Playing RPG

>playing RPG
>rest at an inn after a long journey

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>cat won't sleep on my bed anymore

w-what did I do wrong? I can change just give me a chance

so what games have inns be an actually important location for resting and healing your character?

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Change the sheets dipshit.

>something something consumables

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name one game that features this

>you can hear the rain or the thunder outside
As much as I hate skyrim the inns were top comfyness

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>rest at an inn after a long journey
>rest again because my party deserves an extra day off

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absolutely not

No, don't change the sheets.
Leave your scent.

>dog is too old and can't climb onto my bed without my help anymore

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>those times Devola in Nier sat in the inn
>walk into the village, hear that BGM
>walk by the inn, her vocals would fade in as you got closer
>talk to her to sort out quests so got to hear it regularly

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games for this feeling?

Build a stair.

They make stairs and ramps specifically for dogs with issues like that

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so now that the dust has really settled, is fallout 4 worth playing in its current state

>go to sleep the same time after hours of playing
>feel eyes re-moisten

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>something something 99 unused elixirs

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>enter new area/town
>it's constant rain, thunderstorms and has a lake/loch

>enter inn in a new town
>a necromancer is slumped up in a corner
>"this town is too nice to undeadify!"

>The game starts with the MC's mom waking up the protagonist
Doesn't get anymore kino and comfy than this

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>Game starts with MC's mom fucking the protagonist

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>go to the closest inn to sleep/recover health
>it's already occupied.

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Where, where, where?

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Xbc2 sorta, you can use bonus xp from exploring to level up

crestwood in dragon age: inquisition, before you drain the lake

tripfag here.
You should try in real life too (alone or with a couple) you got the same feeling but twice if you travel town to town on foot.
I did it in Austria and i miss that feeling even the best comfy vidya can't reach the same level.

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Inns have the most comfy atmosphere.

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>the little jingle plays as your party sleeps

>playing RPG
>rest at an inn after a long journey
>teammate gets hungry

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Any good recommendations of places to visit? Doing a walking holiday of Europe is one of my dreams.

>tfw you only save and quit once you reach an inn

You just don't get that feeling of immersion when you save in the overworld or a dungeon.

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Is this a boy or gurl


ffxv, sorta. seeing the boys gathering around the campfire is and always will be the highlight of that shitty game

>Thought my dog was getting to old to hop up
>Always waited for me to lift him
>He hopped up yesterday then froze and looked right at me
Lazy bastard was pretending this whole time

Maybe he froze because he was stunned that he could still do it?

>go to rest
>your companion pet joins you

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