Nintendo puts on a master class on how to win E3

Can't. Stop. Winning. :)

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Other urls found in this thread: fault/ good thing/"gears 5" hype/"gears 5"/"halo infinite"/

Remeber when they one E3 with just a 4 second Metroid Prime teaser then 3 years later admitted they had made zero actual progress and were scrapping what they had?

We did it, bros...

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better than releasing a pile of garbage like bethesda or any western company does

As someone who doesn't give a particular fuck about a single console, Nintendo definitely didn't win.

>nintendo won e3
um, no sweetie

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Yeah, they won e3 by not showing bayonetta 3 even though it was announced a year and a fucking half ago

I know nintendo did indeed win e3 but I am still pissed about no bayo 3

But they didn't win, so the article is misleading

What? Did you want a piece of garbage? Did you want metroid that bad?

You know the reason people buy t those ps4 cards so much is because people don't trust Sony with their credit card information after multiple breaches

G-Guys... I thought this was our year...? We had BATTLETOADS!!!

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just show video games its not hard

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Nearly no gameplay for anything
"We're sorry, sorry soooorryyy *rubs nipples*
Everything is delayed here's a zelda game
Tom Clancy's Retirement home hackers

Hype for battle toads went away once the censorship came to light

>$10 sony tokens have been deposited into your account

>Actually show video games at E3
Damn, who woulda thunk it

>conveniently ignoring the game

But they did, Nintendo showed like twice as much gameplay as Microsoft


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two times 0 is still 0

for DLCs and ports of decade-old games

Only because of MS doing the prep for Next Gen, and Sony having even less than they usually do to show.

>one game, which didn't have a release date outside of "sometime this year", gets delayed
>still gets a ton of screentime anyway showing off all the new shit they added
hurr durr everything is delayed hurrrrr

yet microsoft couldn't be assed to show gameplay of gears which comes out in a few months or halo infinite which was revealed last year

>english secret of mana 3
>banjo in smash
>dq in smash
>new contra
>panzer dragoon remake
>luigi 3 looking good
>marvel 3 looking good
>gameplay shown for everything except for zelda 2 and nmh3
b-b-b-ut muh ports!

Nintendo has been winning E3 for a few years now.

>Paying 80 fucking dollars for a 1/7th of a game
No way. Do Sonyfags actually do this?

We are comparing nintendo to microsoft, not sony

>english secret of mana 3
>panzer dragoon remake

>banjo in smash
>dq in smash
who the fuck cares

>new contra

>luigi 3 looking good
only nintendies care

It was pretty lackluster overall, why do nintendofags have to be so disingenuous all the time?

sony's "movie" games from last years got far more gameplay shown than any of microsoft's IPs

How hard is it to lose on the battlefield nobody else is present on? Evey year it's the same with you guys: other companies present various games, some badly, some well, all competing for attention of overall mass of people who want to play new video games, Nintendo makes innocuous glimpse of another retread of their stale formulas for the people who only want to play those exact formulas over and over again. In the competition of who can make the best presentation of Nintendo games, of course Nintendo was the winner. But that's not the competition anyone but Nintendo itself and its fans are competing in.

It's no masterclass.

>Look at who wrote the article
>Always an SJW fat chick or low test beta dude that are both already massive Nintendo fans

What is it about Nintendo fans that makes their opinions hard to trust? Its almost like asking an 8 year old for restaurant recommendations.

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>english secret of mana 3
>panzer dragoon remake
official English secret of mana 3 was never ever tier zoomie.
do you know what remake means?
>new contra
yes and? the reveal was still a cool surprise

>banjo in smash
>dq in smash
who the fuck cares
>luigi 3 looking good
only nintendies care
just cause your taste is shit doesn't mean the reveals or the games are bad

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There havent been multiple breaches. What?

>trying to play up paid DLC for a game as a good reveal
nah dude, besides being uninteresting it's just pure cancer

>Be Nintendo
>Announce nothing but ports and expected sequels
>Not a single new game, 2019 releases confirm for complete shit just like last year

What did they win exactly? Low expectations being mostly met?

>excited for DLC for a shitty flghting game
>excited for games YOU KNOW will be garbage
>excited about MUH UPCOMING TITLES
using THIS EXACT SAME LOGIC bethesda won last year and it's pretty fucking obvious they didn't

Welcome to months ago dumbass. You should've been stressed about Bayonetta way back when Astral Chain got it's release window confirmed. As soon as we knew AC was a 2019 game, we knew Bayonetta was going dark until after it releases.

I'd trust these articles if Nintendo fans actually cared about quality gameplay. As it stands, however, every single fanbase in the nintendo bubble only cares about three things:

>winning their petty console war
>how many waifus they can fuck
>the pretentious story in their games

So I can't ever consider Nintendo as a "winner" as long as the fanbase has such horrific and skewed priorities. As an example, try to discuss Splatoon without someone bringing up squid cunny, or Xenoblade without waifu wars overtaking the thread. Better yet, try discussing BOTW without every other image being from a BRAP poster. A fanbase that cares about good game mechanics and quality would not allow this degeneracy.

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see the last sentence of

>convinently ignoring that almost every product after the ps4 cards is a Nintendo product or switch game

Cope :^)

see DLC trailers are cancer no matter how strong your personal body odor is.

>who the fuck cares
Actually, everyone except you cares. You are growing increasingly irrelevant. Just like your race. :)

>excited for games YOU KNOW will be garbage
I know a lot of these games won't be garbage because they showed a bunch of gameplay in the treehouse stream
Where's Sonys treehouse

You mean the multiplat game that gets released on PS4 first?

its a new game we know nothing about nigger, i seriously doubt the world will be completely unchanged. even if you take away zelda the conference was still pretty baller

Do you know how much worse of a scenario it would’ve been if they released a shit Metroid Prime game?

I mean, they did.

But honestly if you're passionate about vidya I don't get why you don't have a Switch.

All you need is a Switch and a PS4 and you're good. Not even that expensive to be an idort anyways

>announced middle of 2017
>announced scrapping in early 2019
that's far off from even 2 years. why do you lie?

>announce a sequel but no gameplay

Every other conference that pulled this shit got called out on it.


>All the publishers have reserved E3s due to wanting to wait for next year to show off their next gen games
>Nintendo shows off their games because this is not a problem for them

Peoples hype for astral chain was based pretty heavily on the gameplay shown in the stream and jumped up massively when the lead dev took the reigns to show just how much was possible.

Co sole wars are a hobby to a Nintendo fag, they are everything to sonyfags

>your trumpcard for 3 years is an incomplete game being presumably developed for +5 years that you have to pay 80 dolarydoos

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Did you not see the sticky the day banjoo was revealed or are you unironically paid to write this nonsense

They only showed gameplay of Luigi's Mansion. Everything else was movie shit. I thought I was watching a sony stream for a second, until I remembered that they didn't even bother to show their faces.

I'm talking about smashshit, the botw2 trailer was entirely nondescript and as bad as the TES6 trailer last year.

never ever on the Switch

>Sonyfags using movie card on Nintendo games

>doesn't know they always make containment stickies for your spam
yikes + cringe + oof

So what? Microsoft might have revealed a bunch of new games but outside of battletoads and flight simulator they didn't show off much gameplay.

Meanwhile Nintendo shows gameplay for:
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Astral Chain
>Panzer Dragoon
>Smash DLC (x2)
>Mario Maker 2
>Cadance of Hyrule


>Peoples hype for astral chain was based pretty heavily on the gameplay

>look at the e3 streams and threads during the treehouse

Yeah, that sure sounds like gameplay discussion.

Probably, but depending on how strong the next nintendo console is it will probably be on that or the one after.
And when it comes to nintendo it might come uncensored, and that's assuming pc doesn't get it uncensored first

>he thinks this is a permanent exclusive

Never ever a Playstation exclusive either, it will come out for other systems after the snoy money for timed exclusive wears out

now i know your just retarded
>he doesn't remeber the music they played when the sticky was first up

>someone who hates sony is a "sony fag"

Swing and a miss kiddo.

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>paying a whopping 80 bucks for literally a FRACTION of a game

Sonybros have to be the most cucked fanbase in existence, holy shit.

Yes mods are nintendies, what's your point? They always make stickies for the most mundane of nintendo announcements.

