Fuck i suck at this game

fuck i suck at this game

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Other urls found in this thread:




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Keep on practicing. If you need any advice just ask in this thread.

>tfw made it to Sakuya for the first time the other day
Slowly getting there lads

Were are you stuck user?
Patche, sakuya?


>not starting with LLS

Not him but how do I get past Patchouli's laser without bombing?

>everybody complains about Sakuya
>instantly one of my favourite fights
>same with Youmu

Attached: 1478967574107.png (1000x1000, 419K)

The nonspell? You should be able to fly to the sides far enough to dodge everything, but don't stay in a single spot, go left and right.

Her non? The bullets always have a rather large gap

Honestly IN, MoF or PCB would make a better first 2hu game than EoSD. Also EoSD and I think PCB as well needs the vsync patch to be playable on modern systems.

There is another one with red lasers which can trap you without any exit, at least when I stay in the middle.

Use the focus hitbox patch, makes it way easier on my eyes to focus.
Good luck user.

Play this game instead.

The mechanic is fun and there is a way to cheese the game with otter if you're not really good at it, at least for the demo.

Attached: WBaWC_menu.png (512x384, 427K)

PCB doesn’t, but it helps with the input lag. EoSD is kinda fucked though

As long you don't use MarisaB

>recommending a demo over a full game

Attached: youmu smug.png (246x250, 84K)

*blocks your path*

Attached: __mononobe_no_futo_touhou_drawn_by_jean0503__2274dc932d07205d34d62058200a5ef9.jpg (1600x1200, 614K)

>one stops time
>one slows down time

Sensing a pattern here.

Which Touhou game give most benefit from grazing and which one is the least?

Attached: murderous lily bowling.png (605x641, 387K)

I FINALLY started playing these games just 3 weeks ago because of you guys going all out with the new demo. I've been able to 1CC EoSD and IN on normal so far and I love this shit. I understand why these games are kino after IN's final spell. Bonus after the final boss, the beautiful patterns, focusing super hard, and that music, holy fuck gave me goosebumps the first time going through it.

>4 lives before Youmu
>1 life after Youmu
The slowdown shit fucks me up so hard.

Attached: Yukari.jpg (540x720, 66K)

Legacy of the Lunatic Kingdom
Ten Desires or Subterranean Animism

Most stage 5 bosses have a gimmick, yeah
>disappearing bullets
>have a boat
>being easier on Lunatic

Biggest benefit is a tie between LoLK and SA, which happen to be the best games in the series.
Least benefit is in games that don't use it at all, like MoF or SoEW which by pure coincidence are also the worst games in the series.

It's supposed to help you.

Attached: 1538588233389.jpg (600x600, 83K)

PCB is the most kino though.

Now play it.

Attached: yuyu gonna get busted.png (512x256, 288K)

Sanae's gimmick is being a slut

Attached: 423423.png (400x400, 238K)

>hitbox patch
it does more harm than good because it's not precise

What a shit thread.

Being unintentionally absolute unit on Normal compared to Hard/Lunatic is not a gimmick.

Attached: clownspawn.jpg (858x449, 81K)

I have, it's just that I wasn't able to beat it before, people said it was a bit harder, and started focusing on IN after starting with EoSD since I liked it so much. It's next on my list though.

You have a general, stop spamming the board with the same threads every 2 hours.

Fuck off with your advertisement.

Stop breaking the rules

Post your favorite track. MoF stage 4 is pure audio kino.


*wind blows*

Attached: __kaenbyou_rin_touhou_drawn_by_imizu_nitro_unknown__6e3630de28f501f7a1c73d3e36c48405.png (562x800, 449K)

You have shit taste

>still can't capture kutaka's final card in the demo
I don't get it, it's not even that hard
I didn't even die, it just timed out

git gud faggot

The red bullets are aimed at you, you're trapping yourself. If you're diagonally close to Patchouli when the lasers start the bullets will travel sideways to hit you. Stay close as long as you can during the counter-clockwise lasers and then head down and toward the middle with the clockwise lasers and the bullets shouldn't get anywhere near you. I have provided a helpful visual aid.

