How's your aim doing user? csgo thread

How's your aim doing user? csgo thread

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>playing CSGO

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stop playing this garbage

>most popular game on steam

A+ on esea and ge mm and quit. i hate csgo.

I havent touched CSGO since they nerfed the R8 in its original update, all I know is that they managed to ruin Dust_2 even more and that they destroyed all of the gun noises

Is it a good time to sell all of my original crates from 2013?

Attached: CSGO during the R8 update.jpg (2000x1333, 406K)

There are no competitors to this game.

When did you realize that peeker's advantage is a meme?

Is this why the /csgog/ doesn't exist anymore on >>/vg/. It's this hard to keep a csgo thread up?

There's not much to discuss desu.

It's the only game still out there where you can shout nigger and spic at people over the mic and nothing will happen.

Anyone who primarily uses AWP should be hanged

just recently finished a dust2 match
this time i was unusally positive for the heck of it

and you can do that in every other FPS pre 2013 as well

I just alt-f4'd in the middle of a dust2 match.

do people really not like the new gun noises? as an outsider i thought they sounded better. i always felt like it was a case of pc gamers being your typical entitled manbabies

I didn't even know there were new gun sounds.

fucking when?

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My friends and I got into it after playing nothing but r6s for a while its pretty fun but learning maps again hurts

I used to play csgo but the whole "you have to stop completely else you'll shoot behind you" bullshit had me tired. Now I only pay sniper in tf2 or some rail instagib on quake live.
Not the same but it's quite more fun.

I love csgo and getting better at it, I keep training almost every days even when I'm not playing comp
but the 2+ millions ban just from the start of this year and the cheating epidemic in this game, with legit hacking and other stuff like this, and how bold people are to grief/cheat while being proud of it.. I'm starting to enjoy training more than the actual game

Have you tried 1.6?

pretty much all of the new changes took away most of the power from the sounds, I dont give a shit about realism

I run a 1.5 server that's full every night.


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Not him, but I think he meant that there's no other games that are competing for the same players that CS/GO has. There's no competitors.

Gun noises were changed few times.
I prefer 1.6 sound even if it was unrealistic.

I'd rather see tuscan.

Alright, lets get this party started.

pretty old now

lol, they use to sound like the microphone being used to record was inside of a tin can. everything sounds much more crisp and clean now.

yeah it's just 13 year old russians

I still play source. Deal with it.

Help bros.
Of the past 7 games I won 6 and tied 1, why the fuck can't I rank up?

Played it a lot back then, moved to csgo after.

Why don't people use ultrawide since it gives you a larger field of view?

You probably provide little to no impact on these wins.

Because you will be less concentrated.

Because seeing a wide angle isn't important in CS. You're usually just holding specific angles and you don't need a wide view for that. In fact settings that give you a "zoomed-in" feel/look are usually most wanted, which is why people play 4:3 professionally.

>not taping a small piece of paper on the middle of the screen

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What's the best way to practice aim? I often have my crosshair on enemy, but got no hits.

CSGO feels so bad while playing. Yes the gun sounds etc are nice but the way bullets fly and impact feels like paintball. Dont like this game

download the map in the workshop called aimbotz or something like that. There may be a few, get the highest rated one/most downloaded one. Then go to play CSGO, hit the drop down arrow and select "Workshop maps" and hit aimbotz. There you go.

>taping a small piece of paper in the middle of the screen
>not using a permanent marker to make a mark since your PC is a CS machine anyway

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This one

Back is Source I used to play those deathmatch maps where you would constantly spawn randomly somewhere and have to shoot everyone.

Its a shit coded hackfest which only became popular because of gambling on skins and watching big brother simulator

They made the Aug for people like you mate.

A friend told me that some former CS1.6 pro player got caught using wall hacks on his stream
Apparently you could see the screen reflected in his glasses

>only became popular because of gambling
cringe and zoomerpilled

I wonder why the 2 best guns in the game, awp and aug are the only 2 that shoot where you aim?i wonder why autists get so upset when you point that out, i mean all it took for a meta shift was a discount, they didnt even buff the aug its always been that good. But that aside, the coding is still shit, hit registration is luck half the time. And hackers are beyond rampant, ironically deathmatch has less hackers than casuals or especially ranked.
>inb4 theyre not hacking youre just bad
If you cant tell the difference youre the bad one. Ive played good shooters where hackusations were rampant *cough cough* quake, and it was never as bad as playing comp csgo

Wouldn't you see wallhack on the stream anyway if he were using it?

>Needing any form of indication for where the center of the fucking screen is
Jesus fucking christ user stop being so trash.

Guess thats why the game was a boring shitfest on release and didnt get popular until around 2013. Guess thats why the cs community took so long to leave 1.6 and source.

CSGO was shit on release due to underdeveloped state.

they sound a lot better, and aren’t as bad on the ears

if that was true, loads of people would be caught all the time

I got VAC'd from CS:GO and I don't regret it

Shut up, I bet you're one of those plebs who needs his eyes to see where he's going

How to fix the R8

i never learned to spray so i gave up

I never streamed and just thought that viewers see the same stuff that happen on your screen.

You don't need spray if you can land a headshot with the first bullet.

how to fuck do i get out of silver, i've never been this low in a game before. Every game i get people who have either never played a shooter before or are epic memer children.

cant do that either most of the time so i just whiff my spray

I've never hacked so I don't really know, but as I have streamed and I've watched several streams before, I know its possible to display only a specific thing despite having other things on top

EU MM is pure cancer
Literally everyone cheats because its so easy.