>GameFreak announced that there won't be a national dex support >/vp/ explodes and every single user defending it got publicly banned >Reddit now has a sticky with all mods going full force against Pokemon and protesting >Restera nuked their Pokemon threads and now forbids any discussion out of disrespect against GameFreak >Discord is crashing as we speak >One of the biggest trending hashtag on twitter right now is #Bringbacknationaldex (and GameFreak's deleting the tweets in japan) >All in one hour since announcement >this is supposed to be the mainline game everyone waited for
>and every single user defending it got publicly banned Holy shit what? Doesn't /vp/ have some of the most anal mods on Yea Forums? What are they doing being based?
Owen Butler
Wait, there's no post-game national dex? At all? I thought that it was going to be like B/W where you had only new pokemon in the beginning but post game had at least some older mons and the ability to transfer, which I liked a lot. So this is straight up only gen 8 pokemon in the game?
They ban for some amazingly great reasons. Saying you didn't catch em all was grounds for a public ban in the past too. Also you got some nice digits.
Easton Cruz
>So this is straight up only gen 8 pokemon in the game? No, have you seen literally any of the videos of it?
Elijah Bailey
It’s clearly bad. There’s no excuse. People are tired of the biggest money making series ever being mediocre and half assed for what it could be. This directly fucks over so many hours of work, and love people have put into the series.
Lincoln Ross
>even the r**dit portion of the pokemon community shows backbone color me impressed
>Wait, there's no post-game national dex? Already removed in gen 7 >So this is straight up only gen 8 pokemon in the game? It's more like BW2, new and old pokemon in the regional dex, except this time everyone not in the regional dex is literally not coded in the game and completely unobtainable
Julian Fisher
Game Freak is the worst developer on their level of notoriety by a fucking country mile. With anything less massively iconic they would've killed the series or had it ripped from them sometime around X&Y (since the DS was probably their golden age in terms of quality)
I dropped Pokemon after X and I don't regret that decision whatsoever. I've made exceptions for Pokken and going back to Mystery Dungeon Red for nostalgia and that's it.
I dont follow pokemon, is it so bad you really think this game might not do good? The national dex is the thing that has the info of all 151+ pokemon right?
It’s all a ruse. National dez will be back in the third version
Cameron Morales
Ok look. Im defending it on the grounds of I just want a fun game. I dont even give a shit if all 800+ pokemon are in it. Game Freak will survive. Just give me some comfy adventures with new Pokemon, waifus of the Cunny and Mature variety, and hopefully a decent OST. Also I want Honedge in the game.
Alexander Sullivan
user meant to write Titanic.
Justin Reyes
everyone knows the game will still sell well, that's why the people who care are trying so hard to make a stir about it
Nolan Rodriguez
As long Japan doesn't say anything in the matter, it won't make any difference as any other controversial Gamefreak incompetence
Ethan Smith
>poke autist genocide
Based nintendo. I absolutely hate the pokemon fanbase and wish anyone in it a painful existence. But I love playing the games. That's it tho. I don't go to tournaments or care about maintaining a massive pokemon collection like some autist.
Andrew Brown
The National Dex is basically a post-game feature that's existed since Gen 3. The main game is balanced around having the new selection of Pokemon designs and some select classics to fill out the roster (barring BW1 because it was meant as a soft reboot so it was all new). The National Dex was the expansion on the Pokedex that had data on every Pokemon in existence up until that point for the purposes of having all of them in one game if you really wanted to go for it. Gen 8 is going to have its new Pokemon, the selection of old Pokemon they decide on, and that's it.
They've literally cut out the basic ethos of "Gotta Catch'em All".
Luke Green
>normalfags finally realized that Game Freak is a bunch of incompetent fucks It's about damn time.
Isn't the point of pokemon to find and catch pokemon? Why the fuck would you have someone give you free shit with no effort or just importing the same fuckers you've used the last game? It's like in borderlands we're faggots just want to get boosted to max and get free glitch gear to make their easy game easier instead of just playing the fucking game Do people not play video games anymore?
Angel Evans
>LOL NORMALFAGS DONT CARE gave twitter a look, retards?
Stop saying national dex, its obtuse. Say "not all Pokemon will appear in Sword and Shield", simple and to the point. GameFreak isn't modeling all 800+ Pokemon, that is also simpler.
Raid mode is retarded and a waste of time.
Austin Collins
Learn some history newfag.
Christopher Foster
That is literal uber autism. And I am a tripfag who accidently Isekai'd himself with meme magic. That is still more autistic then anything I can fathom.
Jace Taylor
John Davis
Home doesn’t even release until next year, a whole 4 months after the games come out. Anyone and everyone complaining are literal retards.
Aiden Edwards
It's a joke rule that is enforced as a joke.
Andrew Thompson
Competitive speaking this is kind of cool, oprresive pokemond like genies will be out.
Matthew Richardson
The worst thing to happen to Yea Forums
Adam White
people care this much about their autism collection huh
James Nelson
>GameFreak isn't modeling all 800+ Pokemon actually all pokemon are fully modeled and animated already
Parker Hill
Where there's lightning, wind, and dirt, there are genies
Bentley Thompson
why do you think when home releases is relevant?
Alexander Turner
Dynamax and Raid Mode are lazy as fuck game design, which go hand in hand with them not wanting to model all 800+ Pokemon. Also the Wild Area feels like they toyed with the idea of changing the formula to something literally everybody would prefer and then decided against it so they made the tech demo into a smaller feature.
Matthew Ward
>GameFreak isn't modeling all 800+ Pokemon
They already have, the models in X and Y were created with forward compatibility in mind.
Gavin Cox
>all these people defending it >on a series literally known for collecting all pokemon
You guys keep complaining, but fail to realize Pokemon Spear will allow you to bring all your old mons over.
Josiah Smith
>GameFreak isn't modeling all 800+ Pokemon That's been done since 2013. They've been reusing the same models since then. No excuse.
David Morris
>GameFreak isn't modeling all 800+ Pokemon, that is also simpler. They literally did this years ago to futureproof models.
John White
I doubt this will kill Pokemon as a series, but just in case it does, I wanna buy Nessa’s game so I can at least show my appreciation for this hot piece of chocolate. Honest to god, this doesn’t affect me since I skipped SM & didn’t pay for Bank, so all my bros are still where they are on Alpha Sapphire, but Jesus Christ, this might be one of the worst PR disasters I’ve seen since Marvel Infinite’s “functions vs. functions” debacle. Either they meant what they said or Masuda can’t properly get across what he meant to say, but either way, I think his ass is liable to get fired the way things are going now with the big console release Nintendo & The Pokemon Company want to make successful.
