Remember when everyone found out this character was a trans and no one was triggered or cared...

remember when everyone found out this character was a trans and no one was triggered or cared. its a shame how everyone is a huge whiney faggot now

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Other urls found in this thread:

He's not trans, he's just a girly fuck boy raised like a woman. Either way he was mentally fucked. He's also not shoved in your face while telling you to accept him or have an army of twitter trannies on your case trying to kill any sort of integrity you may have had.

if this was released now in the same context, you'd all whine like bitches about fromsoft being sjw

I just want this gender politics bullshit to die now.

you obviously never played the game if you think hes a tranny

Your understanding is pretty backwards OP

This. This kind of retard don't get that trans aren't the problem. It being shoved into your face is, just like shoving anything into your face or stupid wanking is usually hated as well.

its another "i dont know what the fuck im talking about so ill shove my shitty agenda in to make a point" episode

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Nah cause the guy is an asshole and you kill the shit out of him. Being a girly twink has nothing to do with you needing to take him out.

what agenda is that?

The agenda of treating trannies like it's ok to mutilate ones body instead of accepting they were born with a dick and just being a girly straight guy or a homosexual. Lopping off their dick won't make them pretty, won't make them happy, and won't make men or lesbians want to fuck them.

Gwyndolin was a hermaphrodite who was abused by his family into dressing like a woman. He thinks he's a freak, hides in the area for Gwyn's symbolic tomb, and runs the Darkmoons as an attempt to prove that he's worthy of his masculinity after all. The severed ears are probably offered on the monument as proof that he can effectively kill people just like his father and brother.

exactly. being trans used to be not that interesting, but now its pushed so hard and into everyones faces and feminism has incorporated it into its own movement because it uses sexual freedom to motivate people to join its movement. gamergate ruined gaming, women and sois are ruining society including gaming.

Fuck you. I love women but I have so must hate for them too. I understand them but fuck its annoying and takes a lot of patience to not be enraged by their degeneracy and insanity.

gaming is special for a white male with no friends and no interest in sex anymore due to it not being worth the effort, all the emotional toll of dealing with women to get a bit of sex just rather stay home and jack off, save money for a hobby. not an incel, guess im mgtow.

when women become worth it then ill go for it but since im trying to use avoidance to get away from society, escape using video games, and all their shit ideology is being pushed into my gaming space I'm fucking furious.

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I don't remember the snakes, were they always there?

Crossdessing is Trans?

Recently everything that isn't 100% gender conforming means you are trans and need pills and surgery. Its bullshit.


stop pulling shit out of your ass, none of this is said in the actual game

Do tattoos scare you too?

Well it's literally transvestites which has the word trans in it so yes. They all get lumped in together, but they're all a bunch of fags so it's not an inaccurate generalisation.

Why would you think he would be afraid of tattoos from what he said?

>traps = trannies
i hate this meme

Hes not trans.

He is a man, raised as a woman.

Nowhere in the lore does it say he thinks of himself as a woman.

Body modification. Conservative types freaked the fuck out about tattoos and piercings back in the day and many still do. Another person's tattoos affect you personally as much as their genitals do. All a big fuss over nothing.

You're assuming an awful lot if you think people don't jump to conclusions here.

he's a trap which is ok, he's not cutting his dick off and claiming to be a woman

I hate that most fanart didn't get his small little sensitive breasts right.
Almost all of it is either flat chested or pastes giant tits for no reason.

Because that faggot was interesting and from didn't virtue signal that fact for brownie points from faggots who weren't going to play the game anyway.

They were a pretty good size if you go by reality instead of anime or Western morbid obesity standards.
With the height difference each one is still like the size of your head.

Attached: gwyndolin.jpg (980x552, 160K)

Yeah people are retards, more news at 11, and so on.

Also what I said earlier, that he was raised as a woman is not quite right too. Gwyn wanted a daughter so she could be trained with the Moon shit which was previously only done to women, but since he had a son and not a daughter, he decided to go with it anyway.

Which is different than raising one like a girl.

That doesn't mean he would be scared of them though, and there's nothing wrong with disliking tattoos and piercings for those reasons.

Yea Forums is retarded when it comes to this shit. Reminder that anons started bitching about non-whites being in Pokemon recently.

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Fucking tranny raid already?

Stop forcing your tranny shit where there is none, freak
He's a tranny in your fucking dreams

>With the height difference each one is still like the size of your head.

