>2019 I am forgotten
what can he do to stay relevant v?
2019 I am forgotten
Other urls found in this thread:
Do another charity stream for the 40%
shit posting on a Korean fly-fishing forum
if anyone here has thin hair and a receding hairline, just shave it because this based boy looks horrendous.
hes good looking and smart, don't get why people hate on him so much
this but unironically
Look at the top of his head! Oh no no no
he peaked with his sherlock video
Become reactionary out of nowhere like Ian Miles Ching Chong
Is this shopped to make his neck longer?
his critique of bloodborne and dark souls is wrong, its like he thinks hes smart enough to argue a shitty position, except hes just retarded
>blocks your path
>blocks your path
For 7 hours in 20 parts
I don't know who this e-celeb is
Couldn't get past it? Guess that he blocked your path.
Med whites are the best looking imho
this but ironically
No he just has inhuman proportions.
>avoid this guy for ages
>finally click on a video
>i'm literally listening to a video from him right now while I grind in E7 in bluestacks
he's alright, decently entertaining.
Nope, just watched this video yesterday.
>Unironically looks like an incel
seething altrighter
It looks like an eye is above is head and staring at me and it's freaking me out.
>cant attack bombercuck arguments and logic
>attack his hairline
oh no no no
Somehow, this is how I pictured him looking.
Split his political content from his gaming content
I couldn't give a crap that I hate everything the guy spouts politically as long as I don't need to listen to it, he is generally okay? at keeping politics outside of his video game reviews but I haven't watched this cuck in probably over a year now so I don't know
Why are leftists such disgusting subhumans?
>listens to progressive bullshit
>emulating mobile trash
literal subhuman troglodyte here everyone
>coping this hard when your skin color is similar to a turd
dude looks like a weird overgrown baby
I'm not really into political stuff, I actually don't know what you mean by that. I don't know what a leftist is. I'm just a brainlet who plays grinding game
Same neck as mine.
This meme isn't funny and has never been funny.
failure breeds resentment & bitterness - if you aren't smart enough to fix your situation, you start to moan that things are unfair. Hence, the modern leftist
>post quarterpounder
>reeeeee /pol/
>post soiman xtreme mcschnippenschnappen ze children with charity
lol, he's a liberal.
hbomberguy is not a leftist.
Yo doc say that again in english please
As far as I know he describes himself as socialist? he seems very to the left on trans issues too?
>post TheQuartering (neckbeard youtuber)
>i don't like this, it must be /pol/ at it again
>post hbomberguy (reference to his trans charity stream)
>no one cares
he looks like a ventriloquists dummy
hey man, no idea what this was meant to convey. Can you retype it in non retard speak?
Oh. I'm way out of my depth in this thread apparently.
>As far as I know he describes himself as socialist?
he only says that to piss of alt-righters
>he seems very to the left on trans issues too?
trans rights are human rights.
He says he's a socialist because Americans think socialism = free healthcare.
so hes not on the left then? I'm very confused about his behavior and videos now.
Stop being a progressive.
He's on the left. He just says that he isn't, so its not official.
Jeremy, don't you got another Captain Marvel video to make?
>trans rights are human rights
Its privilege begging, if they are allowed the same legal coverage in a society, their human rights are already fulfilled.
but all his views are literally the exact same as the mainstream left right now, that makes him on the left whether he admits it or not.
He's just another mediocre e-pleb. When he makes a transgender video and goes after the likes of SomeBlackGuy and No Bullshit and not Sam Harris or Jordan Peterson you know exactly what level he's on.
>if they are allowed the same legal coverage in a society
Which they aren't.
There are more problems than legal issues.
what rights do trans people not have in western countries? The right to not be on TV 24/7?
they are.
any harm physical and mental is already covered by the constitution. Justice does not discriminate, so why beg for special treatment?
Mental health issues are to be brought to the hospital, not the courts.
There is no such thing as the mainstream left. At most you have liberals who think they're progressive.
I mean, I can understand stuff like discrimination for home loans, jobs, and public facilities, but tax funding $15-20k transition medication and surgeries isn't something I'm particularly privy to.
Shit advice but if you are refering to an absolute state like in the OP pic then that is pretty much the only thing you can do apart from a hairtransplant if your headshape is good
Joke's on you because Mauler actually likes DkS2
ok then sure, whatever you say bud
They don't want rights, they want special treatment.
Its hilarious that in their bid for 'acceptance' they are fucking themselves over.
Whoop dee doo, being a tranny is no longer a mental illness, no more free medication for you.
it sucks when you realize you've been replying to a genuine retard
Only few people actually look better with a bald head. Besides, everyone knows why you shaved your hair, it basically just shows how insecure you are about balding because you bothered to do that.
great point, keep growing your 3 hairs out the top of your goblin balding head to own people and prove how based you are
What about social concerns?
>12 hour video with 2 minutes of arguments
Sure thing, egghead. I still have a a good head of hair. Just pointing out that shaving it is the ultimate pussy move.
