This game is 1000% carried by SOUL alone. It can be as janky as it wants...

This game is 1000% carried by SOUL alone. It can be as janky as it wants, this first attempt at a game from a bunch of slavs that loved making it beats any quadzillion budget EA bullshit out of the water

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Playing through the game with De Vries' Extract was an interesting experience.

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>it's bad, but i like it
A lot more sensible and zero theatrics.

the game is janky as fuck and looks pretty awful by modern standards but i still really enjoyed going through it without any prior knowledge of the witcher at all.

Nah, too much padding and the combat is too shallow to be interesting. There's absolutely no point in replaying TW1 after beating it once. TW2 on the other hand has more interesting combat with a bunch of builds that make it worth replaying and the story content isn't just a constant back and forth. TW2 even had that arcade thing if you wanted to enjoy just the combat.

Soul thread?
What other game has Soul? Anyone played Elex?

>looks pretty awful by modern standards
I'm not a fangirl like OP, but what a useless rubric.

>What other game has Soul?
Battleblock Theater

Well said. It's a flawed masterpiece.

Cave Story is drowning in Soul.

I honestly thought that TW1 had the best gameplay and story of the entire trilogy as well.
The atmosphere's damn great though.

>There's absolutely no point in replaying TW1 after beating it once.
I've beaten it 4 times already, and would love to do 5th. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Then again, you seem to be a yet another action-faggot who fails to understand the meaning of "ROLE-playing" in the term "RPG".

So how exactly do you ROLE-play the unpredictability of a medieval poland fantasy monster hunter character on your 2nd playthrough when you know all the plot twists and basically the whole journey is limited to jumping between the same few NPCs to finish boring tasks?

I played it up to that part where your sorceress friend teleports you outside the city to save you from an angry princess. Then I dropped it because the game was too horrible and I couldn't bear it anymore.
I decided to never touch a Witcher game again, doesn't matter how much the internet hypes the third game.

Yeah, we get it: you only beat the game once, and think you are some hot shit that knows what's going on.

But let's just pretend that the game would not have five or so endings, dozens of events that can change completely through out the whole game depending on your actions, and fucktons of optional content to enjoy.

>optional content to enjoy
And what's that? Cause y'know I'd rather just read a book or play a video game that's not about fetch quests. You can't deny that TW1 is completely imbalanced with the MMO like fetch quests.

>And what's that?
you know, LIVING in the world?
Drinking, gambling, getting a fucking house and married...

>b-b-but muh fetch quests!!
Get fucked kid, and go back to your Sekiro or something.

Okay bro you know what nevermind you're clearly a lunatic if that's what you're getting out of your vidya. Godspeed

>whoa! You enjoy role playing... in a role playing game??
>lol fag! :^)

Yeah I don't know user I've been playing RPGs forever and have no problem autistically completing stuff like Pillars or older ones like Torment and shit, but what you described is just gay

Nah, you're just too ADHD and underaged to even realize that vidya can be about something much more than just killing shit for EXP.

Except it's kids/teens who tend to overdo the imagination thing. I used to love getting immersed into worlds playing adventure games, but you sorta grow out of it, you know? I'd seriously reevaluate some things if I were you

your loss



the gameplay gets pretty good if you play on hard, because it makes you utilize everything you have unless you just use upgraded igni spam

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