> trying this hard to hate nintendo
you're not one of those "games are art" faggots that think nintendo is holding the gaming industry back by making games instead of "experiences"

>someone who hates nintendo is a "nintendo hatter"

The only substantial waifuposting during the treehouse was about the 3dpds hosting it. Everybody got their astral chain waifuing out of the way ages ago.

Nintendo is holding back the industry by having smartphone-tier consoles.

also in other countries they don't even care about that game except Japan and US. in the next week will diappear anyways

>m-m-mods only make the threads for containment!
>actauly, mods are nintendofags!

that headline would only be acceptable if you clicked it and the actual article is just one sentence long saying "Step one, reveal Banjo Kazooie is in Smash Bros and show Zelda"

Don't care bro. Have fun paying 80 fucking bucks for part of a game.

> muh graphics make duh game
how do super detailed realistic objects and environments improve gameplay

What are you even trying to say? I never acted like mods are somehow authorities on consolewar shitposting like you are doing, they are gigantic faggots that need to clean up this shithole instead of encouraging underage tourists to spam the board with their crap like you most likely do.

the worst thing about this image isn't accepting that women this perfect really do exist, but moreso the hard reality that they could do so much better than me.

>Everybody got their astral chain waifuing out of the way ages ago.
just like how Splatoon threads aren't just circlejerks of pedos talking about which inkling they would fuck, right? Or how smash threads aren't just one giant ball of autism and rosterfagging? Tell you what, I'll believe it when I see one of these mythical "gameplay discussion" threads that you speak of.

Why would you think that user? I hated everything at E3, bar one trailer. You think I would defend the cinematic filth from sony or Bethesda or Microsoft? Let me assure you, in my priorities, they're the first on the chopping block. However, Nintendo gets no slack if they make the same mistakes.

>winning by showing the same game again

lmao cant make this shit up

remember, 15 pages.

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I wonder why people get mad when it's clear Nintendo wins E3? They released trailers with actual gameplay and not a cinematic, release dates, surprise titles and had some humor thrown in. I don't get it

>Everything is delayed
>One thing is delayed
Fuck off

As opposed to Sony who showed littererly the same games 3 years in a row

Yep, Nintendo's E3 was pretty much how E3 presentations should be: new titles, updates on old ones coming soon, priority to games and trailers with minimal to no interruptions.

Only thing they could have done better was skip the cringe Bowser and Resident Evil sketches, but other than that it was perfect and other companies should take note.

The only one moving goalposts is you, after being presented with the fact that the E3 direct was garbage you somehow tried to use the sticky as a winning point even though mods literally always make stickies exclusively for nintendo shit because they are nintedrones themselves and groom the board into accepting more underage retards spamming smash threads.

More like winning by actually showing games

Of course nintendo "won" E3. Sony and Nintendo fanboys are ubiquitous in games media and games journalism. It's a consequence of it being 20 years since the N64 and PS1. They've literally grown up to do this. It's one or the other.

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Yes, I actually fucking hate Metroid

>skip the cringe Bowser
No, that is 100% how they needed to introduce Doug. This was the first Direct without Reggie and this immediately endears him to the audience.

Because some of us want to talk about the games they showed, but the fanbase wants nothing more than to shitpost and spam porn. I've been dying to speculate on BOTW 2, but EVERY SINGLE THREAD is the same group of assholes who just want to use the game to shitpost in their petty console war.

>haha 97 never ever u mad snoy?

Piss off I want to discuss the actual game and trailer.

>People still replying to AC-Fag

But why though

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Well all the other studios keep fucking up their presentations

I'm still disappointed they announced nothing about improving the online service or more systems for the classics crap.

>after being presented with the fact that the E3 direct was garbage
how the fuck was it garbage nigger
they had
>new games
>gameplay of the new games
>only 2 new games got no gameplay

Almost as if there's absolutely nothing to speculate on and all nintendo fanboys are mindless spammers.

>I've been dying to speculate on BOTW 2
Did you actually make a thread on it?

There was no winning this E3. This is like "winning" a competition of eating shit.


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>haha if you don't like Nintendo you're a snoy
>actually I hate sony

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nintenkids are no doubt the worst fucking shitposters in this board, at least snoyfags are obnoxious on purpose

> nintendo has online at a reasonable price which shouldn't be a thing at all for games
> the other companies have a better service but want to rip you off even more
I honestly hate the some of the scummy shit companies can get away with now

No one even mentioned Sony, seething Nintenbaby.
And if you meant FFVIIR, then at least it looks a million times better than lol the same shitty Zelda again.

Oh yeah, I cannot wait to play Mario vs Sonic Olympics and er....Breath of the Wild 2, that looks more like DLC being sold as a sequel.

I've made threads on it multiple times. Even if I have nothing negative to say, THIS asshole barges in and spams his image over and over again. And you can guess what crowd that brings in.

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Only Square came close and they somehow managed to fuck it up with their live action bits

>Complaining about Waifufagging in threads where it's not present
>Complaining about how games are turning into movies
>B-b-but I'm not ACFag

Typical ACFag

Does the article actually explain how?

Because I know how.

>show nothing for three E3s in a row
>literally nothing but one (1) trashy party fighting game last year's E3

Yeah, you'll have a little bit of ammo for next E3 like that.

I really wish average IQ wasn't so low.

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Their online is worse and has less features than what we had for free over a decade ago. It shouldn't cost anything.

>reasonable price
>shouldn't be a thing
pick one, drone

>actual gameplay and not a cinematic
there is no difference anymore between showing an alpha of a game, which will get changed between the time of showcase and the release of the actual product and showing prerendered footage as both will show the best possible thing of the game
>release dates
irrelevant as long as the date shown is within a year, as it means the game will actually be released and I'll play it when its out, doesn't matter when it is
>surprise titles
retarded argument and you should know that by now, majority of the presentations have surprise titles
all presentations have humor in them, some are flat out jokes, like EA, others have some sort of humor included at one point or another


>This has already been shown

Don't forget Halo and that sjw game from Ninja theory

What do you want to speculate about BotW2 user? My speculation is that BotW2 and Monolith's "Special Project" are one and the same. Also that Sakurai's rationale for why Zelda in Smash isn't BotW Zelda is because Zelda will get this look in BotW2 and be the fourth or fifth smash DLC character.

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What game do you like then?

>Complaining about Waifufagging in threads where it's not present
Imagine being this much of a liar.

>It shouldn't cost anything.
I agree that's what I meant with that post, my point is all gaming platforms try to fuck you over

>Thinks he has the right to judge what is and isn't a "Decent exclusive" when he's posting fapbait gachashit

Loving every Laugh

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did you really think they were going to hype Bayonetta when Astral Chain is out in a few months?
>everything is delayed
>one thing was delayed and still shown
>muh remake of some old VN

Not true and not even an excuse, the dozens of PC platforms all provide better services and don't have fees.

>What do you want to speculate about BotW2 user?
It's a little too late for that user. You had 50+ BOTW threads to share in some speculation, but I've been spit on in every one. You literally only talk about the gameplay and speculation when put on the spot for being a shitposter.


>how to win E3
>show smash trailers
>confirm one of your IPs is getting a sequel
That's it. Microsoft literally did the same thing, except for smash DLC it's forza DLC and yet microsoft didn't win shit.

Mega Man 4 and Rondo of Blood

just show gameplay?

Stop posting this picture and pretending it was different from the several other times we made cards.

Nintendo was obviously the best this year, but last years was terrible. People were so caught up with "every one is here" and ridley that everyone forgot that nintendo only had super mario party, fortnite and fire emblem.

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>snoys happy to give sony $40-$60 dollars a year for absolutely nothing

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But this year was terrible. People were so caught up with "every one is here" and banjo that everyone forgot that nintendo only had luigi mansion 3, alien isolation and marvel.

and its still about a hundred times better than whatever utter dog shit you call your favorite game.

It really is astonishing how ACfag managed to keep his massive butthurt burning for almost a decade now. A normal person would've calmed down by now, but ACfag is still as mad as the day Other M released.

only thinking of the consoles but of course pc wins outright in most categories that I usually don't include it

and astral chain
and animal crossing
and panzer dragoon
and daemon ex machina
and botw 2
and trials of mana

>want to discuss Nintendo games
>waifufags ruin every single thread they come into
>culminates in one particular installment violently killing off Metroid forever
>"wtf does acfag have against waifus?"

