Fuck epic

Fuck epic

Attached: itjulyyv11s21.jpg (1280x800, 232K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/steam dying platform/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Epic Store strikes again /type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Why Ubisoft moved The Division 2 /type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/For the low price of $160/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/survey Valve/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/ Steam And Epic Are In A Game Store Battle/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/What do you think the smart move is from Valve/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Steam so far has only countered with/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Has Valve made something/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Is 'Metro Exodus' Bailing On/type/op/

i can't even tell if this is satire or not anymore

Honestly, Steam drones, has Valve made anything successful in the past few years?

>Steam machines? Flop
>Steam controllers? Flop
>SteamOS? Flop
>Steam Link? Flop
>Shartifact? You better believe that was a flop
>Source 2? Not even made to even be a flop
>Steam Videos? Flop
>Steam VR? Fired devs

Literally the only money they have is from rent controlling other peoples games like a corrupt landlord, and that's gonna be ending soon.

Your mother flopped when she had you...to bad she didn't kill you off epic faggot LMFAO!

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>like a corrupt landlord
Or any landlord. Because that's how any landlord gets money. From the peoples rent.
Steam = Land lord with various deluxe condos and maintenance staff on call 24/7. with a fairly steep rent and utilities bill for New tenets which gradually lowers over time.
Epic = Land lord of a Motel that's run down but is relatively cheap and a rock-star stayed in one of the rooms for a point in time.

as a console owner, i'm enjoying PCfags fighting each other

I'd install Epic but they still haven't fixed the fucking security flaws that have been a thing since the piece of shit launched so nope, I'll just not play their games.
It sucks because there's definitely stuff I wanna play on it and I'm hardly a steamdrone like so many but at the end of the day, sometimes you have to make a stand when a company won't fucking FIX YOUR FUCKING SECURITY.

Well, we've been seeing threads that are not so much "i rike epic" so much as "i no rike steam u use epic now" being posted 24/7 for a while now, so...

I guess now we wait for these gems

Attached: y u no rike epic.png (640x853, 1.28M)

but it's consolefags making the epic threads
everyone on pc is multiplying epic with zero

>real estate analogy

Attached: 1552663679722.gif (350x197, 978K)

The problem is capitalism.

>Corrupt landlord
Seething commie detected

Better than as Food one.

This, all videogames should become free on either steam or epic and that will determine who wins

>Another r/gamingcirclejerk thread
Why do you people think being contrarian is going to convince people to become leftist?

Attached: asassa.png (1084x754, 375K)

Steam needed a kick in the ass, but not like this.
Something BETTER than steam should kick it, not something worse, something that abuse of exclusives to push an otherwise inferior in every aspect service.

that was a long time ago for me
hard to tell who is just a retard and who is an oldfag baiting

Pretty based, made me laugh

Kys phonefag

Stop going to that website.

>using /r/PCMR past 2011

1 yuan has been deposited into your account
Keep up the good work, comrade!

Complaining about epic lacking features is like complaining that a shoe store doesn't have wifi and fullbody mirrors.
Yea, it's worse store, but you're there for the shoes not to browse the internet.

>op posts reddit
hahah XD
>user calls out reddit posts

I'd rather they gave all those things a try and fail then nobody ever try any innovation at all. This is how you find out if there's any interest for new things like that.

>PC consolewars

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you'd know about lots about corrupt landlords wouldn't you Xang?

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>when reddit lefties hate drumpf so much they swallow corporation cum like "entitled gamers" and ask for seconds

>lefties are for corporations

>defend bioware
>defend EA
>defend blizzard
>defend epic
>constantly complain it's the consumer's problem

>>Steam controllers? Flop

I thought everyone loved them other than the few people who are like "Why aren't there two analogue sticks?!"

Welcome to the modern social justice left.
Little corporate drones that are easily manipulated by stupid marketing.
If keep going like that, someday disney will literally buy marx and sell canned communism.

>still freaking out about reddit ten (10) years later

literally a decade of free rent in your head

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Valve haven't been "good" since 2009, and arguably since 2004.

Unironically that centrist strawman with the flaming shirt and sunglasses here, waiting to see where all of this retardation goes before finally dying out.

>and arguably since 2004.
fuck off chink

>defending any DRM

Attached: deep underground, ten miles down, a man stands below, the city, he will destroy.jpg (363x288, 15K)

>year 2031 - 12
Stick to cuckold porn, Yea Forums.


>tying your much-anticipated sequel to a dead bloatware that barely fucking works

Fuck china

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>all the reddit posting
>Yea Forums always defends corporations and suck their cocks
gee I wonder if there's a correlation

I wanted to make a thread where people voiced their opinions for/against Epic/Steam (because no other launchers exist), while also verifying their own accounts by linking to them and writing a passphrase to their profiles. Sadly, Epic is too bare bones and this isn't possible.

How can we get a fair evaluation of people who genuinely use either service that aren't just falseflag kings?

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Making a meme about it doesn't make it wrong, but you do you

>launchers are capable of cross-launcher support
>buy game from Epic Store
>link to Steam
>use Steam for game
Why is this such a hard concept? Oh, right, the exclusivity deal.

how many time are you gonna post this?

