Is she gay for estelle?

Is she gay for estelle?

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Other urls found in this thread:

she fucking better be.

I love Megumin

No thanks

Everyone is gay for Estelle.

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And Estelle wants to raise babies together with Rita.

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>anime characters are friends that actually care about eachother instead of "friends" that just kind of make quips while standing together
is this just because anime fans are mentally stunted, or just horny all the time. maybe both?

Yea i know what you mean


There is literally a sidequest where they take care of a child together.

I never see anyone complain about Sorey x Mikleo pairing.

>There is literally a sidequest where they take care of a child together.
which was literally added in the re-release of the game that was full of fan pandering bullshit like making flynn a party member

I guess that makes Patty non-canon, then.

Nobody is claiming that it's part of the narrative as text or subtext, it's only heavily hinted, people are just having fun here.
If you often have such extremely aggressive reactions from seeing people enjoying this kind of tame topic you may want to consider avoiding threads about this subject in the future, remember that you're here to make a good use of your free time and get some enjoyment out of it, not to get mad and have a bad time.

That's still make all the added content part of the narrative since the game is a official release, and the Definitive Edition is consistent with the plot of the first version of the game so most likely everyone will consider both games the same story.

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Lol no. That was stuff they had clearly wanted to use for the original game but had to cut out for time and was able to put back in for the re-releases.

There are references to Patty and other PS3 content in the original releases code and even voice acting.

Rita is gay for Estelle, it's canon.

>finished Vesperia 30 minutes ago
>immediately, this thread

I liked the game overall and it was nice that Yuri isn't a stereotypical anime protag but overall the story felt really weak and the final boss and the ending were kinda meh, too.
The last two main Tales games I have to finish are Zestiria and Berseria. I heard Zestiria is somehow related to Berseria. Are both worth a playthrough? I remember Zestiria getting massive hate at release.

Zestiria is terrible, the hate was completely warranted. It just feels so milquetoast, boring characters and plot, there’s no drive to go forward with it.

It's so cheap that it's probably already in your steam library, you might as well just try it so you can form your own opinion on it, it's one of those games where saying anything positive about it is more or less verboten

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>There is literally a sidequest where they take care of a child together.
So they both are going to become great mothers in the future after getting tenderly dicked?
I don't understand what you're trying to imply.

Only Rita is getting tenderly dicked, by Estelle.

Estelle's ideal is a guy.
Sorry user.

Everyone always says Rita looks like a boy anyway.

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There was a skit in a Tales of event where she literally says she loves Estelle more than anything else.

Isn't there a scene where Rita crushes on Yuri a little bit or am I misremembering?

She ain't no knight however.

That's because they're turbo gay, and all the ToZ girls sucks.

He made her blush by saying he always wanted to held hands with her.

It's because it's one of the few gay couples where one of them isn't a Mexican

Even if that was true that doesn't change anything.

She gets shy around him a couple of time, happens with other characters too IIRC, but her crush on Estelle is hinted way more often.

other way around.

Yuri is meant for Judith user.

Estelle is too pure and clueless to know about romantic love just yet.

Yuri is a smooth dreamboat, all the main girls would fuck him given the chance.

>Even if that was true that doesn't change anything.
For braindead shippers?

The point is, nobody gets their panties in a bunch over BL art of those two the way Yea Forums does over cute Ristelle pics. Almost like they're using Yuri as wish fulfillment self-insert or something.

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Yuri is meant for Patty and/or Flynn

If anyone's gay it's Rose and Alisha, their relationship was so fucking weird, it almost felt like an abusive relationship with how Rose treats her

Estellel and Rita ain't gay if they were then these two are gay

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Zestiria is shit and Sorey/Mikleo are consciously used for fujo baiting. That's why nobody in their right mind gives a fuck about them.
Yurifags worming their way into a fandom of an actually good Tales game? Probably the most asexual Tales game at that? Now that's atrocious.

No, for people that think critically.

There's zero canon romance between the main characters in Vesperia other than Patty's joke crush on Yuri. Of course it's all about shipping.

Fucking hell, I'm the one who made that image like two years ago.

The only thing /u/ thinks with is their imaginary collective vagina, user.

