Why are girl gamers so racist?

Why are girl gamers so racist?

>An ugly incident involving racism and slut-shaming has hit the pro Counter-Strike: Global Offensive community.

>During a game on FACEIT involving several pro players,ACES Esportsplayer Tatyana "Sindi" Gracheva unloaded a number of racial epithets at Noel “melonhead” Raki. The language came during an ugly argument involving multiple players in the game.

>An exchange betweenMonolith Gaming’s Artem "malik" Arkhipov,Winstrike Team’s David "n0rb3r7" Danielyan, and formerEpsilon Esportsplayer Robin "robiin" Sjögren wound up dragging in a number of their teammates. During the exchange, Sindi repeatedly directs racials epithets at Melonhead, calling him a “fucking n----r." Melonhead took screenshots of the outburst and posted them onTwitter.

>The exchange was an ugly one and Sindi was quick to respond with her side of the story onTwitter, including an allegedchat logfrom the game. While she stays out of the argument for an extended period of time, Melonhead attempts to get a rise out of her boyfriend N0rb3r7 by bringing up nude photographs of her that had been previously circulated among their social circle. This upsets Sindi, sparking the racist outburst. In her post on the topic, she acknowledges Melonhead’s claims as true and stated “a lot of time has passed for me to realize what a mistake I made back then.”

>She apologized for using the racial slurs, but vented frustration over what Robiin and Melonhead had said. It is unclear if the chat log is comprehensive, but it leaves none of the players involved looking good.

>Sindi received a three-day ban from FACEIT for the infraction, which she claims is a warning due to past good behavior. None of the other players have received punishments for the argument, nor have they acknowledged the incident on social media.

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>near the word nigger day in and day out
>opps said nigger
I wonder why, there is even a name for this kind of behavior
It is called echo something or rather

>Russian gamer girls



>and slut-shaming
I suppose next they'll be calling-out murderer-shaming and rapist-shaming

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what's that shit on her nose

a piercing

How are those in any way comparable?

Leave mr Fritzl alone, he is a good man and did nothing wrong.

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Yeah, sluts are much worse than rapists and murderers

tldr, what racial slur did she use against whom?

These people are here because they are good at games, right? Why the fuck does anything outside of the game matter as long as it's not illegal.

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She called a nigger a nigger because he mentioned her nudes to her boyfriend infront of her.

She called a nigger a nigger since the nigger brought up nudes of her he'd seen.
Naturally the nigger is innocent as always.

Anyone have the nudes?

Qhat a nogger

What a nigger thing to do

this but without the sarcasm

post nudes, faggot


slut for sending nudes

but why the nigger was not banned for posting her nudes

I want a qt white gamergirl gf

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>she has nudes

>qt white
>posts mediocre goblinoid

>women say the N word and get to rise up
Truly a fair and just world

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where do i get a gf that looks like already looks like a mom even though she's in her 20s

So you'd rather have a woman kill you than fuck you? You are one hardcore virgin

Based opinion desu.

Do you really want an obnoxious bitch, most likely vapid and stupid, who would cheat on you on the first occasion?

Because that's based

that is not a white girl m8

have sex

who will win in the victim olympics, women or niggers?

>How are those in any way comparable?
They all make you less desirable as a wife.

well the SJWs need to sort their shit

a nigger, a slut, a trannie, they should be equal

she looks like she blanks blank blanks

>implying anyone will marry you


Based nig


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Why does this article summary take 92 words to get to the N-word? The whole thing could be summed up with a better title:

>Female CS:GO player given a 3 day ban for using N-word when her nudes were posted

>tfw no at nigger-hating gf to play videogames with
I'd even start playing the shitshow that is csgo for it.

Calm down roastie

>Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

>seeking out superior mates

Where are the nudes?

Have children. Have a traditional functioning family the way Jesus Christ intended for you to have. Have a body not tainted by tattoo and piercing mutilation. Have a life free of hedonism.

Based Tatiana assblasting niggers. Femcels rise up!

my names peter, you fucking retard

Unironically this. Bet the cuck bf just took it

you're going to have to tell me who this is

Jesus Christ is a faggot.
There, I said it!

If a woman plays more video games than Animal Crossing or Sims, she isn't wife worthy

>Sluts sleep around to find the "Most superior male" to breed with

Except that's not what happens in reality

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sounds pretty based to me, slut had it coming



Thread theme

need some proof

Russian girls are some of the biggest sluts I have ever met so doesn't seem something made up to me

seeking out a women that can remain loyal to you and continue to raise your seed faithfully is indeed seeking out a superior mate

I'm at work right now, just google her, you will find her nudes in some hispanic imageboard about cosplayers

>slut shaming

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>siding with whores

yikes from me, you can keep your russian gf who will cheat on you at the nearest opportunity

>google her
what's her goddamn name?

post pics

Women are in general massive shitheads when it comes to competition. That's why they trash eachother at every single possible chance in real life.

Danny Devito

Remember kids, dont post nude pictures of yourself. Even if it seems like a good idea now, its not. You will regret it.

