What went so right?
DMC thread
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What is the worst boss by far and why is it that stupid fucking horse
genuine love and care went into the game, kinda rare these days
I win, Dante.
Reposting here so I get answers
>Was Mundus established to do ANYTHING wrong besides the murder of Eva and selling red bull to fatasses ? He maintained the order between demons and humans, and vorgil and donte destroyed that
i will ask you again,why did you kill my child
true, Capitalism has turned products soulless
>that slow version of devil trigger in mission 1
vergil did nothing wrong
what was the moment you realised it was the best in the series? for me it was getting DSD in mission 12
thats not nidhogg
>DT buff griffon and catto
wow so hard
Define wrong
>Brea is back
I didn't mind the Hell Antionas on Devil Hunter, but they're fucking obnoxious as fucking hell on SoS. Especially when the game throws 3+ at you. Their autistic retard flaying has absurd tracking and they just do it for an entire football field. Any multiple enemy fight that has them is a fucking bitch.
Someone should give him Nero's DT hair, for obvious reason.
Asking again
Anyone up to do me a real solid here?
Would like someone to grab two screenshots of a character close up with a certain .ini option changed
ContactShadowSetting=CUSTOM (the default)
Can't do it myself right now
he was le evil corporate man
the game didn't actually establish him doing anything evil, it was all just expository dialogue
He spawned Urizen which made the problem with the tree one million times worse than it would have been. If some random mook attached itself to the tree instead Dante would have sorted it in an hour but Urizen took a month. However with Dante they took down the tree so I guess he sorted it?
here is your modern gaming bro.........
careful, this kind of thinking is out of line on /pol/channel
>weeb Vergil
On one hand, I get it. On the other hand, this will be a cursed image.
>What went so right?
Best boy is back.
Thats not the roots.
Negro Trish is the best.
Wrong /rɒŋ/
being Vergil
I want to see this now.
No. He wasn’t. In the games writing itself, it stated not to judge demons by their race. What do Donte and Vorgil do to the baby?
I get you, but then again I enjoy the dynamic of having a hell enemy that isn't like a powerless combo sandbag when getting hit
that said, mission 13 gets intense when you're in a room full of them and the spinning fuckers
>there will never be a Deus Ex game set in the DmC universe
Get ye gone, DMC4goblin
Gachimuchi psycho siren when
As a bird to air or a fish to water, so is contempt to the contemptible.
Should I post the ending again? Because it’s hilarious that killing Mundus did more damage than helped. Killing mundus got millions of people WORLDWIDE KILLED and they posted it on twitter. I wish I was making this up.
he was supposed to be bad because he was in charge
and BECAUSE he's in charge we just have to hate him despite not
>committing tons of murder that Dante and Vergil commit
>Keeping Demons in check to stop wanton destruction and mayhem that Vorgil causes
*screams without warning*
>not being vergil
Mostly everything that was wrong in DMC4 was improved to almost-DMC3 level.
Well he did blow up a whole city at the end of the game. I dunno man it's stupid. He looks evil to he is evil. He's literally not even as evil as any given real life CEO. Its implied he maintains a totalitarian state but its not actually shown. He controls Barbas, and surveillance right, but all we see is that Barbas slightly exagerates what Donte is doing. We just assume he's lying to the masses and covering up evil deeds because that's the trope, right, but we literally never see it. We never see what Mundus does with the mass surveillance, we just know from history that this is a prelude to cruel tyranny. That said, Mundus has no reason to be mad at Sparda.The only thing Sparda did was knock up an angel, he did not kill any demons at all. Back to Mundus, its kind of a metaphor for him controlling the minds and the bodies of the masses. But like, why does he do it commercially? Why is Mundus not the president/world dictator? He's just some randy CEO, not even a big one. Not everyone drinks Virility. Not everyone watches Barbas. We know Virility is poison, they never say Barbas is a liar. Its a total rip off of "V for Vendetta" but at least that movie bothered to explain why everyone on V's hitlist was bad for society.
By now you all know Bloody Palace has been datamined but two other things have been datamined alongside it.
Bloody Palace Online and a mode called Divergence.
What would Divergence mean in relation to Bloody Palace now in relation to the story it could mean we're getting the ability to play any character in any mission.
Since cutscenes would suddenly make no sense, they might be skipped entirely in this mode like with Vergil in DMC3SE.
I think things are about to get even better.
Doesn't she look a little like Dee for It's always sunny.
>not Gilgamesh
at least the horse attacks you occasionally
I like the story of DMC5 more the more I think about it but I have one question.
Why does a dying Vergil splitting himself create a powerful Urizen and lively V and then a dying Urizen and a dying V create a powerful Vergil?
What a weird thing to request. Deus Ex has shitty gameplay. I'd rather have dante dropped into the Deus Ex universe.
>HaH V missions
what THE FUCK.
DMC always aim for realistic graphics so this is nothing new if shit like SF went full realistic route though I will bitch the living shit out of Capcom for sure.
>Showdown and Maximum Bet use the breaker button, not buster.
What gives?
I just noticed Van Darkholme is standing on his tippy toes to assert dominance.
Is Van a manlet?
I wish she was given more development in the story, she kind of does nothing and then acts like an utter cunt in the end and doesn't care Dante might be stuck in hell forever
here's hoping for a decent DLC
My dreams have become memes with this photo.
>haven't even started DMD yet because I'm compelled to S Rank DH and Sos first
I hate this.
Did anyone see if he has an upper face texture for that
if all this is true, im probably never going to play V ever again lmao
There's also Bloody Palace "training" in the files too, which my guess is a mode without the timer.