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>I don't include the thing that makes my thing look bad

No wonder you have shit taste, any megamanx and castlevania SoTN are better games. You have to resort to shitting on other fanbases despite playing hot shit. Go play hollowknight LMAO.

Explain why their console still has nothing but inferior ports and indies then

Here you go ACfag, four Astral Chain threads within the last week primarily talking about gameplay/mechanics with minimal to no waifufagging.
I've presented my evidence, now show me your evidence that people only care about that game for the waifus. Show me how much of a liar I am.

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did you even play video games?

>a little gameplay of fighting generic mooks and a nothing boss is good enough for snoys
you're really struggling for games, huh?

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>bragging about getting games two to three gens later than everyone else
Yikes and oof

Nintendo's showcase was literally 40 mins of game after game after game. This is literally what E3 should be about, not orchestras, car showcases, long-winded speeches about "us gamers right???" or anything else. Ever since Nintendo backed out of E3 and just stuck with directs they've saved themselves more cringe than usual, now people just get disappointed with what they show.
You are absolutely deluded if you think your faggoty list is the only thing they showcased. Watch it again if you need a refresher for your goldfish memory.

>anyone else shows DLC for their game
>"lol showing DLCs instead of games so bad"
>nintendo shows DLC characters for a fighting game

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They announced a sequel for the 3rd best game of all time. By default Nintendo won E3

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>very first thread is full of sony wojaks and people crying about sony left and right

Well, you definitely proved your point. People hate the game so much that, when they're not jerking off to waifus, they're instigating console war shit.

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>literally 40 mins of game after game after game
Except it was mostly DLCs and extremely old games getting ported, why is "showing gameplay" literally the only metric when what they showed wasn't good at all? If it was named Bethesda showcase you would certainly be shitting on it but you are extremely delusional.

thanks for letting me know what I was thinking I have no idea what I'd do without you

All looks like shit but what the fuck do you mean by Marvel 3?
Marvel vs Capcom?

t. Bought a switch for Smash and Zelda. Regret it every day

Great article

>this is good discussion with minimal waifufagging according to nintedrones
jesus christ, what are your bad threads like?

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Microsoft will never "win" in the eyes of the games media. There's too much spite still lingering on from the Xbox One reveal, and a general distaste for Xbox/Microsoft in general amongst the long time Nintendo and Sony leaning sites and games "Journalists".

But last year, it seemed that most people unanimously seemed to agree that MS put on the best conference, except, unsurprisingly, for a few big/smaller name sites, that seemed to think the flute and banjo orchestra was more interesting. An odd thing that, because you know if Microsoft wore Nintendo's name, then there wouldn't have been any disagreement.

Microsoft's conference wasn't all too good this year, despite Gears of War 5, a new Flight Simulator, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, AOE2 HD, Halo Infinite, Bleeding Edge and other projects from Microsofts new studios that are multiplatform like Minecraft Dungeons, the Outer Wilds, and Psychonaughts 2, and Battletoads, there was a general feeling of "well see you guys next year, when we really show you the goods", and too little gameplay.

The games media generally massively overrate and overhype exclusives from any company, but mostly sony and Nintendo, owing to their longer term presence, as aforementioned

There's always an underlying message of support for any of Microsofts forays into PC, and especially the porting of Xbox content. Yet journalists also can't seem to decided whether they want to value Microsoft as two distinct parts when it comes to gaming, as in, PC separate from Xbox, or PC and Xbox as a whole.

The E3 conference is very indicative of that I feel. Microsoft announced a better OS, gamepass for pc, several PC focused games, crossplay and all that jazz. Yet to the games media, that's apparently all worthless.

So when Bethesda announced TES6 they won last year?
Thats not how it works you fucking nigger

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I like nintendo cause so far they're the only ones not falling for the shitty video game streaming joke.

>Full of wojaks and people crying about Sony
>One (1) Wojak posted the entire thread and is rightfully ignored
>Sony is mentioned in one post out of 101 while everyone else is talking about the game's trailers and gameplay comparing it to Platinum's other titles

This is your mind on ACFag

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Don't forget No More Heroes 3 and Dragons Quest Definitive Edition. This e3 was nintendo's first really good one in years. Most e3's before were just mario and zelda, with one ok extra game like bayo, starfox zero and kirby.

Seethe more, read the top line of text

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seeCalling people trannies and faggots and shit talking other games is not gameplay discussion. The waifu fagging and random people bringing up sony are just a small part of the bigger problem.

>oh wow two smash bros characters and zelda!
>Astral Chain, No More Heroes 3, and Daemon x Machina? who cares about that lol

Can't be a good game then

So basically
>Old game announced ages ago, with the same gameplay as 2 (shit)
>An old game announced ages ago
>A literal port
>An old game with shitty DLC
>An old announcement that was already shown fully
>A shitty indie game that was announced at another direct

So literally nothing.

Luigi's mansion 3 looked better than I could have hoped for, I'm really excited for King boo is fucking pissed the game

>summer 2017-January 2019
>3 years
I’m so glad I don’t have to make up stories about games I won’t play and just play video games.

>Calling people trannies and faggots and shit talking other games is not gameplay discussion.

Sounds like Yea Forums isn't the video games forum for you in that case.

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This place is just overrun with ledditors trying to blow off steam. Angry ass incels that shit on anything not in their child perspective of "fun" which just means known characters, simple gameplay, and repetitive design that makes them comfortable.

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>Nintendo won E3
Seems easy enough to do when your only competition is Microsoft, the most out-of-touch, floundering, directionless console company this generation.

Are you even trying or are you too busy coping to comprehend anything?

>haha these games are the best
>then why isn't anyone talknig about them
>they are!
>no, they're shitposting
>no they aren't
>[link to thread shows people posting sony wojaks, waifu shit, and general console war pettiness]

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They are a software and service company now. Anyone who buys their new console is an idiot.

To the people that mentioned Contra:
That was the gayest shit I've ever seen. RIP Contra.


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Are you retarded?
Pokemon SW/SH - new
Luigi's Mansion 3 - new
Link's awakening - remake
Marvel - new
Astral Chain - new
Super Mario Maker 2 - old announcement
Animal Crossing - update
Cadence of Hyrule - old
Fire Emblem - update
Dragon Quest - new
Dragon Quest Builders - new
No More Heroes 3 - new
The Witcher 3 - port, new annoucement
Hollow Knight - port, new announcement
Daemon X Machina - new
Mario & Sonic - new
The Last Remnant - remaster
Contra rogue corps - new
Contra anniversary - port
Dauntless - port
RE5 - port
RE6 - port
Dead by Daylight - port
Empire of Sin - port
Panzer Dragoon - remake
The Dark Crystal - port/multiplat
RAD - multiplat
Trials of Mana - new
Collection of Mana - port
New Super Luck's Tale - new
Wolfenstein Youngblood - multiplat
Sakuna - port/multiplat
TES Blades - port/multiplat
Yooka Laylee the impossible lair - multiplat
Overcooked! 2 - port/multiplat
Zelda BOTW 2 - new/announcement

Okay cunt, looks like you're retarded. Tell me how many exclusives have other companies revealed? Tell me how much game play did any other companies show? You are so stuck up your own ass about being a fanboy that you can't even appreciate actual video games. Get lost.

like 3?

>A literal port.
All these zoom-zooms who've never owned a Sega Saturn ITT

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what was wrong with Microsoft's E3 again?

You know bloodborne and GOW's ONLY community is on reddit right? Nintendo is on TONS of gaming sites internetwide...

But at least they are making it right? RIGHT?

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So(y)nyggros cant accept the fact microshit won, niggrendos think they won because they showed ports and DLC characters for smash, even though they lost hard, while there aren't enough m$ fans to countershitpost

I'd love to hear who you think won.
Oops, looks like you're wrong, Switch has the least games.

Nope, Prime 4 has never existed. That was just a sleazy, dirty marketing lie to garner PR. Which seems silly in retrospect, since their fanbase supports them no matter how badly they screw up. Look at how many people defended Metroid: Other M when it first came out. EVERYONE said that it was the best thing in years because Samus was "emotional" and "sexy". You were outed as some kind of evil snoy contrarian if you said anything negative about it.