>zagi dies
>the whole party starts talking about how he was a good character and his motivations made sense
kek were the villains in this game really so bad that the party members have to convince you they weren't shit?

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>is surprised that there are yurifags for a game where the main character's name is yuri
Really reconstitutes your aer

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Be proud user, you've done a great service.

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It's ユーリ and not ゆり, user

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Heh, thanks.

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>thirsty lesbian crush that will probably remain one-sided, because she’s clingy and autistic as fuck
>has an innate affinity with cats
>crabby and grouchy about just about everything

Be honest Yea Forums, her future isn’t a happy one. She’s the young version of the creepy old lady next door.

That's ad hominem.

Normally not one for yuri googles, but Rita and Estelle were weirdly gay for each other or at least Rita was for Estelle

Estelle had a thing for Rita too, it's not hard to imagine a relationship working out.

It's fine, as a 2D girl from a decade-old game, she'll never live to see that future.

Looks pretty happy to me.

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>Estelle had a thing for Rita too
There's virtually nothing in the game supporting that beyond being her first female friend in which case Karol is gay for Yuri.

Estelle treated her with the same naive optimism she gave everyone else. If you take that as confirmation, than Estelle was DTF with everyone in the game.

>Karol is gay for Yuri.
This wouldn't shocking if it was true.

What other crazy inventions do you think she came up with? Also, the rear-view mirror is a nice touch.

Don't forget that she literally REEKS.

guess the party admired his tenacity and love for battle. yuri was the only one to tell him to fuck off and stay fucked off.

People get really flustered over yuri in general because it dares imply that not all women are begging at some random idiot's door for their dick despite not existing. It's hilarious.

Yurifags just want cute art/thoughts of characters together, it harms literally no one. But if you'd believe the autists, they engineered 9/11.

Oh yes, if you forget about his crush on Nan.

i like to think they figured out how to make gasoline and started building plans and shit. they already have electricity figured out.

Oh no I didn't, I am just memeing about Karol being a faggot

She built a fucking chimney inside her (new?)home

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>Yurifags just want cute art/thoughts of characters together, it harms literally no one. But if you'd believe the autists, they engineered 9/11.
Crazy retarded ones definitely exist, but the way some haters treat every yurifag as if they were like that is equally retarded. That's something that can be said for any opposing groups or fanbases, I guess.

Kinda looks like it could be an alchemy pot.

>you shouldn’t make blanket assumptions about me or people like me
>now allow me to make blanket assumptions about people who have different opinions to me


Yurifags and fujos are the most obnoxious and delusional shippers in virtually every community.
And yurifags are hell of a lot more prominent here so they get most of the rightfully deserved hate.

Yeah, shipping is generally harmless regardless of the kind of ship, but crazy people exist regardless of what they like. Threads like these would be fine if it wasn't for people only coming here to hate on what is being discussed,

I mean, why else would they be so upset about yuri? It seems to always be the case, generally unprovoked too.

>Go into thread that will obviously be about yuri
>Surprise, yuri is there
>Get angry
Oh no!

Reminds me of the one Nepgen user that self-admittedly goes to /u/ to "keep tabs" on yurifags. But of course the problem lies with them.

Agreed, but people posting only to express relentless hate/trolling over making actual discussion is an issue that plagues Yea Forums as a whole.

but i'm a boy

I think most people would agree that someone like you fits better the stereotype of the most bothersome kind of user of this board. If you get angry about the subjects being discussed in a thread you may want to try a different one about something you actually enjoy, or do something else with your free time.

Even boys can fall prey to her insipid poison.

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Whose got the better pink hair? Kannono or Estelle?

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Sorry Yea Forums but you only get one.

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Yuri is such a fucking hypocrite for being mad at this just because estelle isn't a douchebag like the dudes he slaughtered doesn't change the fact that she is what she is. But whatever, the game is all about being a hypocrite if you're on the protagonists side because ultimately it all comes down to might makes right as Yuri and co defeated Duke they were right and that's that.

Say what you will about the baba era of edge following Xillia, Zesteria and Bearseria at least the protags never try to act like they're just for doing what they do


Yuri was 100% ready to put Estelle down the instant she became an actual threat to the world, though. He was not hypocritical in the least.