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>born male
>female name
>female upbringing
>female clothing
>female behaviour

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, flies and swims like a duck but was born a goose.
Then it's fair to call it trans.
You triggered snowflake.

I think you're the one that's triggered mate lol

>female breasts
>female hips

gwyndolin isn't a tranny

Who do you think keeps posting have sex or incel?

>female name
>uses the masculine form of the name
All of Gwyn's children do because From don't know Welsh, but the point still stands.

Nobody cares tranny, fuck off and dilate.

I'd like to know why you think traps are fine and transgender isn't. Traps are the sneakier of the two after all. You don't have to change your internal definition of biological man/woman if you don't want to, I sure don't plan to.

Ok, "is made extremely uncomfortable by and doesn't like it". Which reasons are you talking about? If you mean simply "I don't like them", that's fine for the individual but not much else.

Gwyndolin is hot though.

Degenerate who wants dick, doesn’t hold onto delusions
Lives a lie, gets uncomfortable if you don’t play along

How did they know he was of a feminine nature at birth before he started developing? Does he have odd genitals too?

Yeah and the guy who immediately got angry throwing out "tranny shit", "freak" and "in your fucking dreams" is happy with OP isn't he lol

youre just extending the terms as much as possible to keep finding excuses to talk about your retardation
please stop
the character is a homo

So he's intersex/hermaphrodite?

I'd think he has no gentials because it's a mess of snakes down there. He's only described as "malformed".

he's not trans tho
his dad just wanted another daughter so he raised him as a girl

He was born into a tradition where his birth number reveres the moon, a feminine role.

>The power of the moon was strong in
>Gwyndolin, and thus he was raised as a
>daughter. His magic garb is silk-thin,
>and hardly provides any physical defense.

malformed means they can treat him however they want to since it isnt clear at all based on what you said
cant even call "it" a hermaphrodite since the being in question has no obvious sexual organs to differentiate

He's described as having an affinity for the moon, so presumably they figured it out because of magic shit.

trannies will never be considered normal, no matter which fictional character you latch onto.

This. Just be you. Ya don't need to masquerade as a cheap caricature of the opposite sex.

This. He hides in the shadows and projects the illusions of normalcy onto anor londo.

>Ok, "is made extremely uncomfortable by and doesn't like it".
I'm saying you're jumping to conclusions if you think that a person disliking body modification for any reason is therefore uncomfortable in the presence of someone with tats and piercings.

An intersex kid being raised as a girl by his father while later choosing to be a boy is honestly a lot more interesting than tranny stuff.

Based fucking retard

Nobody cared because he was a villain who was relatively hidden and you kill him as soon as you find that out.

I don’t think “Snakes” is a sexual organ.

Vidya used to have based trap characters with no /pol/ or tumblredditwittera freaking out
I want to go back

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for me personally my biggest issue is when surgery becomes involved. its an irreversible thing pushed irresponsibly onto mentally ill people and basically locks them into the 40%. also its pushed onto younger and younger people all the time who are even less able to form rational decisions and will never pass regardless of when they start

I don't care if they call themselves girls or boys, games just need more characters with both breasts and a dick.

>male with breasts
He's a hermaphrodite.

traps =/= trannies

That’s not what a hermaphrodite is, any /fit/izen can tell you about gyno.

he's got a massive 3 inch monster cock
source: my dad is from software

Bridget isn't trans though
He's literally a boy who likes being a boy and doing boy things. His gender was hidden by his parents so him and his brother wouldn't be killed as twins of the same gender we're considered bad luck in his village

I'm starting to see a trend in acceptable "trans" characters
turns out they're not trans & infact just raised as the opposite gender

Bridget was never liked for being trans
He's always been a trap, i.e. a cisgendered male who passes for female

Post-ops are less likely to suicide though. It goes down to about 11%.

Trap are not trans. In fact by the very definition traps cannot be transsexuals. The whole point of a trap character is that it's a guy who looks like a girl. That's the joke. According to trans-activists trans-women are simply women. Making traps who are trans simply women who look like women. Thus removing the joke.

Remember when mentally ill faggots started claiming that random characters are being trans with no proper reasoning to back up their dubious claims?

It goes down to 11% if you are in literal constant therapy, because having multiple medical professionals be around whose entire job is to validate you and keep you alive increases survivability.

Cross dressing is not fucking trans.

it's still happening
this thread shouldnt be existing anymore

Excuse me, I don't recall asking your opinion you gay little fruitcake!