Attached: other m.jpg (1600x800, 185K)

Trying to associate Nintendo with Sony? How far sonybros have fallen.

Pic related won.

Attached: terraria.png (630x362, 453K)

Tailored levels > Metroidvanias you dumbfuck

Kill yourself, Wojakshitter.

Nice job moving goal posts. I asked you what other companies showcased for E3. Now you're taking every single company, besides nintendo and pitting it against nintendo solely. So the only way to beat nintendo this year is if everyone else grouped together. Nice job looking retarded.
How many games did bethesda show?
How about MS?
How about Square?
That's right, they can't even compete with what nintendo did, and on top of that they announced DLC for smash which got people more excited than anything other companies could even dream about.
You're genuinely pathetic, there is no worse a fanboy than you. You must be underage, there's no other explanation for this kind of faggotry.

Nintendies think they win every E3 because they literally can't conceive of anything not-nintendo. God could come down and put out a game on another platform that makes you immortal and grants all your wishes and they'd still say Nintendo won because they announced installment #3203 of one of their IPs is coming out in three years.

No one won that E3. It was hot garbage from all camps, with one of them not even bothering to show up. I recon we've got about 3 more years until everyone pulls the plug and it's not a thing anymore.

Literally everything was awful a nintendo was decently good. What happened this year?

They were all fairly lackluster but MS had games I actually give a fuck about like Elden Ring and CP2077.

I'm happy for the update too user but nintendo still blew it out of the water.

The worst part about this is that you're right. The series is fucking doomed sadly. I'm gonna go and play Fusion then

Attached: 1555093826042.jpg (806x1600, 96K)

As opposed to the $30 a year Switch users pay for the same thing? For a bunch of easily emulatable NES titles and using their own internet to play Peer to Peer online?

They blew out all the other AAA games, but Terraria absolutely murdered Nintendo's entire confrontation. For starters, Journey's End showed absolutely zero cinematics, while every single one of Nintendo's presentations started off with a cutscene. That alone is dedication to the craft.

Nintendo didn't even show the most games, MS, Limited Run and Kinda Funny all showed more, so even in your nonsensical "most games" category you are still losing, you obviously didn't even watch those conferences since you only exist to suck nintendo's dick and being a disingenuous faggot.

>get game for ps4
>buy a 1 month subscription because I don't expect to use it too much
>a week later my ps4 is collecting dust again
>two months later I notice something is off about my bank account
>fucking sony automatically charges your card for monthly subscriptions if you buy it once
What a fucking scam.

nice reading comprehension. also
>post a link with evidence against your argument.

Attached: 1555344187417.gif (498x372, 723K)

Here's a hot take: no one cares what you think. Get lost, cunt.

meant to quote

30$ a year for a "service" that is lacking in even the most basic of features as well.

I'm a Switch user, and I don't pay for online. I don't play games like Splatoon 2 that require paid online, which is out of my standards.

Microsoft was pretty great at E3 for Steamlards at least

If you think Nintendo didn't win on the merit of your subjective opinions of the games themselves, you're missing the point of why everyone is so unanimous about it this year

Nintendo won on the merit of showing fucking video games, one minute long skit to welcome Doug to Directs and then *snap* new game *snap* new game *snap* port *snap* remake *snap* new game etc.

Even if you personally hate all of the games they showed, they stuck to showing games and only games. Their presentation was by and FAR the best, barring perhaps Devolver's, because they were really cool

Attached: Shitty_JarJar.png (825x556, 259K)

Alright, gayboy. Make a list to prove me wrong and shut my ass up. This is how it all ends. Make a list from a single company at E3 that showed more than Nintendo did. I will literally stop replying.

>paid online is fine because I don't pay for it and have been pushed out of playing online games for free


Attached: rarerevivals.png (1148x560, 863K)

No one cares what anyone think on this website, you asinine fag. It's why 99% of threads devolve into mindless shitflinging. Like that is gonna stop people from posting.

I'm more than happy to admit that Nintendo did better than the rest of the AAA trash shown at E3, but maybe you fanboys could tone it down and stop implying that Nintendo is this god figure who has never made a bad game. Yes, we get it. You love Nintendo. Good for you. That doesn't make them perfect, nor does it mean I have to like their games.

See, this kind of thing makes you look like a shitposter.

Best part of this year's E3, BY FAR!
thanks for the laughs!

Attached: 1454696267948.png (850x850, 63K)

>wanting Prime 4 to fall the same fate like the original Star Fox GCN and Star Fox Assault

Nintendo always wins, baby.

Attached: VirginWarden.jpg (1620x1080, 82K)

Why are people denying that Nintendo won? Their conference was the only acceptable one.

Your webm completely destroys any amount of seriousness you tried to add.

Google it yourself retarded faggot.

lol nintendie BTFO

Then why do you post? Why even bother if it's just shitflinging. That's right, it's because you can't ruin your goodboy points on your other faggoty sites when you post here to be a massive cocksmoker. Get lost, snoyboy.

>talks about a delayed game
>annouces a game 4 years out of development
>shows a bunch of literal who's games
Only good thing from the show was BK. I'm huge BK fan, but I rather them/microsoft revealed they are continuing the story instead of a stupid dlc for smash.

Banjo even crashed he site
i recall Ridley doing this too

Microsoft won announcing only third party and shit you can find on another platforms,they sure showed them...

>Nintendo won on the merit of showing fucking video games
Several others showed more games, why didn't they win in your opinion?
Oh that's right, because nintedrones literally don't watch other showcases at all and only care about shitposting.

You proved his point.

Why'd you bump it up an extra $10?
Besides, most people have friends so they spend way less

Microsoft pretty much did the exact same thing though. Game after game after game, with one or two quick segments to talk about a new games console and a service you can get to instantly access over a hundred games.

I suppose that doesn't count though?

I'm a switchfag but even I can admit that yeah, their shitty online service is a mark against them

Oh by no means is Nintendo perfect, I've long seen it as a terrible company that hires some very talented artists. I mean jesus, look at the shitstorm surrounding the upcoming Pokemon game. Fucking embarrassing.
I'm just not going to minimize how handily Nintendo won, because the fact that just showing video games was enough to secure a win for them is a terrible realization as to what the rest of the industry is.

Attached: th.jpg (474x453, 23K)

Hard to argue with people who say that PC gaming is pure shit and that only Nintendo makes good games. This kind of close-minded bias is frustrating to deal with.

>80 bucks for a fraction of the game
Are they gonna release them all separately or as dlc because I have no idea

Attached: a-delayed-game.jpg (1280x720, 141K)

Nintendo had the worst conference. Everybody else has the excuse that this was the last year of the gen, so no one had anything really impressive left to announce. But Nintendo it's only in the third year of their console and they showed nothing but mediocrity. Where the fuck are the Switch games?

M$ showed games, nintendo showed ports and DLCs, it's pretty evident who won

>PC gaming is pure shit and that only Nintendo makes good games
I never said anything like that. Nintendo had an ok conference while the rest had terrible ones. If you have to declare a winner to this shit e3 there is simply no other choice.

star fox zero says otherwise,fucking dumbfuck

>I have to own a ps4 to disagree with you
Wrong again, fagatron. I post for the same reason you do.

based underage poster
literally every single subscription service operates that way

Nintendo had Gameplay.
Seethe more

Alright, I'll do the work for you.
Nintendo announced 36, according to my list.
MS announced 28 according to this list:

Pic mostly related.

Attached: 5b3[1].jpg (620x390, 65K)

>asking r/nintendo if nintendo won e3
genius user, genius

No it didn't, that's just your spotty internet, the Cyberpunk 2077 reveal in 2018 had far more posting and didn't crash anything.

why are you here then?

I can say I don't own a PS4 either, does it make it true? I didn't realize it was impossible to lie on the internet. Bye, snoyboy.

for something nintendo lacked at this e3, video games

Nintendo refuse to release a bad game.
Shit-can the whole thing and start from scratch.

Based as fuck. We don't deserve them bros.


>Here's some totally real gameplay of our new Star Wars game. Now watch as we spend the next 15 minutes answering questions off of Twitch while showing off our new Droid

>Here's a 4 minute sizzle reel for our new console that we're still not going to actually show for the second year in a row! Also a car made out of Lego!