Attached: Untitled.png (470x584, 12K)

Epic drawing dude

Name one more melancholy and touching ost


Wow thank you user
I'll try that

Sakuya would be more fun if you didn't see her knives appear during the timestops, but it's a great fight. Youmu is a fucking awesome fight, one of the best.

Attached: 1493605359861.gif (320x240, 2.46M)

Youmu is fucking shit my dude

This one is the bane of me solely because I keep repeating stage 4.

sakuya is ass to fight because knives are ass to dodge. Knives are the only danmaku whose hitbox extends past their sprite

Why do you keep repeating? are you really that bad? lmao


Attached: patchy.png (260x300, 36K)

gitgud my secondary

Attached: 1376688327202.gif (720x480, 126K)

>tfw you can unconsciously hear every enemy enter the screen in this song

Attached: headphones.jpg (1280x720, 58K)


Attached: 1553636122060.jpg (480x360, 12K)

>like youmu, the reddithu
>calls me secondary
Oh the irony

Git gud faggot

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Luna Nights looks really cool.
Do I need much info on Touhou to play it, never played one before

Stop holding Z dude

No, Yea Forums is filled with secondaries like you.
Welcome home user :^)

There is an exit. I always pull to the right, and then unfocus zoom up and around the bullets in time for the laser to go away instead of cornering yourself at the bottom.

But I've never claimed to like touhou so how can I be a secondary


>How do I git gud
>just dodge lmao
Why do you faggots pretend this is discussion?
Literally only secondaries have trouble with the games and ask for "advice" on how to fucking dodge.

Just play it user.

whats wrong shotty? /2hug/ dead as usual so you're taking your anger out on Yea Forums?

>complains about touhou imagedump threads
>actual threads barely even discuss the game

yeah....no. This belongs in a general.

If you need generic bullet hell practice play Aya's games.

Attached: 51054559_p4.jpg (585x704, 262K)

feed, i seed at this game

Not him and that general will never die.

What are mods even doing? when will the delete these blatant generals?

>get trashed by youmu
>never complete PCB
>cry about reddit on a swahili woodcarving symposium

Attached: bully the kasen.jpg (900x1200, 762K)

It's a metroidania fangame, so you can play it without much knowledge of the mainline games.

PCB is one of the easiest games you stupid secondary retard.
Holy shit how fucking dumb can you be?

the photo games aren't really meant for new players or the inexperienced. They can help you practice and get better at dodging but you need at least some experience and skill to get the most out of it.

Attached: 1525553441313.jpg (1253x1151, 436K)

Wow dude, I never really thought about this :^)
Fantastic gameplay discussion my friends :^)
Now I can dodge better :^)

Nicely done, user. 2 1CCs in 3 weeks is really nice.
I'm in a similar position, although I've only cleared IN, and I'm now working on 1CCing EoSD. I got really close twice yesterday, but died on the final spell with bombs to spare both times. I've grinded Remilia today and improved my performance on her later spells. I'll get my precious first 1CC any day now.


>2 1CCs in 3 weeks is really nice.
More like really lame.
If you can't get a 1CC on the same day then you should consider suicide because you will never be called a primary.

Wow she's lost weight!


This drawing is very helpful.

This drawing sucks

Maybe if you practiced instead of shitposting you'd be able to beat the game and someday even 1cc it.

>with bombs to spare both times
This is also still my problem and probably why I was able to get through IN so much easier with the 2 bomb on death thing. I am always reluctant to preemptively bomb things I know I am very capable of dodging.

Secondary pls. I have multiple lunatic 1CC, you can't talk shit like that when you just got into these series from shitposting on this Yea Forums general

>Fires of Hokkai

My nigga

>Replying to your own post

Does grazing in LoLK give you something other than score points?

Read the wiki you secondary pleb

if you aren't playing for score it's better to preemptively bomb anything you have a low chance of succeeding at. Don't let a rare lucky success trick you into throwing lives away over and over again. You'll 1cc a lot sooner by making the most reliably safe choices.

