Why do you prefer Japanese games?

Why do you prefer Japanese games?

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Other urls found in this thread:


jap for melee, west for shooty

Because I don't want to play some shitty overpriced dub, the Japanese originals have better artwork, they're uncensored and they don't try to sell games like games Mario Bros for $100 without the box

Just post more.

I think that I've masturbated so much that I've become asexual. What do I do?

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EDF has taken the place of shooty they just need to improve the formula a bit with PS5

Why would anyone bother with white women

How much photoshop is in that image?

I want to rub my face all over her thighs and tummy area

i'm really happy Vixen has the same production quality + cuckquean stuff.


Japanese games>>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>all chink games

Do you feel that way even when you look at 2D? I don't get turned on from 3D anymore

Embrace it, use your newfound clarity to enhance your self.

>still no aya kawasaki nudes
>still no ai shinizaki nudes
>no uncensored lewds of anri’s mega mommy milkers
>no more ai uehara
What even is the fucking point bros

Personally the only thing I masturbate to is futa on futa and literally nothing else.

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Because they're the only ones who still include cute, soft, small, adorable, funny, kissable, delicious, fragile, happy lolis in them.

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Stop masturbating

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Jap games have better music and more variety. Japan make things like Pokemon, Tamogotchi, Touhou, etc but what do the rest have? Nothing that could compare.

Don't masturbate for a week

not the other user but same. its been so long since browsing any 3D (other than 3d hentai)


Why asian girls more white than white girls now

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God I wanna just grab it all.

it's not so much that I prefer japanese games, it's that western games have turned into complete and total dogshit

>blacked shit gets deleted
>the rest of the thread is still up
>my loli is still up
Does it mean I can post more lolis?

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Post more cute asian girls.



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but that's not from a japanese game, and that girl isn't japanese

damn looks like at least one mod is based


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I only prefer Japanese horror games, besides that everything else pretty much sucks as far as I'm concerned desu

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Oh my god I want to do nothing but swap bodily fluids with her

I want to mating press Atago until my pelvis breaks!

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Because Jews

Let's post more lolis then!

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tfw no hapa gf

>Schoolgirl uniform
>Pregnant bodies
The only proof that a god might exist and he loves us

>no more ai uehara

Thanks for reminding me

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NO! FUCK OFF! God you pedo faggots. Go ruin another thread.

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Japs seem to do much less of the "design by committee of people who hate games plus short bus focus testing" that leads to watered down generic superficial design that exemplifies western video games.
Not to mention I got bored of FPS' like a decade ago and that's arguably the only thing other than strategy that the west does significantly better.
Also cute girls with nice art vs horrible ugly western hags brute forced with graphics tech.

do you think she shaves

Because Nips are relatively based

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i hope she waxes, shaves is acceptable

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No thats only a thing because of porn and they don't have Jews in Japan so porn is frowned upon not imitated

She's completely hairless except for a little tuft of feathery softness she keeps in the shape of a heart.

because I prefer Japanese women

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Say I theoretically wanted to do a deepfake of ai shinozaki, what jav or porn star has a body that's closest to her?

but I want to post lolis here with the permission of the janitor

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But I don't. I like RTS games, FPS games, Eurojank, and whatever the fuck Rimworld falls under, which I don't feel are genres most japanese developers handle well. That said, the West/East debate is fucking retarded as are it's participants. What it really boils down to is highly anti-game shit like "muh boobies" and "muh fanservice."


don't masturbate on easter

Because I'm a shameless filthy degenerate, pretty much.

Get yourself a beautiful Asian girl lads. White women are a lost cause. You have to be rich though.

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Cannot understand the downsyndrome in her DNA

Aye I could do that

I'm about to get my love doll, VR headset, ona warmer and pocket pussy out try to stop me

"He has risen".

the south korean female

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I don't have a fetish for plastic surgery.

No go away. Let this thread just be cute 3d asians. Don't be a nigger and ruin it with your garbage.

