit on x because it's popular, you've angered the autists.

You haven't forgot have you Yea Forums? It's still canon HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

>Tidus and Yuna go on vacation after Tidus returns in FF X-2
>Tidus and Yuna get into an argument and Tidus kicks a bomb he mistakes for a blitzball and it blows his head off
>His head lands next to Yuna and she faints
>Yuna brings him back from the dead but he isn't the same
>Months go by and now a girl name Chuami shows up and she claims she's Auron's daughter
>She's the biggest cunt in the entire FF series
>Yuna is back being a Christfag which completely erases all character development she got in X-2
>Tidus and Yuna break up because lol reasons
>Sin returns because somebody literally wished for Sin to return (I shit you not)
>Now Yuna has to defeat Sin again once and for all for good this time.. again

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why is every fucking Final Fantasy ending ruined by the stupidest shit ever

FFX-2 already had much better gameplay and Yuna was 10% as annoying and whiny as she was in X. So, they topped it with the game right after it. But minus 3 points for Payne. No dykes, plz.

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Why does Tidus turn Japanese in the cutscenes?

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I don't know how you can't distinguish a LAST BOSS from a filler villain / mid boss

based. best job system in all of FF too.

> T. Plays on standard sphere grid
Every playthrough is absolutely different if you dont use the babby skill tree
>Muh open world
Yes because walking from town to town in a predetermined order is DEFINITELY not linear but I'm glad that adding meaningless open space between areas is enough to trick your peabrain into thinking otherwise

The gameplay is actually pretty good.
Everything else is awful.

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The Japanese aren't very good at conclusions.

When it comes to entertainment media (and many things in their culture), you don't create something to a plan to reach a conclusion. What you do is shotgun a dozen ideas until something seems to entertain: immediately end all the other ideas and focus on just that 1 idea that worked.
>What worked?
>Okay. Do that. Again. Like, constantly. Don't stop doing that. You don't even really need to "improve" doing that, 'cause you might change something. Just keep doing that thing.
>People are getting bored. It's not entertaining anymore and it's now costing more than is profiting. End it. How? I don't care, just do something.
They just don't market a story so much as market an experience. The result is attention to detail or even lore, but almost no attention to logic.

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Looks like a generic forest

If you can't differentiate between things that suit your taste and things that are good then you really haven't grown much as a person.
My favourite game is an old piece of shit that has a special place in my heart for sengimental and nostalgia reasons but it is easy to recognise that not everyone will have that attachment and that when viewed from a clean slate it is not as good as many other games.

Smart move my man, it wasn’t very good.

The next single player mainline FF game immediately surpassed it in almost every way.
FF12 is way better than most people give it credit for and IZJS/TZA is even better.

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>when you're a contrarian for agreeing with the consensus according to a contrarian
Sasuga Yea Forums

I hate that nu-FF zoomers are old enough to post here

X plebeians can't accept it

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the art style of 9 just makes me feel something deep in my gut
its a mixture of happiness, sadness, and nostalgia
but i played it as an adult so i shouldnt be nostalgic for it
its a very special game, one of a kind

i played it as an adult too, it's the game that really got me into jrpgs. i agree it just has this 'essence' to it and it's hard to really put into words. it kind of has a similar feel to avatar the last airbender (the tv series) which i was a huge fan of when i was younger.

>IXfags STILL obnoxious
Until the end of time, eh?

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> 5 in top
My man!
4is boring and overrated though

Emulate 5 and 6

If you like 5 more (imo the best FF), play X(expert grid) and XII
If you like 6 more, play 7 and 9.

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More like in your fucking ass
*tackles you to the ground and prone fucks you*

No open world
No triple triad or snowboard
No cool chad like zell or wakka or auron as protagonist
No bang with lulu or rikku

The remake will remake Kalm.

No one will recognize Kalm.

Attached: Kalm.png (640x480, 379K)

If I want to play without horrid faces but with all the extra final.mix content whats the best version to get? Emulate PAL version?

>Wont even get to see Kalm until 2023

>Part 1 of the Remake will literally end after the bike-ride off the roadway. Not even entering Kalm.
It's true. Kalm will be the start of Part 2, where Cloud tells his story of how he returned to Nibelheim with Sephiroth.

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>he likes 9
>role playing as midget furries

Reminder X-3 has a high chance of happening than ever before.

DON'T GRIND. You should be at the end of each character's respective sphere grids by the time you reach the final boss. Don't continue leveling, or you'll trivialize the final area. Just play through and enjoy the story for now. You have all post-game to grind, and they make it easy for you to do so.

This, FFX(and many other jrpg's) don't require any kind of level grinding. Mini game grinding is another story though.

get the x/x-2 remaster

There's a JPN NTSC patched ISO floating around. Get that.

>Sin returns because somebody literally wished for Sin to return
Does spira have a Yea Forums?

even though, with my own shitty tastes, I liked VIII better, X's nostalgia always hits me harder due to the time I got X and played it

phat PS2, better times still in early 00s before everything got fucked\Obama, and the fucking comfy X music and blitzball in the afternoon in middle school

then 9/11 happened after release and everything got ruined except XI and WoW to end of TBC
but yeah, I want to go back in time to relive summer of 2001

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I wonder if Kitase is ever going to return to directing duties. FFXIII clearly had his influence, but it wasn't very good... It's like the series stopped being the helm of cinematography in gameplay and stalled hard trying to find ways in which to be innovative.