>playing for score
Imagine unironically thinking a Yea Forums poster would ever even attempt playing for score.
You Yea Forumstards always crack me up

Building up a sense of what a reasonable "bomb-budget" is is probably the largest factor that played into my performance improvement in Remilia practice today.
In fact, I was slightly tipsy and quite tired during one of my good runs, and did really well since my lack of confidence made me bomb more liberally even in early stages.

Nice blog, where do I subscribe?

lel I've been playing since EoSD came out. It's okay to stop posturing and admit that you can't beat Youmu, we all have our weaknesses. Blaming Reddit for it is a little sad tho.

user, why are you replying to shitposters from /vg/?

Attached: __shiki_eiki_touhou_drawn_by_karasusou_nano__sample-8512cf898cd152f6731e4dc8aaaa4fc7.jpg (850x664, 120K)

>it's better to preemptively bomb anything you have a low chance of succeeding at.
The reason I personally don't like that is that that gimps my ability to improve if I have to skip it.

>le I bought the first copy of HRtP from ZUN when he just started :^)
>I'm totally le oldfag even though I have zero proof
Nice try newfag, but why don't you just go back to your easy modo runs? I'm sure this general will love them!

Not even from /vg/, I only visit Yea Forums threads. If you have a problem with that you're free to post your NMNB Lunatic runs :^)

Attached: 1487334242578.png (1200x1600, 1.54M)

>I've been playing since EoSD came out.
No you haven't.

I can host soku if anyone wants to play!

Practice modes exist

Only chilean trannies play that shit
Oh wait, you're probably one of them

Touhou Yea Forums threads sure went down the shitter huh.
I guess there's no reason to post on them anymore.

Except I’m neither chilean nor a tranny

t. chilean tranny

Go ahead.

Please post your IP and open port so I can share it with my chinese and russian friends

What’s next shotty? PoFV is RNG garbage?

t. Shotty

Host that shit my man, I'll join if no one else will.

Attached: 1551286432059.png (540x540, 117K)

Need to take a break from the danmaku games, what are some good fangames to play instead? Is Fantasy Maiden War good?

Attached: 1544716176287.jpg (1310x1406, 200K)

I used to post here all the time, but I guess I should just go back to /jp/ or other board for my Touhou fix.

Ask here

Most people do, user. Just give up and become a secondary like everyone else.

Attached: 1532846396165.jpg (929x800, 99K)

they're mediocre. They're pretty much just rehashes of EoSD/PCB/IN with a few extra bits and SRW gameplay. Puppets and Labyrinth of Touhou 2 are better for strategy/turn-based games.

Attached: 1457411055871.jpg (750x750, 272K)

This, become a secondary like and every single Yea Forums poster

play Touhou Unreal Mahjong

Both Koumajou Densetsu if you haven't already.
MegaMari is also a pretty good fangame.

Is phantasmagoria 3 out yet?

Yea Forums -Secondaries & imagedumps

Alrightie, let's do this!
I only recently tested the open port and the IP is still dynamic, so please let me know if there are any issues.
Also I have a broken keyboard so that's my pre-john in case I start getting my shit kicked in.

Attached: 1445734627359.png (600x600, 256K)

No, but maybe next game since it's going to be Touhou 18.

First it was sh*tty, now the imagespammer woke up. Someone call up MaZe, I want to see real carnage.

Attached: 1555625374288.png (702x388, 235K)

Cope harder faggot

you've obviously got luna nights already. Both Koumaju Densetsu games are good, along with Super Marisa World for platforming.
Disappearance of Gensokyo and Genso Wanderer are apparently good, but I've never played them. I've heard mixed things about Scarlet Curiosity, but it looks kind of neat at least.
There's a huge amount of different games out there, so it's a little hard to recommend lots of specific games

Attached: file.png (570x800, 1M)

>giving a shit about primaries and secondaries in a single player game about memorizing patterns
They are fun, but lmaoing @ you. Git gud at a real mans game like fighting games if you wanna talk shit.

I habeeb it

Doesn't matter, Sakuya is a shit 2hu

Reminder that secondaries have always done more for the franchise by virtue of making up 90% of all fanartists and fangame developers.