Then there's "gauntlet" which I think might be a pure boss rush but not sure on that
and crash the game to desktop because the engine can't handle Dante's jumping? that's a recipe for a shit game as well m8
which means we get rich
nah the floor is probably cold, tippy toes minimizes contact and therefore heat loss.
absolutely based.
Why did they put such a shitty hair on her
>remap controls
>already went from ok but weird with triangle + circle to what the fuck tier with triangle and R2 while locking onto R1
reposting for brainlets to refute from the dying thread
and that doesnt increase depth, it just changes the properties of the weapons and there is maybe one attack that it doesnt make outright better/ easier to juggle with. More combo and expression potential is good but DSD right now looks like its not actually deep at all and people are just impressed by its visuals. Its going to get fucking old the second everyone realizes that whats on screen is very automated in comparison to how they look
The only real depth I can see from DSD is when used with itself alone, aka using the manual swordmaster moves in conjunction with the swords own moves like helm breaker, charging round trips during other animations or controlling the swords in the middle of some other weapons attack animation but those interactions are pretty limited by the "knockback, juggle or launch" possibility the SM moves have right now, especially since the "juggle" is far less reliable than something like an instant summoned sword that magnets to them
In its current state (and possibly ignorance this early in the games lifecycle) if anything ,DSD looks like anti depth because it trivializes all setups and more complicated game knowledge/ interactions from being discovered as you can just combine everything more easily with the gigantic afterimage hurtboxes
>doesn't care Dante might be stuck in hell forever
To be fair it isn't the first time this has happened. Also she knows Dante can take care of himself
Why didn't they edit out the face-scanned concave nose bridges that the characters aren't supposed to have.
>will never have to play as V again
>will just play as Vergil all the time like I do in DMC3
Oh baby
I didn't say it was hard faggot I said it was the worst. Farming dt with your book and dodging around on mister meowdy is only fun for 3 of the 15 fucking minutes it takes to range him down on dmd
>do full Cavaliere combo with SM moves thrown in
>do basic kick combo with Balrog
He does
no fucking idea bro
it seems to me that they just took the concept of splitting one's soul from Blake's mythology and went with it without much lore explanation
Sad Lady is cute.
This pisses me off as well.
>bangs suddenly make her what
What the fuck black magic is this?
get the white power symbol out of here
*Convex, not concave.
Everyone's going nuts about SFM LADY AND TRISH WHEN but I want this best girl to get a ton of porn
Vergil wins in the end because he got dante to pay attention to him,which is what he wanted, and now they can both fight to their hearts content
>he still doesn't know
Le Keynesian meme isn't the only capitalist way forward
Best breaker right here lads
Give me a second to rip the model from the game to check, senpai.
what form of advanced herpes is this?
it's spread so far from the lips
>Hey Lady, I've been watching some of Dante's anime
>There's this one called Galko and I like her style so much I tried a change, how do I look
>You look great Trish, Smoking Sexy Style
>Great maybe I can get Dante-senpai to notice me
>(I don't have the heart to tell her she looks like a Jersey Shore rat)
Why does literally every single character in the series have vastly different facial features from game to game?
Because they just do. Don't think about it
>playing V in the Nero and V vs Proto Angelo fight
>get SSS
>for some reason the SSS ranking just shoots up and stays at max
>after 40 seconds of max SSS the game crashes
>V's body was weak but Vergi's soul inside him was stronger than ever due to embracing humanity
>Urizen was dying but he still consumed the fruit of the tree which Mundus himself used to become all powerful
Humanity + Mundus power up fruit = super Vergil EX hyper fighting edition
because it's more comfortable on triangle + circle
I can't wait for Nero to be told she is a clone of his grandma, and also Gloria, and that his family is crazier than he could ever imagine.
Do you think she masturbates to DMC characters? Haha...
help out a bro Yea Forums, how do i do the bubblegum taunt of Nero?
How do you unlock it?
I already beat SoS mode.
What gives?
I even have the pre-order shit and Deluxe edition.
>have DMC5 on one monitor
>this thread on the other monitor
>and Blood on my laptop
>playing all this at the same
It's a weird feeling
its japan only, your gonna have to mod it in
Mundus herpes
Vergil, Nero and V. The rest is garbage.
Dem eyebags
It's not here yet, but usually it appears every time a post like this gets made.
It's like an advanced form of summoning. It always happens without fail.
Surprised Barneyfag hasn't crashed these threads yet, considering that one mod that changes V's book
Thanks a bunch user. I appreciate it lots
is that really her? i hope she got out of her emo phase
>and Blood on my laptop
You may want to clean that.
She's not the type to emotionally fret over Dante, if anything else, her wanting to have his office was her showing that she wasn't worried at all.
I agree that the cast was bloated and Trish and Lady were cheap luggage for the ride. Even in 4, Trish and Lady had roles that made sense for them, as short as they were.
I used creamAPI and then found it on random places, can't buy it though
what does it do?
>Well he did blow up a whole city at the end of the game
Actually, that was Donte. Killing mundus means he explodes.
what weapons is vergil gonna use when he gets added?
yamato, beowulf, and force edge?
I really hope we get this as a costume for playable Vergil. PCfags will obviously be able to mod it in, but consolebabies like me want it too
Will /d/ or monsterfuckers ever notice
she probably did back then
>he doesn't use blood as cooling fluid for his laptop
No, I mean the game
>you can avoid gilgy's spikes by standing on his spine
It gives nero a monkey dance taunt with monkey noises in the background
I think everyone wins personally. Nero gets a family even though they fucked off immediately only to come back and make it awkward as hell for him in the van and the SoS finally dropped their grudge and now fight for fun. It was a good ending.
