What went wrong?

What went wrong?....
>Ds2 2

Attached: sekiro-shadows-featured.jpg (1200x675, 190K)

Other urls found in this thread:


seems like a soulsfag trying to play this game like its another dark souls
ita not u dumbfuck

Nothing, Soulsfags are seething because From removed everything that made the previous games subpar.

Thank you, this actually just talked me out of buying the game.

3 ninjas throwing projectiles from different angles while jumping over me and meleeing and I have to traverse shit and choose between 3 defensive moves at the same time or I lose progress and have to retread.

How about no. I'll buy Baba is You

Wow it's almost as if it's an action game.

This looks like onimusha for retards

>Yikes that combat
Think I'll avoid this game for now
I heard it's only like 6 hours of gameplay too.

Attached: tumblr_m0717cnWLP1qetxs7o1_540.png (540x618, 192K)

>flying torpedo ninjas
you just convinced me to buy it

>he fell for r*ddit is you

>first nioh and now sekiro
based souls brainlets

>enemy makes some fucking airplane noises as he dives out of the sky to fuck you in the ass
no, this is perfect

Attached: 1473789546633.png (1346x697, 1.27M)

>Ds2 2
So it's gonna be a good game?

I heard it's actually around 2 hours for 100% completion

Comeone you got to try harder on the bait

Got it on steam! Sorry discord baby

You can do it in 1, trust me.

wow thats looks really fucking cool
seeth harder

damn with a source like this how could I think anything else

It's actually 20 min with cutscenes

were you watching the gameplay? This dude was panicking and just kept advancing through the area, if he approached this situation better he probably wouldn't have had to deal with that erratic mess

>Make the player character faster and able to hookshot
>people complain you'll just be able to hookshot out of combat so it will be casual
>turns out you can't because they turned up the enemy speed and flying fucking ninjas
>"wtf how am I expected to dodge all these enemies"
fuck off kindly

>Airplane ninjas

Attached: 1550660539127.jpg (546x395, 25K)

This isn't dark souls, and thank God from is finally elevating itself from that trash. Sekino is looking far better than any shitty fucking souls game.

I'm sure some speedrunner will actually be able to make it through in 2 hours in a month or two

Who do I have to suck off/kill to get the game early

>2 hours of gameplay
>0.5 weapons
>no messages
>no dragon
>no moonlight gs

wow that's a hard pass from me

More like Sekiro: Wait for Half Price


You sound like a casual

Such low testosterone from a single post

>The Seikiro Virgin
Ugly graphics
Stiff, stilted combat
Meme difficulty
Enemies randomly copy-pasted into environment
Fan base full of normies

>The DMC Chad
Gorgeous visuals
Fluid, stylish gameplay
Multilayered difficulty that rewards mastery rather than simply memorizing enemy placements
Tightly crafted combat scenarios
Deep, moving storytelling that could bring a tear to any devil’s eye
Vibrant fanbase of enthusiasts that bond over a genuine love of the game and who help one another improve and grow not just as players, but as human beings

that dmc game is a big yikes

so is the game actually bad or it's just Yea Forums going tortanic at random games again?

faggot motherfcuker
user who got early says 5hours in and only 3 mini boss and real one
game hard
fuck you


objectively the latter, the game will do really well. Whether or not it's good is up in the air but it looks really fun

Devil May Cry? More like People Enjoying Good Games May Cry! HAHAHA

Is nobody gonna address the fucking ninja flying at Mach 6 speed

>Multilayered difficulty that rewards mastery rather than simply memorizing enemy placements
best dmc meme
>Deep, moving storytelling that could bring a tear to any devil’s eye
based retarded anime story

Attached: 789.gif (250x250, 1.16M)

Play and judge for yourself.

Never trust Yea Forums

DaS 2 without build variety, environment variety and PvP

Attached: ha.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

Stop trying to cause infighting you aspie, you do this every thread. I'm a DMCfag since 16 years ago and I'm grabbing Sekiro even if I'm gonna keep no-lifing DMC5 for years.

No fuck you I’m up past my bedtime and I’m having fun

I heard the game plays itself for 10 minutes and then it bricks your console/PC

Attached: 1464083705361.gif (260x170, 2.96M)

>I’m up past my bedtime
We can tell

I heard that Sekiro is your mother will die in her sleep if you don't reply to this post with "fuck trannies".

fuck trannies

Well, I didn't want to say this, but: Fuck you.