However, Vesperia's narrative has plenty of other holes one could pick apart, and it's a shame that they dropped the Symphonia/Abyss writer for what resulted.

Yes, Yuri is a hypocrite. I'm not sure the game tries to paint his actions as just though, it seemed overall pretty neutral on the matter.

shut the fuck up Ludger

But Ludger doesn't speak.

the script in the DE is the same script they were planning in the PS2 but had to gimp shit when bandai purchases amco and told the tales team to move the game to the 360. which resulted in over half the script being thrown out the windon to fit on the 360 in a single disc

Yuri kills Ragou and Cumore for them bringing harm to people
Then Yuri refuses to kill Estelle like Pharoh says because she isn't a threat at that moment
Later, Estelle gets kidnapped and her power is being used to disturb the aer which affected other people, its also at this moment when Yuri is told the people of the Lower Quarter were left behind when Zaphias was taken over, so Yuri went out at night by himself to go kill Estelle because he was distressed and couldn't think of any other way to stop her and save everyone
I don't understand what was hypocritical

meant for

estelle is an autist. she like Rita besecuae she her first female friend

not him
/u/ was created for a reason. yurifags have the capacity to ruin every board that allows them to post. this has been known since forever. there were some yurifags that were required to get sniped on sight by the mods years ago thanks to fallout they would bring

Zagi was the best rival.

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You mean ACK, who even other yurifags despise, and never even touches Yea Forums.

still alive.

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They straight up say that he was a sad, pathetic man who was so mentally ill that his rivalry with Yuri was the closest he could ever come to having a friend.
They never say he was a good person, they pity him for being insane.
Stop pretending to be retarded.

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Doesn't Estelle flirt with Lucina like crazy in this game?



No idea, but they're both princesses right? They probably have a bit in common.

There were some others like muginofromcuba

>yurifags have the capacity to ruin every board that allows them to post
More often than not threads on this board don't get ruined by people liking something but by people hating on people who like something they don't. Consolewars are the prime example of this.

Yeah, that's probably ACK, he's probably hated most by /u/ than anyone else.

question: Why THE FUCK doesn't Estelle just use her goddamn blastia?

Cute. This is so blatant.

good character=/=good person



I want to make lots of half-krityans with Judith!

Rita > Part 1 Estelle > Judith > Part 3 Estelle > Part 2 Estelle


Also a child of the full moon.

But Part 3 Estelle can control her power and not hurt others on accident anymore.

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there were other autists besides ACK.

Is this the best relationship in vesperia?

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Where are the doujins where Yuri "stabs" her back as punishment?

Probably the dumbest ship in the entire game

so yes

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I just meant in general.

>creates a new lifeform and invents a form of magic to save Estelle
>world is ending but all she can think about is if Estelle will even remember her after they're done

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Hahaha, anti-yuri fags BTFO

She's gay for blastia.

>rita not immediately expelling all her bodily fluids the moment she sees estelle in that outfit
Wish costumes at least changed scenes a little bit like in Abyss

There's no use in falseflagging, user

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Blastia don't have genders and we already know she made a blastia vibrator.

It's a real bummer that you get Rita back the scene after the guard distraction where they could have actually written her a reaction.

Doesn't matter, you're meant to distract the guard with Karol.

>blastia don't have genders
>made of apatheia

But the point was that Estelle is basically a human blastia.

>judith's seduction outfit is her worst outfit
Was it done as a joke?

There's still no reason for her to be totally silent when you go back to Heliord in act 3 to get Estelle's sexy typhoon outfit permanently.

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>playing Vesperia for the first time
>get to the part where the guy gets off Scott free
>get annoyed that the game is pulling the same "oh that'll make us just as bad as him"
>Yuri sneaks out and straight murders him in cold blood

Jesus christ why can't more weeb game protags be like Yuri?

Because Yuri is a dirty slum rat.

She's a butch lesbian who ever bathes.

It's at the cost of having almost no character development to speak of.

It's a change I can appreciate

I can't believe all the bad stuff that happens is because of alexei.

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>not the battle cry
You never understood Nan's heart at all

No one takes that screenshot.

>can't tell the difference between a hoplon and a barrier
Though the Kritya are just as guilty because of their vague bullshit legends.