I played Red and blue and sun/moon. I have no knowledge of pokemon besides that. What the fuck is a national dex and why is it a big enough deal to freak everyone out
Logan Kelly
GameFreak doesn't model them. Creatures Inc. does and even more pathetic, they removed attack animations. Want to know how fucking pathetic that is? Go listen to a company that handled Pokemon respectively and follow the Super Mystery Dungeon development where Chunsoft did their hardest making sure every single mon was fully animated and functioning
Chase Wood
I fully expect that to be the case, so I'm skipping the initial versions.
Andrew Johnson
This. I UNDERSTAND the uproar. And I understand why people would want all 800 pokemon in a game but its... I dunno. I started in this with extremely low expectations but I still think people are gonna get over this. Outroar will make GF work on some free DLC to add on more pokemon and they will slowly work their way out of this mess. Meanwhile every poster on /vp/ will buy the game. And quite a few of us on Yea Forums.
Grayson Kelly
Thank god Pokemon caters to children who wouldn't give a damn about all of this. Pretty smart of GF to do this every single mainline Pokemon game they release.
Isaiah Sanchez
Because the games come out in November. You are going to be forced to play with the Pokémon in the Galar dex any fucking way.
Nathaniel Thompson
Fantastic way to adapt the Brexit chapter of Britain's history, truly marvelous work by Game Freak
Some tell me why is that a bad thing, the roster is so fucking bloated. I think every game should just start fresh with no old mons, half the fun of gen 1 was trying to catch em all, but in every game since then I’ve felt “why bother trying”, especially now that there’s like 1000
Fuck /vp/ and the rest of you who are just mad that your specific fursona might not make the cut. The real problem with the series is that they keep adding shitty battle mechanics like mega evolutions and now this Kaiju shit
Joshua Collins
>GameFreak announced that there won't be a national dex support Okay now I know 100% that they are being lazy. I feel better about not buying this game now.
No they're not. Who is even spreading this bullshit?
Wyatt Morales
Didnt Black and White do this to an extent?
David Cruz
Explain to me why we should pay $60 for a rehash of a game with a feature that can be added as free DLC. How much can Gamefreak strip away from these games before you realize there's a problem?
Aaron Peterson
If gamefreak stays silent about the issue all the way until launch then the game will still sell millions.
Caleb Rodriguez
youtube.com/watch?v=7oday_Fc-Gc I'll miss you Mega Mawile and I run through ORAS with, I'll miss you Scythor with a evolite I ran through heartgold with Fucking japs man
Mason Harris
Pokemon died after gen 4 anyway, who the fuck cares, nobody makes good video games anymore
Jacob Johnson
Fuck off retard
Ethan Campbell
No, you were locked to the Unova dex during the main story, but you were free to get your old Pokemon back the instant you beat the E4. With this it doesn't matter what you do, over 400 Pokemon are completely unobtainable in S/S.
Noah Morgan
No shit, you haven't been able to transfer pokemon from previous generations to the new game on day 1 for years. Decades? A long fucking time. There's always a prerequisite that forces you to use the region's pokemon when you play through the story. That's irrelevant.
Noah Baker
>thinking this will kill Pokemon Yes and Trump wont be president
Yea and you could transfer and trade after you beat the games. XY did the exact same thing that’s happening now..
Adam Gomez
You could freely transfer from past games once you beat the E4
Austin Morales
He was banned for breaking the rules; not wanting to catch 'em all.
Oliver Evans
Also, there was nothing stopping you from starting a new save and trading yourself a Pokemon not native to Unova if you wanted, this is impossible in S/S because these Pokemon don't even exist in the game files.
Charles Morales
Crazy how all this bad news is coming after the direct finished, lmao. In the end, Sony won.
Elijah Evans
The """postgames""""" in past gens have been all about legendary spam. Lando and friends will be back.
When asked why fanfavorites weren't coming back in MvCI this guy representing them said "nobody cares about Magneto, he's just liked for his 8 way dash function and Miss Marvel does that just fine".
Luke Miller
the rules literally stated to CATCH THEM ALL
Henry White
>you haven't been able to transfer pokemon from previous generations to the new game on day 1 for years. Yea you could you fucking retard. Starting with ORAS. What the fuck are you even talking about?
Parker Ross
>Post yfw the original 151 are still available for 'reasons'
Charles Martinez
>Joke Rule >Enforced as a joke It's okay if you haven't caught them all, user. But it's fucking retarded for you to declare that you don't want to, or think that others shouldn't. Mods are actually anal about it on the grounds of people being genuinely shitting themselves with their claims that it's "okay to not be able to catch them all" as a means to suck GF's cock. Literally the only time the joke rule has been enforced beyond it's purpose.
no, because x/y had the models/data for all pokemon on the cart, with s/s this is no longer the case
Sebastian Smith
Tell that to the others, not me. I've given up on GF a long time ago.
Cooper Morales
XY is different, the game released with a locked regional dex because Pokebank wasn't out yet, as soon as Pokebank dropped you could get every Pokemon again. In SS even with Pokemon Home, you can't get all the Pokemon, if you transfer a Pokemon into Home, but they aren't in the Galar Dex, they're fucking stuck there since Pokemon Home is completely one way.
Liam Taylor
I stand by my previous statements that GF will DLC this shit to fix it. I dont think they would charge money for it. But its starting to look like GF is going the...Bethseda route.
Wyatt Fisher
>upload my Pokemon to Home >can't send them to Sword/Shield >can't send them back to Sun/Moon >if I ever stop paying my Home sub my 15+ year old Pokemon collection gets deleted
Ryan Bailey
Yes you can. XY was only like that because like Home, Bank didn’t release until 4 months later
David Butler
>>if I ever stop paying my Home sub my 15+ year old Pokemon collection gets deleted That's not true you faggot
Liam Sullivan
>XY did the exact same thing that’s happening now.. XY had every pokemon so far with the exception of the complete Zygarde I'm still waiting on AZ's Floette
Is this the most autistic reaction to video games this decade?
Justin Nelson
>cutfags finally won Truly a blessed day. Sure, it was a retarded way of doing it and the games are looking awful so far, but we're a step closer to a permanent purge of retarded unnecessary Pokemon.
Dylan Anderson
>normalfags finally catching on to what bullshit Pokemon, nu-Star Wars, and the last few seasons of Game of Thrones have been surprisingly based of normalfags, even if late to the party and requiring a seeing eye guide to stumble over the bullshit
Wyatt Wilson
So why not just keep bank and not buy Home until they patch in the new Pokémon?
Luis Richardson
Dynamax is straight trash low effort garbage Can't even collect all pokemon Pokemon literally pop up 3 feet in front of you constantly even though this shit is on the "powerfull" switch
I didn't think they could do worse than usum but I was mistaken
Jack Davis
Normies never do that, there's a reason why "Gotta Catch Em' All" was dropped as the official slogan for several years before they brought it back for B/W for that "KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOO" appeal.