>"This world turned to shit, things were better when Sin was around"
>"We didn't have jew Al Bed problems when Sin was around"

>seymour wants to make everyone immortal
>this is bad because:

FFX has probably the worst plot in the history of vidya james right up there with FFXIII
Nu-Square just cant into storytelling

The only people that say this were too stupid to junction and tried grinding.

>too stupid
Yeah you're right it requires high intelligence to sit there grinding the same mobs over and over to draw
The epitome of high IQ gameplay

>people unironically arguing that IX has, in any way or form, a good battle system

>The Japanese aren't very good at conclusions.
Video games are actually better in terms of that than anime and manga. Finding an anime or manga with a satisfying ending that provides actual closure is harder than trying to cure cancer with a children's chemistry set.

Its pretty much exactly the same as every other FF game so whats the difference?

You tried grinding, then looked up how to use the junction system and got mad. It's okay.

That's true enough, since there's a clear limit to how far it will go. It's still wild how a game can go on for so long but in the last hour it's suddenly sci-fi future magic religious zone and you're fighting alien gods.

More like I attempted to sit through the garbage game and dropped it like a ton of bricks into the bargain bin

>dropping games into the bargain bin
So you played it on the clock at Walmart? That would explain your low IQ.

>likes the dumpsterfire that is ff8, the most hated ff game of all time
>calls anybody "low iq"

>Most hated FF
Nothing you say matters.

if 9 isn't on your list you don't actually understand final fantasy.

He's right, though

objective greats (with inarguable facts as reasons)

the classic, the original, the baseline. Play it so you know where things went after.
a pretty massive change if still somewhat linear, pretty much set the tone for everything afterwards.
pretty cliche, but you'll end up remembering it fondly.
the best of the timeless pixel graphic age. It brought together everything it learned, and executed it all flawlessly.

Still worth tolerating, if just to form your own opinion on what is inarguably the most well-known final fantasy, it has a huge load of flaws, from triangle based character models, to gaping plot holes that were force-fixed with at least 3 must-play spin offs and i think two movies, just to cover the bases on everything left out. exceptionally convoluted to a point where if you aren't rolling your eyes half the time, it's because you're too high on nostalgia.

The culmination of everything learned all the way since the inception of the franchise. Campy at first, but takes off quickly and keeps you entertained the whole time, which is rare for this series. Confirmed to be the creator's favorite mainline entry, Nobuo Uematsu's last full-composed audio, and graphically stylized so the low resolution won't make you sick like 7 or 8 will.

a great soundtrack, a decent battle system, a story worth at least one playthrough, blitzball (love it or hate it), and just feels good to play something that feels more modern after your legacy journey.

you knew this had to be thrown in there, heavensward deserves a mention since nothing since 10 felt close enough to what made a final fantasy great until that expansion.

All had glaring flaws, took too long to be worth the payoff, were WAY too corny, or in general felt like they were trying to be 'just another jrpg' instead of a final fantasy entry. 12 came close, but was too slow for way too many people to just be a taste thing. 8 is a fucking FF themed VN and you know it

is this theme somehow designed to inspire a feeling of calm what the fuck

its graphically stylized, idk what the specifics are for it, but it actually won't age like milk like every other 3d FF does, its juuuuust cartoony enough to stay timeless, but just realistic enough to let you believe in it's immersion.

No. It was the beginning of the end.

I remember as a kid thinking the box art was actual game footage.

why is he standing on water

Because he's Jesus.

best post

Probably not. That game fucking sucks though.

>have to worry about Sin
>religious Yevon crap everywhere

Attached: goblina.jpg (310x313, 60K)

>There are people who don't think Balamb Garden is comfiest place

Spira is the opposite of comfy, it's basically in perpetual apocalypse


Absolute kino. Only plays during the best parts of the story too.

>that realization that Tidus can't go home

>There will never be a ffx prequel where you bully tidus as jecht, then go on an adventure with the boys
>Instead, 2.5 exists for no fucking reason

Same reason he has japanese hair

>no one gives a shit about FF2
so this is why you cant have SaGa threads on Yea Forums

I played a significant amount of X, I got well beyond the part where you get the thief girl
what I couldn't get over was how much simpler it was than even the previous FF games, where you could win any non-boss fight effortlessly by just swapping to the best character for that enemy

its not a comfortable thing to accept, but by making these games even easier and easier (and they were already basically a joke) a lot of people have entered the hobby who are (even more) unintelligent
this hobby was once a refuge of good people who were outcasts in some way, now its just a swamp of lower class people
and the love of money is what caused it, simplying games to increase sales

6 is overrated and the only thing going for it is the variety of characters.
the story is mediocre, the limitations of abilities are shit and no crystals (which always bugged me about FF2, FF6-8 and FFX.
7, 5, 4 and 3 beat it by a mile.

Ok then eurofag

Motherfucker was killed by an arrow to the neck. No wonder with that armor.

Afterwards? X-2, Dissidia, Dissidia Duodecim, After Years, XIII-2, Lightning Returns, World of Final Fantasy and Octopath Traveler.

Being the killer of the franchise X itself was only better than VIII from what had come before, so it's easily topped in the future too.

That's some good bait right there

they make soulless action games now

>still a retarded piece of human trash
until time begins, eh?

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