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ITT: OP illustrates exactly why trannies forcing every little thing into a political statement is annoying as fuck

You're happy to speak on the behalf of people who dislike body modification so you tell me what you feel in the presence of someone with tats.

I'll admit i haven't looked over the figures extensively myself, if thats truly the case without other factors decreasing quality of life, then i could see a case being made for that. i just think its dangerous in todays world to be encouraging things like that around impressionable teens with identity crises. also its hotter if they still have the dick

But Gwyndolin is a man. He was just raised as a girl, because he's from the waist down made of tentacles.

It's just a girly boy, not a trans.


Don't kid yourself, all the surgery does is replace a healthy human body with a frankenstein monstrosity.

Gwyn is not trans either, he's a trap boy who was raised as a girl, just like Bridget
Good fucking job missing the entire point of my post retards

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He's not trans
He's just a dude who was raised as a girl because he had affinity to moonlight magic, a feminine art
He's still 100% a guy
Even so, you kill him

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Is your dad from Software or is your dad From Software?

i miss the early 2000s internet in general. no one really cared about anything and most things were just for a laugh. now everyone gets their fucking panties in a twist about everything.

Mythology/Ancient Religion always fucks around with genders for their deities.


We need more character that claim to be boys while having nice breasts and flared hips.
Mostly, I just want to fuck more people like that.

>you kill him
Actually, you don't. As of DS3 the optional fight against him is pretty much the "incorrect"/non-canon choice, so it's a "can if you want" rule rather.

>Bridget was never liked for being trans
no character has ever been liked for being trans or gay or whatever, until now
that's the whole issue

I wouldn't go to /fit/ when looking for knowledge of human biology. True herms (ie. both working sets of organs) don't exist in humans.

homosexuals and heterosexuals are the same thing because they have the word sexual in it

if you don't know how languages work please refrain from existing

>You're happy to speak on the behalf of people who dislike body modification
I'm not speaking for anybody. You just seem to be wanting to put words into other people's mouths and jump to conclusions of fear based on others' dislikes.

Gynocomastia isn’t hermaphroditism, that’s what I just said. A lot of /fit/ jokes about the topic.

I know how language works, my point was they're all faggots, something a mong like you wouldn't realise on account of being too stupid to take in my entire short post.

People's main complaint is that now characters are made trans or alternative in some way just to pander to people who do care about that kind of thing. If a company made a game, and one of the characters was gay, thats fine. But if a company makes a game, then goes through and says ''ok, we need at least 1 gay, 1 trans, a few black people, some chinese, and some fat people too'', thats when people get annoyed.

Take the issues with that Battlefield game, the complaint was that you could play as a woman on the front lines, which in itself isnt a problem. But the games pride themselves on being as accurate to real life as possible, which means women wouldnt have been on the front line. So people dont care that you can play as a woman, but then you have to relinquish your reputation as being true to history.

hello yes i take my language advice from the guy who types like this

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It's a really tough one isn't it? I dislike pushing it onto children because the risk of it being an irreversible mistake that they hugely regret later in life is real no matter what people say. I was 100% straight until say 14 and even then it was another 5 years until I realised it was purely on a sexual basis and gay relationships are not for me. People fluctuate on this stuff a lot in the teen years.
If I was a parent I would be terrified if my kid wanted to transition and that's only because I'd be extremely anxious the whole time that I'd be ruining their life either way. If you want your kid to have any hope of passing the earlier they start the better. It's like you can't win.

It's ok if faggots are the enemies, that way you can slaughter them. It's not ok to give the option to make your character mentally ill

FromSoftware made many other sexless characters and the Sekiro lord also looks like a girl and nobody's bitching about it.

i guess it's a blessing trannies can't read since most likely they won't notice those characters are guys unless you read item stuff.

Make traps great again.


Because the developers and the character itself didn't beat the players over the head with it. It was a thing, it happened, no big fucking deal.

What pisses people off is companies shouting it from the roof tops while sucking in their own farts acting all high and mighty like they've accomplished something great, and expecting people to reward them, when in reality, it's not a big deal, and is only made into one because they do it in such an annoying way, televising it in big bold letters to get a reaction.

Iornically joining him or letting him live is the canon choice, so

I'd join him so hard.

It's less a feature of specifically the surgery, and more just that the suicide numbers trend downwards the further into transitioning you go. The post-op numbers are a little better than post-HRT, but HRT does way more to cut it down than the surgery does. There's also the unspoken assumption with the post-op numbers that anyone who can afford the surgery is obviously going to be in a better living situation than those who can't, which is obviously going to skew things a bit. The even more telling figures are tracking the instances of anxiety and depression, which plummet after HRT too.