James Murphy
>No one likes Jewish Gandalf Hitler who is one of the most iconic villians in the Marvel canon
user, all the Retardedmons stayed in and all of the decent stuff got slashed
Austin Mitchell
Didn't Sun/Moon do the same as well?
Jaxon Roberts
Self-deprecating doesn't make tripfagging less embarrassing. It just makes you a little more pathetic.
Aiden Campbell
Now imagine Honedge isn't in the dex. Poof, gone, it simply does not exist as far as Gen 8 goes. THAT'S what got some many people of different corners of the internet fucking pissed. It's not about me personally not getting my bro, it's about what kind of doors this opens for GF to fuck us over in future installments.
Sun and Moon weren't bank compatible at launch. Neither were USUM. Neither were the virtual console games. Gen 5 required you beat the game first. DPP required you get the national dex. I don't remember about HGSS, but it and ORAS might be the only exceptions to this since gen 4.
Jackson Martin
I can't believe people actually want to be like Boco. Shut the fuck up, Tremere.
Hunter Gonzalez
LMAO I made that post, goes to show how asshurt the Braixen janny is.
They had a hashtag that was trending all the way to 6th place in Japan a couple hours ago. Nips are fucking nuclear about the whole thing.
Ryan Hill
There'd be nothing wrong with a Pokemon equivalent of legacy cards, a permanent retiring of certain Pokemon, either for balance purposes, because they were originally bad decisions, or to prevent bloat.
Noah Bailey
Tfw you're a genwunner and you know you're precious 151 will never be cut
that's a wonderful idea assuming they don't drop support for bank
Kayden Williams
basically a post game activity and a long time fan/collector's wet dream. It's the dex of all pokemon to ever exist. There's methods (albeit the old ones were shitty and tedious) to transfer all of your pokemon into the newest game. so for a lot of people, myself included, it's the loss of being able to carry pokemon forward that you've had in one game or another for up to 16 years, and this is right after announcing the godsend for mass pokemon storage and organization that is pokemon home, and it comes off as extremely lazy for how much fucking money pokemon just prints for gamefreak and nintendo
Joseph Johnson
>they put all the gen 1 mons because Let's go already had them why not >"there's not enough Gen 1 pandering!" the thought scares me honestly
When Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite was coming out, and people were pissed about no X-Men in the game, local fraud & then-developer at Capcom, Peter “Combofiend” Rosas, came out and said something to the effect of: >People like these characters because they’re functions, they do things. >People like Magneto because he has an 8-way dash and flight combos. >Ultron, Captain Marvel, and Nova all have those, give them a try. This statement completely tanked the game, turned it into a financial bomb, killed the series, and further galvanized the support for Dragon Ball Fighterz as the alternative tag fighter & new answer to Marvel Vs. Capcom, which actually turned out to be a massive piece of shit of a game as well with mounds less excitement than Marvel Infinite had, which was already low, but they had the right PR team to sell this snake oil to people & get away with it. Combofiend was soon let go from Capcom, for what he claims was his own volition to work for a new company, but anyone with a functioning brain can figure out he got in deep shit over his “functions” comments and probably got his ass fired because of it. To my knowledge, last I heard, he might’ve worked on Spider-Man, but hasn’t shown his face at a single FGC event ever since that fateful interview, which must be embarrassing for Mr. Bionic Arm.
Hudson Howard
>Boycott amongst fans causes SS to perform under expectations Hahahahahaha. Oh god, there's actually people delusional enough to believe this game will underperform. That alone goes to show just how out of touch you Pokemon doom-posters are.
Benjamin Myers
Imagine having the highest grossing media franchise of all time and being this lazy and incompetent with it
Jaxon Mitchell
you aren't even using the word "redpill" right, GET OFF MY BOARD YOU REDDITOR
Logan Hill
Sort of, SM compatibility with Bank came a little bit after the release but not as long as it did for XY. You could pretty much transfer almost immediately.
Brody Morris
>but they still love capeshits
Imagine defending normalfags
Caleb King
lol i don't even know what a national dex is
Thomas Jackson
The battle frontier was a huge post-game playground with different types of battle challenges that they added in Emerald, the enhanced version to Ruby and Sapphire. When they remade Ruby and Sapphire, they omitted many of the improvements from Emerald, including the Battle Frontier, leaving the post-game barren and defeating the purpose of remaking the games when Emerald already existed a decade prior with more features.
Christian Cox
I am your average consumer, casual player of the Pokémon series, and 99% of purchasers.
I will purchase the game, beat the game once or twice, then put it on the shelf until I feel like doing another play through.
I simply do not care about transferring my Pokémon from previous titles.
As long as I find the Pokémon designs likeable, I will have a favorable view of this entry.
/vp/ is just a containment board on par with, if not worse than, /mlp/ and any general consensus derived in said cesspool is irrelevant and should be discarded immediately
So my living dex i spent a decade building is useless now except for nostalgia?
Adrian Bennett
I say good
Keep up the shitposting until they are forced to listen. Don’t fucking stop, Luigi’s Mansion 3 and Mario Maker 2 are getting better because of the bitching. Keep doing it
Parker Hernandez
>over 400 Pokemon are completely unobtainable in S/S How do you know that already?
John Morris
I don't get why this is really an issue. I could understand if the situation was reversed where you couldn't transfer sword/shield pokemon to the pokemon bank, but you can, so your overall collection still can reach completion.
Personally I wish they'd gone full clean slate like Black/White again.
Adam Gomez
What are the chances that they'll add the other pokemon as dlc?
Chase Gomez
Major feature that got cut out of a Generation 3 game (Which pic is supposed to be a remake of). When the developers were asked for why it was cut, they shat the bed and said they were trying to appeal to a mobile market.
Lucas Reyes
Battle Tower was a post-game area in the original GBA versions where you could fight tougher trainers for rewards and it got expanded into Battle Frontier in the Third Version which had sever different facilities that hosted different kinds of challenges for further rewards. They dropped it entirely in the 3DS remake and left a little Easter Egg in its place, Not even the original tower made it into the game.
Blake Jones
>/vp/ in uproar >Leddit in Uproar >even normie twitter is in Uproar the fire rises
Bentley Campbell
Eli Peterson
most people want to bring their favorites into the next series of games. You might not be able to do that depending on what your favorite is, and if they're in the Galar region.
Ryan Thomas
I mean, even though it's an accident, it has proven to work rather well, with people using the regional Pokemon for a while until the rest were allowed in.