Are you faggots having a laugh when you say enemies don't attack you from off screen?
God fucking damnit. Why don't you like V, because he sucks? No he doesn't.
Helter Skelter but goofy
it's still shit
Aw fuck you're right
>Trish=Sweet Dee
>Donte, Vergin and Kat are the McDoogles
Would you watch
Brea..... probably somewhere between 27 - 35 now. She's old dude. She was uploading videos on youtube back in 2007
>Its an offscreen judeca episode
granted, he should be a priority but still
>should I tell him about his mom
>"hey son, let me sa-"
>*wroom wroom*
>nevermind maybe next time
Overture is underrated.
No dante?
Hi, i'm Nero, I don't know these struggles with annoying mobs. Maybe you should git gud, Dante & V. Hit the gym more, or you know, grow more arms.
iirc they dont start their attack animations off screen, but after they start it just watching the other direction wont save your ass
Tree Gauntlets
Tree Sword/Summoned Sword as a melee weapon
>not liking Giga Drill Break
His explosion rage was actually caused by the sniper miscarriage so it's vergil's fault
I want a game where Nero, Dante and Vergil take a family trip to find Nero's mom, and stumble upon yet another demon worshiping cult on the way.
I liked V, I also appreciate him being a part of Vergil and am completely content with his arc.
I don't understand why some Vergilfags hate V and why some V fags hate Vergil, just accept it for what it is.
>carries a katana
>wears a trenchcoat
>constantly talking about POWER like it's some commodity to be obtained
Vergil is already a colossal chuuni weeaboo doofus. I bet he spent his time in Hell watching anime reruns.
Because he has zero variety. Should have made equippable summons of DMC1 enemies like Phantom
>it's not here yet
If you fuck her, does lady feel it
If he DT'd would he still look like Nelo
oh I don't disagree, even Friedman proposed things like negative income tax which practically results in some kind of universal income
I was just referring to the modern redpilled zoomer groupthink where free markets are the most perfect thing in the world and criticising any capitalist practises makes you a commie
Here’s your answer. The part 1 of the ending
Start at 8:54 for Dontes 10/10 emotion
13:45 for the ending. Complete with twitter
why must you open my eyes to this suffering user
I was blissful when I was ignorant
I don't like having to rely on summons, and he looks like a faggot
Yamato and the cane. Yamato will be used like Vorgil's with 3 modes to switch between (heavy, normal, and fast) and the cane will let Vergil use his powers to summon different variations of his DT to fight for him while he hangs back and mocks the demons/reads poetry.
I literally just had a Nobody hit me with his jumping attack when he was off screen the entire time I was fighting the other Nobody.
Judeccas are absolute cancer, whoever made them needs to be struck in the head with a hard object. I honestly thought DMC enemies couldn't get worse than Fallen, Soul Suckers, and Chimeras, yet here we are.
His gameplay boils down to mashing buttons until his meter fills up then summoning Nightmare to get to S rank.
I loved his character when I taunted on S rank and the combat music stopped for his imaginary orchestra, though.
>doesn't care Dante might be stuck in hell forever
Dante came back after DMC2, so she got used to it
>can't mindfuck a enemy to create a 4th summon
They fucking better. Been waiting for porn of Artemis ever since that fucking E3 trailer with her slight boob jiggle
>tfw jumping around and watching her tits bounce during the boss fight
>Pick up material
>Here a hand
>Cutscene ends
I had fun with DMC5, but it just lacked that extra love. And someone explain, why the fuck does Dante leave all his cool weapons and gadgets at home everytime?
That's pretty cute I just wish it was canon.
>and that doesn't increase depth
It creates factually more depth than two switches because the timing for every single action you do moving forward is different and can be applied to quite literally every weapon and gun. You can even use DSD's summoned swords to stop shotgun blowback from it's stinger if you're quick enough.
>trivializes setup
It replaces the same exact setups we've been doing for literally 10 years.
>swords own moves
People use it's summoned swords manually in connection with other moves like revolver spins and Caliver R's airstinger
Secondly the fact that tons of actions ARE automatic and changes the properties of a shit ton of moves means
>limited by the knockback juggle or laucnh
1) Which actually exists now. As opposed to air rave, helm, trip, setups. The fact that alone it can be used in other animations is big
2) "it does a function we've already had" is a weak comment altogether as there are no fewer than 9 moves in Dantes kit in 5 that can be used to launch, all of which launch at different heights and have different reasons for existing in your combos
>it creates anti-depth
For the reasons listed above and more, it creates more depth because it expands the setups you can actually do as well as promote the discoveries of UNIQUE setups that can ONLY be done with DSD.
The only statement that is even remotely true is
>it's easier to juggle
And this is only a thing that matters for people who lack the finger dexterity to do any kind of other combo besides a basic sm juggle to begin with.
DSD swords can be used while maintaining momentum
DSD extends options outside of range and allows true freedom of combo expression by allowing more than one option available
DSD has unique combos due to its ability to stop momentum
DSD does NOT replace other options outside of maybe kick mode relaunchers.
I mean get a grip. Just because Rave required a style change does not mean it had more mechanical depth.That's execution m8.
>pure boss rush
God all I want is them to incorporate older bosses with updates, imagine getting to fight Berial, Creedo, Full kit Virgil and OG Nelo Angelo in the RE Engine
He sold them for pizza
>turns out Nero's mother is the head of the cult
>she only made the organization to bring Vergil back to the human world
Urizen Barrier.
>worse than Soul Suckers or Chimera
Come on now user, let's not go THAT far
Lol nigga just move out of the way
I like how they used V as plot device for Vergil's backstory but his gameplay isn't that great. I enjoyed griffon's bantz though.
