How long is the Pokemon fad going to last for? Are people seriously going to play this in 30 years time when there's 10,000 pokemon and it's still a boring milked rehash?
How long is the Pokemon fad going to last for? Are people seriously going to play this in 30 years time when there's 10...
Well as the saying goes
Quantity over quality
Pokemon hasn't been good since the forth gen and it sucks. Normalfags and newfags will still continue to buy the games though so it doesn't matter.
>implying 4th gen is better than 5th gen
5th gen was fantastic, but HGSS is objectively the most content packed, solid entry in the series
>unironically thinking gen 5 is better than gen 4.
Considering pokemon is the first game of its kind, it'll probably keep going until gamefreak decides to pull another gen 3 and make everything obsolete
You mean children?
Gennfouries, fuck off
As long as nostalgia, genuine fans, and children exist, the series will continue to go.
Nintendo hit a goldmine with this in that several strategies can work with it.
Imagine if a ten year break happened. It would become an inevitable hype train, and said game would be a major success.
What if they do a yearly series? It will make a crap ton of money. Spinoffa, movies, media? All proven ways to make money.
Pokemon just works out almost every time. Slap Pikachu's face on a bus or some electronics and some kid is gonna wanna associate with it even if there is nothing to do with Pokemon itself.
At this point, I'd be shocked if Pokemon ever did stop. It's a gravy train with no end in sight
>straight line
I ask that about capeshit every time Marvel shits out another movie.
The thing about humans is that we make new humans that can experience things for the first time. Pokemon is a rehashed series, but modern kids don't know that, for them there have only been 2 or so games and a bunch of old retro games not worth their time.
That too
>implying I think gen four is the best gen
I don't even @ sinnohfetuses anymore, they're worse than genwunners
It's a franchise, not a fad. Furbies were a fad.
People have been asking this for over 20 years.
It's not a fad when it's been going on for 20 plus years.
When SwShi flop and they permanently switch to Go style games.
I really just wish they'd do something interesting with the multiplayer aspect. Wondertrade was a nice little addition 2 fucking gens ago, let's see more stuff like that.
How long is the Simpsons fad going to last for? Are people seriously going to watch it in 30 years time when there's 10,000 episodes and it's still a boring milked rehash?
>hidden ITT: its 1998 thread
sephiroth is like the coolest guy ever
it's time to play other mongames user
I'm currently playing Crystal Clear rom hack and having a blast. It's too bad the new games can't be this good.
I liked the DQM 3DS remake and DQMJ1+2. The guys who did the fan translation for DQM 3DS also tried making one for Joker 3 but it's buggy as fuck and just so much less polished overall, very disappointing.
It's the other way around
Not for Pokemon it isn't.
>implying the series didn't die after 3rd gen
Superman and Batman are like what? 80 years old?
Pokemon will be around for a while.