I dunno thats still... how do you know that is not the genuine opinion of the posters that GF is allowed to make the game how it likes? Thats not so much an unreasonable viewpoint in and of itself. But if posters are saying people shouldnt want to "catch them all" or are trying to call them wrong for desiring it... thats along the lines of "You are not allowed to want or like this!!!!111!!" and is a reason for banning I can get behind. Facism is a sign of censorship. If anything its a good sign that /vp/ mods are banning shills. If Yea Forums's mods werent kike bought and banned shills for being shills during GG we would not have Resetera false flagging "MUH GO BACK TO /POL/!!!" "/POL/ BTFO!!!" "HELP! /POL/ IS FALSEFLAGGING!!!" then posting (((you)))s to those posts like the majority agrees with them.
Jeremiah Cruz
>You could pretty much transfer almost immediately. It took them two months. Even kids who had to wait for their parents to buy the game for them for christmas would have finished the game by then.
Hudson Brown
to add one more even the biggest Nintendo shill is in uproar
Henry Morgan
Lurk moar
Colton King
>I will purchase the game, beat the game once or twice it's a "maybe" that the average consumer will even finish the game one time
I dont wanna be like Boco. I just do this for shits and giggles.
Luis Rodriguez
I'd say the creation of /vg/ is the worst, but they're pretty close.
Juan Evans
Jeremiah Diaz
Because unless Galar's regional dex is ~600 Pokemon strong then around half of the dex is going to be missing. The average regional dex is around 450 which will be midway point for the total number of Pokemon if Galar has near 100.
At the absolute best we'll lose an entire generation and a half worth of Pokemon, at worst over 400.
Gabriel Kelly
gf really goes out of their way to be more jewish with every installment
Charles Wright
Didn't Sun and Moon also not have a National Dex?
Grayson Wright
Of course the guy posting Mario is a sheep
Chase Ramirez
That would require to make every single pokemon big, that's far too much work
Hahahahaha. Keep going then. I'm sure GF will be crying over its inevitable 15m copies sold. Go, gamers rise up, even. I'm just going to be giving you a shit eating grin when it breaks every sales records in its first week of sales.
Which means the only people that would be caring about this are the competitive Pokemon players.
Owen Sanchez
>people care this much about their autism collection huh Why the fuck else would you play Pokemon?
Lucas Stewart
He's making an assumption, but his is optimistic if anything. With Galar's new pokemon included, there will probably be close to 900 species total. In order for only 400 to be missing, the galardex would need to have 500 species, which is more than the biggest regional dex to date, Kalos.
David White
There, I just did in 20 seconds, and with hundreds of pokemon, that's a single day of work.
If that's too much for Gamefreak, they can fuck off
Bitch, I came here three years ago during the elections in 2016 and already did my two years of lurking. Either answer the question or fuck off and ignore the post.
Anthony King
Clefable's in, so I'm happy. Everyone else can go fuck themselves.
Juan Turner
Oh ok. I thought the dex had been leaked somehow, or something.
Ethan Rivera
Because he made GF another billion dollar last year.
Aiden Gutierrez
I have doubts that the average Pokemon consumer even gets past the third gym
Nathaniel Jackson
>Had a Childhood sweet heart that played Pokemon too up to when we were 13 >She moved away and we traded starters the last day she was here >her Torterra for my Infernape I don't want to let turtlebro go
Ayden Rodriguez
Yeah, but how is that any different from every fighting game that gets sequels?
It feels like people who just have zero context, especially given you KNOW that pokemon is still there in the bank, and the Pokemon series is milked like fucking crazy. It's nearly annual, there's no chance you don't get yet another game that'll have that pokemon usable within a year or two.
Chase Nguyen
It's extremely doubtful he was shitcannrd for that, the whole thing was Disney's call because they were trying to box out the Xmen at the time
William Ward
>multi-billion dollar franchise >can't even fucking make around 900 models bigger Knowing Gamefreak, I'd like to bet that the giant models are entirely seperate models, rather than just using a code to increase their size.
I think people don't actually care about this issue. And this is fine. People wanted a reason to go ballistic against Gamefreak's gross incompetence. This is simply "too much".
Wyatt Powell
Liam Bennett
it's a fucking stupid change, but that is a bewilderingly egocentric way of looking at it
Samuel Rogers
christ his face is a shitpost to me now
Angel Martin
oi m8 do you have a loicence fo that pokudex
Jonathan Garcia
Pokemon becoming a roster-based franchise, is what people DON'T want. It didn't help that Gamefreak over the years started amassing bad PR especially after ORAS.
Michael Evans
Exactly. Home doesn’t release until early 2020, aka February 2020 just like Bank, so no one should actually be caring about this because by then we’d all have already beaten the games and played a good chunk already.
And GF only said this because they didn’t want to delay the games to include every single Pokémon. It’s June, the games come out in November and Home comes out next year. Who’s to say there won’t be a patch like literally every other major Switch game out right now?
Matthew Brooks
Sequels to fighting games actually rebuild, rebalance, and reanimate their characters in sequels. Pokemon are just ported, there is very little time and effort spared by omitting a bunch of pokemon.
Logan Morales
>defending a company THATS REMOVING CONTENT Wow are pokefags this delusional?
Caleb Roberts
I mean, the game looks like shit (gamefreak are not good devs) but will still sell millions. This is just dumb though. Also more genwun pandering
Aaron Jones
Holy fuck you people need help
Parker Evans
Jeremiah Rodriguez
G-gotta Pokemon Home them all!
Jace Brooks
>i hate censorship >omg mods banned someone for an opinion i dissagre with mod is god Even if its funny its still retarded Im not saying i defend gamefreaks retarded business management but this ie censorship of the mentally disabled
Joseph Turner
The average Pokemon consumer are children. They will finish it and love the game while growing up to say how Pokemon games have declined since the version they started playing on. It's a neverending vicious cycle.
Ryan Martin
People defended them removing wild battles in favor of GO catching and charging $60 for a game with less content than a GBA remake of the same game.
Evan Anderson
Why is everyone suddenly defending Game Freak after years and years of shitting on it? Accelerationism? Contrarianism? Ironic shitposting? Clearly isn't being a blind lamb.
Nathan Nguyen
>Heracross no heracross, no buy gamefreak
David Miller
This has got to be Gamefreak’s way of phasing out the filler/weirder/more complex parts of the dex. Where do Ultra Beasts fit in to all this, for instance? Simple, they don’t—they were an Alola thing and that’s it. What about regional forms? The different versions of the genies? All the Deoxys variants? Too complicated, they’re gone. What’s that? You were one of the twelve people that actually liked Swoobat? Tough shit, it’s out.
I, for one, applaud Gamefreak for making this bold but necessary move.
The people who care about this are fans of the series who don't just one and done the game and forget the series exists until gamefreak shits out the trailer for the next one. Gamefreak saying they're doing this so they don't have to delay the game doesn't inspire even one ounce of confidence, it's a formal admission that they will gladly cut corners to make sure they meet their yearly schedule.