It is. All the scenes in the van are.
>when they turned Donte into some twink
I preferred the cigarette smoking frankenstein creature eyebrows version better
Tameem should have went all out, cuz the shit we got was too safe.
Vergil's ass.
>Play as an anti-establishman
>Expects to not ruin order
You dumber than Tameen dude
Lmoa Yu Gi Oh went out of fashion while you were in hell boomer
Oh fucking lord
I don't get it, you have a problem with noses?
Urizen wasn't dying, he just got his ass kicked
I thought they were still stuck in hell?
Splitting himself in half made a pure demon and a "pure" human dying of demonic corruption. The fruit Urizen ate gave Vergil a massive power boost when they fussed back
His combat isn't fun. Since V isn't required to get in close to attack, there's really no need to dodge or block or time things, you just DT buff Griffon, mindlessly spam Shadow attacks, read/taunt, and then summon Nightmare. Every fight feels exactly the same as V.
His character and place in the story is pretty neat though.
Reminder, Nero saved Lady, not Dante. She got a new man now. She want that Nero dick. Now more than ever that she knows he can create a spectral dick.
>like V because of the whole Vergil plot
>like V's personality as I just hear Vergil all the time
>don't like V's gameplay as it's just all wrong for DMC
That's the best you're getting out of me.
That's a nice ass
god damn vergil has no reason having that fat of an ass
Some get sold
Vergil has Yamato, they can leave whenever they want.
Why does vergil get the big lips and ass? How did he get so lucky?
>Virility worm sticker and all the writing in the background aren't mirrored
You should, if you didn't s rank sos natty, you need some dmd in your life to teach you how the game is actually played. The reason DMC is so replayable is you beat hard mode thinking you actually know what you're doing then the real game starts and you feel like an idiot again
Her dried up pussy can't handle it. It'll give her pussy scar tissue on top of scar tissue on top of scar tissue on top of scar tissue with a keloid at the entrance
He sells them since he's broke
Yeah there was a lack of cool combat demonstrations and that's a flaw in this game
>nothing for Kalina Ann 2 or Double Anns
>Balrog was Novel only
>DSD barely counts with dante busting in during M08 but can be slightly excused since it mixes in SDT and the already mentioned cutscene
>only get faust hat and that's more of a dance than displaying the moves (still good however) and Cerberus which is the only pure demonstration in line with everything else
Maybe Overture too, since he shows it off during the intro.
Jesus christ
I don't even want extra characters as DLC I just want them to add more content to the main game.
at least 5 more missions for each character
>still no mexican mod for DMC5 like DmC
He sells the devil arms
Soul Suckers and Chimeras don't constantly teleport away. Soul Suckers at least had low HP. Judecca are fucking retarded. Constantly teleport away from the player, constantly doing off screen attacks, very high HP. Judecca is genuinely a poorly designed piece of trash enemy.
She can return anytime though, there's nothing stopping Trish from assuming her as a disguise every now and then.
I think the banana breaker is an Amazon Japan exclusive.
It's not likely that us gaijin are going to be able to get our hands on it without modding.
To the people complaining about the final Angelo gank being too spongey and scaled for multiplayer in the theater in mission 7 in DMD, here's my advice for those of you who pick Nero: bring 8 Buster Arms.
Seriously. A single Buster Arm breakage takes off a solid half chunk of each of the Scudo Angelo enemies. Use up all 8, and you'll have easily killed each of the 4 Scudo Angelo enemies in no time. You don't even need Devil Trigger for each breakage to shave off half the Scudo's health. With that out of the way, all you have left to deal with is the general (Proto) Angelo, and he's a cakewalk when he's alone. You can use up your Devil Trigger there and just T I D E' S T U R N I N G him to death.
El Donte will be sorely missed
>he doesn't want vergil
I love the Ranking system in this game is so beyond fucked the best way to get S Ranks is to abuse Royal Guard in drawn out fights. Great job team.
Is there any way to get the pre order colors on PC through modding/cheating? I'd actually give capcom my shekels but they don't have those costumes for purchase.
>Imaginary orchestra
>literally ride of the varkyries
You should feel ashamed!
Then just stop the Judecca from teleporting you dork. The game gives you loads of options to do so even on DMD
Stop unga bunga mashing your head against it and actually use your head
Everything in that picture except Donte and perhaps the urinal aren't mirrored. Unless all that graffiti on the wall was written backwards.
>I want a character with a 3 minute long campaign that gives 0 room for his inevitably insanely deep moveset to shine
whats the point?
Here's your Lady for tonight Should I make one for Trish
>Three scissors and a Fury
>Behemoth and Empusa Queen in tiny room
Look like someone on devs team have fun.
>Rebellion and King Cerebrus
Name a better weapon set barring Cerebrus and Balrog, which turns out to be really fucking fun to mess around with
Vergil is a must but I agree with you. Even before the game came out I've been saying in these threads that they could support DMC5 long term (especially with Itsuno going off to do other things) with content updates for the main game like enemy packs, weapon packs, new routes in missions, new missions that flesh out parts of the game (the end of the game needs that desperately) and so on. Xenoverse 2 has shown you can do just that and people are more than happy to pay and I can't see why it can't be done for DMC5.
Better than flawlessly clearing a mission but getting an A because you didn't smash 12 chairs in the corner of the 3rd room of the level
Get out of here you dumb bird bitch.
If the sequel ever has Dante again, I want him to face a real challenge and the only way to beat it is to track down his old weapons again and use them. Never ever
You shouldn't have made it in the first place.