>tumblr filename
>tumblr opinion
>tumblr faggot

Attached: 1445158248362.png (640x960, 88K)

I'm gonna fuck a tranny.

Oh my god that fucking sound, was that the ninja or the dumbass playing it?

>only guy streaming is a german owner of a shop

most of them are getting copies today I think

It's okay my mother dies twice.

Attached: 1329346700325.gif (250x273, 608K)

Imagine being this bad at videogames

fuck trannies

>Stiff, stilted combat
this has already been proven false by people who own the physical copy early

>retard tries running through the area and gets jumped by several enemies
>continues to try and run trough
>airplane ninja cuts in down like the low testosterone player he is
Thanks just preordered

>>airplane ninja
You can even see him hovering in the background


>ninja goes full kamikaze on that dude

Attached: 1527189186350.jpg (800x600, 36K)

Fuck you

Attached: 1551458338097m.jpg (719x1024, 57K)

I need a 9/11 edit stat

fuck trannies

Fucking excellent taste user, your mother will have long and prosperous health. Also would rim haha.

>Souls cuck tries to play Sekiro like a souls game

Attached: 1521775128471.jpg (1024x768, 115K)

Holy shit I fucking died when that dude flew in killing him. I'm considering buying this now.

>that ninja suicide attack
Holy shit if there's stuff like that littered in the game, then this is going to be fun

Attached: 1531054035657.jpg (350x355, 51K)

>intense combat
>instakilled by helininjas
fucking kek im in tears

This is good bait, but both games have airplane enemies, so I like both

All you who shit talked my post are about to be crying in another day. I've played video longer than most of you have lived and I am telling you right now that this game on release is hardest all time territory. I can see it. You can't.

Cant wait until tommorow when all the faggot e celebs are gonna have video titles and pictures spoiling the game

What's the problem here? Game looks fun.

>That flying ninja just cutting through him

Attached: f73.png (250x250, 96K)

>Shuriken Ninjas
All thats missing are explosive Kunai that stick to you even if you block.

Fuck trannies indeed

>souls shitters finally put in their place
kino feeling

Fuck trannies

>that death
Oh fuck I'm dying

Attached: 1549240929352.gif (540x304, 1.78M)

fuck trannies

Soulschad here. I already preordered Sekiro. The only fags that are seething are the anti-souls babbies.

Attached: 20180804_110155.jpg (2468x2268, 762K)

The fucking flying ninjas convinced me to buy this game.

>fuck trannies
fuck trannies

Post pictures of your cat

No you lying retard, the game is confirmed 19 minutes long with minus 5 bosses.

Attached: 20180604_173414.jpg (4032x2268, 2.16M)

Gonna have bad feels when the dragonrot starts spreading hard and ill be too shit to do anything about it.
Yes i know you can heal the rot but i bet thats after you prove to the game that you are worth its time.

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So adorable, you're the best. Love the pillow too.

It's just lazy as fuck.
The game is basically 99% Souls but lacks equip you find (you'll always use the same weapon) and has zero online play.

It's also set in the most tired and generic ass trope-filled setting possible. Muh cherry blossoms and snowy backdrop japanese castles and pagodas.

Insiders are calling it Sekiro: Guns of the Patriots.

>soulbabies are still mad that they're not getting another dark souls that reuses dark souls 1 location

Mabe you shouldn' t watch a retard playing the game.

>From thinking they can get away with doing no effort copy and paste games for years

Feels good to of never played them man

There's an item you can use to reset it. It only spreads if you want it to.

Imagine this casual trying to play Ninja Gaiden 2.

I love Souls and have little interest in Sekiro right now.
Boring ass setting and no replayability.

>ive never played the games
>here is my opinion on them
just post a picture of shit and say "this is my opinion"

there has to be a downside. no way they let you off the hook this easily

Yeah we haven't heard this bait before.
It's Souls that had a stale setting and Sekiro clearly has more replay value.

Get BTFO'd

Sekiro is SO lazy they literally just did a ctrl+c and ctrl+v from Bloodborne

Attached: 1543215150572.jpg (1920x1080, 416K)

An extremely limited item most definitely. I bet you get a few per playthrough and if you waste them too early then you have no way to cure anyone for the rest of the playthrough.

We made it so you can cure the dragonrot but it will kill an npc every time you use the item.

