>$40 for a dlc
I'll pass you fucking jews
$40 for a dlc
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Its bigger than the main game
[citation needed]
It's called an expansion pack you faggot and its justified.
Still just all reused assets and main game mechanics and animations and engine etc, absolute greedy jews
*blocks ur path*
>muh jews
first MH game?
Are you retarded? They have never charged $40 for DLC before.
you're right, they charged $60 for G games instead
Usually they re-release a game phsyically as an updated version, the price is because of phsyical box and disc production, shipping and import tax. There is no excuse for this but just go ahead and get back on your knees for capcom already I know you're going to
What did they charge before?
Also because the retailer has to make a profit, they really are being jews.
Nothing, they have never had paid downloadable content before
then why did they still cost the same amount digitally? I'm not even a capshill btw, the game is ass, you just sound like an butthurt console warrior
The fact that theyve done similar expansions for every other MH game which are larger than the original game every time
What are you bringing childish console wars into this for you hypocrite? Also don't understand what your question is supposed to be.
Iceborne is cheaper than the base game, they're not selling you another game for the same price like they've done every previous G game retard.
You know you can also buy a 60 dollar all in one disc right? Just like the good ol' days.
don't they usually just add a slither of end game content? is there a new village in this one for the first time or are you just spouting shit?
better than a $60 ultimate release with the same content and a fractured online player base and no option to for just the new content.
If you are complaining about this you're obviously new to Mon Hon
I see. By that logic a G rank expansion should be free....
What are you on about spastic?
no by that logic it should only be available as a ultimate full priced release
I don't have any interest because the story focus drags the game down pretty hard. I will lose my mind if I have to watch the camera pan over the handler's face one more time in an unskippable cutscene
That shits literally a whole new game
You can play it without buying Xenoblade
This is more Super Mario galaxy 2 than Jews
>60 dollars + 40 dollar DLC
>60 dollars, or 120 if you don't wait
I would rather wait and spend 60 dollars (which is substantially more than I spent on any handheld MH game to begin with), than be forced to spend 100.
Its a better deal than in previous games. In order to get g rank you basically bought the game again. Now you can pay 2/3 of the price or, like the last games, buy the full game and get g rank for free
What are you even talking about you seething nintendie? All cutscenes are skippable
That option is still there for full price. Meaning people who skipped World can still benefit from only buying one game.
no they aren't until you see them for first time
Is it still active on PS4? I keep getting a hankering to play but ive packed my PS4 away and consider getting it on PC.
did updates change that? when I played on pc release you couldn't skip anything
>only 1 new map
>more wyvern reskins
>new elder is literally kush with ice
>additonal moves to make the hunter even more powerful than the monsters
>vigorwasp revival
>still no transmog
Jewcom can go to hell.
Says the hypocrite faggot buying lootboxes and faggot skins for guns in every fps
I'm aware of that, i was stating that if they handled this like past mon hon games that would be the ONLY option.
Why is it so hard for people to read between the lines
You do realize that every expansion for other Monster Hunter games so far has been an entirely seperate game?
This is literally the first time a main line MH actually gets an expansion where you have to own the base game
everyone in this thread is retarded except me
so can i buy the expansion and play the previous content or do i have to pay for that as well otherwise I don't see why monhun cucks are comparing it to G or ultimate releases.
what are you talking about? G stuff always come after the base game, previous content stays the same regardless of release
You can buy the full game again. The $40 dollar DLC does not come with the base game, shocker.
You'll have to buy base World as well, so you can't just skip the non-G release this time. I'm also willing to suspect that the 10-year roadmap capcom has for MH will mostly be just tacking on expansions to World.
If you don't have World, you buy the master edition for both games included for 60 dollars.
>$40 dollar DLC
Hmmmm I wonder if this will go down well and sell a lot...
Yes and? Now it costs $90 instead of $120. Yes it fucks over people who didn't buy World originally but not as hard as the old system fucked over people who bought the original game
Nah expect world 2, they done it on shitty nintendo hardware for over 10 years by just modifying the original ps2 monster hunter mechanics slightly every time GTA 3 - San Andreas did
only dumb asses bought the the og entries then bought the same game again in G.
I usually got all the content for $60 now i have to pay $100
>and it STILL wont have grank
Factually false
Also not true. All the new moves in G rank is also made available in LR and HR.