Holy shit, this feeling when you finally learn how to use Royal Guard.
See, I know it's canon that he sells them, but to who? Aren't demons supposed to be a secret? Who, in what seems like a normal, modern world to most people, is buying energy guitars and gauntlets made out of screeching flames and scales? Is Dante selling weapons that could kill hundreds to cosplayers?
Getting S Ranks in this game is incredibly outside some absurd Rank requirements like 10, 12, and 18. In which case you just abuse RG to stay in S/SS/SSS as long as you can.
give me strength to do one last mission
The scudo are irrelevant. Even when up they quite literally can't do enough to stop you as from doing anything. The pain in the ass comes ONLY from that proto. He has way too much fucking health.
wow nice she looks generic as fuck
Why do people think this wall-trapped kind of thing is sexy? Do you faggots have ANY idea how sore your back would get? remember, there's nothing holding up your front side. I get fucking cramps every time I see this fetish
I got hit like 5 secs after I got it so I didn't even notice
no bully pls
Pleb detected. It's the easiest ranking system between DMC 1, 3 and 4. Even if you only get B combos, you can easily make up for it by not taking any damage in the entire mission and earn a DOUBLE SCORE modifier in addition to a 20 percent score modifier for not using continues.
It has never been easier to get an S-rank in a mainline Devil May Cry game. You don't have to collect orbs, you don't have to finish missions quickly, and you don't even need that much stylish combos. Just get like 3,000 points and a no damage and you get a guaranteed S rank in DMD.
Why doesn't Vergil learn to Royal Guard?
It's obviously Dante's most powerful technique. He can make like, dark guard or some shit to put into his style.
He sells/pawns them off to Enzo who runs an artefact shop.
Why bother when people will just play BP
Claim your move
She looks bad there. The eyes are terrible
Judecca is the reverse of Anetora, one chase you and one run away if they gets knock back.
Stinger and streak when they gets hyper armor using their moves, cancel your string ender. Or just Trick Up>Cavaliere helm breaker
Would you?
They should do the Kingdom Hearts thing where DLC actually boosts the main campaigns length with more missions, story bosses, and cutscenes
>He hasn't done his human playthrough yet
Godspeed, user.
I love that scissor fury room. The behemoth empusa queen room is also great fun.
For the former I just take them with me as high in the air as humanly possible and watch as the Fury seethes in impotent range as he constantly gets knocked away from me while trying to get up there from cav combo b
For the empusa queen Behemoth room I just force the Behemoth into DT and watch as he accidentally murders the queen when he starts freaking out.
they improved their button mashing formula
Anybody know where this is from?
Does anyone have the fucked up version of this picture?
Vergil actually sort of demonstrates this in his fight with him deflecting everything with sheathed Yamato. They could just use that and call it Yamato guard or some shit.
Then use your Buster Arms on him. Problem solved. He won't survive with much health left.
Here's some proof: 3000 damage with a single Buster Arm breakage.
Alita lookin ass, the Lady we have is superior
>rebellion, sparda, DSD, balrog, cavaliere, king cerberus
he looks like a sad son of sparda
Never worked like that buddy, Time, Orbs, and Style were the only real things you had to work at. Orbs naturally came when you got more Style. This game's switch to some retarded "sustained" Style point system was a bad decision. You do a fight with consistent SS/SSS but the game graded you a B on the scenario because you didn't draw out the fight long enough.
I find it hot because of how powerless the character whose trapped is. I don't give a shit about the back pain aspect of it.
>there is no need to get in close
Why don't you get close anyway?
The thing i don't understand about you guys is that reaching SSS in the most efficient way is skillful but it looks lame. Keep jump canceling that one aerial move, i'm impressed, it's good damage but you look like an idiot.
With V you can summon meteor nightmare and get an easy SSS and somehow this is the reason why you're not having fun? Try having fun instead of not having fun?
You think it's boring hanging back where it's safe? Get in, be more crazy, record a clip of yourself clapping while surrounded by 3 nobodies i don't know.
Mission 18 isnt even hard but it is a fucking nightmare to S rank.
I can't even get above 5k at the end even though I get SSS a bunch throughout the mission.
It's the only one I havent S ranked. Any tips?
I'll just take Dante. More fun.
>She must have back pain because of how big her tits are
I'm not into that shit, but that's how you sound like
I'm playing on automatic and none of you can stop me
>fighting vergil on dmd
>realize round trip fucks him up
>can't consistently do roundtrip because I need to dodge and jump a lot
I'm seriously considering putting style on LT, that would free up my left hand a ton
I might even just put all my most used actions on the shoulder buttons because doing on this shit at once on the face buttons is actually kind of retarded
Let me be real for a moment. I was thinking of shitposting on these DMC threads, but going in and reading them for material really makes me so sad that I don´t have the energy for it. I kind of get why you pisses so many people off, you are here, having genuine fun and having a genuine good game again after such a long time, it really sucks. It sucks for people like me that don´t have that. I will let my empathy win this time. Go and have fun all, god knows we all have too little of that normally. I fucking hope I can be like you all when Sekiro hits. Have it great.
Why is Dante so flat in this game?
>In fact barely any combat banter at all
>When he talks to himself outside of combat he quips like a fucking Marvel character
>last tweet is literally from tameem sucking himself off
You can’t make this shit up
When I figured out how Cavalrie actually worked and I could freely swap between A/B, extend them as much as I like and it gave me some kickass moves as well.
Maybe Urizen wouldn't have raped him if he still had his shit.
has a nice ring to it dont ya think?