I think it's like hollowing in DS3, you'll probably get access to an optional questline if you let the dragonrot spread and kill npcs instead of healing them.

> Sekiro clearly has more replay value.
>no online
>no different weapons to use

Uhh yeah nice replay value. I guess I'll just do the same thing I already did last run.

Attached: 1530579735026.png (211x239, 6K)

>imagine being this retarded
I feel bad for this little fella.
Too stupid to see that Sekiro is completely different from their previous games.
Too dumb to even figure out there is nothing in that image that is copypasted from Bloodborne.

>he thinks online added replay value to the games
99% of people never even once tried co-op or PvP in any From games, the replay value came from the great single player content being replayable.
>I guess I'll just do the same thing I already did last run.
Gee, maybe you could also just do a completely different build? Considering Sekiro has a lot of build variety. Just a thought.

seems like the skill trees are going to end up providing a lot of variability in gameplay

t. never got the true ending in BB

Fuck trannies until they love me.

Is this a shill disguised as a shitposter? This looks cool as fuck

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holy shit this looks awesome
I'm so addicted to these kind of games and it feels even better when they have some change and innovation to the formula in them

>Deep, moving storytelling

As the air to a bird, or the sea to a fish, so is contempt to the contemptible

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>Sekiro is completely different from their previous games.

it has same skeleton tho. its soulsbornekiro game.

>poor fag

Im saying
fuck you to my rent just to play this game, that's how excited I am.

wtf that looks horrible and it has those bloodborne loading times too oh no

>soulsbabbies mad they can't roll through everything

Attached: 1552760833431.jpg (591x643, 206K)

>Sengoku Japan
Could they have picked something less interesting?

Attached: 1548812416571.jpg (559x568, 20K)


are you saying you never played a liner game more than once?

how does it feel that sekiro will snatch official Yea Forums Goty trophy? and Gotd is literally fight between three fromgames, Dark souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro.

shut your whore mouth

All I want is Ninja Gaiden B/2 hard game and I can die happy man.

Is there a reason to get this on PC over say an Xbox One X?

Games like these are always much more optimized for consoles and just try to brute force PC performance.

Yes, they could have made yet another European setting game.

Not having shit taste?

Yeah, they should have picked medieval Europe for the 1000th time instead.

>implying things I never said

You can't deny that Sekiro has objectively less replayability than other Souls titles, which is why you had to go "w-well yeah whatever have you never replayed a linear game???"

>people complaining about the difficulty
>gaurentee they never beat Hotline Miami 2

Yes, generic high fantasy
Look at lords of the fallen

i was concerned about not getting steady 60 fps on ps4 pro so i went with PC. not sure how xbox is

why would I play hotline miami it looks like shit from year 1990

>Flying beyblade ninja from orbit.
>Makes airplane noises as he comes in.
Fucking Sold.

Fuck your derailing.

My nigga.

Attached: Dog visit.png (1536x1536, 2M)

>No DeS

I did. What does that have to do with this? Nothing about those fields is copypaste you subhuman troll.

hotline miami is indiegame of the decade, and literally better and more charming than TW3 and Botw

fuck trannies

>bombarded with offscreen projectiles
If you're going to take something from Ninja Gaiden, don't take that.

Yeah, Dark Souls setting for one would have been a million times less interesting.
Of course we can deny that. Sekiro objectively has more replay value since it's got a non-linear world like DS1, but actually has build variety unlike Souls games.

I didn't play them either

This kills the Fromshill

Here's a pity (you) since no one else bit

He left the enemy alive, no wonder he was getting railed

You can buy all skills though, there's no alternate builds to replay the game for.

I'm starting to get some Ninja Gaiden 2 vibes from this. That Ninja "plane" suddenly flying into him from the sky seems like something that would have made Itagaki proud. DAY ONE BUY. I'M READY TO GET FUCKED UP THE ASS WITH NO LUBE AGAIN.

Should be easy to refund after beating it then

Looks sick and challenging to be honest now I'm hyped

It's a kite ninja, you see it waiting in the distance

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at 7.04.27 AM.png (595x295, 188K)

Hope the PC version is gud, japs sure are the worst when it comes to PC-ports

after he gets hit and dies, you can the string the kite is attached to come into view

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at 8.13.11 AM.png (447x321, 207K)

Fuck trannies

I wonder if I can hit 1080p 60fps with my i5 4670k and 4gb 770gtx?