Reminder that Yea Forums secondaries have always done nothing but shit out this board for years

just find a genre you like and go to town
there's a good chance you'll struggle to actually find links of any kind for a lot of these though

>linking to the tranny wiki

Based. Yea Forums fucking sucks. Come home to /vg/, white man.

This but unironically

So that's why people hate Clanpez?
And here I thought Kanako was the only one with bullshit of that kind.

Reminder that secondaries don't exist in Japan, in the last thwiki poll 70% of poll respondents claimed to have beaten EoSD on Normal. Just like every other form of cancer, secondaries only exist in the west and it's no coincidence that every single western fanwork is irredeemable trash.

Tenjou no Tempest is top-tier platformer.
For RPG, I recommend Labyrinth of Touhou 2.

Attached: tenshi.jpg (902x990, 658K)

Tenshit the reddithu

I fucking hate knife danmaku.

Beating EoSD on normal =/= 1CCing EoSD on normal. If you don't 1CC, you are a secondary.

The poll asked specifically for one credit clears.

Attached: difficulty level 1cc'd.png (540x525, 241K)

I guess /vg/tards got scared of mods, stopped their imagedumping and decided to simply shitpost. Too bad their shitposts are too obvious, you need to be more subtle if you want me to visit your dead general. Come on now, show me what you can do.

>Everything I dislike is /vg/'s fault
Take your meds schizo retard

Attached: 1486478528144.png (635x650, 620K)

???? But the image spammer usually posts Patchy.

>no parity across games
>that SA

Don't reply to shitposters

When those knifes just appeared in front of me, it was love at first sight.

That wasn't subtle at all, literally an equivalent of saying "no one's here" while playing hide-and-seek.

Fuck off and stop shitposting you retard

Homing reimu demolishes MoF too, because by the time you get to stage 6 you can basically bomb constantly

Damn, UFOs gimmick really put it down the numbers.
Its great everywhere else as well.

Attached: no.gif (500x209, 1.73M)

Real men use MarisaC
ZUN please, bring it back.

You were jealous so you got Okina as your new mom!

Attached: booberkeener.jpg (2592x1944, 3.34M)

The QoS!

I want her to smother me with her god boobies

Get rekt

What does that mean?

Queen of Secondaries

>least popular final boss
>secondary anything

Based secondary

it's just a /2hug/ autism buzzword for anyone you don't like, ignore it

How is it from /2hug/ when a Yea Forums shitposter invented it?

actually it means Queen of Sex, and it's a word of praise
t. /2hug/ pro

This, don't act like you faggots are the victims here.
Yea Forums goes to /vg/ and shitposts all the time yet they act like a bunch of little bitches victims when someone does the same.

Okay then Mr. Shitposter
Why are they so intent on ruining our threads?

Attached: __kazami_yuuka_touhou_drawn_by_akasode_tyaramu__f32460aa64884b657bc49d69609091bb.jpg (500x800, 386K)

Because you ruin ours every single day Mr. Actual Shitposter

Just beat Koishi, it was hard as shit
Only Raiko and Hecatia left

Because their general is dead and one guy that created it is eternally assblasted that Yea Forums threads have more traffic than their threads.

they're jealous that no one goes on their shitheap general

>The board with the most underage posters has more traffic

We get enough traffic and we're about to hit 300 consecutive threads, cope harder

Discuss the lore.
What part did this gal have in the creation of Gensokyo?

Attached: okina.png (480x223, 129K)

Lorechads living rent free in your head

Lore? more like Bore
Play the games sweaty

She filled it with vitality and is capable of creating youkai. That's all we know so far.

Literally the reddithu

Congrats man, how'd you find her last three spellcards? You didn't really beat Koishi if you just bombed through them.
Be sure to leave Hecatia for last, even a fight as great as Raiko will feel underwhelming after facing that monster.

Take your autism somewhere else

Based QoS lover

The PC-98 games were fun~

Attached: 9c399aa938aa9b58216e983aa16b9cbc.png (600x800, 690K)

They were okay.