>Be a random Devil Arm Urizen picked up in hell
>Painfully ground up into powder then reformed into a giant action figure
>Naked chick jammed into your chest
>Cool lightning powers and a kick ass horse
>Given one directive: find Sparda
>Everything is going good
>Until some goth faggot in Birkenstocks kicks your ass
>Tactical retreat
>Before you even catch your breath run into Dante
>Wielding Sparda
Cavaliere had a hard life but at least he has the best theme and fight in the game
>V is fun if you stand in the middle of enemies and spam Shadow attacks instead of standing far away from enemies and spamming Shadow attacks
wowie zowie we're really cookin' now.
white haired women are bad juju
women who wear leather are bad juju
women who wear a coat on top of a vest on top of a vest is bad juju
women who wear three belts are bad juju
jesus christ man, never stick your dick in cuhraazy
>just get no damage bro
>DMC game with the worst audio cues in the series
>off screen enemy attacks all the time
>projectile spam bosses like Urizen
I'd disagree with you there. You can SS Rank Mission 2 on DMD in DMC3 before you can consistently S Rank shit like Mission 12 on SoS.
How the FUCK do you deal with 2 furies at once on DMD? Also is there a better way to deal with them besides just royal guard? Feels way too slow.
what's your favorite breaker
I want Viewtiful Joe or Blade Master Alastor dlc
is it going to happen? no, but I still want it anyway
FemVergil would probably be into pegging or using some weird freaky demon magic to grow a cock. So yes
Looks pretty good, but I've already warmed up to 5Lady
user. Proto Angelo has far more health than any other Angelo and I'm not sure if it's by a factor of 2 or a factor of 4.
Normal proto angelos can be outright deleted. Mission 7 proto can not.
I don't have problems with 7. I happen to find his silly inflated health fun to whittle down into nothing and regularly run it. But he has an obscene amount of hp you know.
That's the bitch.
Thanks user.
>Never worked like that buddy
Did you never play 4? The orb requirement was EXCLUSIVELY tied to environmental orbs, never orbs dropped by enemies.
Anyone else think DMD health pools are way too big? I'd much rather play it if enemies had SoS health but still had DT and DMD damage. Making enemies harder to stagger is already a big enough bonus for them when they're a lot more aggressive and constantly trying to get a hit in on you.
It's not about tits it's about the posture. I want you to stand up on your toes, and lean completely forward. Stay like that for 2 minutes and your back will fucking kill
lol fag
Except in DMC3 where orbs only counted orbs from the environment and not from enemies.
>do full Cavaliere combo with SM moves thrown in
Use it for crowd control and watch the SSSs roll in
>Buster arm in C tier
she looks indian
Use the Cerberus/Balrog loop on them. That's not going to stop them from being poorly thought out pieces of shit that do constant off screen teleporting that near one shots you, but it's your best bet unless you have a full Rage meter before hand.
He roasted Vergil pretty good, though. Cut his own sons arm off for more power, still sucks.
Out of curiosity, how long did it take you to S-rank all that?
Never knock them away
Or just juggle them to death
Or snatch one and juggle until you drop it, then grab another
Do you guys think Dante would get along with DOOM guy?
Fuck yes, more. Ignore all the retards here.
Buster arm becomes meaningless after you beat the game once.
Nothing about the V/Urizen/Vergil twist works and the ending is a let down becuase of it but it really doesn't fucking matter when I can use a cowboy hat to make demons explode.
No, because Urizen is dying and needs to fuse himself to the Tree at the start of the game. It's a life support chair, like we all guessed.
Vergil looks so bored
Punchline, Gerbera, Tomboy, Overture in that order.
You think they wouldn't give vergil is own missions when someone already datamined that he had a playable moveset? He's way to popular not to do that. They could even give him some short story that continues from where we left off at the end of 5.
Health pools for everything seem fine. I usually just judge health pools by "will this thing die in a single RI". If it does, it has way too little health. If it don't, than we're in okay health territory.
When I did the breaker uppercut on Artemis to kill her, it was some cutscene shit that was done by me, it was such a good moment
>buster arm
>C tier
Huh? You must think that it's become obsolete or something because of the Devil Bringer, when in fact the breakage move on the Buster Arm does like 10 times more damage compared to the Devil Bringer's grab.
Lichrally me rn, i hate royalgaurd in dmc3 and 4 but something about it in 5 is just so fuckin fun
Gerbera 01, then punchline.
>He doesn't know
It was buster arm, until it kind of becomes slightly useless after getting Nero's arm back.
So Tomboy
Does hell and hell have the same style requirements as SoS for S rank? 5500?
I want a DMC5 Lady mod with this filter.
>he doesn't know
YES, please fix that witch
twitter i think, an user posted it yesterday
Helter Skelter, Helter Skelter, Helter Skelter, and Helter Skelter.
If they do give him his own missions then it's be like 5 missions + boss tops
Breakage can literally OS DMD mobs.
user here who uploaded his DMC folder to MEGA which had over 500 images. Should I make another? last one is months outdated
>what have you done to him
Also, would be better if Vergil got corrupted there and that's why he would go bad in the ending
>he doesn't know
I've been putting Style on L2/LT for almost a week now. It's great. Not only does it let you set up sword formation stuff like Round Trip mid-combo easily, but it also lets you charge Cerberus' lightning attacks in the middle of ice combos.
As long as they are pretty long then that should be fine.
Please do, user. I would love to download it
I liked it user.
>dante and vergil = mac and dennis
Considering that Mac is in love with Dennis, that's fitting as hell.
So I was right then that you literally think it's obsolete after your first playthrough. Way to out yourself as someone who doesn't know what they are talking about.