Dark Souls 3 ran well for me. Would Sekiro run well too?

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you fucking retards

Attached: 1553083282217.jpg (4032x3024, 1.91M)


Hahahahah holy fuck this cuck is so frustrated he even made a thread, after making that pathetic post in several threads and getting BTFO in each

haha shadows die twice cause hes a nigger

>literally didn't get BTFO'd in any of them
Nice try though
I love steamrolling you pathetic tards

>some random darkie is enjoying another Miyazaki kino while you sit in the dark looking for spoilers and gameplay videos

>some autist trying to pit dmcfags against fromfags
>there's already shitposting about the game being shit even though it's not out
I feel bad for you sekirofags, it's as if you had a barry on your hands

So is this like the kite we saw on the demo in Senpou temple? You could lower it/reel it in. I wonder if that would eliminate that ninja later on.

How are steam controllers? I noticed valve selling them for like $15 if you buy sekiro

sekiro has the same requirements as ds3 pretty much. you should be fine

The ninja stars look stupid

I’ll pirate and try it

Careful with all those chromosomes spilling out


Never used one because they look like total ass. I don't know how you're supposed to function in a lot of games without a right analog stick.

how does the brap come out?

I can't imagine the little touchpad thing being a remotely suitable replacement for a right stick. IMO DS4s are the best controllers ever.

In the same boat. My 750ti toaster ran DaS3 perfectly fine but I think this is going to have to be a buy on PS4 and pirate on PC sadly. I think the 750ti era is finally over.

The guy's been doing this shit for years at this point, more people have just realised it is actually just one guy and his copy cats.

They're okay.
Track pads take some getting used to and you need to fiddle with the camera sensitivity for some games, but being able to remap any button on it to anything is more useful than you'd think.
In DS3 i changed one of the buttons on the back to a secondary "Joystick forward" so it was easier to keep moving while dicking about in the menu.

Right trackpad, like i said though it takes some getting used to and you need to fiddle with settings sometimes since it treats it like mouse-look depending on the game.
It works well enough.

Attached: Bretheren before wenches.png (970x546, 692K)

you guys are so fucking stupid how many times do you have to be told the game has the same requirements before you understand

Attached: Nigga.png (1228x1150, 191K)

Is that autistic moaning actually part of the game, or did OP decide to narrate the video clip with non-verbal grunting for some reason?

Attached: Guy-Eating-Cereal.jpg (1000x577, 144K)

it has more than das2 already

You're hearing a german streamer.

Did he forget his mic was on? Who wants to hear some kraut's heavy breathing over the game? I don't understand that whole scene.

>doesn't even pass the minimum requirements
>It will be fine! I have no idea how the port is, but it's fine!
I blame the current state of PCfaggotry for this because had this been the olden days the game would have been out and cracked already so people could try it out.

This is getting out of hand! Now there are two of them!!!

If your PC can run one current-generation console game, it can run them all.

youre talking about the kind of people retarded enough to livestream the game early and get banned. lmao

looks great

I don't know about that. Some games like Witcher 3 can really test your PC.

>italian text
>german streamer

This looks unbelievably based

White trash subhuman detected

you would be correct, miyazakino is at it again.

Attached: miyazaki.jpg (718x600, 35K)

Are Americans really so dumb they can't tell the difference betweem German and Italian? No wonder USA is falling apart

He's italian you fucking retard

>implying thats important
Theyre both euroniggers, thats all we need to know.

no we just don't care, your countries are like the size of our cities lmao you're like NPC countries and we are the player character

When's preload?


That looks fucking great. What's the problem?

Attached: irony.png (750x600, 333K)

>Expect some grounded-in-reality shit since we got rid of the Western Fantasy setting
>Kamikaze ninja appears

Oh, baby.

Attached: CHKEzN-UIAEymvS.jpg (600x600, 30K)

>has one ninja aggroed
>goes ahead and pulls another
>realises 2 ninjas will be a nightmare to deal with
>instead of retreating to an area that's free of enemies, he goes FORWARD and aggroes a 3rd one
Based retard.

Fromdrones will defend anything. It looks pretty mediocre.

what specifically looked mediocre? could you point to games that did those things better?

>Flying kamikaze ninjas
This looks fucking awesome.

Why does it look so mediocre?
>generic fantasy japan setting
>muh japanese castles, muh wooden buildings and pagodas
>muh onis muh stone statues muh samurai
>muh sky lanterns and muh cherry blossom trees
Everything about this setting is literally oozing tropes left and right, creatively bankrupt as fuck.