>Literally the only thing people took away from our conference was that one of our developers was cute and makes for a FOTM waifu

Devolver Digital
>DUDE ROBOCOP TERMINATOR LMAO Still mad that they're still silent on Metal Wolf Chaos after a full year

>Hey here's my dog look at how cute he is!

Limited Run
>These guys were actually pretty alright and went game after game even if their transition segments were a bit weird. Easy second place after Nintendo.

Kinda Funny

Square Enix
>You know those Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest OSTs you've downloaded and/or listened to on Youtube a bunch already? Well now they're on AMAZON! Also here are the voices behind The Avengers

>This is our new regional president. Here's a bunch of games

Attached: 1391631895239.jpg (403x345, 60K)

>I never said anything like that
Yes, because a thread literally declaring that the video game industry is dead and that only Nintendo is good? That's totally not biased in Nintendo's favor, right?

>he doesn't know

>why doesn't Yea Forums suck MY brands dick?

Gameplay for mediocre games. Microsoft had as much gameplay if you count the equivalent games, or did you not see all of those indies in their conference?

like 2.

>entire conference was almost non-stop video games

Why do you have to be such an angry little retard user?

>caring about metroid
oofa doofa

>Nintendo refuse to release a bad game


Attached: 220px-Metroid_Other_M_Cover.jpg (220x304, 26K)

>He doesn't like No more heroes or Secret of Mana
Zoomer spotted

>uses his own "list" that he doesn't post
gee I wonder why, maybe because you are counting DLCs as games

I don't even care about Nintendo at all, but their conference was the only 7/10 in a sea of trash.

Ms showed games that more than half can be played on PS4 and what is left can be played on PC lol

Following your logic, you could be a sonyfag falseflagging. Gotcha, snoyboy.


Attached: When Someone Tells Me Metroid (NES) is Good.webm (640x360, 1.38M)

Nigga, this list
Where is there DLC masqueraded as games here? You're such a massive nigger.

Not him, but I only rated Microsoft for B and Nintendo for A because Microsoft showed almost 0 gameplay.

Astral Chain unironically looks better than anything shown at E3 so yeah its unsurprising.

Just like how Metroid Prime 4's trailer was the greatest thing ever, despite showing zero gameplay?

>Low budget list padding game and a literal remake
Those games are the equivalent of Mario Tennis or Kirby, games no one gives a shit about except to put in console war lists.

>Pokemon game. Fucking embarrassing.
>I'm just not going to minimize how handily Nintendo won, because the fact that just showing video games was enough to secure a win for them is a terrible realization as to what the rest of the industry is.

Great post. Video games are a fucking shambles now. Look at the hit the took from investors because they delayed Animal Crossing. Nintendo would rather treat their employees well and allow for more dev time to make a game good. Immediately gets frowned upon and penalised.

Video games were a mistake.

hey brainlets,Sony is focusing on ps5 games,that is why they didn't made an e3 conference,Nintendo is stuck with the shitty tablet,of course they have something to show,MS is a joke,only announced multiplats

I'm 26, and that's news to me. I had no idea they tried to fuck people over like that.

>Tell me how many exclusives have other companies revealed?
You tell me, Switch had the least exclusives or new games and your list proves it, so you lose even in your shitty attempt at a quantity > quality argument.

Yeah, and they're not going to let it happen again. What don't you understand?


you'll get sequels to games released on the PS4

That year Nintendo also had the best conference. And knowing that Metroid was not completely dead was a nice surprise, yeah. We couldn't know back then that they were going to end up scrapping the whole thing and starting over.

Exclusivity is anti-consumer, why are multiplats deducted points if they are better for players?

I guess this single incident invalidates the entire game.

>Sequels don't count
Are you sure you want to go that way, my Nintendie friend?

>nintendo would rather treat their employees well

as if Nintendo doesn't work their Japanese developers to the absolute bone

Of course they'd have an American executive without any real influence to gloss over the fact that they had clearly underestimated how much development AC needed.

>own a console with no exclusives

let's laugh at this xbot lol pathetic,if you can't think the benefits of exclusives you are dumb as fuck

Scrapping the whole thing? That would imply that it existed in the first place. Congrats, you fell for Nintendo's lies.

>Yeah, and they're not going to let it happen again
Which is what they said before they released Federation Force. So they're a bunch of filthy liars. Prime 4 does not exist until I see actual gameplay footage. I'm sick of people just blindly giving Nintendo a free pass to be scummy assholes.

As a matter of fact, yeah nigger.

Here, let me get started on a non-sequel PS4 exclusive list


oh wait that's it haha my bad

>if you can't think the benefits of exclusives you are dumb as fuck
There are no benefits at all except for the company paying for exclusives, it's pure cancer.

Moving goalposts again, even better you still provide 0 evidence. Try again, nigger.

Nintendo is literally perfect in every way possible and I can't understand how anyone can hate them.

>That would imply that it existed in the first place.
Why would you think that.

Read the post you replied to with the list, you are the one trying to move goalposts.

>Trusting a teaser
It's your own fault.

because it is good for the market one product doing all things etc you are dumb,stop posting,Xbox is a dead product

You outed me as a snoyboy :(
Even though I own a high end PC and a switch :/
I must be falseflagging

Attached: WWyougotme.jpg (3036x4048, 1.83M)

I could list the other non-sequel games but you are going to say they are shit so i won't bother.
My point was that if sequels don't count, Nintendo's entire output for the last three decades doesn't count.

>i could prove you wrong i just don't want to

lmaoing @ ur life rite now kid

>advertise game before there's even a single bit of gameplay footage
>no concept art, no beta footage, not a single peep from the dev in 2 years
>Nintendo suddenly decides to scrap it, refusing to show anything off because they want to be the only ones in charge of what constitutes a "quality game".
>supposedly restarted development
>STILL no word about it, no gameplay trailers, no concept art, not even a peep from Retro who's supposed to be hard at work

Calling it now, it'll be silently "canceled" again in 2 years so they don't have to show anything, and the fans will lap it up.

>because it is good for the market

>one product doing all things etc
That's the exact opposite of what exclusivity does, are you capable of typing out a sentence like an adult person?

What about Horizon: Zero Dawn? Does that not count? What about Spiderman?

three games

five years

what a console

Should i name the games so you can say how those games are movies, or capeshit or whatever other excuse you'll come up with?

two years

five frames

what a console

>being 26 and somehow not knowing how a fucking subscription system works

you are fucking weak, never breed

I'm not even defending them as good, nor am I defending sony. But you did ask for a list of exclusive non-sequel Ps4 games. So I listed a few that came to mind. No need to be a jerk about it.

seething snoygroid

Horizon, Spiderman, Dreams, Days Gone, Death Stranding, Ghost of Tsushima, Astro-Bot, Blood and Truth, Knack, The Order:1886, Driveclub, Bloodborne. Some are good and some are shit, but Sony always tries new Ip every gen.

>you cant possibly be neutral on this, you MUST be sucking someone else off
is this how nintards cope with their loss?

>indie shit
>games that aren't even out yet

the power of the PS4

It wasn't delayed long enough

Attached: doug-bowser.jpg (1556x1832, 394K)

Not a single indie in that list.

It wasn’t zero progress as much as it was the product wasn’t what they wanted

>VR shit

my bad

just buy a 200 dollar headset to push your game library to 10 games

Doesn't count because I don't like these games

You're implying that progress was even made. How much of a fool do you have to be to believe that Prime 4 was actually in development?

>crying over a brand existing is neutral
Is this how you cope?

>Those don't count
I knew it i don't know why i bothered.

what's really wrong with that user?

>>Literally the only thing people took away from our conference was that one of our developers was cute and makes for a FOTM waifu
you sound like you only view these trade shows as MEMES
do you even play games?