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That was one of my favorite parts about Yuri. I appreciated that he already had a set world view and personality. More jrpgs should go the static protag route.

I meant all the factional stuff the early game was focused on as well. It tries to make it seem like there was a massive world with all kinds of groups with unique motivations but all the evil can be basically traced back to him.

you just know

He's not wrong.

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Repede would never.

The perfect woman.

Estelle put him to sleep
now she's gonna have her way with him

She gives Estelle the bla bla bla Tidal Wave.

>Estelle put him to sleep
Estelle doesn't murder.

>no one ships anyone with Raven

No. Estelle is pure.
>remember she has the "Sleepy Thrust" and "Charming Thrust" skills

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Raven does that already.

because Yea Forums and Yea Forums are two sides of the same coin and Yea Forums for some reason screams about people who think two women banging is hot

Maybe if he didn't drill into people's heads that he's an old man even though he isn't, he'd have more luck.

He's for Gauche and Droite

Raven is saving himself for his waifu.

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He's self-imposed the "everyone's dad" role on himself, what are people supposed to do exactly

Flynn x Yuri is the best pairing.

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Ship him with old hags such as Kaufman.

I couldn't care less about yaoi but I have to agree there.

>Tfw they made a song talking about 80 fucking characters sung by one VA talking as three different girls

Reminder, there's a world in the tales of universe where all the protagonist form every series exist along with their usual stories and backstories and villains, think about a world where both Mithos and Dhaos exist or a world where both Biskley and Alexi exist

The most handsome Tales boy.

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I wonder why yuri looks so pained there

Yeah they implied that in the new EX dungeon didn't they? He must have been some noble's illegitimate child that was dumped in an orphanage and he developed several mental problems as a result.

Maybe his butt hurts.

Rita fucks old men for Blastia!

Estelle is a futa confirmed.


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>set Flynn to cook to unlock a recipe
>fails 80%
>what the fuck
>get a skit where everyone is trying to stop him from cooking

>world in the tales of universe where all the protagonist form every series exist along with their usual stories and backstories and villains, think about a world where both Mithos and Dhaos
That would be the mobile game, Tales of Rays.

>read some unread skits at nam cobanda
>don't get them after fulfilling their condition normally through the game
I kinda feel like I ruined them.

But then the movie did that.

Yeah, but it's outside the game and it already happened by the time the game takes place.

I like her Into the Sky costume the most. Dress is a close second.

shut up, old man

>half the script being thrown out the windon to fit on the 360 in a single disc
>both uses DVD
makes no sense famalam.

But is it really bad that they didnt decide to open the game with obligatory MC backstory? It sounds like they were just breaking another cliche by leaving his backstory for bits of dialogue throughout the game and side quests.

They also could have planned the movie even before or during the games development.

Nope, I liked that.

And yeah, the movie was being made at the same time as the game.

Rita is closer to Judith in some ways.

I liked how Zagi and Vile became friends in this. I aught to replay PXZ2 sometime.
They hold hands and suggest trading clothes.

>story felt really weak
its a fucking tales game what do did you expect? people play for the character interactions

Except Abyss had the best of stories.

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choose the dragon rider outfit.

>one VA talking as three different girls
Each Kannono has a different VA, idiot.

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You're an idiot, user. First of all, Yuri's ideology is one where intent means everything. It wasn't just that Cumore and Ragou hurt people, it was that they hurt people, intended to hurt people, and were in positions where the government wasn't going to really punish them.

On top of that, Estelle was not an immediate threat to the world. She was basically a living Blastia, any damage she could do to the world would only be collectively. Even as Alexei used her, she wasn't really much of a worldwide threat. She wasn't even responsible for the Adaphagos, it was already there and it was Alexei's dicking with Zaude that exposed the world to it again.

It's not hypocritical, or unreasonable for that matter, for Yuri not to kill a perfectly nice, well meaning young lady just because a talking bird claims she's poison to the world. Especially not when she's the exact same kind of "poison" that the Blastia that everyone in the world uses to live their day to day lives is.

Anyone else get secondhand embarrassment by how shitty this cutscene was?