Brings tears to an eye that some men still have hope those exist.

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women in general cannot handle competition or just accepting the fact that someone is better than them

Why do you think they fight over chad like crazed animals

>no qt gamrgrl to laugh at niggers with
Why even live?

ah i see, its larp time

Go eat a donut - okay?

>all these SJWs getting upset at this based girl

she's the best, I wish I had a gf like that

I have done all of those points

your move

>i wish i had a GF who parroted the shit i said just to try to appease me

they do, they're just in the upper cut of socioeconomic status
so you know, the girls I speak to

>inb4 you say some shit
lmao dumb faggot saying shit to me

I found 3 photos in a bathtub. That's it?

no, does she even have that?
No, I remember her in a bed room with 3 other girls topless
no vagina

So pretty much lower class has little to no reason to even be in a relationship or have kids. Cause I'm her and I don't see a reason as a man

>hurr girls can't see other races are cancer

fuck off scum

No, I really mean it. I begin the day with a cup of coffee, the thought of Christ's naked chiselled body, a line from my favourite passage.
It's easy to prevent degeneracy, with Christ in your heart (and ass, you like that sorta thing ;)

>Sends her nudes to black guy behind cuck bf's back
>Melonhead brings it up
>She rages and calls him a nigger
Like poetry

Correct. Unless youre white.

>Cause I'm her and I don't see a reason as a man
I'm glad a even women like you can see how hard it is for us men.

you're just another atheist turned larper-christian who wishes he could believe in a god but wants to follow the traditions anyway because it makes him feel superior. you're less successful than your peers b-but at least you're based and redpilled!

>Get called a nigger

Why is this news?

>make up cuckshit story to satisfy your fetish
Have sex

>they do, they're just in the upper cut of socioeconomic status
Those are the most slutty and unfaithful. Homeschooled Christian girls are the only one left

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this but unironically.

Dude homeschooled christian girls are the worst of the bunch.
Give them any fucking attention and they turn into the biggest fucking degenerates around.

This but ironically.

La goblina

BASED as fuck.
Ironic that the only men left who are willing to put white women in their place are non-white men.

yeah theres that dumb shit, hey did you know tv isn't real? like when they show some rich stuck up bitch on the tv its not actually realistic?
of course you didn't

Rape is not that bad. I mean, it's just pussy. So what if you didn't get permission? Does it have to be that big of a deal?

Upper middle class girls go clubbing with 16 years here in Europe and that almost weekly.

She doesn't looks like a Mexican

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its almost like if you try your best to prevent a kid from doing something, it makes them want to do it more.

>Those are the most slutty and unfaithful. Homeschooled Christian girls are the only one left
In what world?

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But she looks hispanic you can see it in her facial features. Yes humans have different ethnic facial features.

>White whore gets called out as the whore she is
>Immediately goes on racist tirade
Kek, as expected of white women.
They're all SJWs until someone judges them for being a slut/whore, then they're immediately alt-right.

Yes they are.

>call a slut a slut and make sure to inform the bf she has nudes out there and can't stop her sluttery
>she calls you some names
>know you can twist the knife and report her getting her banned for a bit

How is this guy not absolutely based?

This. Russians just larp traditionalists, their divorce, abortion and STD statistics make western thots blush in comparison.

Hispanics can be white, they aren't mutually exclusive

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Why even keep her on the team?

t. incel who whines about how white women don't want him

>Thousands of years discipline worked well educating kids
>Now it doesn't because some psychologist said so
It makes you think

Hispanics are not white. Spainards went all over the world.

this is the part where someone posts the 'arguing with holes' zinger pic

Yeah well, I know Europeans love to believe all Americans act like Californians they see on TV but in actuality its not hard to find pure girls in some of the other states across this massive country. I'm sure there's other European countries with better girls too, don't know where you live though.

I love baiting white women into saying racist shit personally.
It's funny watching them get banned when they freak out at some non-white calling them a whore.

I wouldnt say mexican buts shes for sure native. At least somewhat.
And no, natives are not white.

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She isn't a criollo(Descendant of spaniards, she's mixed with natives to a certain degree)
t. Spaniard


I can already hear her hispanic high pitched voice in my head

I have no idea who this is or what many of the words in this article mean but post the n00dz.


>implying it worked
>implying people haven't always been degenerate af but simply got away with it more often because no internet and no womens rights

based ruska punca, slovani se ne brigamo za vase politicne korektnosti

>Racism is okay if it's a white women who likes video games

I'll never understand the logic behind the term "slut-shaming". The term "slut" is already a shaming tool. It's a word used to describe a sexually promiscuous and morally loose woman. The shame is inherent in the word. Leftards want to use "slut-shaming" to... what? Defend sluts? Idiots.

who is she?

A Mexican gamergirl

Is anyone actually, genuinely, honestly surprised by this?

>three-day ban

>Adultery is to be punished with death
Hmmm i wonder why it worked before and not now.