Alright, time to end your whole life:
Using this list provided here:
Halo Infinite - Exlusive
The Outer Worlds - multiplat
Bleeding Edge alpha - (not even a game, an alpha build showcase, but I feel bad for you) exlusive
Ori and the Will of the Wisps - multiplat
Minecraft Dungeons - multiplat
Blair Witch - multiplat
Cyberpunk 2077 - multiplat
Spiritfarer - multiplat
Battletoads - multiplat
Legend of Wright - multiplat
Microsoft Flight Simulator - multiplat
Age of Empire II Definitive Edition - multiplat
Wasteland 3 - multiplat
PsychoNauts 2 - multiplat
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga - multiplat
Dragonball Z Kakarot - multiplat
Way to the Woods - exlusive
Gears 5 - multiplat
Dying Light - multiplat
Forza Horizon 4 Lego Speed Champions Expansion - (literal DLC, but you can have it) exlusive
State of Decay Heartland - multiplat
Phantasy Star Online 2 - multiplat
Crossfire X - exlusive
Tales of Arise - multiplat
Borderlands 3 - multiplat
Elden Ring - multiplat
Gears Pop! - multiplat

Total of 5 exclusives
And here we have
about 19, I could be off by a few more or less. But definitely more than MS could muster.

i didnt say they didn't count you illiterate gorilla nigger

i said you had to buy a 200 dollar headset on top of a 400 dollar console to push your game library to 10 games

which just makes the PPR sting harder

Nintendo E3 was pretty comfy and had games I'd play.

and you know what? they fixed that problem, they spent more time on actual gameplay footage than vague teasers than anyone else at E3
MS shills are usually the ones trying to deny Nintendo's victory, they invade the board every E3 to try and push their shitty console with no games

Nintendo had the hypest announcements for people that actually like video games. Those Seiken Densetsu 3 and Panzer Dragoon remakes came out of fucking nowhere.

There is only two VR games in there and that isn't even the point. You said how the PS5 was only going to have sequels so i listed a bunch of non sequels to prove you were wrong. Of the big three, Sony is the one more likely to invest in new IP.

There were only like 2 games I cared about in this whole E3 and both were at Microsoft's presentation, I don't give a fuck about your corporate drone muh exclusivity cancer.

>writing fanfiction just because your favorite company got called out

>that isn't the point

so you can play those VR games without a 200 dollar VR headset?

All MS games going forward are PC/Xbox.

Thus, Ori/Battletoads and Halo Infinite fit the same definition.

It's not about exclusives or multiplats either, it's about what Microsoft is publishing and producing, and the studio's microsoft own.

>Ignores the point again.
Ok, discount the VR, there is still another eight non sequel games in there.

>Nintendo had the hypest announcements for underage people that actually like anime.
fixed that for you

>almost no gameplay footage
>the most interesting game they showed, Cyberpunk 2077, is coming to every other platform and still barely had any gameplay footage
>Microsoft's own games and DLC looked like shit, with the most offensive ones being Tears of War 5 Dilation Edition, Funko Gears and CalArts Battletoads
>too much time spent on Phil Spencer's meaningless "GAMING IS BETTER THAN EVER" monologues, pride month shit and the most lackluster and padded console announcement ever
>buzzword shit about MUH CLOUD, MUH STREAMING

Nintendo shows ports and multiplats all the time
whats really the issue
and most of these games are on the gamepass so is it really so wrong they are showing something on one of THEIR services?

if Sony was willing to show multipled stuff they would have had an E3 this year

>CalArts Battletoads
Cal Arts style refers to bean mouths and bean heads retard
can you at least keep these terms consistent
it looks more like TTG and Rise of the TMNT

So basically the other companies just have to put a zelda teaser at the end of their presentation and they can win E3 as well?

>A single fraction of a game
>not even a full one
why are sonoids so pathetic?

If they actually have games that can rival Zelda why not

Ah, another change in goalposts.
First it's
>Switch had the least exclusives or new games and your list proves it
Now it's nothing about any of that. It's about the fact MS even makes games at all. If you're the same person I've been shitting on all thread long but this is genuinely pathetic.
Never said they didn't. In fact in my list I attempted to convey whether games were ports/multiplats/remasters. Gamepass isn't even the heart of the argument, it was about most games and exclusives. There is nothing to do about gamepass in this argument.

Yes, Bethesda won 2018 with the Skyrim 2 teaser according to nintendo fanboys.


Imagine thinking this when a western made cartoon bear being announced for a nintendo game managed to generate immensely more hype than anything else at E3 aside from Keanu Reeves lmao

I hate nintendo

>been out 2 years
>already has more current and future games than the other consoles
How do they do it?

Attached: 1537985694806.gif (541x360, 2.63M)

it just goes to show you how little people care about games these days when that matters most

there was never any hype you retard, it looks like casual dogshit

>you see people care about memes! thats the real measure of success!
man do you even play video games?

they might not have bean heads but everything else applies

certainly doesn't help that they literally removed the female antagonists breasts because now even women having breasts is simply too sexual

Attached: Calarts+compilation_dd1a95_6612524.jpg (1200x1489, 297K)

I don't care about a cartoon bear.
That's the difference, I don't blind suck mediocre cock just because something is made in a specific region, and you are confusing spam with genuine hype for videogames, we all know smashfags literally only spam retarded rosterfag shit and don't actually play or discuss the game.


Attached: 1560133680667.png (547x452, 239K)

its not even exclusive

theres not a single piece of FF7R box art that has the only on playstation tag.

and honestly, SE doesn't even do exclusives anymore

It say eventually, not always.

>they might not have bean heads but everything else applies
not really
the characters are to angular
you're still just a meme spouting casual
how about stay in your fucking lane

Attached: 1552239998811.jpg (1280x993, 430K)

It looks like garbage no matter how you try to spin it, Xdrone. Nintendo doesn't even own Rare and they still treat their properties with more respect than MS does, isn't that sad? Of course, Xdrones are cultists who will spin anything MS does as a good thing.
>Xdrones are trying to ignore the 30+ minutes of trailers with actual gameplay footage + hours of live gameplay from Treehouse and focusing on the one teaser at the very end of the direct
>Xdrones pretending like they weren't hyping up MUH LEGO FORZA DLC and MUH TERMINATOR IN GEARS

>having actual pride over being a Yea Forums tranny

don't worry, I'm just a nintengoy larping as an xdrone

>It looks like garbage no matter how you try to spin it,
that wasn't the argument you stupid retard holy shit
why bother saying anything you're so stupid jesus christ

While I'll give credit where credit is due, and give Nintendo a tip of the cap for having a lineup of actual decent looking games (Panzer Dragoon legitimately surprised me), FFVII clearly won the day.

>Resident Evil 2 won last year
>Final Fantasy VII won 2015 and this year's E3, even though it's been a known quantity for a long ass time

What is it with remakes?

>generate immensely more hype
Non smash fags don't give a shit about that. The Nintendo conference had several less viewers than the Microsoft one. There is more people talking about Keanu than they are talking about the sequel of the allegedly best game of all time.

>when you're so seething you have to use the "muh nintendogaf" cope

look at all these cartoons no one besides the mentally ill care about

>dishonest shitpost
Wow your seething sure showed them!


Attached: 1551815471929.jpg (1014x395, 88K)

>beloved characters that haven't been seen for a long while and the prospect of them potentially getting a revival as a result of this is just a meme
Do you legitimately think it was just smashfags on Yea Forums getting excited about this, retard? Banjo managed to generate more tweets on twitter than anything else that was shown at E3.

>Xdrones are cultists who will spin anything MS does as a good thing

This honestly might be the most ironic thing I've ever read on this site

That's pretty bad.

you obviously must agree that the worst thing shown at Nintendo's E3 was a 1 minute trailer to Breath of the Wild 2 right?

Nintendo won because they showed gameplay during their presentation, gameplay directly after their presentation for hours, and then gameplay for 6-ish hours the following two days, while the other companies were showing off Lego cars, Keanu Reeves, and Billie Eilish Gears of War trailers with 0 gameplay.

>i saw a cartoon, i got triggered
haha trolled lmao


Its a sequel to the most successful zelda game in the series.

no retard, i'm saying you're casuals
look at you even bringing up "tweets"
lets go back to my previous post
>man do you even play video games?

feel free to post a picture of the average person who watches that shit to prove me wrong

This is the same guy that tries to shit on the cinematic trailers from MS.

Wow you showed him by using buzzword #378432. What else you got?

>Do you legitimately think it was just smashfags on Yea Forums getting excited about this
Yes, who the fuck cares about DLC for a casual party game if they don't play the fucking game?

