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GOAT Dragon Ball game. Don’t @ me


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>kageyama will never do dragonball music again

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Just give me BT4 already. I don't give a fuck, if you just take BT3 and add another 30 characters. I'll eat that shit up.

Best game, best theme song.

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BT3 was shit, every single character was one of three or four different archetypes recycled. Even the moves were samey as fuck.
Budokai 3 was better.

>quantity over quality
this game was so shit and only mexicans loved it

Imagine being this unironically wrong lmao


>They prefer the game where 3/4ths of the roster have the same exact moveset
How's it feel to be retarded?

Best game and song

Suck my dick.

I don't know, I'm not a drooling moron who prefers having a roster of a total of 15 characters that all play the exact same.

Why did none of the games after this have as many characters as this? They made a game like this for PS3, Raging Blast. It and its sequel never came close.

Why do that when you can sell it as DLC?

>He thinks Budokai 3 only has 15 characters

You kinda are though if you enjoy BT3.

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Infinite World is my favorite DragonBall Z game, but I also love BT3

>opinion that matters
Pick one and only one

DLC. Any extra effort a developer thinks they can put into a game, a publisher thinks they can make people shell out more money for it.

You know we're talking about DBZ right?

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>30 new characters for BT4
Here we go, boys. Make your lists. No need to mention transformations and fusions. Just new slots.

Calling Dragon Ball weebshit is like calling Mario or Pokemon weebshit, it's one of those things that has transcended weebshit and actually has near universal appeal.

hes right though whers your argument? bt3 has a million characters that all play the fucking same. you niggers are so stupid and overhype this mediocre game so much

>considering the most mainstream anime that every normie knows of as weebshit
Come on lad


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Read the thread you dumb shit. Can't argue that Budokai is better if you got less characters and they still all the play the same way. Now do us all a favor and go toss yourself off the nearest cliff

GOAT for years but it will soon be dethroned if and when Xenoverse 3 releases.

That's part of the issue for sure. Another thing is that most people won't decide to buy a DBZ game or not based on its roster past the obvious inclusions such as the Z fighters and key villains.

Smaller roster doesn't mean shit when a massive chunk of BT3's roster is trash like Frieza soldiers #1-#5.

If you referring to the Ginyu Force, literally not a single one plays the same lmao

Why would I talk shit about the Ginyu Force? Those guys are great.
I'm talking about shitters like Raspberry.

>BT3 with proper online never ever

Even the shitty Frieza soldiers had variety, like the old guy that would sprint at full speed sending your ass flying in the air. Literally no other character had that attack

Sad but true.

I still hope emulatorfags somehow manage to make it happen