>casino finally opening
>/vg/ still dead
you guys plan on playing again?
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we can gamble our useless money to win more useless money?
I'm likely playing GTAV again soon but I doubt I'll play GTAO again
I kid you not the last few days whenever I drove in front of the place I legitimately thought why R* didn't do anything with that specific building, like a Caligula style heist or something.
An actual casino isn't what I had in mind as it'll probably go full grind like everything else in GTAO but still, can't believe they read my mind.
>run up and down an aisle on autopilot holding one button
>low stakes only bets
>low rewards
>pays faster than other passive means of income
why bother
Wow, you are so special. Literally nobody else has taken one look at that building before and have seen the potential it could have for GTAO.
Why didn't they just port the games from RDR1 to GTAV back in the day? It always seemed odd to have that shell of a building unused.
Of course it will be Online-only now like everything else.
Maybe they open it for a new mission, but I can guarantee you there will be no online gambling for 2 clear reasons.
1. They sell sharkcards, they make money selling online credit. They will never let you make money by simply gambling at the casino.
2. Different online gambling laws for different countries. If they open up the casino, the game would be prohibited in a lot of countries that banned online gambling.
So no, will not happen.
>Different online gambling laws for different countries. If they open up the casino, the game would be prohibited in a lot of countries that banned online gambling.
RDRO lets you gamble through poker, user. It has begun.
And don't worry, they could make payouts be equivalent to peanuts.
Who hurt you user
Except you can already bet on yourself in deathmatch, etc.
>They will never let you make money by simply gambling at the casino.
That's exactly why the casino is a brilliant idea.
What do you mean? If the rewards for gambling are too low people won't care for it long term, and that could hurt player retention until the next update.
Maybe it will be nightclub 2.0
You can get a stake in the casino for something like 2000 to 5000 a week. It's probably a gay Tony quest.
yes, killing oppressor babs with mod menu powers is always fun
Could I get a link to that program?
Where is the casino on the map?
What's a stealth money loop?
Nice try, Rockstar.
On the outskirts east of the city, near the Dam.
One of the I/E missions has you starting a race there.
Normal money option sends money to your wallet while stealth money sends the money directly into your bank account
One time purchase or subscription?
Who cares? Every single one of those businesses that you can buy are the same slow earners that cost you more money than they make you.
who gives a fuck
wrong site, normalfag.
Haha yeah man we read your mind, but try to stop thinking so much about cuck porn ok?
Most anons itt
I don't see it
I would never want this game given the amount of space it takes on a HD, no way am I giving all that to one game and it's DLC.
I'd play the singleplayer by itself, but I don't want a few dozen gig as bloatware for a never used online mode.
I made it myself
I thought poker was disabled in some regions
this, just make online a separate client already
they don't bother backporting online shit to single player anyway and they prevent mods from spawning it
it pisses me off
Is GTA IV multi still played?
That seemed more fun
Even if you "did", its just another SkidMenu clone so you didnt do shit.
Updates break it, sure. But there's workarounds to spawning stuff in SP.
Fuck them. My buddies and I would drive by it all the time, and we said "itll probably be a heist location someday" and they didnt do anything with it since. Missed their window, dead game.
How is RDR Online doing?
I can not imagine that Western has more pull than modern crime life.
I would imagine RDR crown being smaller and more "mature".
Check your eyes
You said "most people in this thread" not "some people in this thread"
GTA online is pay to win bullshit. I guess it's fine if you play on your own servers or something like some of those roleplayers do, but that's about it
>Pay real money for fake money
>gamble fake money
>lose fake money
Why should I be excited to waste my money?
This game is six years old. There was a five year gap between gta iv and v.
Is there any mods that let me play gambling games in the single player? Like roulette, poker, blackjack, etc? I miss all that stuff from San Andreas, and I don't feel like going online for this kind of stuff
Nowdays its glitched to fuck people just give eachother millions by doing doomsday act 2 in fact if you were ever paying for the game you were a massive retard
Nah it's just a bunch of faggots like GTA but less of them.
Yes you can mod in all online stuff into the single player
However i dunno if its gonna work with the casino since theres no computer enemies
It's pretty bad. There's fuck all to do and everything is ridiculously expensive while ways to make money on your own like hunting have been butchered hard.
RDRO poker is not available in a lot of countries.
RDO general is all about fishing and hunting in that game.
Nah, I'm not that retarded. I just barely ever played online. I'm like level 8, or something incredibly low like that. I just wanted to drive around and fuck shit up, but I found it hard to even do that without the game trying to force me to get sharkbucks. So I dropped it straight away and never returned.
check yours, retard. 90% of anons here are shitting on gtao
The ones complaining about Online are the minority in this thread, sorry
All you need is your first million and a half to setup your office and vehicle warehouse, after which you can just watch the money come if you want to go 100% legit.
If you have it on pc just cheat yourself the money
I see. I already have a million. I guess I bought one of those versions that come with Sharkbucks or something, I dunno it was on sale.
If you have it on ps4 we can play together help eachother out with missions
GTA already is a casino
thats worse than I thought.
I expected that RDRO just doesn't have the same pull, but it seems that R* dropped the ball hard on it.
I do. I just play single player with a bunch of mods for the lulz. I have so many now that the game is half broken.
Thanks for the thought bro, but I'm a PC chad.
Well if you do you can easily cheat money in online aswell and just buy everything
Its fun flying around with the deluxo and killing people
take lzzzz trash noob trash loser trash lzzz noob
Wrong, and I'm not going to do an autistic 100-quote post just for your stupid ass
>passive-aggressive sorry
Beta pussy confirmed
Try again sweetie
>1. They sell sharkcards, they make money selling online credit. They will never let you make money by simply gambling at the casino.
I think it's the opposite. Imagine having thousands of gambling addicts spending real money just to play more
Your stupid post.
Just do mission until you get a high end apartment, a vehicle (Elexy is free) and a million bucks, buy CEO and do Sightseer until you have another million and a half, buy I/E and don't look back
I usually only play to make videos or to protect /vg/ by throwing stickies on people on my motorcycle.