Zero bombs on genetics, one bomb on the survival, and only bombed the last part of subterranean rose because I only realized how to do it mid fight, but I'll take it
I did get far into the Raiko fight once and decided it's better to do another one first

She prevent anyone from going outside the barrier which is the opposite of Yukari, or so I heard.
She also seems to manage the energy within Gensokyo that is responsible for creating youkai and seasons.

Post more QoS

Only HRtP, PoDD and MS.

Attached: 1497601678487.gif (679x604, 36K)

Which shottype?

Attached: sweating marisa.png (300x300, 69K)

Reimu A of course, I'm too much of a shitter to even beat normal with anything else (beat hard with Reimu A though)

Uhhhhh wrt? Is your internet sporadically dying or something, or are you busy doing something IRL?

Why is Aya the best black haired Touhou and why do all other ones smell like poop?

Attached: 35001765_181739272491534_6779864313508134912_n.jpg (480x480, 37K)

In any case, I'm still hosting soku here!

Epic shitpost

No one cares fgt

what do you have against soku

>all the others smell like poop
Wrong. Reimu smells like flowers! But everyone else is poop, you're right.

Attached: 1555491234805.png (820x615, 963K)

It's a shit game only played by secondaries and SA monkeys


how is it played only by secondaries if soku is a numbered game
and what is this meme about soku being an SA chilean tranny thing, it doesn't make sense, like dude its literally just a touhou videogame

Fuck off chilean discord tranny
Play a real fighting game

zombie goasts

you realize that response doesn't make any sense, right? I'm the one asking how soku is related to chile or trannies here

Why else would you defend that shitty irrelevant game? now piss off

Sakuya knives are not that bad. Shimmy though

I thought you're on /jp/ now and hates Yea Forums with passion.
I never thought you'd come back here.

the only reason I would defend playing a numbered touhou videogame is if I were a chilean tranny? you think that accusation makes any sense?
I think you're the one who needs to piss off here mate, you're not doing anything but causing trouble

What about Miko's?

>only plays the fighting games
>not even the newest
>not even the best
>not even pofv
>hurr durr I'm not a secondary >:(
Go back to your tranny Discord

You wanted to play, go ahead

>Zero bombs on genetics
That's pretty damn impressive for your first clear, unless it means you just died a couple times instead.
Your choice man, all I'm saying is coming from Hecatia to Raiko will leave you disappointed. Nothing can beat the rush you get from finally getting past the fucking moons, let alone actually clearing the stage. It's the very pinnacle of the series and should not be taken lightly.

It's an old meme from the old days he still latched into. Pay it no mind.

>only plays the fighting games
dude you don't know anything about me, I like soku but I didn't even get to netplay it recently until I came home from college and was able to host
until then I basically downloaded a folder of the old shootan games and 1cc'd a bunch of them for good times sake
that's not "only playing the fighting games"

>not even the newest
what, WBAWC? everyone downloaded the demo and played that already, heck the demo release was a little while ago by now so this is a dumb accusation
you can find me in threads where I'm talking about soku and talking about the shooting games or WBAWC at the same time

>not even the best
I don't even know what you consider the "best"

>not even pofv
I bet you never even hosted pofv ever in these threads, unlike me who actually has and played with people like Oboe and tried connecting with a few others too

>hurr durr I'm not a secondary >:(
unless your definition of secondary is completely made up then you have no leg to stand on
I'm not even a part of the discord

So basically, not a SINGLE one of your accusations or reasons for being a shithead make any logical sense
Get out, shitposter

Holy mother of SEETHE

Have you played the rythm heaven game?

Attached: 2hu friend _300ed196c46da1a0e4d955b13f5f74a6.jpg (219x326, 23K)

user, are you fucking retarded? why are you replying to a shitposter?

I'm not replying to (You)

Attached: image.png (392x464, 293K)

Nope, was my first time capturing it, but I did die to the survival other than the bomb now that you mention it
And I was going to do Raiko first anyway, just had no idea Hecatia was that hard, haven't even tried the stage yet

>Doesn't know about the other Touhou fighters besides soku
>I'm not even a part of the discord
Truly a convincing argument, Mr. Discord tranny secondary

This user is underage.