You know crows are more intelligent.

A copypasta that causes China to ban the site with said pasta 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Attached: i_did_it_kaito.jpg (854x480, 56K)

This pic made me realize we live in a society.

why does it take days to delete an Epic account, they keep asking me if I'm sure, just fucking delete it

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Are we ever going to get a thread with genuine discussion about Game Launchers?


Ok. Any game launcher that doesn't use cash is shit. Chinks and Russians have gotten better at hacking and shit you thought was reliable is now getting hacked left and right. Delete all your accounts connected to your bank/credit card and only use cash from now on.

Virgin Bootlicker Finch vs the Based Pro-consumer Raven

Attached: 1529719355540.jpg (1312x2000, 175K)

I'm not attached to either of these companies, and I almost never use either of their products. Last time I used Steam was years ago, to play TF2.

But I still think Steam is a better platform, because there's tons of games you can get on there, for really cheap. Especially during a sale.

Epic Game Store is only offering brand new, full price games. I can't even run them, and even if I could, I never buy games at full price. I wait until a bit later, when they inevitably drop in price significantly.

So yeah, for me, Steam is still a very good product, while EGS doesn't interest me - though I'm sure it will interest some people who want those particular games. Although maybe not. Maybe those fans will be so enraged that they'll boycott the store. Who knows.

Competition is good, so if Epic made a good offering of cheap games then maybe I'd check it out. But yeah, I barely game on my laptop anyway, so maybe not.

It will be interesting to see if Valve cut their percentage from sales. Maybe they will eventually, but I guess they probably don't want to do it immediately, since they're still the market leaders.

Have you been living under a rock?
Lefties love centeralized monopolies for some fucking reason.
They will defend YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Apple, Netflix, Disney, EA, Activision, Sony, ect.

huh, i wonder who made behind that image
google.com/search?q=gen z language meme&tbm=isch&tbs=simg:CAQSkwEJLk_19sM1Pg3UahwELEKjU2AQaAAwLELCMpwgaYgpgCAMSKOAI-QjzE_1UJnBSOCu8TnRSMCp8U2j3YPcw01T3BP6Q91z3EPtk9ljcaMIe-qyn5iXMb2nI-zTD7-FsUQG3uPRToCbiDTwCy3tj8ML9gbTipB_1c6ysx9Z_1eAJiAEDAsQjq7-CBoKCggIARIEFbUrVQw&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi-xq6Cy83hAhVPLFAKHYe3CKcQ2A4IMSgB&biw=1920&bih=937

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>benefits devs more
All of that was technically true until that part.
Devs were already payed before the game even ships. The Epic deal only benefits publishers.

BARP (based and red pilled)

Its like ESP!

Attached: 1554387987588.png (600x433, 571K)

>"Monopolies are bad"
>Gives money to Tencent

Attached: 595368360.jpg (235x215, 8K)

Gabe Newell 纽厄尔加布 Valve Software 阀门软件 Steam 蒸汽 Half-Life
半衰期 Gordon Freeman 弗里曼戈登 1998 Black Mesa Incident 1998年黑色台面事件 Seven Hour War 七小时的战争 Resistance 抵抗性 Red Letter Day 大喜的日子 City 17 uprising 城市17起义 Lambda 拉姆达 Index 指数

Stop shilling on Yea Forums.

boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/Epic Already Rejecting/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/epic store/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/game store battle/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/annual survey/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/unironically based/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/earn their 30/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/world war z pricing/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/steam dying platform/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Epic Store strikes again /type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Why Ubisoft moved The Division 2 /type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/For the low price of $160/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/survey Valve/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/ Steam And Epic Are In A Game Store Battle/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/What do you think the smart move is from Valve/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Steam so far has only countered with/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Has Valve made something/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Is 'Metro Exodus' Bailing On/type/op/

I'm supersized how it went from 0-100 in a blink of an eye. I honestly feel very meh about steam, but it's not ruining my life to have my games there.

Get rekt steamdrone. The only thing getting banned is you.

The PC community was like this with Graphics Cards and other PC parts.
It’s very hypocritical of them to claim they are above console wars, yet they fight each other over Hardware parts and free game launchers, and have the spamming being 100x more than what Sôniggers and Nintöddlers spam.



It's much better to assume everyone is a retard.
Assuming people are being "ironic" just allows further retardation to spread.

>"Why aren't there two analogue sticks?!"
Even that is an easy fix with a simple mod. The REAL complaint should be "Why isn't there a d-pad on the steam controller?!"

Attached: s-l1600.jpg (1024x1024, 133K)

People who think valve haven't done anything or that 30% is too much are playing right into timmy's narrative.

Good little easily led shills.

I haven't seen anything that makes me think Valve earns their 30%

Fucking this
Prototype > Final

Attached: valve-steam-controller-redesign_800.0.jpg (1200x800, 62K)


>taking anything on Yea Forums serious

the fact that people are willing to pay it despite other online shops existing?