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don't masturbate. i was masturbating twice a day for years. stopped for literally only a week and i could smell pussy half a mile away

>go to asia
>get rejected
now what

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tomorrow i'm going fap while reading the chapters of nagatoro i haven't read yet

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I love sticks with huge tits.

but you have a fetish for literal made up cartoon women

It's too late user, you broke your penis and you're close to expending the last of your male energy (fatal)
Your only hope is to create a phylactery and become a lich, a ritual only available to high level wizards

you will eventually revert back np

I want her food more than her.

her stick legs are disappointing. most of those south korean thots have nice legs too.

Who are somehow less artificial on average than your average Korean model.

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a korean is fine too

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I like that Yea Forums has the yellow fever too

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Why not both?

No faggots and no niggers, obviously

>no longer part of the band
Babymetal officially dead

*blocks your path*

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Asian girls are the last bastion of real femininity in the world, and they're likely to be a more traditional waifu than roastie western lesbos.

Try again

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Did you miss the part about being rich.

asian girls can only look hot, they never have any personality

>I couldn't get a gf of my own race: the thread

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Fine, I'll leave.

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Hookers, or just abandon the real world entirely.

There's really no such thing as an incel, just somebody who has too much pride to throw money at a high class hooker.

consider a better south korean female

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jesus christ brehs. aya kawasaki might be the perfect woman

I honestly hate how right you are

>once found the perfect jav
>girl was into the sex
>squirted a lot but not in a weird obscene way
>no squealing, super light pixelation
I wish I could find it again, but it was one of those "we picked up a girl from public and made a jav" style ones and I only remember details of her outfit and the apartment they had sex in

Don't do this, Japanese women are the most stressful to deal with
They're so moody, everything will seem good and all of a sudden they'll talk about kids, becoming a salary man, and how they're gonna quit their job so you can support them
Just fuck em and stick to 2D waifus for relationships 3D is the biggest mistake ever

I prefer good games. Doesn't matter where they're from.


You sound jelly.

Sometimes I just want to talk about how asian girls are hot without people using it as a springboard to talk about how we live in a society.

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Thank you for the filename.

god i love asian women


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You don't mix sex and food, user.

There was some lookalike a while ago, you might want to try asking in ai's thread if anyone remembers

Meanwhile South Korea is being destroyed from within by insane feminist cultists

>just found out that my javfu has an alias where she does scat porn

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me too

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Sounds perfect.

>not making homemade pastrami and incorporating it in your sex


-are disgusting.

I hate to break it to you, but if a western woman can be as feminine and loving as a traditional asian girl, you wouldn't have yellow fever.

Therefore, how we live as a society directly affects how attractive asian girls are.

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White women are disgusting. I'd take a black women over one.

A symptom of autism

alisa price

burlington ontario canada


bruh i fap sometimes 3 times a day and i still would smash. just take a break

I just want some to hold

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do your part and be sure to fertilize women with large breasts so we can slowly remove the flat chest gene from the face of the earth

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Stay strong

>I hate to break it to you
bruh you ain't breaking shit. Everyone here has known that

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Just go nofap for a week or so. You'll be aching for the gooch in no time

Fuck I’ve already fapped twice today

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Because they're kinky

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I'm just making a point that any talk about asian waifus will eventually lead down the path of talking about the society we live in.

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lol who cares about worst korea

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youtube.com/watch?v=Ne_LFUYaoXw thread theme

Reminder: this is mother and son.

>but if a western woman can be as feminine and loving as a traditional asian girl,
Dude I just like asian girls there is no bitterness about how all western women are shallow and evil driving it. Not everybody looks to foreign countries to solve perceived problems with the one they live in.

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eww delete this plastic skank

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>Why do you prefer Japanese games?

Honestly because

A) Gameplay, they innovate or try to make new things
B) Music, they care about an immersive and passionate OST, not a forgettable AAA Western OST
C)Plot, their games have great intrinsically stories

Also, how do I get an Asian gf?