Zestiria is better than people give it credit for (since they tend to give it none at all) but only a little. It's very, VERY straightforward plot-wise for a Tales game. It was in development hell with tons of changes constantly happening the entire cycle and it really shows in the end product, but the gameplay is at least somewhat fun if you liked Graces.

Berseria is a great game that I've only ever seen hated by people who are diehard fans of the Team Symphonia games and those alone.

You can play them in either order without losing out on TOO much so long as you play both in the end though Zestiria is pretty clearly intended to come first.

She's such a moody girl.

She has plenty of father figures in her life, though. Very plenty.

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Too bad she doesn't have a mother to fix that attiude.

That's okay, she'll know what it's like to be a mother soon enough. Very soon

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Karol is too strong to be trapped in such a situation.

hahaha, you think the father is karol?

Most of the hunting blades don't care for girls only hunting.

There are lots of strong, older men in Dahngrest. Who's the say Karol won't be busy running Brave Vesperia?

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Nan is busy hunting so it doesn't matter.

Seems fine for the time period.

No, I wanted to save Estelle because I love her

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Is it random what shows up on Patty's roulette during her MA, or does ot depend on her form?

I just need to get the seagull special but both times i did it, they werent even on the roulette. Its the last friend i need to summon to see them all.

If anything Berseria should have been released first as pretty much all of the shit from Zestiria that wasn't explained couldn't be because it was a spoiler for Berseria. While Berseria is better is an entry point.

I'm near the end of this game now and unless there's some side quest I missed where Rita lusts more for Estelle, then I think it's pretty clear that Estelle is the first person to treat Rita kindly and becomes Rita's first friend, and that is why Rita is so protective of Estelle.

What the fuck, this is the third time. I thought you guys said that Yuri is the most popular Tales character this is the third time that he's lost.

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I love her pow hammer stun lock.

Did you see the scene where they find a lost baby in Heliord? They both take care of it, and Estelle says they would make a great mom and dad, and wanted to adopt it. If anything, Estelle is the gay one.

Thats a monthly vote for who gets a wallpaper, who are you trying to bait? Yourself?

Literally yes. Ristelle is canon and nobody can change my mind.

Yuri being mostly static is fine because he inspires development in the rest of the cast.

Asbel? Why.

I'm not baiting just pointing out that Yuri hasn't won this poll even once. So he's never had a wallpaper for the new Tales page.

It's a wallpaper stuff i don't know
The real polls have Mikleo and Sorey at the top

You might be an actual idiot if you think that popularity has nothing to do with why characters win.

Because Yuri is always front and center of near almost every single Tales promotional artwork. Im surprised he's not lower.

I have not seen that scene, and I know I've been back to Heliord. I really dislike how obtuse the side quests and triggering certain events are. When the only way for me to be sure I didn't miss anything is for me to autistically revisit every possibly accessible area everytime anything happens in the story, you've fucked up with communicating to your player.

>the only way for me to be sure I didn't miss anything is for me to autistically revisit every possibly accessible area
I don't think they expect you to autistically revisit every possibly accessible area, I think they expect you to buy a strategy guide.

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Actually it's Lloyd and Zelos that they use the most to advertise Tales. The reason why they started the poll is because they renewed the Tales website and are giving out wallpapers to members of Tales ch+. Because of that Yuri doesn't have one.


Asbel is very popular in japan as a meme character.

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Ok fair.

Man Graces was weird because nearly everything about it is great except for the main story which is pants on head stupid.

I'm more interested in the next poll. They're finally trying to avoid fujos and making a female only one. Obviously Velvet is gonna win but who is gonna rank 2-10?

Actually, I'm right. Lloyd and Zelos tend to be used for anything mainstream, this is largely due to their VA. But when Tales did that tv special, when they mascots for that town, and that collaboration with that travel agency, they used Lloyd and Zelos.

Zelos's va also acts as the host for Talesfes.

Don't the nips like him mostly because the fujos want his VA to fuck them silly?

I mean, he's Takahiro Sakurai.

>they literally had to make the poll female only just to give a female character a shot at placing.
Probably Milla, Edna, Rita. With it being female only the votes might go a little differently.


And either Sheena for self-inserting with Zelos, or Colette for self-inserting with Lloyd. Not necessarily that order.

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Sheena and Colette can both self insert for Lloyd.