In all honesty, I think SRS should only be used in situations where someone absolutely cannot live with their genital dysphoria, it shouldn't be treated as if it's the end goal of all transitioning. Until medical technology improves enough that the loss of function is negligible, it's too crude for most cases and only represents a relatively small improvement as opposed to just HRT.

The terminology trannies like to use is "designated sex", and since his father designated him female but he lives as a male, you could say he's a trans man

It's actually pretty common for intersex kids to be assigned a gender based on whatever is easier but them choosing the opposite later in life.

Frankly I think people who rip on people with tattoos should mind their own business and that's the end of it. You alluded that they may have good reasons but I've yet to hear any. If it isn't discomfort then what is it? No reason at all? Can't really emphathise with that.

Nobody cared until actual trannies became the most assblasted people in the planet about every little thing.

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Which jumble of chromosomes gives the snake legs, because I am craving something like that.

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I'm guessing this bitch didn't see the irony in reducing all "gamers" to a single stereotype.

>those fucking obscured lower faces

He's just a fem boy

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So damn bitter they aren't sexually attractive while the actual attractive trannies swim in betabux.

Glad to see CDPR getting spitroasted from both political ends on this shit to be honest.

Yeah, I love political shitheels getting attention, nothing I like better than brainless idealogues screeching.

It's amazing to witness how some are so detached from reality.

Attached: [contained raughter].png (430x447, 128K)

>comparing tattoos to dick removal
Fucking l m a o, get the fuck out of here.

have sex bro

>these are the people trying to change your hobby
Fuck every single one of them. Not one of them has the ability to say "maybe this game isn't for me" they all get fucking mad that the game isn't catered to them in some form. I have probably 500 fucking screenshots between this group and another named gameplayers vs. Toxicity. You will never make these people collectively happy and I wish more developers knew that and would take the fucking pr hit. I pirate any game that isn't strictly online but I would probably buy a game twice if the company told trannies and leftists to fuck off it isn't for you

Attached: Screenshot_20190612-135817_Facebook.jpg (1080x5007, 1.36M)

Hey, you turn your game into pandering dogshit and this is what you get.

This is why I hate trannies, ALWAYS trying to fucking coopt anything and everything into their fucking cult. Fuck off go dilate or whatever.

Who the fuck is it pandering to if both sides hate it?

Man you could've just posted that picture and spared me all the bullshit.

>Make traps great again
Preach it.

luv cyberpunk
luv dickgirls
hate trannies
hate pol
simple as

One side is completely retarded and nothing's ever good enough my man. They've got straight up tranny options in character customisation and even have dickgirls on billboards in game if you were planning on ignoring that shit, and it's still not good enough for their target audience.


>3 inch

Didn't realize i was posting GvT. Leftist Gaming club is fucking terrible too

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l m a o isn't going to change my mind, sorry. Again, what an individual does to modify their appearance does not affect your life and certainly not your body. Relax.

And yet, companies continue to try to win these people over, never realizing it's futile, and that they never intended to buy the game in the first place.

While meanwhile turning the actual fans away cause they don't impact the companies public image in the right way.

Did anyone think a group that explicitly heavily prioritizes their morality wouldn’t be a bunch of evangelical cunts?

>he's been brainwashed by porn
3 inches is far above average user

Jesus all that waffling and fannying about just to post one screenshot of a bulge. A fucking bulge. Regardless of the point they're trying to make. shit like this is the reason the left got pushed back so hard.

Jesus, we've reached the point where a guy named "Heath Wong" has nothing of value to say to the world...

I joined specifically to content farm/being light to how they really think behind closed doors. I knew it was going to be bad. I've gotten a few people kicked out for essentially not being pure enough. It's fun sometimes

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>the Moon shit which was previously only done to women
interesting thing is her daughter, Gwynevere, despite being a woman, nowhere it's been said that she was raised with affiliation to moon, in fact quite the opposite her symbol is the sun.

>Not one of them has the ability to say "maybe this game isn't for me" they all get fucking mad that the game isn't catered to them in some form.
Or, and hear me out, maybe the ones that don't care about it don't care enough to shout "I don't care" as loudly as the ones that do care shout their complaints?

If dickgirls are wrong why is frotting with a tiny smooth dick the best feeling in the world?

Gwyndolin fucked a big fluffy dragon girl. It was his dad that decided he should be a "woman".