>hey bro here's a literal souls rehash with a more buttonmashy combat but we took away any and all multiplayer as well as replayability by removing equip that you'd normally find in a souls game, enjoy using the same weapon all game
But wait, Miyazaki the genius will include a crazy TWIST two thirds into the game and suddenly there'll be dragons and eldritch horrors and other wicked things!

*sigh* when will the weeb faggots learn

Attached: wyhfh.jpg (944x719, 285K)

hm2 was a step backwards from hm1 and the only way they achieved the difficulty was with offscreen sharpshooters, overabundance of windows and putting 8 giganiggas into a single room

Fucking kino.

Previous Souls games had items you'd find and equip like different weapon types.
Sekiro doesn't.
In previous Souls games you could invade other people and have fun, in Sekiro you can't.

very well crafted bait but just too heavy handed to be effective

455181636 copy pasted the same message again. i won't even dish out a (You) this time. Yikes bro.....

>what specifically looked mediocre?
Combat, enemy design, stupid spiderman grappling.
>could you point to games that did those things better?

I'd rather have a straight up Tenchu game than this shit. Or just Nioh 2 and even Ghosts of Tsushima.

>trying to stir shit up between japanese brogames when they are double teaming all the western shit this year together

Oh you're this poster lol nvm i thought there was a slight chance you were a good faith poster

>has build variety unlike Souls games

Bloodborne isn't the only Souls game, you know.

>Looks like it plays like Ninja Gaiden
Fuck yes

Attached: 332d646a116e773570a0e868e9c093dd.jpg (651x644, 145K)

But muh 1200 identical swords

>I'll buy Baba is You
good choice
tbqh sekiro will probably be an alright game but it's definitely no baba

Looks like NG mixed with Tenchu.

Why did Sekiro trigger Nintentards so fucking hard? For the past few weeks, they keep falseflagging and flooding Yea Forums with so many Sekiro shitposts. Really seems like they are still salty that From Software ignores Nintendo platform once again.

Attached: 1505441612351.png (382x417, 243K)

>HURR DURR if you don't like it you must be a nintendo fan!
Fuck off

>the most tired and generic ass trope-filled setting possible
What is medieval Europe.

>Really seems like they are still salty that From Software ignores Nintendo platform once again.
Pretty much this. They have no good games to play because nobody wants to downgrade their game so it's playable on Nintendos fisherprice tablet

It looks like ninja gaiden enemies but with none of the abilities you get in NG on the player's part so you probably have to rely on spamming just one or two fast, safe attacks to progress.

What are your reasons for disliking it? State them succinctly in a non-shitposting manner, and make actual arguments for your case.

Not going to bother since you already exposed yourself as a shitposter not worth having an actual discussion with

>you probably have to rely on spamming just one or two fast, safe attacks to progress.
That's exactly what you do in NG.

That's my first post in the thread, but whatever lol. Kinda just proving the other guy's point.

This is the first From game I might buy at launch and not wait until complete edition in sale.

Sounds great, that's how all the best action games play.

>all the fucking retards ITT that think it'll be anywhere near NG

Attached: 1545336789562.png (290x400, 119K)

looks kino as fuck

Attached: 1528150775281.jpg (741x431, 139K)

except you don't have UTs (or OTs if we include NG2) in this game, so there's no way to actually kill anything reasonably quickly while also being safe. the best you can do is poke with a single R1.

I picked up a preoder on cdkeys but I'm still not sold on the lame ass Japanese setting.

>It's just another seething falseflagging toddlertards trying to bait fanbase war
DMC5 and Sekiro are both EXCLUSIVELY not on Switch. PChads, Sonybros, and XBros all can enjoy both games. Go back to shilling your Travis Flops Again, retarded tendies.

Attached: 1551305370691.jpg (255x255, 17K)

player characters of diabetes and get shot?

Europe has like twice more population than USA though, and like 95% of that are white people while half of Americans are mongrels.
USA is a joke.

Jesus it really does look terrible. I was memeing before with some optimism but this looks like a solid 6/10 at best

Obvious bait but I'll bite.

>generic fantasy japan
Name 10 big titles in the last 5 years that used this setting. Protip: you wont.
Then I'll name 20 that took place in the boring ass medieval europe.

is this really the game? what the fuck.