Hunter Long
hold up, you can’t transfer from any older games at all? I got a single sparkle of hope in the form of a shiny breloom and you’re telling me I can’t bring my boy to SwSh?
Yeah but when I was a child, I'd skip grinding as much as possible, hit a wall around the second gym, and reset. I'm sure they get a bit further than that with the fuckin exp multiplier, though.
Oliver Miller
>mods banning people defending shitty devs and practices is censorship If Yea Forums mods were 1/100 as good as theirs, this place wouldnt be such a cesspool
Cooper King
Most fighting games don't have 800+ characters to balance. It's apples to oranges here.
Blake Bell
When did people defend either of those all I heard was people shitting on gamefreak
Angel Phillips
It took all this time for people to realize how incompetent GameFreak is? What the fuck is wrong with these people? Are they so blinded by childhood nostalgia?
Oliver Wright
Hudson Powell
>Star Wars not this shit again.
Brody Bailey
>It's not just gen 8 but all gens going forward are going to be like this
Juan Ramirez
Something Yea Forums has spent years hoping for a repeat of
Connor Wilson
based nintendo and game freak putting autists like this on blast
Juan Reed
Christian Cook
"Gotta Catch Em' All" was also only an English thing, the Japanese never used that in marketing or as a slogan.
Christian Butler
Couldn't they just add them in a patch later? Give away some event or shit to apologize? Like what is stopping them from doing so
Dylan Barnes
>set in UK >no migrating what did they mean by this
Gavin Long
Half of pokemon are shit tier with ugly designs and unusable in multiplayer
There is nothing wrong with gamefreak picking a few hundred and actually balancing them
Nicholas Stewart
you can transfer, but only if that pokemon is already in SS, so if Shroomish and Breloom are in the dex they can be transferred
Elijah Young
>Where do Ultra Beasts fit in You just leave them out. Doesn't the TCG already do something like that, having "secret" cards that go beyond the pack lineup? Just do something like that. The critters will exist, but they'll just be out of scope of the Pokedex.
>people said that LGPE was just made to basically get money to invest into Gen 8 >people actually believed this
Angel Ross
I honestly, to this day, still don't know why they included this. All it did was pour salt on the wound. >know people actually looked forward to Battle Frontier >don't actually have enough time to stick it in the game >rather than just say nothing and only put in what ruby/sapphire had, they put this in They had to be out of touch to not realize this would be in bad taste for a lot of people.
Yea Forums and /vp/ are its biggest defenders because they claimed that Reddit doesn't like it. If they didn't know that like the newfags they are, perhaps they'd understand what you're saying.
John King
>Dur people like bad pokemon I think are useless so bye bye! There are many reasons to say this isnt the end of the world. What you just posted isnt one of them. >Pic related is you, you fucking kike shill
I'm pretty sure you're agreeing with me. I wasn't complaining that they don't completely remake every pokemon, I'm saying that because they don't, there's no reason to cut them like this.
Nathaniel Mitchell
Capesshit is good.
Carson Rivera
Reddit proves itself to be the superior site again
Hunter Clark
Pokemon games is not Dark Souls, user. You need to purposefully made the game harder on yourself to not progress.
Aiden Williams
statistically speaking, /vp/'s staff box is based af compared to the staff boxes of higher up boards such as Yea Forums. Yea Forums, and Yea Forums.
On /vp/ they are good people, but if you post a picture making fun of Steven Universe on Yea Forums, you get 30 day banned from all boards.
This SHIT is gonna Be Gen3 all over again. AKA the shitiest gen
Grayson Martinez
To see new pokemon? To fight new trainers? To discover new shit?
Xavier Perez
Gen 3 and ultra sun and moon did it. Don't know why the zoomers are reeeeeeee-ing about it. Plus if you're a fan you play romhacks anyways, we've known GF to be incompetent since gen v
Chase Sanders
Yes, but you could still use Pokemon that weren't in the Alola dex.
Gabriel Stewart
Can someone just tell me? I doubt I am gonna find an explanation on Google.
Zachary Clark
The reason why GameFreak is so incompetent isn't because Pokemon games are all terrible now, I would argue that they're all still ok games since the formula is so strong since day 1. They're incompetent because they have not fucking progressed as developers for years. There is no other developer like GameFreak that will take one step forward and two steps back, they've completely mastered it. Pokemon is one of the most notably stagnating and mishandled franchises out there because GameFreak doesn't even bother to actually improve
Asher Roberts
>he thinks this is make them gonna flop People are gonna forget this in a week or two Plus there is too much shit eating pokemon fans from both west and east for pokemon to flop Sure, call Gamefreak out for their shitty practices,they deserve it, but don't be fucking delusional
Is there a list of all the pokemon not included? I wanna see the damage
Daniel Jones
Asher Watson
It's not even about the transferring. That's a big part of why their home/pokebank shit sold, so now that'll make absolutely no money, but it's about how the pokemon straight up do not exist in gallaralralrlaral. They don't exist. There's no national dex so if they're not available in galar they're gone and aren't around anymore. That probably means most legendaries no longer exist there, besides whatever new ones exist for the region. Just let that sink in.
Leo Collins
>ultra sun and moon did it. you're kidding right?
Benjamin Reed
I can't wait to fight more generic NPCs and explore bland areas.
Julian Allen
Yea Forums reeeeeeee'd at the old republic until it died then later claimed such reeeeeeee-ing brought the game's demise.
Liam Bell
The launch of Star Wars:TOR
Aiden Myers
They dug this whole for themselves and they deserve to fall down it their shit game design they were gonna reach this problem eventually
Adrian Cruz
>I'm the the rule not the exception. Come on now. Every child will like the current generation of games and then dislike the new ones as they get older. It's always been this way. Red and Blue are still highly regarded by the oldfags as the best Pokemon game. While everything else new sucks because it's not what they grew up with.
Jose Moore
And yet I still won't be buying it as will many of /vp/, assuming it's not overriden with shills and accelerationist contrarians like yourself.
Matthew Mitchell
You can transfer whatever you like into USUM.
Landon Brooks
>he thinks this is going to kill pokemon 9/10 odds gamefreak kowtows to the crowd and adds the national dex in post
>still giving a shit on catching them all I fucking gave up on it during Gen 4.
>NEW TORTANIC So you weren't even there when the tortanic actually happened? Got it.
Joshua Flores
>GameFreak announced that there won't be a national dex support Something tells me people misunderstand considering the new pokemon bank they've been pushing.
It's gonna sell more than any mainline pokemon game to date regardless. There's nothing you can do. This is the world we live in.
Levi Hernandez
Hudson Ramirez
Thank you.
Michael Morales
As far as I know sun and moon also didn't have a national dex. You could transfer old Pokémon but they'd not have a sticker that shows that they're native to Gen 7
Ian Nelson
You know, I used to think GameFreak wasn’t the worst. After all, Bethesda existed. Sonic Team existed. Konami existed, Capcom existed.