Not that guy but claiming this stuff doesn't affect anyone's life is pretty silly and shows you don't leave the house. It's infected pretty much every form of media and if you had a job you'd know that if you don't toe the line on political correctness it's grounds for termination most of the time.
All because society's decided to coddle a bunch of freaks who can't handle what gender they were born as.

weirdchamp desu senpai

>This. Just be you.
That's what they're doing, they lop their dicks off because they can't be happy being "a girly straight guy" or a homosexual. Their issue isn't sexual preference it's being male.

maybe they tried to raise her as a man but her GIGANTIC TITTIES prevented that?

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it's not forced

>You alluded that they may have good reasons but I've yet to hear any
No I didn't. If anything, I said that any reason to dislike tattoos was fine, from disapproval of body modification culture to the simply view that tats and piercings are fucking gay. People don't need a reason to like something and people don't need a reason to dislike something.
>No reason at all? Can't really emphathise with that.
Why on earth would empathy need to come into the equation at all here?

Now here's my hot take. You're someone with a lot of tattoos and/or piercings with parents who disapprove with this aspect of your lifestyle. So you see a post condeming sex change operations and make a snide remark about tats because this way you can vent and complain about all the people in your life looking down on you because they think you look retarded and you pick a Vietnamese basket weaving forum to do it on.

When anime does it, you call it a foreign word and jack off to it, don't you know that silly?

What's the luv/'ate thing based on anyway?

Based mole, you're doing God's work, user.

>Accept who you are.
>UHG!!!, How dare you give me a good life advice, FUCK YOU NIGGER!!!!!

Attached: pol nope, you are getting gas.gif (149x181, 836K)

I'm going to give a real answer here.

I think people like it when stuff like this gives them an out by framing it as deviant behavior. All of Gwyndolin's behavior is aberrant, and while not explicitly called as such the issue of his sexual identity could also be interpreted as such.

I think the reason why you guys are okay with depictions of trans people like Gwyndolin, Poison, Birdget, etc is because the game does sort of wink at you and tell you that this is weird and it's okay if you think that it's weird.

Is this good? Bad? Honestly, I couldn't give a shit, I'm not a Youtube video essayist. I'm just noticing patterns.

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>this post is stupid and full of meaningless big words
sounds like when trump is tweeting

Yea Forums likes to say tranny sjw are easily triggered snowflakes, but the obsession with trannys here shows who’s really a triggered snowflake

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>no u

People are okay with it because those examples don't shove it down your throat in the form of an agenda and, more importantly, they're all attractive.

Geyndolin’s behavior isn’t particularly aberrant in the context of the game’s world, but he is an alien concept to most players.

I don't think why Gwnevere wasn't raised with affiliation to the Moon is mentioned in the game, though it could just be that firstborn son - god of war, firstborn daughter - affiliation to the sun, etc.

Who knows, and frankly who gives a shit, this detail is so minor and uninteresting anyway.

Point is Gwyndolyn is not trans.

Gwindolin and Bridget aren't trannys.

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>you don't leave the house
>if you had a job
I work full-time in an office if you really must know and keep my opinions to myself. Not at all relevant. Surely you have more confidence in your argument than to try and go for lame cheap shots?
The reason it's infected every form of media is because it's a hot topic we can't stop arguing about and you know that. It's not some sudden "oh shit we all suddenly love trannies and must insert them into every form of media imaginable. Just feel like it" hysteria. They get killed for the crime of existing too closely to those that not only dislike them, but hate them enough to want them dead. It's not complicated.
And they are killed for no good reason. The act itself doesn't affect anyone except the person doing the "self-mutilating".

And Aldrich had his way with Gwyndolin so it works out in the end.

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Gwynevere's referred to as being a fertility goddess, which is presumably an accepted female-oriented role under the sun affinity. There's just no male-oriented roles under moon affinity.


Being forcibly raised as a woman because you were born under the lunar sign isn't the same thing as thinking you're a woman in a man's body, dipshit.

>well you see actually i have a full time job in an office where i'll get sent to right-think training if i say the wrong things at best and fired at worst so it clearly doesn't affect anybody's life
I don't care to argue with you about why trannies are gross but the point is that this stuff absolutely does affect the life of normal people and you outright admitted it.

I could get fired for screaming nigger too, when will the injustice end?

How many trannies died to hate crimes in the first world last year? Because we aren’t forcing acceptance on the third world.

>It's not that games lately are shittier than ever thanks to unlikable talentless hacks, it's people who got whinier by spontaneous combustion
Remember that you'll never pass. Bye.

