Does anyone with a NINTENDO SWITCH playing Dragons Dogma have 2 black pixels in the top left corner of there screen?
Does anyone with a NINTENDO SWITCH playing Dragons Dogma have 2 black pixels in the top left corner of there screen?
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Is this actually a porno? cause she's hot.
Source on girl?
Nigger are you literally braindead?
have sex
They're trying.
I'm looking up 420icup but I'm not seeing anything.
You offering?
I saw a thread where people had the same peoblem so I don't think you're alone OP
I looked it up and I didn't find anything
OP pic is just a shop she posted
Nah if I was literally brain dead I don't think I would be able to use the internet.
Thanks, but unfortunately shes retarded.
That's fuckin gay
I'll pass.
there's a lot of guys saying they'll pass, so I'll take one for the team and say that I would, if forced, have sex with her
God I wish that were me
top cute, don't what you fags are complaining about
Im not saying shes ugly, all im saying is that the whole dressing up like anime characters is retarded
it's indicative of mental issues for sure, but she's still cute
you act like you're going to marry her or something
it's cute tho
She's a kid. 17 I think, let her have her fun.
Cosplaying is a popular hobby among young female weebs. The fuck does it have to do with mental issues?
Bend over
You would be surprised by the amount of people that can pull that off
>Cosplaying is a popular hobby among young female weebs.
you answered your own question
Holy Incel
your right she is young, but if she is encouraged to dress like this, then eventually as she gets older she might think of making a business out of this, this is how all e-whores eventually start.
holy buzzwords
No I didn’t. What’s the matter, were you too ugly to even score a quirky weeb in HS? Kek.
Based on the reaction I thought she was a man and I'd do it
then learned she's actually a girl which is better
Fucking hell, this place ruined me.
Oh no! She made a silly face! Fuck, you can tell she’s deranged.
>tfw will never have a cosplay gf
>female corrin
>Typing through the tears
hop on over to /cgl/ and decide if you would really want one
So you hate entrepreneurial spirit?
Nigger, you know exactly what that "silly face" is and how deep her attention whoring goes.
What do you expect to receive in exchange for white knighting her here?
No, but there are other ways one can make money while still retaining their dignity
>not a trap
Boner slightly gone
>Poking fun at incels != white knighting
Girls like attention. Big whoop. Use it to your advantage instead of ranting about it on some obscure Simon Says forum.
outta my board normalfag
Who gives a shit about dignity? If rubes want to hand her easy money, take it.
True, but stuff like this eventually tears a hole in the blanket of morality which affects everyone on a social level.
Why are you on Yea Forums?
ah, you were merely pretending
these e-thots are seriously starting to blend in together i can barely tell them apart anymore.
>defending e-whores
kill yourself you worthless beta cuck
well, if you're offering...
Alright this thread went nowhere and op's question never got answered. Overall it was a fun discussion and I will be going to bed, Peace.
Why does this trigger so many autists on this site? Is it because they feel like it's being rubbed in their faces that they're still virgins?
Its because its a forced Yea Forums meme
it's because this site is for virgins only, implying you aren't a virgin means you need to go back
I'm not the one mad about a chick milking desperate incels for their doll hairs
That's because he opened with a picture of my fetish and that's more important than his stupid question
Next you’ll accuse me of consuming copious amounts of S○y.
you're the one defending her and pretending you're not one of those faggot cucks who follows them on social media
>2 black pixels
So half the screen?
All I said was if there's a quick buck to be had, why not make it? No sweat off my dick
Yeah this looks like Essaere and like 40 other cosplay girls who cares.
All the "men" white knighting costhots ITT are incels. Literally will never ever get pussy, imagine defending someone who isn't even here.
We're at the point where we don't expect girls to actually act feminine, so when they do we think they're actually a man pretending to be a girl.
Man, this is fucking shit.
God I want to smell her...
I still have no clue what a fucking incel is supposed to mean.
You are not in control of the reason you are celibate.
I guarantee you half of the posters ITT have had thoughts about domestic terrorism.
anyone who disagrees with me
newspeak for "virgin"
Why are you all calling gays incel? we don't care about women and she's ugly news at 11.
Haha, you need to up the ante, buddy.
There's ton of e celebs under the sea Yea Forums zoomers. No need to defend another one for life
thought as much
so the sjws took away the word 'virgin" now?
Most humans alive have had those thoughts, so what? Why do you care what someone thinks about?
whatever basedboy
Stop offering slut
why the fuck would you have sex? so you can accidentally get a thot pregnant then she leaves you and youre stuck having to pay child support fuck that shit
costhots are cancer but I wouldn't really call her one
Every time someone says it, there's just joke replies though
i reply to feed it
dating a girl who used to do something cute but then stopped sounds like hell.
>have sex
But I'm only 12.
That's the last thing anyone would want.
You are the reason stupid memes propagate. You pretend to not be taken in but there are hundreds of fuckers like you whom take it seriously enough to keep doing it.
feels quite good.
enjoy ur vacation ;)
She’s the female version of an incel.
You don't want one.
achievable natty?
Not that guy. Somebody asked for sauce and I posted it.
>That fucking hoof
>That fucking whatever it is
What happened to the i show you my dick girl
Incels are alt right
female incels are usually radical feminist dykes
faded away into obscurity
I mean, I could see a video series like that doing surprisingly well on pornhub.