The enemy combinations in mission 13 on SoS were fucking ridiculous, every single room had some bullshit combo that fucked me over
>2 furies at once
>can't cheese them by spamming Balrog
Does it get worse on DMD?
>v's pants texture glitches
>it's a massive improvement
What did they mean by this
in case its not shooped
I don't care about things like that, what I want to know is why was Vergil's voice pitch shifted when he met Nero but not when used Yamato to split himself?
Doom guy would just see Dante as a demon and BFG him before Dante could even make a quip. I doubt they could work together, even though they both love killing demons.
Even if it does 10 time the damage it's still using up a slot that could be used for something else.
It's an example, Jesass.
Look at this guy roleplaying Vergil:
That looks like fun.
How the hell do I get this good. God damn user I'm so impressed
It's called "warm up," it allows you to jump to any previously completed stage to practice on.
Gauntlet is probably somebody who hasn't completed the game mistaking Nero's breakers for a new mode. They're called gauntlets internally because that's what they are post-game.
>only 20 missions
>Mission 1 is a literal tutorial
>Mission 20 is a glorified cutscene
>at least 4 more missions are boss fight only
Christ why is this game so content light? The combat is fucking glorious but goddamn this is seriously a glaring flaw
is his mom a fucking werewolf or something
>muh big bug-eyed animu whyfoos!
>why don't real girls look like them?
>he bought
PLEASE Capcom for the love of god, give Nero a hand to hand stance. Just give me a Nero who can fight completely hand to hand with his spectral arms included I want to beat the shit out of demons even MORE
Same room in DMD. I just quickly kill the first fury with two knockdowns and two real impacts and then fight the second one at my leisure.
>this nigga eating beans that make you not know
should have started with trish. you did improve that particular pic but lady looks good ingame
>buster that low
Remove yourself
Is S rank actually the maximun rank?
Post yfw Griffon
> ugh, so high maintenance
>Homer Simpson yelps intensify
he'd probably make fun of him for being a mute, but when it comes to killing demons, they couldnt communicate with each other better
Gerbera GP01
Ragtime (so I can hit showtime)
Overture (I like to finish enemies off with the Happy birthday)
You got real bad taste, fixed it for you.
holy shit this is good, imagine this:
>Vergil gets a Qliphoth weapon set that acts like reverse Dr. Faust
>it absorbs red orbs from enemies like the tree sucks up human blood to power itself up and it works like the balrog ignition mechanic
Does anyone actually use all 4/6 weapon slots? I try to keep it to 3 but I'm thinking maybe I can learn to cycle through 4 reliably.
Best character. Very disapointed that he wasn't V's alternate announcer
What the fuck do I do versus Malphas when she's in rage mode?
user, I literally went into the HEX and checked this myself. both "Training" and "gauntlet" are tied to the Bloody Palace headline
What? If anything he seems to lack hair on certain places.
>Griffon DMC1 is some self-centered schmuck that can't accept defeat
>Griffon DMC5 is a wise-cracking smug trash talker
What did Vergil mean by this?
Why is V the only character to keep the true soul of DMC
>Doesn't swear excessively
>Is relentlessly cheesy
>Has actual memorables quotes
I just hate V missions, his gameplay feels wrong AF
Tomboy is not really that good, and i like tomboys.
>Tomboy top tier
Shoot her until she falls over like an idiot. Inversely. Shoot her till she staggers, then rawhide grab her
You basically get Star Platinum with Devil Bringer. Hit R2 during sword attacks like with Exceed and your ghost arms ora ora ora stuff.
I wish I'd thought of it sooner because now muscle memory is fucking me up but it's definitely superior the default since I don't use a claw grip
I don't know eather, please tell me
Delete first one with SDT Demolition.
Exactly, Balrog is best weapon, never forget it
dsd more like dst
>No Monkey Business
>Pasta Breaker that low
Fixed my ass
Punchline is the ultimate oonga bunga against Furies or Vergil. Guaranteed to stun them and let you combo them if you just keep it out there at all times.
Dreams twist and distort reality within the mind, especially so for nightmares.
Or they just wanted a trash talker bird, i dunno
>I fucking hope I can be like you all when Sekiro hits.
I hope Sekiro is equally great too so that you can also have fun. God speed, user.
I was thinking the exact same thing, imagine something like a legacy boss pack with new moves and dialogue interactions
just how fucking good would Nelo Angelo be with added contextual/story dialogue?
I only use Punchline, Rawhide and Overture now, Gerbera for some boss fight like Urizen or Goliath but I only use the rest if I happen to pick them up. Ragtime & Helterskelter are bit too specific to use. I ought to train with Tomboy though, seems like you can do some nice things with it.
Buster Arm is initially S/SS tier but it becomes a bit redundant post game despite it's high damage
only werewolves have that type of pube pattern
oh god, are the furries indoctrinating me or something?
If they're manifestations of Vergils nightmares from his long ass time being a Mundus slave than it's probably a coping mechanism to make something that was horrifying to him turn into a more palatable and enjoyable form.
I only like gerbera, buster, punchline, rawhide and ragtime
>Lady never did thi-
shut up fag
I just wish Balrog had more range, so many times I'm punching nothing after landing
>only werewolves have that type of pube pattern
user, what kind of dastardly images have you been staring at? they're rotting your mind
I honestly really like Dante in this one, he just comes across as a tired old dude who's seen some shit. He's still a deflective asshole which makes him even more endearing somehow.
Found the twitter.....jesus....how the fuck is Nero this beautiful. Like....how can I even find real people attractive anymore, they're not this perfect wtf. New Chris Redfield confirmed now that Chris has been ruined.