Said the man previously complaining about cheap shots. Sorry my man, you've lost this one already. Political correctness affects the lives of ordinary people.

>Gwynevere's referred to as being a fertility goddess
No she isn't, she's referred to as the princess of Sunlight who marries a god of flame.

>Holy water from Goddess Gwynevere. Fully restore HP and undo irregularities.
>The Goddess of Sunlight Gwynevere, daughter of the great Lord of Sunlight Gwyn, is cherished by all as the symbol of bounty and fertility.

Was my first post in the thread.
Maybe you should go somewhere with accounts if you want to attack people instead of the one post.

>tats and piercings are fucking gay
That's your opinion, not an argument. You clearly do speak for these people that hate body modification, why lie? Do you want to reach a common ground or agreement as to why we disagree to do you just wanna sling shit?

>Why empathy
It's that thing that let's you understand another person's point of view and why they think that way. Come on now.

>You're someone with a lot of tattoos and/or piercings with parents who disapprove with this aspect of your lifestyle
Now who's making assumptions? I don't have a single tattoo or piercing. I just think people like you care far too much about other people's business.

>make a snide remark about tats because this way you can vent and complain about all the people in your life looking down on you because they think you look retarded and you pick a Vietnamese basket weaving forum to do it on
Projecting really, really hard. I made my "snide remark" because there's no better way to learn about the opposing view than by hanging out in their circles. Got absolutely fucking nowhere with you but that's ok, I'll privately do some projecting of my own as to why you're so upset and forgive you. As to why I'm here at all, Yea Forums's format is a good one without karma and upvotes etc. as I'm sure you would agree.

Mate you've been on the attack with every post you've made in your attempts to "defend" tats from these ultra conservative monsters you decry. If that isn't speaking out of some insecurity then I don't know what is.
>I made my "snide remark" because there's no better way to learn about the opposing view than by hanging out in their circles.
You brought it up tangentially and never gave the indication you just wanted to talk and come to some sort of understanding. That's why empathy hasn't been a factor in this conversation: you've given no indication of caring.

>from Goddess Gwynevere
Is it piss?

Imagine caring so much about what other people do to their bodies. You're all secret closet trannies overcompensating.

>you've been on the attack
No, read my posts again. I was perfectly level with you before you started trying to tell me my life story.
>ultra conservative monsters
Don't be so dramatic. I'm sorry if you're conservative and I upset you but I was talking about a broad group of people and not you as an individual.

>Never gave the indication you just wanted to talk and come to some understanding
Not to > no. Did you read his post? Did he sound like he wanted a debate to you? He was just spouting his nasty ass bile before opting out. You pulled me up on the comment and I thought you actually wanted to talk about it.

Why cant you accept them turning into a woman? Why do you care so much?


Well body modification isn't wise because of it's lasting efects, it tells you that the person who did it isn't reflective enough

Wasn't tossed in to please the whiney trannies. We approve of any character written as part of the story/game. We HATE diversity for the sake of diversity. Stop being a faggot, OP.

What are the lasting effects of tattoos

Even if you try to remove them which is expensive, it still leaves a mark, also tattoos are bad for medical reasons

Having a picture etched into your skin.

everybody around you turns into a whiny nigger

based and truthpilled

It turns out that not wishing death on trans people is a political opinion in today's climate. Doesn't matter if I like it or not but it's true. My political opinion is that it doesn't affect your life (because it doesn't) but getting on my soapbox about it at work where it wouldn't have otherwise come up would disrupt the workplace. It's not the same thing.

> i'll get sent to right-think training if i say the wrong things
Neither left or right-wing ideology is encouraged in my workplace. You don't make the right look great by suggesting they'd force everyone to agree with them if they had power.

You look like filthy trash.

Body modification is retarded because most of the time it's just useless cosmetics (which might even impose health risks) or actually removes a body part's functionality.
Call me up when we achieve trans-humanism and can actually transcend out biological limitations.


>it's just useless cosmetics
That's a perfectly valid opinion and reason for you to not get involved with it yourself. It only becomes an issue when someone decides that it's good enough reason to hate on somebody else for getting something done themselves.

What about if it's your spouse/partner or children?
If their decision could lead to any extra expense to you, it might be your business.

Fair point. Well if you're expected to pay for it then you would have the final say. You can't go through life without disappointing your spouse/children at some point eg. "no you can't have all the consoles and a military-grade computer for Christmas"