Mfw I bought a new 120hz monitor

>mfw I bought a new 120hz monitor

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Other urls found in this thread:

Should've bought 144Hz

Let me give you buyer's remorse

I know why you made this thread.


Beautiful young girl. Post her pussy.

Well done little girl

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Lets see how long it takes this time

That girl looks c word


>buying anything over 60hz thinking that it will make you better at vidya

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>tfw you have bad sight so everything looks the same to you

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i bought 144hz and i can't tell the difference from 60hz

>tfw i find her attractive when she just smiles then that silly touch out face she makes

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exercise. You should at least be able to see up to 90hz with poor health.

>please fuck off


Is Bad

Why are you posting underaged girls you fucking /pol/ incel?

120 Hz is evenly divisible by 24, 30, and 60.
144 Hz is only evenly divisible by 24, so 30 and 60 will look stuttery.

turn the monitor to 144hz mode.


>when you cunnypost (as joke (ironically)) but end up having some weird thoughts

based bad sight bro
how does exercise change eyesight

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sexual relations, have it


why her arms so damn long

120hz is an aged format. the common ones are 60/144/240hz.

Thats a double negative


So she can hug you even more!

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I have a bad feeling about this thread. Reminds me of a thread on Yea Forums a few years ago where someone posted a webm of 2 girls making out then it immediately cut to someone busting a nut over a newborn. Still get nightmares over that.

omg, it's expaning

Yea Forums first, now Yea Forums

i like where this is going

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I don't get why girls of that age use make-up.


Hooni must be nurtured and loved

I wonder (((why)))

>Ever getting below 72

Fuck off, Yea Forums.

Y-yea user
i r-really hope n-no one p-posts that here

is that kristina pimenova?


That shit happens in threads that arent related to children at all.
Ive had it happen 3 times over the past 4 months, i hate it every time, mods are not fast enough

Both 120 and 144 (LMAO 240+) are a meme, but at least 120 is somewhat achievable. Good luck getting 144 at all times anything that isn't esports shit. Going from 30 to 60 doesn't take a lot of processing power but will cut frame times in half, down to 16ms from 33. Going from 60 to 120 takes a lot more power and you're only shaving off 8ms. Not worth it.


pedos should rot in hell

All you can do is hope and thats adorable

Fortunately there's now an option to report a post for breaking the law (aka child stuff) which actually wakes up the mods who immediately nuke the thread.

no that's me

Why stop at 144 when you can get 240hz?

Based Suicide Boy poster.

you all think this is a pedo thread, in reality its a viral marketing thread to sell that monitor in the second post.

it's been there for years, and mods still take hours a lot of the time

Homophobic, much.

The internet used to be for creeps weirdos anti socials and pedos. Good times.

Bad sight like needing glasses? Because I use these and I notice the difference.

Mothers projecting their frustations?

I imagine little girks posting ugly words like these and it makes it even better

I bet she polishes daddy's monitor soooooo good.

Is this the Yea Forums thread?

Bullshit. No company DARES to get involved with cunny.

No, thats the flagrant fanboy option, which is actually faster than reporting something as illegal

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shoulda gone with 240hz bro

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Absolute fucking cringe

fucking PRANKED

Lol lock up your kids if you don't want me to sexualize them.

we need to go younger

you're statement doesn't make sense they sexualise themselves

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dios mio...

love is love

nope thats nearing toddler territory

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It's illegal to eat this pie now! You have to wait a few years until it's mouldy and stale and by which time someone has already put their dick in it.


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Another LBGTPXQY post .

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True, girls pleasure themselves from age 8.

Arguably, it should be higher, like 24, to have a lawful punishment for making children way before you should

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Gas chamber:


I wish

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If a kid wants to fuck who am i to deny him\her?

as if I care about labels
I'll fap to whatever is cute
and by the way, anything with breasts isn't cute


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A shibbidyboobopphilia no one gives a fuck

Yea Forums is that you?

Yes. And? Theyre all degenerate criminals.

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What games do you guys play with your daugherfus?

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This. It pleases my autism immensely.

I'll help you user

gas chamber:

9-12 is prime

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sex is not just for making children, it feels goody goody when daddy touches my cunny cunny

Why is she so gangly?

Shit I remember that webm

fucking kek

She's 14 on this photo. If you wouldn't, you're a faggot

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edited pic

god i love the Yea Forums cunny edits. so much effort put into them. like the were made with love.

lmao i wish this was real

That's photoshopped as fuck


your birth certificate is photoshopped


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>replace 226bw samsung from the middle ages with new 165hz monitor from asus
>want to stab my eyes out
>can never get it to look decent
>have to wear sunglasses

>mfw I have 75Hz monitor


i'll help too

gas chamber:

fuck off sperg

>If you wouldn't, you're a faggot
she looks gross

looks like bimbo, maybe if she takes off the make up and stops wearing a push up bra I'd have a go at her
14 is legal where I live btw

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>Photoshopped tits

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why even have a word for that

okay, this is based

what the fuck is even going on with her hips and thighs? its like when a joint bends the wrong way on a 3d model. photoshopped and gay.

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What word am I thinking about right now Yea Forums?

I don't think they're particularly easier to rape but they certainly feel a lot better

Cock and ball torture?

straight men rape kids

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fuggen saved

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cute and funny


Does Yea Forums like kemo loli?

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Stop saying it!

Stop saying the word!

All pedos should fucking hang out with me and my imouto


Great thread. So cute and funny.

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lmaoing at you

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WHere do I go to look at this shit? Cripple’s cunny board got nuked to hell with no survivors.

No it takes year to make their vagina ready for penis.

Not into furry but her voice makes me golden

middle is pretty based desu


good one

Is there a worse fate than being sexually attracted by children?

>this is what amerimutts actually believe

that's not a tripcode you fucking mongoloid


nope it's the worse because irl isn't like my mangos

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Not experiencing cock and ball torture

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>stealth cunny thread gets to stay up
>bowser thread immediately gets shot down
What the fuck? You guys aren't even trying to hide it. Fucking Jannies.

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Being you


Someone answer me

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Furry children, they'll never be real :(


bowser is fat and unattractive and the only people who like him are cucks who want him to fuck their waifu or disgusting barafags



tv has pretty regular cunny breads


You never said what kind of dimensional

>people always think I'm asexual/gay because I don't check out jogging girls and stuff
>meanwhile I secretly check out little girls all the time
the other time I saw a grade schooler's panties, shit was cash

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you mean where to find loli threads?
>>Yea Forums

This is an email you two-timed retard

you really expect people to give up those sites. learn to google

there's no 240 monitor out there that doesn't rape the image output

You're implying that barafaggotory is somehow worse than talking about fucking children.

Nowhere! Its illegal!