Not using Zelda in Ultimate.. What is wrong with you?

Not using Zelda in Ultimate.. What is wrong with you?

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Nintendo containment board when

>pregnant zelda
thank you boris


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i prefer to play as falco

I hate her stupid fucking downb and teleport spam

>playing sm*sh
Have soap

She's an unfun low tier
If I wanted to play as a bad character i'd play Doc

>Zelda main
>teleports to the edge
>spams down-b and side-b
>SD's after one stock
Every time

nintendofans aren't real gamers. they're trendy hipster faggots that latch on to the lamest of shit and post ad infinitum over the same 3 IPs
they get hype for ports of old games, the same shit they criticize microsoft for

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Boris' art is dogshit.

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Too busy using my waifu Daisy.

I already use best girl.

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I play about 14 characters in Ultimate. Smug Zelda is in the rotation. Brunette hair is the best costume.

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too busy fapping to her kneecaps

I'd feel bad. She's just not fun to fight against.

I've started to play as her and desu she actually quite fun to play as

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I've enjoyed playing Zelda since Brawl. Think she was really improved in Smash 4. However, since almost all the other characters got speed buffs, Zelda now feels slow. Despite how her speed really hasn't changed. But it's just stupid when characters like Ganondorf and Incenaroar can just body her to death with better speed.

can i have sauce?

you wish

>playing ultimate

>press literally any fucking button
>immediately shine afterwards

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t. Meleefag

Yeah, that's really my only problem when I'm using Zelda. At least she's cute

Source me

seething containment board when.
inb4 this is the seething containment board

Because that's how the AI works. The AI is purely reactionary. The instant you do any move, the AI does the perfect counter to it. And is also not fun to play against as a result. But these people learned to play that way by fighting against the AI.

user usually i would say git gud
and while you should
i feel you

dont be git gud posting me if you arent gonna 1v1 fag

What's that boy?
I can't hear you
Over the sound
of my love

Is there a board that seethes more at their boards' respective medium/hobby than Yea Forums?

Yea Forums.

Yeah sorry people are talking about video games on a video game board
We'll make room for you to talk about diversity in video games or whatever political outside of /pol/

Yea Forums and Yea Forums hate their own hobby just as much as Yea Forums. Yea Forums just has 100x more posters.

I really want her feet on my face


Anyone got an album of Zelda hentai no lies just wanna have a wank i know you guys understand my pain

I guess when you're a multi-million dollar company, you can't afford to make an actual good AI but instead make it input-based fortune telling.
Fuck, even Melee had a better AI than Ultimate.

Why is Yea Forums just celeb gossip? Why is there an Attila general? Was it always this terrible?

>Was it always this terrible?
Yes. This is the same place that obsesses over every new Disney film and JJ Abrams shit show as the best thing ever. The board is just marketing shills and their followers talking to each other.

I thought Ultimate's AI was pretty good, sure it cheats like hell if you try to catch them in the air or ledgeguard but they will actually use more advanced tactics like B-reversals and bomb setups. Its more fun to play against level 9 AI than the average quickplay fag

I wanted when I first saw her new design, but Incineroar and Pit are too fun to play.
also Im dropping everybody when Banjo comes out

>Tfw I thought they'd be into kino non mainstream films like Yea Forums is into quality books
>Disappointed immensely

All AI reads/reacts to moves. But Ultimate is stupid because there's basically two modes. 1) Stupid mode: The AI just goes full stupid, doesn't guard anything, barely dodges and you beat it up with impunity. 2) Perfect Mode: The AI suddenly becomes perfect and shield blocks 10 moves in a row, dodges everything without fail and uses all the perfect counters to every move you make with 1 frame accuracy.

It's not satisfying to play against this. It's also stupid because you can predict when they'll switch modes. The AI goes into perfect mode any time you have a lead on them in stock, an item appears or you have a Final Smash. But if they have a lead on you, they switch to stupid mode. It's Rubber Band AI.

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I'm deeply repressed to the point where even looking at a cropped photo of r34 will make me cringe. There's something about seeing fictional characters in those situations that makes my skin crawl.

what is sex with zelda like?

dead fish

What is wrong with Boris?

I disagree, Yea Forums is bad but they don’t have round-the-clock wojak faggotry. And it is slightly possible to actually discuss a topic there.

big milkers

>This is the same place that obsesses over every new Disney film and JJ Abrams shit show as the best thing ever
Literally the opposite, what timeline are you from

AI also still prefers to use items and Final Smashes against the human players than other AI even if they are opponents. It was a problem in Brawl and they still do it in Ultimate.

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This. Fighting AI in Ultimate just feels too unnatural compared to the previous Smash games.

I already play best girl

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Same as all the other artists Yea Forums hates. They're popular. Also works for literally everything Yea Forums hates.

You can play both. Zelda was my main in Brawl and WiiFit Trainer was my main in Sm4sh. Now I play both in Ultimate (and a dozen others).

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His art isnt very good but people just spam it because he's fast

I do play her. Shes one of my mains along with Corrin and Wii Fit.

>new popular movie/TV show comes out
>dozens of threads shilling it
>a month goes by
>now everyone is claiming it sucked, they always thought it sucked and they were just ironically liking it before
>repeat for every new hyped movie or TV show

Fuck you, I love his art and yeah, I love that "plastic" effect it has.

Im the best Zelda in the world currently. And I can prove it. Ask me anything

prove it

I use Zelda in smash ultimate. With the white dress

Post her feet then

Get some anons in a room and Ill beat all of you relentlessly

that doesn't prove shit. Give me your placings at any tournament or tell me your region so I can check their PR

Why not? An ass whoopin is an ass whoopin and I got yours and anyone elses on this whole board right here

I only play LAN, sorry.

*Teleports Behind u*
*attempts to land Inazuma Kick™*
*gets hit and doesn't get free until like 83%*
*teleports behind u*
*Summons stand*
*Connects and or mixes u up*
*Inazuma Kick™*
*Attempt to kill off stage with side b*
*gets hit until 120%*
*teleports ontop of u*
(repeat for roughly 2 more stocks)
She's my favorite to play as

Attached: RiderKick.gif (320x213, 1.97M)

Post her feet then