>that Nitro Rad Hbomberguy parody video for April Fools
Fucking nice
Freedom of speech and expression.
If someone hates you for being a fucking faggot, suck it up, its their right.
If they harm you physically, economically and mentally then use the legal power afforded to everyone. Except for the really poor.
>soulsbabies still mad
patrician is liking all souls games. plebs are the ones who echo e-celeb talking points instead of enjoying what each game has to offer.
its 6 minutes long.
Well, don't misunderstand me. I think seeking social acceptance is perfectly fine. But demanding expensive, state-funded health benefits for a tiny minority of the population is kind of douchey, especially when other, more prominent social issues deserve more of that kind of support.
>doing charity to incentivize ill people to be more ill
What about them? You don't need more rights than other people just because you're trans. Being treated as an equal doesn't mean you're being oppressed.
donating to a charity that encourages chemical castration of minors is not smart.
A lot of the trans rights are humans rights is about introducing jail time for if someone misgenders someone or dead names them on social media, like what the UK introduced. It's not just about funding their needed treatment.
my issue is the same with you. I'm just more livid about it, especially since the fucks complaining have more economic security than most.
So that's the issue with his charity stream.
what a fucking douche.
Reminder that hbomb unironically has a much higher testosterone count than any of you
Nice strawman, retard.
Do you plan on doing another charity? what game are you going to play next?
he was talking about maulers video
Hatecrime aint crime.
that ain't the video on the post and he ain't said its Mauler, nigga.
>fails to understand the basic tenets of art and proclaims himself as the savior of all criticism because he literally just retells an entire movie with camrip footage
Wow so based
>fails to understand the basic tenets of art
Please name some
Like the part where you can’t objectively judge art no matter how hard you pretend to lol
My Hair Is Receding, And Here's Why
>feigning ignorance
fits the precedent of lying about your biases
His video on woke corps was almost on point.
He being afraid to show his side being corporate cocksuckers because they put rainbows on their logos turnished what would be a really good self critique.
You can objectively judge art though
This post is objectively shit
>he only says that to piss of alt-righters
haha yeah sure lmao and his constant effort to argue for the progressive left has nothing to do with any of that
>alt-right insult is annoying so im going to debunk it by letting Jamal fuck my girlfriend to prove it isn't emasculating
And I consider it art
Go objectively judge a Pollock painting and then get back to me
You can objectively judge the objective parts of art. Art isn't entirely objective, but it still partially is, and you can analyze those elements and make an objective analysis for whatever it applies to.
Anything you can call objective, I can call subjective with the same validity. You can make claims about logical cause and effect, but on no earth is logical cause and effect the part of art you should base your assessment of something on.
pollock is objectively garbage and i can shit on a canvas and produce some real nice art after a big spicy bowl of tomato soup and meatballs
I said art, not scribbles
The average Mauler fan everybody
Your post is objectively shit and retarded.
Subjectively its fucking dumb.
Surely his onions diet should prevent the testosterone from destroying his hairline. Maybe he has a point after all. Though at the same time he looks exactly like I would imagine someone who lives on onions to look. So its a wash, i guess.
But they're not assessing the entire work, just the objective parts of it. Making an objective analysis of objective parts of a movie is fair, no?
Your post is dumb lol
I'm sure that's why he's a vocal supporter of Corbyn then. Because he's secretly a Blairite.
yes keep huffing your own farts while you jack off to post-modern "art" and who the fuck is mauler
Mauler is great but good god the types of comments he gets and the people he associates with drive me up a wall. He (rightfully) critiques a really flat and poorly written female character in a movie and suddenly every neckbeard incel with a vagina vendetta shows up in the comment section.
Make a rebuttal next time instead of appealing to the posters here like a pathetic retard
he's right though. being able to get your interns to mass produce a bunch of abstract paint splashes in a warehouse so you can take advantage of the buzz around your name isn't art, it's puffery
it doesn't matter how many times jewish art collectors and new york times articles insist that its art, it's mass produced garbage to fleece rubes
Again, you can claim something to be objective, but I do not have to agree with you. You can put objective numbers and facts and figures on the angle of a shot or whatever, but you can’t ever tell someone that their interpretation of that shot is invalid. So objectively judging that shot becomes unnecessary at best.
The only way it can be objective is if you're looking at it from the perspective of "of an object" rather than the more formal "mind independence"
Because with the latter you can only really make statements of existence, you could call something objective if you were looking at brush technique in a painting maybe. Or if a camera is shaking or not, but the second you render a judgement on them you lose the second definition and only have a loose grip on the former.
I used to look forward to EFAP until Rags and Wolf started getting an ego, thinking they were as objective as Mauler is. God, those guys are annoying now.
Had a nightmare last night where I looked in the mirror and I was balding and greying. I've had dreams about being murdered, being attacked by horrific monsters, and even a few bouts of sleep paralysis. NONE of it was as horrible as the thought that I had lost my hair.
Artists tried to stop this, but they got told to fuck off, don't hate them for playing the hand they got dealt.