Attached: 1551581389428.gif (325x244, 94K)

You should've realised when they showed the fucking giant monkey

Fantasy Europe is way more interesting than seeing wooden pagoda #29459

Well you see retard, this is not a Souls game, hence why it does not have those Souls game features.
>this mad for no reason
The gameplay is clearly insanely good, as are enemy designs. Tenchu was garbage compared to this, get real.

They don't even know where their own country is on a map, what did you expect?

You can really tell how mad Nintendofans are that they aren't getting Sekiro on the fishersprice tablet

>it's not a Souls game
>except 95% of it is exactly like a Souls game in every way as proven by all the early streams and footage of it
Yeah alright buddy

>same requirements as DS3
thank fuck
at least i can run that at ultra settings 60fps

Attached: speck.png (767x493, 34K)

Looks cool, right?

Even if that were true DS2 is the only dark souls game that wasnt dogshit. And this game is completely different anyway so M00T point, bro.

Attached: 1551065339517.jpg (220x220, 11K)

>actually has build variety unlike Souls games
I see you haven't played dark souls 2, the best one

Attached: 1550617281885.gif (216x288, 728K)

Final boss is obviously a noodle dragon
Screencap this

Attached: 5e220150bcfad112a65bddaa7eb208aa.jpg (1920x1080, 619K)

>Fantasy Europe is way more interesting
It's not. There's a reason every medieval Europe game has to add Tolkien shit and dragons every time. No one would want to play a game that was just made up of castle, larger castle, muddy peasant village, forest, cave.

What if I told you there's a dragon boss later on in Sekiro?

Nice bait

>seeing elves and dragons for the 100th time is way more interesting than finally seeing properly done japanese fantasy outside of some niche japan-only title
Other than Nioh there hasnt been a major game that used this setting in ages.

>the best one
the one that is the worst in every aspect except the shittiest one, pvp.

Alice a CUTE!

I literally just played a nu Tomb Raider game that has this exact setting complete with wooden jap castles on fire, fighting Onis, jumping from pagoda to pagoda, samurai statues and all that shit.

Don't need to scream cap, look at the achievements, noodle dragon with sword

Attached: gracious-gift-of-tears-sekiro-trophy-achievement.jpg (150x150, 5K)

is it supposed to look like a dog

any other good bosses leaked from trophies? I think a dragon would probably be a bonus boss myself. They aren't evil, are they?

Could see a shin-onryo or a tatarigami as the final boss though.

Let me guess like Souls games Sekiro too will have some super secret end boss that you only get if you do some specific things you wouldn't know to do unless you keep following a guide so you'll have to play through the game at least twice: First blind, then with a full guide.


Attached: 1537903637090.png (435x393, 147K)

none of the secret bosses/endings in past games ever required guides
it was just very difficult in figuring out how to get to them

I'm sure a lot of people figured out how to get Moon Presence just by playing yeah.

The game literally has notes telling you how to do it

Quite a few

Attached: Capture.jpg (693x1584, 113K)

>people whine the game is 20h long and has no replay value
>cheevos get leaked showing that the game has 4 endings
>people start whining they'd have to replay the game 4 times


>think a dragon would probably be a bonus boss myself. They aren't evil, are they?
It's a fucking dragon

Yeah but that makes me think it'll be a bonus boss. Most of the non-evil bosses in Bloodsouls are bonus bosses.


git gud

Everyone is a cunt of varying degrees in dark souls and Bloodborne
Also there's dragonrot, the dragon is very obviously responsible for it

People saying the guy in the OP is getting destroyed because he's playing the game like a Souls game. Isn't the game supposed to be an action game? Souls is more focused in 1v1s and multiple enemies in the screen is a very common thing in action games.

But is it a western dragon or asian dragon?