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ai shinozaki

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Her face bothers me. I don't know what about it but it just does.

how bout u make a point of posting more cute asians? Or if you don't want to do that shut up and put my nuts in your mouth

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Where would you finish?

God Bless Japan and their video games.

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Because I don't like nigger nose, and I also like my girls to look good in profile as much as straight-on.


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this shit is hypnotic

܂What if it spreads? It happened with SJW in California spreading to the entire world.


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If you date asian girls without the intent of marriage and providing for the family, you can just run on back to your own degenerate western kind where you belong.

yeah I suppose we truly live in a society

No way.

Fuck my gf is a chestlet

Because I want to play games, not communist propaganda.

imagine the taste

Is this more Abe propaganda to impregnate the nation?

do you think she'll ever end up doing porn?

Who is this?

idk, but this is photographer


>put my nuts in your mouth

Post pics of your nuts

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sick thread

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t. Ming

Oh man, this thread is the epitome of thirsty neckbeard yellow fever. I can literally smell your thunderous body odour through my screen.

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Haha it's fine dude nobody's coming after your video games OR your asian waifus :^)
Friendly reminder that California is a red state that was a crucible for the worst transplants from every backwoods farming town hick with big dreams and no loyalty to their home or family
They all flocked to California with stars in their eyes and created Hollyjew, Babylon reborn. Now they're coming home because they ruined this place with literal hellfires.

what about chinese women

>Flat chest gene
You know you're just advocating for fucking fat chicks, right?

They make their women attractive and not hideous man beasts with vaginas.

t. western trash roastie

You're going to hell now

>coming home at 8:15pm

This dude is definitely not a salary man.


That's a chiner in the OP

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I fucking hate your image OP. I will never make love to a woman so delicious as pic related.

>only fat chicks arent flat

As long as they aren't mainland chinese.

have sex incel

disgusting, have you ever been to china?

Considering breasts are mostly fat, and any breast over a certain size is essentially a chest-anchored beer gut, yes.

Holy shit I want my head between those thighs

Why are Japanese games more memorable?

Nobody talks about RDR 2 or The Division 2 but we get daily threads about Sekiro, Resident Evil, Persona, etc

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I have one but to bust. Which of these girls should I give it to?

Unlikely, that's why SJW bullshit is only a Western thing; everyone else doesn't give a shit because they have real problems to focus. Debatable westerns doesn't give a shit as well, since it's only propaganda, the real citizen has more important issues in their daily life.

Also: Koreans aren't attractive.Only a few guys are quite handsome

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>tfw just want a gf to cuddle and love
>meanwhile jews pay niggers and jews to fuck all races of 8/10 or above women to further degenerate the human race
life sucks, drop out

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Because this board is full of weeaboo faggots who hate on western games for pedantic reasons but praise Japanese games for having pantsu shots and bouncy boobs. This board has literal caveman-tier standards.

Because anime and japanese vidya is the only experience with japan I have so I idolize it and think that's how every day life is over that. If only I could go over there my life would be just like an anime and I'd have multiple pure asian waifus lusting after me. I will deny this up and down but it's obvious to everyone that interacts with me. You cannot change my mind.
This is a lot of Yea Forums.

I'm really weak bros... this thread just makes me sad

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u wot

Based Anri posters, delivering daily.

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All of them?

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isn't she korean?

Why are asian men so ugly?

fuck man me too...life sucks

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It's utterly perplexing that a board created by weebs and running on actual jap software and owned by a jap is crawling with weebs
Good thing there are bastions of sanity like reddit and resetera

because you see them as competition despite there being no competition at all

I don't have that much to give.

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>can't stop watching 4k videos of korean thots modelling for cars and boats and shit on youtube

whats the point of slightly hovering over the breasts? give it a grope girl, nobody is impressed.