What in the Goddamn
>Alt right
Have you actually been to any incel communities? They're normally EXTREMELY leftist (redistribution of sex) Asians.
Modelling and vlogging.
someone buy the catgirl set and upload it bros...
just bee ur self
20 pounds of makeup
Fuck you I’ve been myself my entire life and I still only got stepped on once as a “joke”
u no rike?
well she doesn't have 20 pounds of pussy and ass so she's gotta make it up somewhere.
Wow thanks I really Really REALLY FUCKING HATE IT, holy hell what the fuck.
>the emo version with the long hair
GOD DAMN IT. She's cute you guys are blind
She's 100% lesbo
Who is this girl I keep seeing her posted all over vee lately.
but this doesn't have anything to do with cosplay. it probably has more to do with being the sort of degenerate who would post on a 4channel board
weeabo zoomers are really lucky arent they
Link to it?
say whatever you want but if I'm honest I've never cared about girls using makeup or photoshop
I like anime girls and they are completely artificial, so what's wrong with makeup and photoshop
It's somewhat different when thots do it or when people genuinely think the girl looks like that normally and stuff like that, but girls like are fine because they never pretend to be some mystical perfection, she's talked about editing her pics before and how it's a stupid criticism
peqeri is a bitch for numerous reasons but people calling her a pedophile or criticizing her for using angles and photoshop is retarded, she's certainly a hypocritical, manipulative cunt but she was cute and I still like her old photos regardless, it's a shame there's no good archive of them and most of them have disappeared
oopsie doopsie looks like you got filtered by my "You need to go back" filter.
Luckily I don't even need to open your post to know that it is low energy.
Have a swell day sweaty.
>spam: @pewdzpie
She's cute and probably posts on Yea Forums.
I knew girls like that in highschool and they were huge Nymphos. Avoid them at all costs.
>Nonstop bareback sex
No clue how to get pics from this site
I'm going to become a monk and immerse myself in studies to forget the hell I just saw.
Yeah, that's cute.
She should make it her regular hairstyle.
I miss when most girls looked like that.
inspect element is how I do it
tedious as fuck, instagram has no official way to let you download pics and I don't know if someone has made a script for it, but I'd be surprised if there wasn't one
just use dinsta
you're suppsoed to say she's ugly you fucking idiots, how am I supposed to convince people transitioning is worth it?
there is
She's gonna get so fucking fat in a couple years.
I use InstaG downloader
Can't find it in the chrome store anymore though
Yeah, there were so many fat emos back when it was a fad.
So she looks terrible but shrek will look fine once he gets some estrogen in him for a few months?
yeah wow chris chan what a looker
Oh fuck oh fuck I already have two strikes
oh no she's perfect
shut the fuck up you don't get it. biological females are ugly
not him but yeah
>eats like a bird
>is american
I hope she comes into this fucking thread
cause somebody is saving all her cringe shit
and once on the internet it never goes away
There's been a ton of girls like that over the years, user.
That regret everything they posted online? Yes! Isn't it great?
Not exactly, most just consider it a funny thing they did when they were young.
And I miss them all. Still have my egg girl folder too
>thanks mom
Yeah, there were far more of them in the previous decade.
>2008 was 11 years ago
>She's probably a mom to five kids and I'm still a kissless virgin
I would if I could, bitch.
She's prob dead or addicted to meth.
she looks adorable
my brother dates one of these and she's super unenjoyable to be around. Everything is about her stupid anxiety problem, she doesn't work, she has pleb reddit tier interests (buys all this lame cosplay shit, barely knows what Zelda is), and she only communicates via shit tier memes and whispers.
The only difference between them and your classic bimbo is that the second category usually has some kind of talent and isn't a total fucking wimp.
I think I'll pass
>all the girls and dudes who were even slightly known in Yea Forums have moved on
>even moot moved in
>i'm still here
I feel left behind.
Like tears in rain
why don't you leave wojak?
She's married now.
I'm still here with you.
It's ok user. At least you still have snacks.. right?
you and me together forever brother. You may never give ME a (you) in your life, but always know that I'm here in this shithole with you for as long as the servers are up
cosplay might be both the worst and best thing to happen to weeb and nerd culture
(mostly worst)
Yeah, that was the thing about those girls, they were sluts, but at the same time looked and acted adorable.
>they were sluts
And that's exactly why I hated every one of them
Didn't stop me from beating off to them, but hated nonetheless
I can't bring myself to hate them, solely because I lost my virginity with one and spent an entire summer with that girl that consisted of waking up, walking to her home, banging like rabits and watching TV with her all day until night.
May I suggest daoism or zen buddhism
What's with girls and Love Live?
what if my gf is rimming me later tho?
Whos this
she doesn't love you if she won't eat your ass hair
It wasn't a good trade off at all
Some girl with massive thighs i forgot her instagram
>it's indicative of mental issues for sure
Man, you know how all those little kids dress up for Halloween and most adults do too?
Totally indicative of mental issues for sure
Man you know how all those actors dress up for movies?
totally indicative of mental issues for sure
Man you know how people do literally fucking anything that your incel ass brain doesn't like?
totally indicative of mental issues for sure
umm no sweaty, it's very different
Junkenstein on IG