Who cares about Steam's side projects or Valve as a company?
Steam sales are by far the best thing to come out of vidya in this decade.

I use steam everyday, if there a choice i'll choose a steam key over any other store, however, it shits me that steam can be so inept and awful in a few key ways and I encourage any competition it gets.

Some of the most outdated and inexcusable parts of steam include how the store has to reload entirely every time you go to any of the other tabs, such as library. How adding something to cart requires another page load instead of just putting an item in your cart, how there isn't even a refresh button on the store page (although you can right click on the store and hit reload).

Considering it earns valve probably 99% of their profits and is by far the largest online video game store in the world it really should be better, or at least a smoother more modern experience.

okay, this is STEAM

Yea Forums is seething because the white race will die but China will keep going strong

Enjoy being literally Iraq or Mexico while I keep my Han purity

what does gog do to earn their 30%?

Quick reminder that OP is a Reddit tourist.


Attached: ALERT.jpg (720x720, 54K)

epic STEAM, bro

How are these things anyways? Current pc controller is getting iffy so looking into replacing it at some point.

Possibly nothing

You mean the steam controller? It's great for anything that doesn't require the precision of a dpad (don't expect to do too well on Super Meat Boy or any Fighting game with this). It's easily the best controller on the market for FPS games (second only to M+K), since you get not only the clickable trackpads, but gyro controls (think Splatoon) and two extra buttons on the back in the form of grips (kind of like the Elite controller). ZDoom is absolute bliss to play with this controller. Your thumb does have to reach a bit for the analog stick and face buttons though.

op started it nigger

I forgot the best part, which is that you can pretty much customize every aspect of this controller, including dead zones, anti-deadzones, sensitivity, trackball emulation, etc, which comes in super handy for getting the perfect feel in each game.

I do have to wonder what the purpose of the left trackpad is for? The only thing I ever found it useful for is as a scroll wheel browsing webpages. Has any game taken advantage of the left pad in any meaningful way?

Not him, but I'll ask a followup question: How well does it work for non-Steam games? I pirate games a lot and am thinking of getting another controller for when I play on PC so I don't have to switch around my PS4 controller all the time.

DXVK has been amazing.

Most anti-epic shills are redditors

It depends entirely on if the game plays nicely with the Steam Overlay. If you're able to display the Steam overlay while in the game, then you should be able to fully configure the Steam controller to use with it. Otherwise, GloSC (Global Steam Controller) may assist with that.

The Steam Controller needs the steam overlay in order to work, since it relies on that for configurations (you need to access the overlay to configure the controller).

What's DVXK?

It's a wine compatibility tool that gets a good majority of new games running perfectly on linux.

What is wrong with gamers?

Attached: 1555032638290.png (1128x4591, 337K)

why does an ostensibly left wing subreddit enjoy gobbling corporate dick so much?

Attached: 1535681973572.jpg (720x480, 50K)

I thought that was Proton. Unless that's just Steam's implementation of DVXK.

>Unless that's just Steam's implementation of DVXK.


They they are not real leftists anymore, are they? More like moralist corporatists, so essentially rightists labeling themselves left and being shunned by their rightist brothers for espusing a different set of morals (cosmopolitanism vs. traditionalism for example).

The left in the classical marxist or social democratic sense is pretty much dead at this point imO, coinciding with the downfall of western civilization

Leftists don't care about slave labor because it made their phone

>the guy who gladly lapped up console DRM and pay2play online is talking down to anyone else

LMAO @ all you DRM kiddos. I'll be sailing the high seas while you continue to bootlick.

>have to choose between an obese billionaire running a company that no longer makes games, or Chinese overlords

When choosing between anything and the Chinese, always choose the non-Chinese option.

fat lazy jew or chinks

who should fuck my ass, pcchads

Honestly, Steam drone, has Valve anything success in the few year?

>Steam? Flop
>Steam? Flop
>Steam? Flop
>Steam? Flop
>Steam? You better believe that was a Steam
>Steam 2? Not even Steam to even be a Steam
>Steam Steam? Steam
>Steam Steam Steam? Steam Steam

Literally the only steam they steam is from steam steaming other steam steams like a steam steamsteam, and that's steam steam steam.

Attached: 248720C7-711F-4B26-B3B5-A3393F652DD4.gif (500x375, 499K)

Damn, we broke the steam drone lmao

Attached: how epic.png (1155x794, 853K)

Even chink AI sucks, just like Epic.

Honestly Sony faggot. Has Sony made anything right lately?
>banned Omega Labyrinth Z in the west
>forced censorship on Japanese video games, even in fucking Japan
>treat Japanese devs like trash, to the point they praise Nintendo

You could say the same about your beloved "based Sony". They haven't made a single good game in years. The only shit they do now is SJW propaganda garbage.

>Fired devs
>Still spouting this garbage
People who worked on shit like the card game got fired.

> SteamOS?拍击声
> Steam Link?拍击声
> Shartifact?你最好相信这是一个翻牌
> Steam视频?拍击声
> Steam VR?被解雇的开发者

Can you PCfags stop with the platformwars?
They're getting worse than console wars at this point.