Zelda on pc

>zelda on pc
>mario on pc
I'm selling my switch as we speak lads,
what's a good price to ask for it?


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>selling a console
get the fuck out normie

the number of times you got laid x 8

I clearly can't ask thousands for a 300$ toy


>My PC Specs: i7 8700k @5.0Ghz 16gb DDR4 3200Mhz RAM GTX 1080ti 11gb 256gb NVME M.2 SSD
>buying a 1000+ dollar PC to play nintendo games

I'll give you one (you), but nothing more for it

why don't you already have one?

>buying switch

Attached: Sthenoaf.png (350x498, 257K)

Why would I?

Why would anyone honestly, there's nothing exclusive on PC.

>zelda mario
who cares
where is smt5

>>Why would I?
>Why would anyone honestly,

you are under assumption a pc can only play games

what else does it do your chink smartphone can't?

who cares?

>no exclusives on PC
K' bro.

Did they ever fix the shader cache issues? I saw they had some new software for it.

>what else does it do your chink smartphone can't?
encoding video

that's a nice list you've posted to prove me wrong bro

in before your list of twenty year old rpgs

>check yuzu website
>xbc2 back to "Won't Boot" from "main menu" as of latest build
yeah fuck off bing bing wahoo devs

why do you want to play a gatcha game

just fap to the lewds

>why do you want to play a video game
idk, check what board we're on

>it's only a valid exclusive if it was launched 1 month ago!

I sold my Switch because it was a giant piece of garbage with no games that felt like a cheap toy, I don't care for its games anymore, Yuzu will definitely run like shit for at least some more years, so if you are selling it at least have a valid reason faggot

>idk, check what board we're on
we hate videogames here

Attached: ackchyually.png (200x200, 24K)

>Proceeds to cream himself to the thought of playing Nintendo games
>Meanwhile nobody cares to try their hand at emulating PS4, much less X1
Glad we seem to agree that Nintendo still makes the best software no matter what

This is 100% nintendo's own fault for having a console that only plays 720p on fucking 2019

>i paid 1200 dollars to play 20 year old pc games

kek indeed

>>Proceeds to cream himself to the thought of playing Nintendo games
these two things can go together.

I loved botw but you will never catch me buying a switch

Any console you own is a toy. Your pc is a fucking toy because I doubt you're firing up those spreadsheets on there faggot.

My keyboard doesn't feel like it will shatter on a moment's notice.

Imagine seething this hard over an emulator.

If you only want AAA you got me there, but you would be a filthy peasant. Furthermore AAA games nowadays are pretty shitty.

If we are talking about Games PC is the real deal. Its fucking common sense. I wont even bother to post a +9000 gamelist here.
If you dont know how to find games for PC its your only fault. Grow a littlw and try again.

imagine having to donate money to patreons to get people to make emulators to have games worth playing on your 1200+ dollar platform

>games look like they're running at half speed

I mean it's neat that it's progressing so fast but it's still not a good replacement yet, and probably won't ever be because the switch is designed around being portable.

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>I don't know anything about pc building, so it's impossible to have a sensible priced build!

>Your pc is a fucking toy
was gonna disagree with this but you're honestly right considering all the led shit and rice thats being pushed on mainstream. what a god damn travesty pc "gayming" is right now. bunch of flashy kids toys that would were downright ridiculed a decade ago.

>i could prove you wrong i just don't want to

...thanks for proving my point

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Its all impressive and important for the archival of videogames but right now I use the online and portable features of my switch too much to bother with this.

In the future it will be nice when I cant be fucked to plug the switch in anymore.

This was exactly my plan all along. Buy a switch and pirate all the games and when yuzu gets good I sell the hackable switch for a jewish amount.

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>portable features of my switch
you get ridiculed by people in the street,
are you aware?

epic meme word of the month you got there

1) I play at work/when I travel or commute
2) I dont care about some random spastics

Hope you're aware that you're a nigger.

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>epic meme word of the month you got there
XB2 is literally based on "rolling" the right blades

some people spend 150hrs until they can progress with the right blade

it's an offline gatcha masquerading as jprg

post a timestamped pic of your switch?

>the right blade

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>update yuzu
>majority of games went from working to completely busted
>but now you can bing bing at 400% wahoos

you get ridiculed by people in the street without even doing anything

what OP posted is still not in canary,
patreon only

I paid ~700 to be able to run newer games acceptably to me, older games perfectly, and emulate games well enough that I don't notice the difference.

Fuck, for that matter, who cares how old the games are? I'm having FUN, user.
That's what all this is about. Fun. I like my PC, and I'm not some obnoxious retard who's insecure about what I spent my money on; I couldn't get it back if I wanted to, so regrets around it would be pointless and dumb anyways.

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>>Fuck, for that matter, who cares how old the games are? I'm having FUN, user.
>That's what all this is about. Fun.

this kills the Yea Forums

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yeah that's why you're getting so mad about it

>portable means you're playing it on the street
I can't just, like, bring it to a friend's house or something?
>you can with PS4 and XBo-
Yes I know you can, obviously, like, fuckin' duh, but it's way easier for me to slap my switch and a spare set of joycons in a bag in comparison to a bigass console that takes up over 8x the space and has controllers that take up even more, and then have to worry about the shitter HDD that's in it and everything.

I can pack up my switch leisurely in like five minutes and unpack it in the same, because it's designed for it.

I can't pack up my PS4 or PC in the same way unless it's my thinkpad I guess

>a friend's house
I didn't know I was on r3ddit

next you tell me you have a gf

>sweet maybe ill check it out
>i7 8700/1080ti
I hate these performance reports, at least show it off on a mid range hardware.

That is mid range.

I wasn't the user you replied to, you great big dummy

clearly midrange, you south america monkey

>graphics card alone 700 bucks upwards
Care to humblebrag harder about how much cash you have to throw out, anons?

>hurr you're a millionaire
The world isn't going to sit around and wait for you. Things have moved on and a 1080 is mid range these days. I've still got a 750ti and have no reason to upgrade until it dies but I'm not going to fool myself and say any hardware better than what I have is some high end shit.

not those assholes but my 1060 cost me 300 bucks and is powerful enough to play whatever the fuck you want

If you already have the games and console why the hell would you sell it?
Not even new game is going to run flawlessly on a emulator right away, hell even Cemu still has problems and it had a ton of support for botw. I can understand if you didnt have a switch

>700 bucks
Damn, and it thought I was finally gettting a decent lap top... oh, well, at least the games I like don't need too much shit to run I think

Yuzu at it's current state might as well be a Mario odssey PC port given its current compatibility

Yuzu is a Mario Odissey emulator. Nothing else works. But you should still sell your chinese tablet while it's worth a shit.

Daily reminder that a $60 Pentium G4560 still a more powerful cpu than base PS4 and XBone