Great! Now go for Raiko next.

Attached: __komeiji_satori_marvel_and_etc_drawn_by_sunyuqian__c95acfa61a8d3d3a7b400728cb3d2291.jpg (1044x582, 388K)

She doesn’t have Bigger Hitbox xD

MS was pure kino. ZUN outdid himself with that one. it deserves more recognition.

You sorry ass is underage

Which mainline game has the best menu theme?

Attached: __hakurei_reimu_wily_beast_and_weakest_creature_and_etc_drawn_by_goma_gomasamune__85935262c95e3fb399 (1600x1200, 491K)

DDC obviously

Imperishable Night has kind of a magical feel to it.

That's because you're a secondary who only plays that

LoLK obviously. Worst one? DDC.


EoSD because it was my first Touhou game and it has a nostalgic and comfy feeling

LoLK is the reddit of mainline games


For me, it’s SA.

I like how tense it is than usual

Attached: __hakurei_reimu_wily_beast_and_weakest_creature_and_etc_drawn_by_lenk64__6cd36fb678dc2a070dfd655cfd2 (2000x1500, 207K)


I was kind of disappointed with that one. I find that theme to be the weakest so far, but maybe it needs to grow on me over time.



LoLK definitely. Fuck DDCdditors.

wily beast

Attached: 1536456548133.png (597x599, 285K)

DDC by far. Fuck the LoLK shitposters from /vg/

I personally enjoy DDC's the most.


Attached: sakura.jpg (1010x960, 276K)

Cringe samefag.

Attached: ezgif-2-afa181d370e2.gif (800x600, 734K)


MS and DDC

Go back to /vg/, DDCdditor. We talk about video games here.

>Claim to be from Yea Forums
>When he's been shitposting there and shilling LoLK hours before this thread was even made
Get BTFO LeLKek retard

>knowing this much
Yeah you're from /2hug/. Stop shitposting in this thread and go back to /vg/ please.
>only one person can like LoLK

Only one faggot can like it while shitting on ddc and that is (You) my dear assblasted shitposter

you have to go back

when someone lies about you and spreads misinformation like that, you have to stand up for yourself
I try to never let the bullies/trolls/shitposters win if I can help it, I know what happens when you don't stand up for yourself enough

>Doesn't know about the other Touhou fighters besides soku
IaMP, SWR, Soku, HM, ULiL, and AoCF in that order
I've played all of them and stuck with soku because it continues to be the most fun, have the best netcode with rollback, and have the most active playerbase
Come to these threads and not a single person is hosting IaMP or AoCF, no matter how much it's shitposted

And there's no way to prove I'm not part of the discord so just accept it and stop making assumptions about other people

>when someone lies about you and spreads misinformation like that, you have to stand up for yourself
What part of ANONYMOUS imageboard don't you get? Holy shit you're such a fucking newfag

anonymous did you also disconnect on your end or mine?
I need to figure out if this is other people or me, but GGs if you can't play anymore

I'm leaving my host up here a little while longer just in case!

Wow, this really proves that the LoLK/Junko poster was the guy behind all the shitposting.
Thanks for the info dude.

If you want to help then let the mods handle it, as they did before. Bickering with that shitposter who doesn't make sense half the time won't help much.

Attached: 2hug shitposter pretending to be somebody else.png (1259x356, 29K)

Makes sense, he's been posting Junko and LoLK related stuff non-stop

Epic falseflag, it's DDCcucks like Seijafag (shotty) who shitpost.

Fuck off /vg/ shitposter, we undercovered your shit and now there's no escaping.

This is not videogames. Stop falling into shotty's anti-LoLK narrative and just ignore it. He famously hates soku so that's why there was shitposting about that. Can't you see through his double-trap? He's framing LoLKposters.

all this fighting and im just over here wanting to fuck junko

Attached: 1542389303988.jpg (1729x2533, 1.65M)

Touhou hack and slash is fun if you have friends to play multi with and like diablo-style games

Nice try Shotty, maybe next time you'll convince someone that LoLK is good

Based. This.
