You know this is still the best one, right?

You know this is still the best one, right?

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Not the best one but I liked it. I benched that shitter Colette and fucked Sheena, got her romance ending too by giving Colette all the worst responses. Tales of Xillia Milla is still the best Tales waifu ever, no wonder Jude skipped school for half a year just to have a shot with her.

PS. Is Symphonia 2 worth playing? Asking for a friend. Not sure why I wrote Jade before, I need to play more Tales of the Abyss, lol. Fucking Jade, what a stand up guy.

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Yep. Unless someone can show me something better? I've tried a few others and they just didn't compare. One of 'em was Abyss which I thought really sucked; hated the characters and their actions especially. Also, there was less fighting moves.

The best one is actually Phantasia okay?

>Is Symphonia 2 worth playing?
Lol, no.

Namco had to hold the PS3 version of Symphonia hostage just to get people to buy it again.

Phantasia is the true sequel

Combat could use some reworking before it holds that crown. Giving everyone Free Run except you and having that atrocious spell queue is infuriating. And the "HD" port's a fucking mess.

Avoid ToS 2 like the plague

Symphonia 2 is pretty meh
>can't control main cast from 1 even when they're in your party {player 2 can}
>muh forgettable romance gay story
seriously I can't remember the story at all besides some twists and Lloyd being bad guy
>monster catching to replace diverse party characters

Positives I can remember
>looks a bit better than Symphonia
>you can move freely 360 by holding a button which makes combat movement a bit better

You mean alter Milla is the best waifu, right? Even today, I can't play the game again because of her ;_;
And no, ToS2 is shit.

While I do love it and it is my favorite, I gotta say Vesperia is overall the best.

>tfw everyone shits on ToS2
It's a special kind of hurt.

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I figured something was up the minute I loaded up ToS2 and the MOOOOOOOOOOOOOTHER voice acting happened. Thanks guys, really such a shame what happened it, wanted to play Symphonia 2 for years. Best leave it in the backlog then.

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>mfw I played Symphonia on Cube, Symphonia 2 on emulator, then both of them on PS3, got platinum in both games, but I dislike Symphonia 2

The gameplay is shit, but yeah, It's a strong contender. How about Hearts? It's not the best one but I liked it a lot too.

Despite all the talk about how the Tales of games battle systems, the only one really good is endgame Vesperia.

Symphonia truly is the FF7 of the Tales series

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For me Graces has the best gameplay, unfortunately that's its only redeeming factor.

I much prefer Xillia 2's. It feels good the entire way through.

If Tales of Symphonia the best Tales of game then thank god I didn't pick up the series. Shit game was shilled heavily and brought into it only to fall asleep on the game nonstop while playing it.

Pretty much. It's the one most people started with and the one that brought Tales back to relevancy in the west (Nintendo's RPG drought on the N64 notwitstanding).

Plus it's a solid game. Sure, the combat system is pretty basic bitch compared to the newer entries but it still holds up, IMO.

>not editing the reflection

Hearts R was my favorite gameplay-wise, but there are games with stronger stories and characters. Shing was pretty awful.


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dungeons sucked, plot was retarded (omg religion is bad and angels are actually evil), combat boiled down to mashing the enemies weakspot or whatever did the most hits to combo stun them.

Yup yup.

Still grateful to DeadCat for cracking the level up tables (they even learn individual artes at different levels!). It doesn't make the game that much better but it feels a little more complete. It's an enjoyable bad game, fun enough to hack super challenges for but also really makes you ask what in JRPGs appeals to you, in a series that already does that.

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I kind of like the new characters as their own thing, Richter was more memorable than the average Tales villain to me. The returning characters all were pretty butchered and irrelevant however. Xillia 2 kind of had a similar problem, the story could have erased all the characters from 1 and nothing would have changed much.
I think the console games should all be separate stories. The ones attached to another game all suffer from it in one way or another.

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It really isn't though. Not with that boring ass cast and music. Several games before and after it surpassed it in part parts or as a whole. Symphonia is a solid game, but to claim it as best is cheap comedy.

all Tales games have shit-tier to mediocre music with the exception of Legendia that has nothing going for it aside from that.

And even within the mediocre OSTs of the other games, Symphonia still found a way to be even more lackluster.

Excuse me, sir?

Fighting of the Spirit, Law of the Battle, Aviators, and Keep Your Guard Up! are boring?

Symphonia aged like milk. People only give it respect because it was literally the only JRPG on Gamecube at the time that wasn't a port.

I still enjoy it, has replay value(mania mode is fun), good amount of sidequests, fun to pull combos. But Tethe'allla part wasnt as good as Sylvarant that was much better and better packed. Dungeons were mediocre, but Tethe'alla were the worst, shit like sewers, that forest or the shadow/dark temple.

>platinum ToS
That shit needed like 6 playthroughs. I think there was some trophy/achiev with casino rng bullshit.

Personally, Abyss is my favorite but I've enjoyed every game I've played up to Xillia. I played Xillia but felt pretty indifferent to it. Started X2, Zestiria and Berseria and couldn't get through them. I know a lot of people swear by X2 but the constant time locks with having the pay the loan really tired me out.

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I don't get how people found the debt thing to be an issue. I'm pretty sure if you kill every big boss monster in the areas available to you, you'll always have more than enough to pay off what you owe during that section.

Its plot points didn't really fit together either, with the Vanguard feeling like "Symphonia-sequel" plot and Ratatosk being the "original" plot. They tried to make Richter the through-line between them, which works on paper but causes him to suddenly become super important at the eleventh hour.

I was thinking, Symphonia is a just another load of scratchy MIDI but people often find it to have something.

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Sounds pretty bland.I've cleared Symphonia more than 20 times at this point pls no judge; I was too poor to get new games, but I can barely recall the battle music. And isn't the first one from Phantasia?

>clear a game mora than 20 times
>cant remember musics that are used often
Go seek a doctor, your memory is failing apart

Actually, it shares Fighting of the Spirit with Phantasia.

Phantasia has a more lighter sound (I'm not really good at describing pieces of music).

I guess it's not for everyone, but hearing Aviators for the first time had my 15-year old self super excited that were going to this new world.

I thought the sewers in Tehe'alla were really comfy for some reason.

I'll get the platinum...some year.

>that forest
As much as I love Symphonia, that shit was fucking stupid

It's a pain running around trying to find it. It didn't bother me the first time but it's annoying in NG+.

Why are new Tales of games so shit when it comes to side content compared to the old ones?

Symphonia 2 gets a lot of justified hate, but its a solid game with a nice aesthetic overall. However, it would have been much better received had it been its own tales spinoff or at the very least took place a few decades later chronologically. The level locking certainly didn't do it any favors.

Also, as best girl as Sheena is, Colette can snap the game in half by herself. Assuming you give her the right set up which doesn't take that many EX spheres at all.

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I think it's just the cherry on the top of the issues I started having in back with Graces. You already essentially have restricted access and have forced roads you have to take. You then add this additional arbitary restriction to exploration on top of that, I just find it tedious and boring.

>slow-ass block pushing
>throw blocks from that "bridge" with no view of where the fuck you are throw it
>missed, breaks block, go back and more slow-ass block pushing
It is a drag. I like the system of becoming midget and facing larger enemies, but fuck the blocks.

The music also gets annoying after 10 minutes of playing that shit.

you have exact slits to push the blocks down, like you cannot fuck it up if you tried most times,

Personally I liked Eternia the most but Symphonia has my favorite character, Zelos

And you cant see it where it goes, you need to look around or the bottom path and then guess it, because only a couple are used and most are there to troll. You also need to go down to press switches and then up for another block, repeat.