You may be right, but my complaint still stands. Relying on strategy guides to communicate reasonable information to your players just means you've fundamentally fucked up with your game's design.

Now that I'm on the topic, the game does an exceptionally poor job of explaining almost everything about its own mechanics/systems, with lots of aspects that just aren't even mentioned in-game at all. I give ToV some points for being ambitious, but the whole package stinks of "not enough time/budget/talent to pull it off" in almost every aspect, some worse than others. I think ToV would have benefited a ton by being significantly more limited in scope, to something the dev team could actually do.

>, the game does an exceptionally poor job of explaining almost everything about its own mechanics/systems

Not explaining a game's mechanics and requiring experimentation to figure out is a legit design choice.

I just thought of something. Is this what Patty actually looks like? The Amrita de-aged her, and Aifread was always a women, the angel is wearing her hat and coat.

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Isn't that Asteria? That's the one that has like 5 different openings isn't it and shipped earlhart kannono with asbel for some glorious NTR

She also turned evil or something, why the hell is a spin off character getting this much attention? Imagine if Rodderin was fighting alongside the Phantasia cast or Emil actually did something worth a damn for once, he and Sorey have the shittiest excuse for mystic arts i've ever seen

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Asteria has it's own setting and the characters are native to it.

Rays is the only crossover game where cameo characters are from their original games and have their memories intact (Reve Unitia also has them from their original games, but they have amnesia in that one).

That sounds really fun, too bad Tempest will never get it's extended cast in a crossover, Cailus had a racist girl in his party that learned not to be so racist and some chunni mask motherfucker, poor guy will never get redemption for what Dimps did to him

In fact, do the spin offs even acknowledge Galillio and Konway and QQ? They're all from different worlds not native to Hearts and Innocence

That prayer sword is not worth the time it takes to get it.

>weapon skills are based around giving extra hp and tp upon revival
>flynn is already nigh unkillable at that point
>one of the sunken grottos has fucking NOTHING at the end, not even a boss fight
It was horseshit. Especially back when the fire bats were bugged.

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>Asteria has it's own setting and the characters are native to it.
Asteria has its own setting but no native characters. Instead every Tales character is an AU version of that character that has always lived in that world.

The characters in The Ray's don't have amnesia. They were pulled from their own world.

Konwei is already playable in Rays. Funny thing, he was the first Innocence character in Rays even before Ruca. Gall was on a 'who do you want playable poll?' but he ranked pretty low unfortunately. Rays producer has said many times that he wants to eventually put every Tales character in Rays, he even used Tilkis as an example once.

Konwei also appeared in Asteria's story as a dimensional traveler taking a tour of the multiverse and hung with the party for a while in the 2nd arc.

>Asteria has its own setting but no native characters. Instead every Tales character is an AU version of that character that has always lived in that world.
That's what I meant.

>The characters in The Ray's don't have amnesia. They were pulled from their own world.
I said Reve Unitia cameo characters have amnesia. Learn to read.

The skill was useful against a certain boss but I can't remember which one anymore.

So they do remember them. Be nice if they actually showed us the story they were suppose to tell us. Rays, Asteria and Revo, which is the best one? Feels weird to have 3 fucking mobile games instead of just one, is LInk still around too? That girl looked like another Kannono

Asteria has the best story but I think it's entering its last arc, but is lacking in game play.

Ray's is the best overall.

Haven't played Revo.

Is earlhart Kannono okay I don't think I ever saw her in any other openings after the second. I played a bad translation of RM2 back in the day so I became a bit attached to her, i'm glad earlhart and grassvally get to keep their decenders they deserve it compared to pasca who got away with everything

Rays is definitely best.. Actually plays like a Tales game.
Asteria is shit outside of the story, just look those up on YouTube.
Reve Unitia is a 3DS game. Its good, but its a turn based tactics game
Link is long dead.

Kannono is the descender in Asteria's world. She remakes the world at the end of the 2nd arc. It rolls to credits and she's never seen again.

Attached: 1524650966601.jpg (659x1000, 87K)

Damn, Asbel isn't gonna like this at all that opening made it seem like they were a thing

I think she dies in the second game.

>Kanonno dies

Attached: Sadwitch.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

They could have at least added fucking warp points.