But here we are, and just when it looks like they’re going to start trying again. Just when I think they’ve got no reason to half ass anything anymore. Just when I think they’re entering their redemption arc.
Gamefreak decides to become the worst. I’m out of excuses and I’m out of patience. This is unforgivable. Well, it’s forgivable if they fix it, but they won’t. That’ll take effort. And we know how Gamefreak feels about effort, don’t we?
Levi Jackson
Something tells me you didn't look into the subject of this conversation at all before posting.
Isaac James
It's less people defending them as so much as we're just laughing at you for going 'gamers, rise up!' for a children's video game.
Chase Bennett
Isaac Flores
Considering I don't follow pokemon and just randomly hop on to /vp/ for online play every few years... you are correct.
Carson Thompson
Ok so let get this straight, in the new pokemon games there wont be all the pokemons ever existed? Only the new ones?
Levi Reed
Are you retarded dude
William Myers
no one fucking cares about the national dex problem, we're talking about bringing monsters from the past.
Grayson Hall
if you weren't here during the tortanic incident and you don't know what it means you are: a) too stupid to even google a simple word b) actually baiting
John Myers
>just when I think they’re entering their redemption arc what in the world ever gave you this idea the series has been consistently getting worse after gen 5
Connor Jones
nope, its worse
if you transfer your boy up to Pokemon Home, it will sit there and collect dust until either:
A) Breloom is made available in Sword/Shield B) A new mainline game comes out that has Breloom in its dex
meaning for folks who blindly import up their favorite mons to Home have a good chance that they won't be able to use them AT ALL untill either a patch or new mainline game drops
Thats the shit that pisses me off, if you're gonna restrict what can be imported, fine, but at least make it so the Pokemon that can't be sent to Sw/Sh can't be transferred to Home in the first place
Brandon Allen
God I'm glad this happening just for fags like these to cry.
Evan Torres
I'm new to pokeman. What does that mean and why is it bad?
Probably gonna have to separate the nu pokemon Meta and pre gen 7 meta they already do that
Angel Ward
>gamers rise up Go back
Camden Hughes
>Sugimori knew the ship was sinking >Made Masters so returning trainers wouldn't be gimped of their Aces
Justin Howard
But didn't something like this happen during the transition period from GBC to GBA games? Couldn't transfer my pokemon from Silver, so I had to wait a long long time before I could reasonably see Johto Pokemon again. They'll work it out, eventually.
James Perez
So will Masuda get lynched finally so we can bring back the HG/SS dude and start making games worth playing again? I stopped playing after X/Y. After spending fucking hours in White 2 those games felt barren as hell
Jonathan Gutierrez
READ my post again nigger I'm just saying don't be delusional
Landon Cook
Mason Perry
The new ones and a curated selection of older pokemon, like every other previous game. The difference is, the previous games let you transfer any pokemon not normally obtainable in the region, and this one won't.
Robert Richardson
Have to ask someone to put limitations on themselves for a “real challenge” is fucking stupid the games should have at the very least a hard mode
Joshua Lopez
It means nothing to you.
Alexander Ross
Then how come it was top trending in America, shill?
Dear lord, I am so glad /vp/ became a thing. Still, it shouldn't have because it ruined a bunch of other boards. When Yea Forums split off from Yea Forums, Yea Forums jannies cracked down harder than ever and Yea Forums is effectively dead. Yea Forums wants to split the board. Yea Forums sometimes wants to split even more whenever their autism gets tickled. It's insane.
Oooooooh shit, I thought /vp/ was just bitching about the dex since that was the hash tag... What in the fuck is GF smoking now? I swore them off after ORAS but this is a new level of stupid.
>MY DEAD FRIEND >...Who actually moved away a long time ago.
I'm sure he would have told him to move on like he clearly did. What a fucking faggot to dishonor his friend by using him to guilt trip a fucking studio.
Matthew Rodriguez
Dumbass ignored one of the basic rules of gun safety
Nicholas Miller
>as will many of /vp/ And you believe them? Do you not realize they say current-gen game is shit but they end up buying it anyway, year after year after year? No one in /vp/ actually believes people when they said they are done with Pokemon.
Robert Walker
times were different and there was absolutely no connectivity nowadays we got cloud storage and shit, it's no excuse considering the current technologies
Not sure they normally prohibit using national pokemon like VGC does so I guess they'll just continue as usual.
Noah Perez
As shitty as this game is going to be, with all the cut features, blatantly unfun gimmicks, and lazy design, there's no way this will be another TORtanic, or at least I think. The only similarities are the pathetic drones who defend it so far. It'll just be a bad entry in the series not worth buying
Tyler Bailey
It doesnt mean anything to the majority of players.
Jacob Bennett
The Yea Forums mods are one of the worst, jannies on there are insane and will ban any discussion of still airing shows yet STILL allow capeshit.
Ryan Miller
I would argue it's the same issue as the Sonic franchise. You have oldfags that get mad because they were growing up with 2D Sonic and then you have the newfags that were growing up with 3D Sonic on Sonic Adventure 2. Like always old things great because of nostalgia but new things that take chances are terrible. It ends up in a vicious cycle where nobody is happy and can't make a decision on what a Sonic game is anymore without the fanbase being pissed off about it. The same is happening here.
Ian Evans
>Eat GameFreak's shit for literally decades >Throw a tantrum now and act like you're gonna rise up
You faggots talk tough, but in the end you'll buy Sword & Shield like the good little boys and girls you are. Make sure you wipe your chin after Masuda is done with you.
They brought back nice colors, I really liked sword dog, Pokémon design hasn’t been horrible, gyms are back, I had hope. Goddamn it I had hope, and it looked like they weren’t going to dash them
Joseph Clark
It happened then and it was a disaster. But it was also necessitated by the hardware, this time it's a conscious decision.
Ethan Reed
you could trade to s/r/e from g/s/c but not the other way around I'm 99% sure
Ethan Bell
Somebody needs to start a "The problem with SWSH".
Xavier Howard
Hear me out, faggots. This confused me because its a fucking dumb move even for Gamefreak, but I fucking realized why they did it. They're going for the Smash route
They gut the roster, but now they have hype material. People will hype up who could get in whenever some announcement of a new Pokemon's getting in on the wild, whenever an event is announced and new pokemons are available for limited time, there will be manufactured hype. HE'S IN, SHE'S IN, OH NO NO NO HERACROSSBROS etc. They hit the fucking mark, they're geniuses, and this time they don't need to buy any marketing fees cause they own all the Pokemon. They caught them all
Try reading mine again. Unlike the faggots crying I'm actually going to use my willpower and not buy it. Heck, I didn't even buy a game after Alpha Sapphire because I knew the kusoge was well along the way.