It fucks you over if you bought world originally too. If you hadnt you could have just gotten the full edition with base game and dlc for $60. Now you need to buy a $40 DLC after already paying $60 the jews think of everything
Should I play it over vanilla Xenoblade 2 which is suppose to be boring as fuck?
cosmetics would be nice if the women weren't all hambeasts
okay i already have world, so why isn't the dlc $20
But it's not factually false you fucking retard. You can either buy a $40 dlc or spend $60 to buy the full base game + dlc 'complete' version
But it used to be $60 + $60 = $120. The jews lost $20 this round.
because you didn't wait for the G edition like any smart person who's played MH would do, it's an idiot tax, sorry
>anjanath starts limping
>have an incredibly quick time
>go to finish it off
>never stops running
>cart from bullshit stun
>cart two more times every time i go back
No they gained $20 by overpricing their DLC by $20 and they dont have to spend money to print and ship physical copies so it works out the same if you buy their $40 DLC
I'd prefer that, at least then there'd be a chance for capcom to actually retool some of its sweeping gameplay changes to maybe improve them instead of bullshit like allowing hunters to fire slinger shots with any weapon drawn.
Wow it's so horrible that we have to pay for the developer's work. You're the one being a Jew here, you can't handle the fact that it requires work to add enough to a game to double the content or more, and that the work requires money and time
>zoomers are too young to remember expansion packs
oh boy I cant wait to pay 40 bucks to fight the recolored version of mama kulve and get the new meta weapons
I don't want a $20 DLC because that means it will be devoid of content. A G rank game a year's worth of MH until the next year's MH game. If you cheap out on one, you'll lose out for a year.
No retard, what I'm saying is that we should get all this content for $20
already pre ordered it 2bh
Bring a trap next time. It doesn't affect drops.
Are you stupid? $20 can't fund anything significant. Cannot even pay for future collabs.
Don't play any of that trash.
fucking cucks
Well, I guess this is the second time I'll be buying a $40 expansion pack. I must be a real corporate boot-licker, huh?
This is just a bunch of shitty monster reskins with a few new animations, nowhere near enough content to justify $40 when the base game was $60 and this is just reused everything, it's SO much easier and cheaper to make a DLC for an existing game than just make a new game.
well don't put it on a platform that is pirate heavy
I really hope you aren't trying to be funny because there's not a lick of irony to what you said.
Now you're just lying. Master Rank is G Rank re-named.
The implementation of the story is easily the worst part about the game. Needing to join a quest, watch a cutscene then leave so you can do that same quest with friends is the most assbackward shit ever in a fucking multiplayer centric title.
they charged full price for g-re releases tardo
Expansions add a lot of additional content to the game and unless you're a pathetic NEET you shouldn't have a problem paying 2/3 of the price of the game to be able to play another game's worth of content. Retard.
I really hope you're a MH newcomer. Like I said, can't even pay for collabs.
>$60 for a DLC of a $40 mobile game with 30 fps and lazily upscaled graphics
>all this bitching about a 40$ when we used to have to rebuy the damn game
You fags will bitch about fucking anything jesus christ.
You seriously think they've already showed everything the DLC has to offer? At least try to pretend you're not a Worldlet next time.
>didn't cost me the purchase an entire device just so I could play MH on it
Cheapest MH yet.
Sure it is m8
Considering how piss easy world is, that's totally g rank
3DS was a handheld though.
t.spastic that cant read
What's more surprising is people actually thought it would be $20
Yeah, a phone with less functions.
Total retarded fucking shill kek
your extremoth proofs?
>we usually get fucked in our little retarded assholes even harder guys praise capcom!
well shit
Less functions but they had the functions that counts the most for games: actual fucking buttons. I can't imagine trying to play MH with only a touch screen.
Yeah its almost like the Monster Hunter devs are making an expansion or something.
That's bc they were almost entirely on portable platforms. Remember all those downloadable expansions you could get for your handheld wahoos?
Like how they reused ps2 assets for the last decade?
Imagine no more.
I'm still pissed they never ported this to android
Actual fucking buttons can just be purchased.
The people just now getting into MHW should get it cheaper. Games decrease in value over time unless its Jewtendo. Thats typically how it works and is no different than how expansions worked back in the 90s.
It's only the DLC?
I thought it would include the main game too.
>Atari games good!
>Supercomputer games bad!
Fuck I forgot that they ported fucking MH2 onto phones. God this looks like hell.
Fair point.
g rereleases are dlc, the only reason you think otherwise is the pricetag
>The fact that theyve done similar
Appeal to tradition fallacy
>muh fallacy fallacy
fuck off
Why u mad tho
It can
pablo stop shitposting and go mow my lawn
>snow theme
Fuck that, so sick and fucking tired of this. If It was noce a comfy sure. But it is just going to be white textures with shine all over the place.
And snow physics.
Oh, didn't saw that, thank you user!
>I don't know what's in the DLC
>too expensive
wew lad
30 digital
I've never purchased a game before that was as incomplete as MHW. The DLC should have been free