Denying it only further incriminates you. You worship Phil Spencer no matter how many times he lies to you, you try to turn even the biggest blunders from MS like Crackdown 3 being a flop or Scalebound getting cancelled into a good thing, you flip flop based on whatever Microsoft is currently doing such as going from "EXCLUSIVES ARE GOOD WE HAVE MORE GAMES" at the start of the gen to "EXCLUSIVES ARE BAD IT'S GOOD THAT WE DON'T HAVE ANY" now, you shit on other companies for doing the same shit MS is doing such as paid online and pandering to gays.
Nice samefagging
Do you play video games? If you did, you wouldn't be shitting on Nintendo for showing more gameplay footage than anyone else at E3.

Everyone who plays Smash (13 million people bought Ultimate last I heard), everyone who has a passing interest in Banjo, everyone who enjoyed Banjo-Kazooie, etc.

>Do you play video games? If you did, you wouldn't be shitting on Nintendo for showing more gameplay footage than anyone else at E3.
Of course he doesn't. Nobody on Yea Forums who participates in console war loyalty bullshit plays video games. Nintendo showing gameplay while other companies aside from Square for FFVII and Ubisoft for Watchdogs didn't is an objective fact. I don't get why people are trying to say it's a bad thing.

Then I'd love to see some gameplay discussion that doesn't have console war shit or waifufaggotry.

no gameplay

what was wrong with Microsoft showing a sequal to their most successful franchise ever
a trailer to a cult classic in horror
a trailer THEN gameplay to possibly one of the most hyped game this gen since Red Dead 2
and a trailer to the western release to the most influencial jrpg in the last 20 years

>Denying it only further incriminates you. You worship Phil Spencer no matter how many times he lies to you, you try to turn even the biggest blunders from MS like Crackdown 3 being a flop or Scalebound getting cancelled into a good thing, you flip flop based on whatever Microsoft is currently doing such as going from "EXCLUSIVES ARE GOOD WE HAVE MORE GAMES" at the start of the gen to "EXCLUSIVES ARE BAD IT'S GOOD THAT WE DON'T HAVE ANY" now, you shit on other companies for doing the same shit MS is doing such as paid online and pandering to gays.

Who are you actually talking about? Who are you talking to? Why do you have this irrational paranoia that MS fanboys are trying to astroturf?

Where are these supposed MS fanboys supposed to exist? On Yea Forums? Certainly not. Do you see endless Halo Infinite speculation threads? Do you see people hyped for Gears of War?

>Nintendo doesn't show gameplay for 1 title is equivalent to MS showing no gameplay for nearly all of their titles
10 Microsoft Points have been deposited into your Xbox Live account

Switch up everything you said with Nintendo equivalents and you are describing the average nintedrone perfectly, are there even xdrones on Yea Forums left at all?

i'm challenging the notion because most CASUALS say nintendo WON because 2 dlc trailers and a teaser to BoTW2 (with no gameplay)

but lets go deeper passed the casuals and start attacking the fanboys.
they mostly showed ports and remakes for one
they didn't even show gameplay of FE 3 Houses and that game comes out next month
No More Heroes 3, Daemon x Machina, and Astral Chain barely showed gameplay (and these are the games I'm excited for, but are ones the CASUASL who said Nintendo won already forgot)
what else is there?

Why is Homer and Thor in the picture?


I dont mind waiting for a great game.

its from a scene where homer is in a lesbian bar
not sure about thor

I... Don't get it?

Barely any gameplay even for the game coming out in a few months

>you see nintendo won cause they had better memes, have you SEEN how many tweets banjo has?
>all the other conferences had shit memes, no one cares about keenu and the bethesda girl anymore!

are you really trying to tell me you're not a casual after such a belief?

>the aunt from korra is in the image
I completely forgot they made her wholeheartedly gay in the comics. And Kyoshi into a bisexual.

>meanwhile, defends Prime 4's gameplay-less trailer

biggest gripe
i don't even know what Gears 5 gameplay is supposed to be like
might as well have shown those people play on stage

Attached: e3winner.jpg (1535x1080, 379K)

>he thinks it isnt
cope harder nintard, you lost e3

Nintendo won because they showed GAMEPLAY. That's basically it. The other conferences (except maybe SE) were all prerendered crap.

What the fuck did they do except for Halo and another Brick Console?

>reading comprehension
Let's do some critical thinking, retard. Was Metroid prime 4 months away from release? That's right, it wasn't. So you just embarassed yourself by making a completely retarded comparison because you didn't think before hitting that alluring post button.

Let's break it down to actual winners of E3 for the past 10 years.

>E3 2010

>E3 2011

>E3 2012

>E3 2013

>E3 2014

>E3 2015

>E3 2016

>E3 2017

>E3 2018

>E3 2019

>n-no I didn't d-do that
>anyone with an ounce of gray matter can scroll up and see your retardation displayed

explain to me how id tech and Doom Eternal weren't the BEST IN SHOW at E3?

>lots of gameplay
>really showed off id's new tech
>no bullshit and wasted time
>we know when its coming out

the point is that you literally defend trailers that don't have a single bit of gameplay in them, even though you just attacked someone else for it.

It's even funnier because you earlier attacked sony for showing trailers for games that had no release date. Yet Prime 4 is still not out. If any other company had "canceled" their game to restart it, they would've been burned at the stake for it. Then again, I'm talking to someone who unironically thinks that Nintendo has never once made a bad game, so I don't know why I'm bothering.

>i don't even know what Gears 5 gameplay is supposed to be like

Attached: Art.jpg (373x552, 26K)

>buhhh muhe3 where da gameplaay all these fucking cg trailers
>omg zelda2 trailer!? gotyay e3 winner

nindrones again

They won tons of awards though. It's definitely getting nominated for GOTY 2019.

Kill yourself, Wojakshitter

they had a bunch of world premiers and shit, i don't really see how SE can be above them, showing a remake of a game they themselves aren't sure when it will ever be finished is not very exciting desu

Do you really think nintendies here watched any presentention other than Nintendo's? They are still under this weird delusion that only Nintendo showed gameplay.

>writing fanfiction AGAIN
holy shit you're retarded, read again what I wrote you absolute brainlet

Nostalgia. But I would lie if I didn't say I'd put them above Microsoft either only out of nostalgia.

>>E3 2018
Delusional, they didn't show a single exclusive except Gears which didn't have gameplay and was recycled this year. Even Halo Infinite will be on PC. They had nothing.

>On Yea Forums? Certainly not fault/ good thing/
Here's MS fanboys trying to spin Scalebound's cancellation as being Platinum's fault and trying to say it was good that the game got cancelled"gears 5" hype/"gears 5"/"halo infinite"/
Here's plenty of "hype" (read: shilling) for Gears and Halo, even after MS's pathetic E3 showing
Here's MS shills in this very thread defending their lack of exclusivity
The myth that MS shills don't browse Yea Forums is perpetuated by MS shills themselves trying to deny their presence when they're caught, your kind operates exactly like Jews.

Remakes aren't suddenly not games, titles like Link's Awakening and Trials of Mana are drastically different from the originals.
Three Houses is one of the few shitty games in Nintendo's lineup, they've already shown gameplay footage of it in other directs and the less time wasted on it, the better, same goes for Pokemon. Microsoft doesn't have the decency to do this with their shittier titles.
Astral Chain and Daemon X Machina had multiple Treehouse gameplay presentations along with other major Nintendo exclusives such as MUA3, Animal Crossing and Luigi's Mansion. Even if NMH3 didn't have much gameplay shown, it still had more than the majority of titles in Microsoft's lineup. That gives Nintendo 7 good exclusive titles with gameplay footage at E3, Microsoft didn't even have a single exclusive and is now working on porting their titles to platforms they don't own.

>it still had more than the majority of titles in Microsoft's lineup
completely wrong

Monster Hunter World will literally never be on Switch bro, you've just got to give it up

>even though you just attacked someone else for it.
Hiw many times do you need these simple facts pressed into your skull. Your comparison is dogshit because both examples are at wildly different stages of developement and there is no possible way to have a gameplay demo ready for a very fresh game you stupid peabrain nigger. MP4 was so fresh in fact, that they thought it was worth scrapping it all to start over so we have an idea how little there was. Stop being willfully retarded.


>n-nuh uh
Thanks for the laugh.