Luke Cox
The HGSS dude was Morimoto I think.
Juan Roberts
If they keep this up they'll have no audience.
Isaiah King
That thread is a horrible fuckign circle jerk. How upset do you have to be over something so triv-
I just realized I'm on Yea Forums.
Hunter Garcia
there is already too much for a single image
Alexander Russell
>this is a policy change for game freak Wew, they're actually trying to kill pokemon. This might mean a major shift in company ownership
Jeremiah Watson
B/W was the last good pokemon.
Angel Torres
In this situation, people are using the term national dex to refer to compatibility with all pokemon.
Wyatt Anderson
>tl;dr I would most certainly would want to read instead of taking that one user's word at face value.
Joseph Hernandez
Fuck, seems bad. Thank you user
Chase Reed
That’s mean And not in a “ur waifu a slut” way Let the man enjoy his childhood memory
Jacob Hall
Pfftt hahahahahahaha
David Hill
>Gotta Catch 'em All! Except there's no way to now, you incompetent faggots.
William White
Go choke on Masuda's cock you stupid faggot.
Thomas Ward
>Discord is crashing as we speak Why?
Kayden Thompson
In a recent interview Gamefreak said they're tired of making Pokemon games. They might legit be trying to burn the series to the ground.
Jacob Sanders
I like just about anything that upsets manchildren
Owen Scott
>completely sectioning off certain mons to different games from now on is a good idea There has to be something deeper to this, maybe there's a mistranslation somewhere, literally no one would think this is a good move.
It's about time they trimmed down the absurd amount of Pokemon they've drowned themselves in. Too bad this won't result in a more quality product, judging from the battle animations seen so far.
Bentley Long
Sure, man, sure.
Wyatt Ortiz
It happened before, but they are one of the highest grossing media franchises in the world and have the technology. It's just laziness
Jose Gomez
Maybe this is why I am not a designer, but why not just limit new pokemon in these generations to a REALLY small number (didn't 7 has small amount of additions) and just focus on mix of various older title pokemon (especially less popular ones mixed in) to try and promote various mons people may not have cared for before? Save on new designs and animation + make use of so many old gen pokemon? Not a Pokemonfag, so maybe they already do this.
I would have done something similar. The problem is the models and animations are still shit so they dont have an excuse.
Juan Cruz
Good, the Series died after 3rd gen.
Hudson Hughes
I'm not the one here trying to get people to boycott this game, user.
Brayden Smith
>gamefreak cuts modeling and animation costs in half >everyone complaining will still buy it anyway >they'll buy the companion game as well The madmen
Owen Gray
They did it on purpose, SM brought back Anabel and had Looker talk about the Battle Tower and USM had a book in GF's office talking about the Pyramid.
Connor Long
Then read, his post had the complete translation for the lines he was talking about alongside the original japanese text, and the image is the full statement in the original language.
Luis Martin
Hunter Garcia
conscious decision necessitated by the hardware. I would assume like RS, they'll accommodate with later releases, probably in the form of downloadable updates.
Ethan Clark
Then don't call me a shill or a contrarian either then faggot, I'm not buying it either
Carson Hill
Gotta Catch 3/5ths of them
Christopher Wright
My question is. If they were tired, why can't they just completely disregard every Pokemon made from Gen 1 to 7, and then start completely anew with a smaller set of Pokemon for the new region?
Zachary Garcia
>only spinoffs have any hope of being actually good >pokemon now is mobile trash only at this point
Kayden King
This would almost be acceptable if their games actually had some kind of massive visual or gameplay improvement that where it would be unfeasible to do them all. Instead we get a bunch of reused models but they are so fucking lazy that they can't even be arsed to add them all.
Anthony Morris
John Hughes
Kek, fuck off newfag.
Jaxson Scott
Eat a dick, I want something new in my video game.
Jaxson Wood
>I think every game should just start fresh with no old mons They did that for Gen V. It was the best gen. But a ton of Genwunners cried that they couldnt catch pidgies or geodudes so gamefreak is now full on genwun pander. The fucking champion of this new region's signature pokemon is a charizard.Charizard sucks without megaevolving which gamefreak has forgotten about
John Martinez
Oh thank fucking god. I can complete my pokedex in peace.
Austin Perry
I'm not sure if you're baiting, but I'm gonna bite anyway.
Creating a new fighting game character and creating a Pokemon are completely different in terms of workload. For a fighting game character, you have create animations, program them properly into the game's engine, and create corresponding hitboxes for each of these animations. This can be a very time consuming process, as you're basically creating something from scratch (especially if you're not reusing assets). For Pokemon, you basically have to plug in the visual elements (model, animations, menu sprites, etc.) and gameplay elements (type, base stats, movepool, etc.), then the engine largely takes care of the rest. You don't even have to create the visual elements from scratch, as every Pokemon has high quality assets available.
Dominic Cook
There's always Pokemon Stadium 3!
Andrew Perez
I certainly do. I was hyped as fuck for these games and even them abandoning megas and z-moves I was fine with; I was even glad z-move fuckery was gone. This just killed all my accumulated hype, to the point where I'm skipping these games unless they fix it.
Luke Cook
>forbids any discussion out of disrespect against GameFreak someone explain this to me
Asher Cox
Stop talking about niggers racist
Jaxon Ross
Are you? Pokemon games are not hard. Hell, even you said in your post you made the game harder for yourself by purposely not grinding.
Brody Morales
You're 100% right but these fat poke furfags are too buttmad they can't curbstomp 8 year olds online with their hacked pokemon. Don't try to reason with them and just let them tire themselves out and pass out from their diabetes.
David Jones
If this was normal, people wouldn't be rioting.
Josiah Barnes
But this way still adds new things, just not "HUNDRED NEW POKEMON!"
Man, it's like you fucks weren't around when this shit happened in Gen 3. I called this shit a month and a half ago when me and my friend were arguing about Pokebank and I literally told him they were gonna pull a gen 3 and fuck everyone because of a switch to a new console
>No National Dex because they know they can get away with it and Pokemon will still sell millions.
Based GameFreak dabbing on Pokemon fans. Y'all would eat shit straight from their hands and do so with a smile.
Nicholas Fisher
The hardware doesn't necessitate shit in this case. You can transfer pokemon, just not the ones they don't feel like letting through. Their work ethic, team-size/budget, release schedule, or some combination of those is what's to blame.
Robert Powell
Who cares. Pokemon has been shit since Gen 4. Only good for porn these days.
Lucas Martin
My 2003 Blaziken, captured when i was 6 years old. i carried him with me until heartgold. but i never forgot him, he always was here, in my head, and my good memories of childhood. I was going to buy Sword and shield, and the first thing i was going to do was to transfer him buy buying white and sun to tranfer. I wasn't gonna let my old friend behind, in a dusty cartridge.