They claim slut isn't a bad term, sleeping with as many people as possible is a good thing, so they get upset when it's used in a negative way.

its basically about the double standard of men getting to fuck whoever they want with no real social consequences while women get called a slut by fucking a black guy.

inb4 lock for every key analogy

Yes, it worked, natality was higher

Are white women really that stupid?
At least other women just accept that they're shitty/evil and own it instead of trying to twist something shitty into being good.

yeah because birth control was nonexistent.

>trust me, I fucked my babysitter when I was 12
sure thing, dude.


Forget the analogy, women are the sexual selectors, no sex occurs without their explicit consent, otherwise it's rape.
Obviously people will hold them more accountable since they are literally the ones who have to accept or reject advances.
It's utterly baffling that white women somehow don't understand this.

Whites are known for twisting something shitty into something good.

So they hate science, is that it? The science that says that promiscuous women are less happy, more crazy, less faithful, less healthy, and less fulfilled than their virtuous counterparts?


>Adultery was punished with dead
It wasn't in a lot of countries in th Xx century and somehow it worked. maybe education and social pressure is needed

They're about equal on the lack of personal morals front.

It was and even worse in old times peasants killed newborn children if they couldn't raise a children

I like stories like this, because people have difficulty picking a side to whiteknight for.
>pick person who leaked nudes - now you are defending a nigger
>pick person who called nigger a nigger - now you are defending a slut

I actually applaud her for calling out someone and defending herself. A lot of women would have clammed up or waited for someone else to defend her she went for blood. I respect her for it.

>call some poop skin faggot a nigger
>make the news

Freudian slip?

Easy. Always side against niggers. Nothing is worse than niggers.

>“Thanks Mr. N-Word”

Is it racist if the person being called a nigger is a nigger?

>Suddenly Yea Forums sides with thots because they got exposed by a black man and she happen to be white

This board I swear lmao

They're idiots, it's easy

Funniest thing is that her "bf" is black. And notice how all the white people bow in submission to t he one black guy.

More like
>I should believe and defend all women
>but I must also defend oppressed minorities

I would stick my penis in her vagina if you get my meaning

I pick no one. Fuck bitches and whores and fuck niggers.

take your bible thumping ass back facebook grandma, you dont belong here

Its situations like this I love because lefty faggots will always shame the nigger because he's a man

Hmm, but she's fucking a nigger too, so now you side with a coalburning slut or a nigger.

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You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my best to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

I pray for WW3 every day

so fuckable


that's the OPPOSITE of what happens, numbnuts

Do not respond to the feral niggers in this thread. They are not human. Niggers are demons in human form.


I will, when brainless hedonistic pieces of trash like in
stop telling me to have sex

This is the fucking internet, user. Everyone on it is either retarded enough to make the illogical logical or smart enough to make the illogical logical.

Demons are superior to humans

>Yea Forums meetup

Nintendo Girl Paprika

racism is ALWAYS ok

where the nudes you fucking faggots

>he mentioned her nudes to her boyfriend infront of her
based nig lmao

Niggers are simply not human , only feral creatures

sluts destroy nations, obviously

Dare I say, based and redpilled?
Was this /ournig/?

And she still fucked both of them anyway while her new bf records

>be a whore
>put naked pics on the internet
>get mad someone mentions them

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niggers no doubt. They are narcissists as hell, if everyone isn't sucking their shitty dicks they will cry about racism

I can't tell who's a bigger cancer on the world, niggers or white women.
On one hand, niggers are violent subhumans who ruin everything they touch.
On the other hand, women are retarded children who suck nigger dick and allow them to roam free and fuck up white countries.

sure it is, cumskin

>im not a hedonist!
>plays videogames all day

>nigger harasses roastie about old naked pictures of herself to make her feel like shit and make her boyfriend feel like a yt cuckboy
>no ban
>girl calls him a mean word that hurts his feelings :/
Fucking kikes

Niggers are at least 200% worse than sluts

This. Racism is funny and was with human culture from day 1.
Do you get it, ResetEra? IT'S FUNNY.

because he was slut-shaming her. if he commented the nudes in a polite way like "Look at this artistic nudes your girlfriend posted on the internet. They look sublime" it would be fine, but he said something like: "lmao look at this slut. her tits are saggy lmao, ugly-ass bitch." That's not polite.

>plays videogames
what makes you think i play videogames, idiot?


have sex

White women should know their place and bow down before their superiors.

because you're someone who fell for the trad meme. the only people who fall for this are people who are already virgins and do nothing with their life and just want a simple way to 1-up their successful peers.

you're posting on a board dedicated to videogames, you absolute retarded nigger.

that's every slav girls desu


Degeneracy should be shamed, user. One should strive for a life in purity of Christ's light.

Wtf she got perfect boobies.

Apparently, rape is somehow considered worse than murder.

It's easy.
Don't be a slut.

and that somehow means i play videogames?
wheres the logical consistency?

well theres quite a lot of evidence that you DO play videogames based on these facts. let me guess, you spend all your free time 'improving yourself' by going to the gym for an hour and then listening to classical music while reading some meme shit like marcus aurelious' meditations


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B-but how will she earn money and attention on the internet?

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what have you done