Oh, I haven't been keeping up with this game. What do we know?


so it's not automatically evil.

preordered on PC, my dick is fucking ready for 4k 60fps samurai kino

Found the games journo

The main guy is immortal because of his "dragon blood" and when he dies too many times he spreads a disease called dragonrot which affects people around it
If we want to go full EPIC 12 HOUR LORE ANALYSIS the dragon made a deal with the pc and the final boss will be you breaking the pact by killing him or something like that

The dragon PROBABLY*

thanks to you vaati has enough for 6 videos

>No PvP
>No levels
>No builds
>No shield
>No weapons
>No messages
>No covenants
>No newgame+
>Shit framerate
>No multiplayer
>Retarded story
>No bloodstains
>Only 11 bosses
>No replayability
>No heavy attacks
>Published by activision
>No stamina management
>No character customization
>The menu looks like a PS1 game
>Big red flashing sign to tell you when to dodge
>Only 12Gb, half the size of Dark Souls III at launch
>Just zipline all the way to the boss with the grappling hook
>90% of the enemies are dudes in japanese armor (i.e. not aesthetically superior western armor)



>>No PvP
>>No levels
>>No builds
>>No shield
>>No weapons
>>No messages
>>No covenants
>>No newgame+
>>Shit framerate
>>No multiplayer
>>Retarded story
>>No bloodstains
>>Only 11 bosses
>>No replayability
>>No heavy attacks
>>Published by activision
>>No stamina management
>>No character customization
>>The menu looks like a PS1 game
>>Big red flashing sign to tell you when to dodge
>>Only 12Gb, half the size of Dark Souls III at launch
>>Just zipline all the way to the boss with the grappling hook
% of the enemies are dudes in japanese armor (i.e. not aesthetically superior western armor)


Attached: 1516890524522.jpg (1718x1606, 745K)

I know this is just bait, but for the people who dont understands, sekiro shadows die twice is is own game and has nothing related to dark souls. It's like saying call of duty is the same as metal of honor

Attached: Capture.jpg (1609x1170, 185K)

Okay when THE FUCK is this releasing on steam and where THE FUCK is the preload? Fucking rrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Attached: 197.png (389x411, 200K)

DMC is always gonna be
Xxx, yyy, and you will be sucked.

>It's like saying call of duty is the same as metal of honor
aren't both trash shooters

Imagine being so mad about a game that you post the same stale lies in every thread, 20+ hours each day, and STILL being powerless to stop people from enjoying it.

this. Unless inordinate grinding is required, likely will have all skills by end.

I got a refund because of that post desu, I don't complain about shit before looking it up. When I did though, that's when I talked to Steam support.

sure you did

>that screaming kite ninja

Attached: 1525150858381.jpg (150x188, 26K)

is it a dude on a kite? because he comes in so fucking fast

Attached: 1553089297487.jpg (1486x1072, 286K)

There's a flying kite, he's probably just chilling around midair waiting for a poor sod to nuke

what the fuck?

Attached: dsz.gif (267x200, 754K)

I noticed the kite but how the fuck does he close so fast? Does he fold it up that quickly?


Attached: 1535715641920.jpg (7680x4320, 2.82M)

Yeah I assume he just folds it and freefalls.

No ideia how he propulses itself for a diagonal fall tho. Videogames I guess

Reminder that the west did it better 18 years ago.

Attached: Better game.jpg (2560x1536, 1.47M)

He uses the same force ornstein uses to propel himself forward
Pure anger

This game is going to be great.

Attached: E9D97E3D-AA48-4C15-B398-5F71F62B27ED.png (595x600, 415K)

das2 first sin is 7$ now

I'll buy that instead

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>eastern european shitters can't into gameplay


>tfw spoiled myself on a cool enemy introduction of the special ninja airforce
Alright done with these threads

This. The game looks like way too much Trumpkino for me. I can't handle something so based and redpilled so I think I'll stick with Devil May Cry V.

>10 hours of this
guess i'll buy dmc5 instead

Attached: 67774332.gif (415x212, 2.85M)

None of us can objectively say whether it will have replay value or not cause none of us have played it you retard

Neither are western dragons

>that last ninja

Attached: 1551769469606.jpg (510x546, 104K)

10/10 would pet

You are hell bent on smearing this fantastic game. We all saw you in the last thread. Nobody cares faggot. Cry harder and maybe mommy will let you suck on her saggy tit for some big boy milk.


see all those hairs

Can confirm, cats especially angora-persian breeds make an absolute fuck out of your bed sheets
still comfy to have em around so i let them sleep there

This. All so obvious the seething nintendies shills and kiddos

Sure thing Mohammed, keep shoveling all of Africa into your continent :)

Day 1 buy

>What went wrong?....
Your birth.

Attached: 1489090664396.jpg (306x306, 11K)

I really wish we had a poster ID like in other boards. So we could see how many of these fucking posts are just the op agreeing with himself.

he's probably some korean retarded shitposter

Lobos will be streaming Sekiro in less than 2 hours



>not elajjaz