Connor Sanchez
4th gen really was the peak. I just beat Explorers of Sky and even the spinoffs had a bunch of good effort put into them
Jaxon Fisher
>Old things good >New things bad
Leo Fisher
Is this why /trash/ has so many cartoon generals?
Jaxson Price
soo in reality it's no big deal because only autistic fucks are going to "catch them all" in actuality? gotcha
Benjamin James
This is completely unlike the previous games. Apparently you literally cannot bring pokemon over if they're not in the games dex
Carson Sanchez
GameFreak's design philosophy has been to include gimmicks as the main source of attraction for every gen since gen 6. Their idea is that revisiting gen 7 would be worth it experience island challenges, revisiting gen 6 would be worth it to experience player search system and introduction of mega evolutions, etc etc. They literally make no effort to improve anymore, they don't fucking care
Logan Martinez
Listen. You have three of the most popular/cool pokemon to choose from. It's either Charizard, Greninja, or Mewtwo.
Thomas Brooks
You're playing the wrong franchise if you wanted something new.
Anthony Flores
Maybe it's time for you to stop posting if you genuinely believe that.
In the game? It gives you that choice? Or just generally?
Carson Robinson
How the fuck can people defend that second quote?
Evan Phillips
Cool story bro.
Easton Adams
God I'd kill for another game like HG/SS. I started Pokemon for the first time with White 2 and went backward, while White 2 was good, this fucking game blew my goddamn mind with how amazing it was. Absolute Kino. I legit think it might be THE best game on the DS
Austin Bennett
What part of "tired of making Pokemon games." did you not get? They want the series to die already.
Lincoln Scott
While you're crying about your (((completely legit))) level 100 Shiny Max IV Arceus, I'll be enjoying the Wild Area with pokemon and real human players in the overworld.
Cooper Nelson
I transferred all my mons into gen 3. You cannot.do that going forward if they're literally not part of the game.
Adam Collins
Except they have an application coming out that exists just to transfer pokemon from the 3DS games to the Switch game.
Dominic Scott
Best solution would be to pull a gen 3 with every new entry. New cast of monsters with a few fan favorites from the older titles sprinkled in each time. Keeps things fresh, narrows the focus, and eliminates bloat.
Aaron Barnes
All this could have been avoided if the game's quality was better, but instead its the same fucking LGPE lazy fucking animations and models
That's the point, stupid. Kids are dumb and will accidently make things harder for themselves, like teaching their starter which is also their only pokemon all the HMs. Those don't exist in the new games either.
Lincoln King
>he died almost a decade ago Move the fuck on, hes the one dragging his friends death through the mud. Why is it that hypocrites never notice that they're the retards?
Ethan Cooper
How does one company fuck up so much foolproof goodwill, they already knew they hooked suckers like myself for life, every gen as long as they delivered the same, SIMPLE core experience of catching them all, with marginal graphical and quality of life improvements every gen. How could they fuck something so simple up?
They deserve every bit of harassment they get. It's a simple foolproof formula they've been investing the bare minimum into and yet they were able to find new floors.
Brandon Evans
>implying SwSh isn't going to sell 15 mil Most of the people bitching will buy it anyway because they have no self control.
Luke Johnson
it's a term to describe bringing in the pokemon from the original national dex or the concept of the national dex as a whole you fucking dense fucking retard.
>REMOVIGN CONTENT You can't remove it if it never existed in the new game in the first place :)
Fuck you faggot.
Nathan Taylor
will not be in Sword and Shield.
Jayden Taylor
Why not just hand development to Nintendo?
Isaac James
This dude needs to move on. He doesn't need a new pokemon game, he needs therapy, that isn't healthy
Noah Rodriguez
Yes there is faggot I LIKED THOSE DESIGNS
And fuck you, Pokémon has never been properly balanced and Game Freak sure as hell isnt going to start now
Zachary Martin
>Me and my friend >Having friends LMAO what a Normalfag. Drink Bleach.
Daniel Cook
I would say this but Unovabort zoomers would throw a temper tantrum if you dare criticize their precious uncreative garbage, c
Colton Mitchell
Every pokemon game since Gen 2 has had a Regional Pokedex (All the pokemans you can catch in the games you're playing, so for example Sinnoh's Regional Dex are all the pokemon available in Diamond/Pearl) and a National Pokedex (Every pokemon from 001-807). The Gen 7 games (Sun/Moon/US/UM) only had Regional dexes, but still allowed the player to transfer over pokemon not in the Alola Pokedex into those games. You've also been able to carry over pokemon from the GBA-era games all the way up to the 3DS games.
Now what Shield/Sword are doing (And what Game Freak will supposedly do going forward with future games) is not allowing players to transfer pokemon between Gen 7 games and Gen 8 games if those pokemon don't show up in Shield/Sword (So for example you'll be able to transfer over your Golurk or Ludicolo since we know they're in the game already, but you might not be able to bring over your Incineroar or Greninja).
tl;dr making 900+ different models for Pokemon is hard for Gamefreak
Henry Reyes
>And yet I still won't be buying it as will many of /vp/ How did that MW2 "boycott" work out for you?
Leo Nelson
You virgins realize that virgins aren't the main audience for this game right?
Owen Sanders
This is 100% false. Cheating aside, after the release of R/S, the Gen 1 remakes and gamecube RPGs were the only way to obtain all pokemon (excluding Mew and Jirachi.)
Eli Hill
On one hand that's incredibly lazy on gamefreaks part on the other hand I just can't give enough of a shit to care.
Brandon Parker
That might just happen because of this game
Owen Perry
I never liked trading pokemon over to a new game and hated the idea. I'd rather catching pokemon be interesting, like getting a Scyther in GSC by waking up in time to participate in a bug-catching contest on saturday.
Just trading shit over and over and over again for hundreds of pokemon fucking blows, what's even the point?
Connor Hughes
>They literally make no effort to improve anymore, they don't fucking care That's the state of gaming since 2014 because they make a shit load of money.
Kayden Powell
Read the post again nigger. This would imply even more cutting of sprite development than the past so it would make their lives easier.
Lucas Gray
Why hand off their cash cow? Even if they're tired and don't really give a shit, it's still gonna print money for them to fund other projects they wanna work on.
Elijah Myers
>Tfw in your lifetime Gamefreak becomes Bethseda and purposesly releases inferior content Pokemon got me into Video Games. I was isolated by my emotionally abusive and controlling mother and Pokemon was what made me happy and gave my autistic ADHD ass hope that something better existed. I wanted to design games to make people happy too. Game Freak was where I wanted to work. As autistic as this sounds it was my younger self's golden ideal and now its like I am witnessing the Fall of Rome in my lifetime. This is the most depressing feel I have felt in my life short of losing a loved one.