What happened to horror games? Why are they so scarce?
What happened to horror games? Why are they so scarce?
Other urls found in this thread:
lack of ayuwoki
>Mexicans have become one of the most prominent creators of internet OCs
what went right?
Which song is biret and EO supposed to reference?
biret is BEAT IT
EO is this youtube.com
Beat it
People don't have the attention span for horror games with a focus on atmosphere anymore and they got tired of the ones that were just cheap jumpscares
thanks, I wasn't opening these threads because ayuwoki scared me but I did think "huh that kinda looks like MJ" and now that i know i am not scared anymore
Uhh excuse you? it's not just Mexico, it's the whole Latin American Kingdom
So when are they going to make a Michael Jackson biopic?
are you fucking 12? get the fuck out
>oc consists plastering their shitty mongrel language under pictures of things other people made
i don't like creepy ass pics dude. momo made me not open these threads either
I miss when these threads would devolve into not vidya about real life horror shit though
>scared of momoposting too
underaged confirmed
Don't you have some McDonalds to eat?
Have fun with your disfunctional family while I play Moonwalker with my tios.
I played Silent Hill on the PS, back in the day. actually, it was during the PS2 era, but I am an oldfag, so those crusty PS graphics still looked nice to me.
that game scared the shit out of me. like, i would creep through the dark levels, one pixel at a time, listening for ANYTHING that might jump out and kill me. I played it a few months ago, and it doesn't really work, anymore.
The shitty graphics and slow controls were integrated into the experience. shit was hard to see, so you had to really pay attention to stay alive. the controls were clunky, so the game made you a nerdy writer who was out of shape. Games, today, don't have those limitations to inspire them. Horror games have to be brilliant and well written to scare you, because creating a realistic horror aesthetic is a lot of work
Still better than just posting Wojak and Pepe edits.
I like to think that people just realized that the average approach on them is just garbage.
>Have to read hard and explore intensely to get the full picture of things and you can easily get to the end of the game still having questions of what the fuck just happened
>Is regularly super easy to die
>Most areas are just fucking empty corridors
>There's no real joy to be found in the games mechanics and it is held up by the spotty "fill in the blanks" story
Pic related
dont you have some una delicias to eat, mongrel?
also, two more thoughts... There are horror games, but they are indies. there are games that draw you in and start fucking with your mind and emotions, but for some reason the big publishers don't want to bother with them. We got Bloodborn and Resident Evil 7 and 2, but those are exceptions. the next most popular horror games are Mirai Nikki and Doki Doko Literature Club.
Horror only works if your character is overpowered. Modern games are about making the player as powerful as possible, and making the game as piss easy and safe as possible. People lost their shit over LOZ Breath of the Wild because the game didn't hold your hand. Like, OMG, a game that you actually have to get good at!! but, yeah, as soon as your character gets a machine gun, the horror game loses all the horror.
the other thing, EA shitcanned Dead Space because it didn't make ENOUGH money. Horror games are a niche market, and big publishers are not about that niche money.
This thread is gonna be:
20% actual video game discussion
20% music/video links
60% talking about MJ's controversies and other inane spam
reading this post reminds me that actual underaged and actual autists infest this website
it's the whole fucking latin american continent
How to make a hispanic meme
>take existing image
>put some black arial text underneath
>save it 10 million times in JPEG format
>Live aid
More like live aids
I think it's still healthy. AAA horror went away because being quite a few people can't handle being scared. See dead space 3, and EA. On the lower budgets, you have shit like RE, or zombie games, which are more action than horror, or hiding in boxes simulators like Aliens Isolation, and some other shit that I forget the name of.
On the indie front you have casual as fuck shit like a half dozen five nights at freddies, and its clones, or say, something like Cultist simulator, which is quirky and weird.
Pretty based ratio if I do say so myself
>It's only horror if the player has to stay hidden inside a closet the entire time
I hate you and everything you stand for.
Why are horror game fans always insufferable faggots. Bu bu the games suck and it's because people just can't handle them? Eat a dick. If they give you a gun it sucks because it's more action than horror, if they don't it's a "hiding in boxes simulator". Make them bombastic and it's too flashy to truly be scary but make them simple or pixely and you have unsightly indie shit that tries too hard. Whenever anyone points out any horror game, someone is BOUND to pop up and say "yeah but that's shit, REAL horror is when..."
you're out of your damm mind. I'm simply describing the gaming landscape as it is.
There's clearly games with some horror elements, that really aren't horror games. Even if there's disagreement on where to draw the line.