Should I buy the remaster...

Should I buy the remaster? Haven't played HAHAHAHAHAHAHA in years and really feel like doing an all aeons/expert grid/all ultimate weapons run.

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Oh, dark aeons and penance too of course

Fantastic, another reset tranny that doesn’t understand the scene and just memes it because lol internetzzzz da yootoob lol!!!
Do yourself a favor and don’t buy it, I’d rather not know that people like you play the games I enjoy

I'll play it twice now just for you

No, it's quite bad. Highly recommend emulating instead.

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Dilate by having sex.

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Is right the original?

What the shit

How is this game? I just got through Operation Mi'ihen

No, that's HD.

It's alright.

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I meant to say how long is it, I just went though Mi'ihen

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woops meant to say I dunno

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i would not recommend it, and this is coming from someone who bought both the PS3 and PS4 versions (because the PS3 version doesn't have the option of using the old music, because the new arrangements are absolute trash that - if they aren't changed entirely - completely miss the point of the original compositions.)
but the soulless faces are inexcusable. part of FFX's charm is its characters, and the changes in this regard are simply mind-boggling. it is literally impossible to understand why they made the changes they did. they look objectively worse. it's the paragon example of soul vs. soulless.
if you have the original version, play that. i could only recommend the remaster if playing the original is out of your options - and that's only for the PS4 version. stay away from the PS3 version at all costs.

I'm more angry at how shitty the skybox is in the HD remasters. Like what the fuck? What do the outsourced team have against skies?

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>doesn’t understand the scene
It's bad writing.

>doesn’t understand the scene

no it's not

Congrats, you've gone full brainwashed. You should probably take a few months off of Yea Forums/reddit/the Internet and refresh yourself. May I recommend playing video games during your rehabilitation?

You are borderline retarded if you think that.

Sweet jesus they butchered it

You're not supposed to keep watching anime after exiting your teenage years.

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I'm emulating just so I can cheese the stupid fucking chocobo balloon shit

>complains about weebs
>posts anime pic

git gud zoomer

Don't go expert grid if you want to flagellate yourself with FFX's shitty post-game. Expert grid has less nodes, so it takes even more Blank Sphere bullshit to max out characters' stats for the bonus bosses than the Standard.

grow up

Auron be like ;)

Pretty sure that's the point. Most regular nodes don't have the max value.

>the cherrypicking comparison autist is here yet again
You get used to it. It's perfectly serviceable for what it is and the low-poly models look far better than they did before.

these are not cherry picked, they're just examples

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and getting used to it isn't the problem, you're objectively just playing the worst version. obviously that should be avoided.

the original was a really well made game and the remaster shits all over that hard work. why would you recommend supporting that modeul of business?

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Totally play the game, but the mini games to get everyone's ultimate weapons and the dark aeons are seriously tedious torture. I love grinding, but that was too much for me.

>comes with 2 games
>all the extra content that was released later
>option to use original music
>trainer included
I agree with you. I suppose for someone new to the game it might be an issue but after playing the original FFX for hundreds of hours, all the extra stuff in a convenient package is nice.

It doesn't matter what version of the game you play, Seymour still looks like a fucking retard.

FFX international came out so X has no extra content in the HD version. X-2 didn't get properly tranlsated though.

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>FFX international
Not available in US. You'd have to emulate a pal version.

You’ll cry, you're gonna cry, you always cry. See? You're crying.

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They both look equally horrible.

>why would you recommend supporting that modeul of business?
Because I want a proper X-3, and the remaster comes with a bunch of extra shit, and I'm not such a petty autist that the models not just being literally upscaled PS2 models will somehow ruin one of my favorite games.

Funny that in all of your incessant whining, you completely fail to mention one objective issue the remaster has, that being the battle menu selections have a slight delay afterwards, as opposed to PS2 being instantaneous. But that's the sort of thing only someone who actually has played the game would care about.

>Because I want a proper X-3

get out.

Great response, are you done pretending to be fan now?

just emulate it

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>Because I want a proper X-3
oh wow, you're a fucking retard.

and you're right, I haven't played the remaster, why would I when I know how shit it is?

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Does anyone else hate the font that SE uses in everything now?

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>spends four years anti-shilling a remaster he's never even played
Prime dumbass

>spergs about a shit remaster he spent money on because he wants a game that will never come out
oh yikes

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I am a fan, i've gotten the 100% ending in X-2. which why I hope with all of my heart and soul that X-3 is never made.

imagine being the kind of fan that supports literal shit.

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>the absolute STATE of remastercucks
how will they EVER recover??

b-b-b-but soul is just a buzzword that boomers use to defend their shitty 144p games

r-r-remasterbros? i think we got btfo.... fuck....

left looks better

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Now that the dust has settled, what the FUCK went wrong with this fanbase?

Played it recently, it was ok. But thank god that they've made it so you can change parameters and get 99 of every item, because late game was really boring. Just the animations of activating every node and maxing out the sphere grid took hours.
Btw, what's up with the camera changes when in battle in X-2? It was so fucking annoying to navigate between the party and enemies that I quit the game. Just give me a static camera ffs.

bros... it's over...we lost to emulatorchads........

that's right

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Only if your emulator allows a fast-forward speedup option. Otherwise you're in for a really slow, cutscene riddled MESS!
But with fast forwarding it's fine.

>all this BTFO of squeenix cocksuckers
Is there a better feeling in this world? I'm so fucking hard right now.

Goddamn, look at Lulu's eyes. All the detail is completely wiped, it's like that fucking fresco ***restoration***.

I can put up with most of the changes but the fucked up facial animations is the real travesty.

Are you sure the HD is on the right here.

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how linear was FF7? i dont remember

>FF X thread
>No one ever wants to talk about the flawed story and grid system or mini games
>They just want to bitch about fucking graphics

>normal ffx threads
>perfectly fine
>mention the remaster
>suddenly a literal tidal wave of shitposting
I'll just get the remaster.

You get the airship to fully explore the world about 2/3'rd through the game.

>what if we set ff8 in waterworld the game

It's always the one autist that floods threads with graphicsfagging.

i originally played FFX when i was like 12 years old so i didn't remember much of the story and cutscenes, and i gotta admit even i was meme' ing the HAHAHA scene, then, i got to play the switch re-release and you know what,it's not as bad as i remembered it, in fact, the scene is supposed to be awkward.Later on that same scene is used to dramatic effect when Tidus finally realizes Yuna has to die at the end of her journey,and that she was well aware of it and despite it all, she kept a positive attitude,while he whined about his daddy issues, if anything, replaying the game made me like Yuna's character alot more...
i still fucking hate that faggot Tidus tho

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you morons are free to talk about what you want to talk about lol.

good goy

Too bad nigger, I already bought it on Steam.

Is this another one of those threads?

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>free to talk about what you want to talk about
Unless it's the remaster, apparently.

You did get energy blast for valefor?

you made a mistake

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