Not only that but for me my mastercard flat out doesn't work on the PSN, it gives me an error
I was only able to use it once, basically the first time I bought something on it, but now it's like locked for god knows what reason, meanwhile it works perfectly fine on Steam or the eShop
I made a bit of research and there's a lot of people with the same problem. Fuck Sony

>MP4 was so fresh in fact, that they thought it was worth scrapping it all to start over
Do you even have proof that it existed in the first place? Where was the gameplay footage? Where was the concept art? Why didn't we hear a single peep from Nintendo or Bamco?

Metroid NES is good besides being impossible without a guide and requiring 15 minutes of hp grinding each time you die

Attached: Nintendo E3 2019.png (1338x800, 672K)

>Gears 5
>Tales of Arise
>Keanu Reeves
>Elden Ring

>Tales of Arise
Wait, it was shown at microsoft?

>showing games previously announced immediately invalidates their importance
its ok when sony does it for 4 years in a row

Attached: 1553895936903.jpg (956x3943, 601K)

Literally everyone hated Sony's press conference last year

>seething so hard he cant even comprehend the posts hes reading
>"i'm totally laughing bro xd so hard xdd"

That's the point though. You're comparing vaporware to a game late in development. This is why you were called retarded.

>seething so hard he's still responding and still won't name his pick of who won e3

I'm not the one hyping up Metroid Prime as a must-have Nintendo exclusive, despite not even having ONE SECOND OF GAMEPLAY to show off. I'd be careful who you call retarded.

Microsoft has never won E3 ever you massive cuck.

we liked the memes

it's pretty obvious who won, I'd ask if you're pretending to be retarded, but you're a nintendo fan, so I know you're not pretending


>I hate smash.

thats exactly (you). Nintendo showed a conference just as good as MS, also LegoXForza will never be able to step against Smash, the crossover of crossovers.

however, i do have to disagree that nintendo OR MS won, MS had just a bunch of uninteresting games, not to mention the butchering of Battletoads and the HORRENDOUS Teaser for Project Scarlett, last time i checked, one uses game consoles to play games, not to gawk at framerates, graphics and conectivity.

and nintendo, commited the ultimate sin and betrayed AN ENTIRE FANBASE in just one shot with the Pokemon SWSH fiasco, and im not even a pokemon fan/player, theres thing you simply CANNOT do.

I honestly kind of want to get a switch after that direct...last nintendo console i bought was Game Cube, maybe 2020 is a good time to get one

Doesn't matter, it's multiplat.

I guess the cover of Other M invalidates that game then.

Just checked the trailer and it looked amazing compared to previous entries (played almost all of the games except for Rebirth).
I'm hyped as fuck.

>journalists and soi's loved it
big surprise

I don't get it.

Metroid goes for cheap hits whenever it can.

Who are you quoting

Dude doom eternal looks top tier, but it also wasn't their own conference.
It was an amazing point in the bethesda conference, whilst the rest of it wasn't so hot

Oh, that is true

That image is extremely bias considering others did the same shit. Difference here is most of those nintendo games were playable.

people who cannot accept Smash is the best game, period. but still even with that, Nintendo didnt won anything.

Based on what? Popular opinion?

Sorry but Nintendo didn't have that great of a show, Xbox was underwhelming compared to last year but they still won

Okay autismo, can you please not involve me in your monologue then?

Just watched this and thought of our conversation

It was a 10/10 part of a conference that was otherwise an unceasing stream of 0/10s

no one won anything.

MS games while numerous, are unmemorable.
Nintendo ruined the goodwill towards every single pokemon fan in one shot.

Sorry, this one was a mistake. i mean to quote

>Nintendo ruined the goodwill towards every single pokemon fan in one shot.
Stop being so entitled. It's their series, they can do what they want with it.

>simple gameplay
What complex gameplay titles do you play, user?

>who the fuck cares

Attached: aquaSmug.png (720x775, 454K)

i dont even play pokemon. but anyone with half a brain knows that you just dont eliminate from a game a feature that has been around for succesive generations for literally more than a decade.

also, entitled? since when complaining about a dev being lazy is being entitled, the only way one can be entitled is if the games were actually free, but no! people PAY for the games, PAY for the merchandise, PAY for the right to go to tournaments and shit.

whether you want to admit it or not, Mr. contrarian shitbag, The Pokemon company OWES their players, and things like that cannot be tolerated, much less accepted or forgiven.

Holy shit that image is nuclear levels of C.O.P.E.

>but we're the paying customers?! How dare they make changes we don't approve of?! Gamers rise up!

Take a deep breath and go outside user. It's just a video game.

why are you here?
does the pokemon company pay you to stir shit? trying to gaslight people with brains?

seriously, enlighten me and the rest of the people betrayed by nintendo. unless TPC is not paying you that much.

>betrayed by Nintendo
LOL! Everyone universally agrees that they won E3. This "controversy" will be a minor footnote in history as Nintendo is remembered as one of the greatest companies of all time.

>betrayed by nintendo

You DO realise Nintendo don't fucking make Pokemon, right?
Did people say the same nonsense last year too about Pokemon LGPE? It came out to good reviews and sold well regardless?

>Microsoft has a pre console launch e3 where they hold off on announcememts till next year
>Literally everyone else may as well have shat their pants on stage and left
>Sony and EA don't even bother to show up not that snoy would have anything because ps5 next year and EA has never not sucked
I'm not saying they didn't have a good show, I'm saying they're the only one's who even bothered to have a show

they didnt show shit tho
except banjo

wrote by literally who
and literally what magazine
well someone needs to get paid so yeah

i dont hate nintendo, they did well this E3, but in order to 'WIN', anything less that perfection cannot be accepted, you should know that basically half of the planet are pokemon fans, how can you consider betraying HALF of the planet 'winning something'?

sorry, but despite the game they showed, they dont deserve to win unless TPC/GF/Creatures confirm textually that they will AT LEAST add the pokemon thru free patches, something they implied they WONT do.

>except banjo
And that DQ character.
They also showed more of Link's Awakening, Luigi's Mansion 3, Astral Chain, Marvel, Trials of Mana remake and announced a couple of others.

It's like you are saying Sony and Microsoft are too retarded, so Nintendo don't have to do anything to "win".
I don't give a crap about nintendo winning or not, but in my book, a win is a win?
In general I thought Nintendo had the best presentation and had the most to show.

along with treehouse this week which shows off more gameplay and information than anyone else. hell even multiplats go on nintendo treehouse to get more stuff out there

As a Nintendo fan, it was mostly shit, all of E3 was shit, there wasn't any Kirby or Metroid and news on the games we were getting was either postponing or going to be released much later that may as well saved it for next E3, and the things we will get, came with really awful news, like Pokemon, it's dead.

The only thing that was good was Banjo, and i have to give Microsoft credit for that. he was the only good thing at this year's E3, and it's DLC for a game that's out.

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where i did say that?
Microsoft did decently on its own, but also dont deserve to win because A.- the Scarlett teaser, B.-Battletoads, and C.- the majority of games are unmemorable.

i never said someone else won, i said no one won. or at least. that its a tie, and about sony? they didnt even participated! if theres one clear 'loss' or 'defeat', then its sony, and just for the record, FFVIIR doesnt count since it was shown at the Squeenix conference.

>Everyone universally agrees that they won E3

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I don’t understand why the other companies don’t use Nintendo’s set up. Not the stage show vs video presentation as both have their merits, but you don’t see the others do Treehouse streams, even when there was substance to their game announcements.

I think Nintendo won considering they had more concrete stuff to show.
If you think Nintendo didn't "win" is up to you, but I think most people disagree.


I get your bias, but they did say they were focusing on 2019 games.

Metroid is a tragedy that keeps getting worse year by year, but I fully expect to see Kirby whenever it’s ready.

As for the actual Direct and Treehouse material, can you actually, objectively, say that was bad content?

I think they did decently.

Attached: decently_nintendo.png (1696x773, 725K)


I didn't feel like sticking around for most of Treehouse, Luigi's Mansion 3 looks really mundane compared to the other titles, it's focusing too much on gimmicks and puzzles than just hunting the ghosts in a spooky mansion.

Pokemon just keeps getting shoved deeper into the ground, and there's nothing that can be done to save it because kids who don't pay attention to this sort of stuff just buy whatever comes out.

you did it again you magnificent bastard

MS unironically won last year and everyone knows it, just because you're in the nile about it doesn't make it untrue