I guess Griffon liked Nelo and banter with him frequently
Do not reply to me again before you know how to use tomboy
>caliber to payline to hard way
This is peak unga
a non-dt buster arm grab does more damage than a dt devil bringer grab. a dt buster breakage with mid-grab dt punches has some of the highest burst damage in the game.
>Griffon in DMC1
Griffon was honor bound by his duty to Mundus, how on earth is that self-centered. That's the thing I enjoyed about Griffon, he actually felt like something more than just a boss fight. In Griffon 3 on DMD he legitimately gets harder to kill the lower health he has, it makes it feel like he's actually fighting for his life.
How to I steer this fucking thing?
DMC5 is DmC2
Nah, that ain't strictly a werewolf thing, it's just nicely shaved.
I legitimately cannot tell if this is a real person or a screenshot.
>tfw can barely look at dmc4 after spending so much time in 5
give me vergil DLC now
What the fuck is a minimum dragon and how do I execute one
>ragtime in C tier where it belongs
>both grbs rated correctly
>rawhide rated correctly as well
>Helter skelter though my favorite also rated where it belongs
An actual good tier list.
Except for the location of Buster. If you're going for pure damage there is quite literally no better option in the game for Nero.
However if you just wanted the positioning functionality of the buster attacks. The normal one is... acceptable.
If enemies are completely off screen they're very unlikely to attack you, use this knowledge to your advantage.
>Also, would be better if Vergil got corrupted there and that's why he would go bad in the ending
It’s astounding that one simple fix like this makes the story more coherent. How the fuck did the writers not think of this?
he kept begging for more power and thinking he's worthy, but ends up getting fucked 3 times
Basically a bird version of Vergil
>post yfw V's voice actor is just as much of a crazy shitposter as reuben
You don't
Said no one ever
Don't unga me until you learn how to read
The main problem with Sekiro being a fuck up is possible outcome that it has too little content. What seems like one weapon, no newgame+ content and the rest of varying your moves relies on one gimmick weapon with one attack animation. I hope it will be good though.
>can't lift proto angelo with the regular attack
>just jump and spam overture to get him to bounce
Also, when I discovered you could Overture mid air and knuckle bringer to keep the enemy in place for more damage, my eyes were opened to how good it could be
+160 hours, i spent much of that time on Hell & Hell
Buster, Gerbera, Ragtime and Rawhide, I don't use anything else
>itsuno was so mad at DmC that he almost quit Capcom
>New Chris Redfield confirmed now that Chris has been ruined.
Been saying this shit since day fucking one. Resident Evil honestly gets super lazy with their shit. They’ve been this way for years, so expecting effort in a modern RE game that isn’t a remake, is fooling yourself
Does anyone have the donte version of the >Imagine Trish?
That's not a fuck you comparison at all
That's when Donte says "put a spin on this". But since you've MADE this comparison
An entire games worth of seething deadweight rage and hurt pride come out in one explosive moment.
A snarky comment because he thinks he's being funny.
yeah, I really wish Helter skelter was a bit better, though I think you can do the DT punch while it's active, same if Punchline rocket ride
Mission 11 being the beginning of a nonstop increase in quality until the very end. Also Mission 17 was kino.
Dude, I wish I had your free time
>I bet he spent his time in Hell watching anime reruns.
He probably got the idea for the doppelganger watching Bleach with the hollow Ichigo thing
>Ragtime only B
Shitty list
What makes Rawhide SS tier?
>Rawhide that high
>GP01 not higher than Gebera
>Tomboy A only
>Helter that high
>Ragtime that low, too dumb to use it as charge only and switch to new arm, giving option to a new world of hurt
>Only D is correct
Sekiro will be good, no worries. Preordered both
Literal autism, Lady in DMC5 is peak Lady. Her DMC3 render isn't even how the model looks in game DMC3, imagine cherrypicking like that AND making out like her DMC4 look was remotely good. SAD!
>Best line in the game is the villain asking the hero “why did you kill my child?”
those threads about this article was fantastic. one of the last shitposting tactic "ITSUNO LOVES DmC" gone and all they got left is sales which we're still waiting for
I'm actually surprised we didn't get much Metacritic shitposting since DMC5 has lower rating than Bayo
Helter Skelter is pretty good if you mash Knuckle during its normal usage
You see that nobody/Proto angelo/Empusa Queen/Judecca/Malphas/etc
you can snatch that towards you
Morrison is the best Style Announcer
Damn. I've only gotten like 30 hours in the game even though I've played since release. With 160 hours, you must have either gotten the game early. Good shit, user. You are one of the people who deserved to have gotten it early. You put in the time.
Did someone say hollow Vergil?
Nice. Fixed the subhuman bog faced goblin
was it kino?
So uh did they turn Lady in a jap now?
>intro cutscene is Vergil atop the Qliphoth
"Would I have your life, and you mine?"
>you then play all of Dante's missions as Vergil, with Dante as the villain as part of Vergil's deluded daydreaming
>Capcom does it again
When I got to Cavaliere Angelo
I wonder if Reuben ever had Dan and Johnny join him in meditation
He ate the powerup fruit which returned him to normal state.
>I think you can do the DT punch while it's active
accidentally discovered this minutes ago. it makes it a lot better for single targets.
buff snatch and easy parries. it's basically nero's prop/shredder
how do you trigger this scene?
I am both impressed and worried for you, user
Can anyone make a webm with DmC's "fuck you" scene and add nero's?
I cleared this game in 6 hours, one day after release (yeah it was DH scrubs, not H like most of you dumbfucks). Why are you people still talking about it?
Happy Birthday
Looks nothing like a jap
bayo players dont shitpost
I still have no idea why but him saying that always gets me so fucking hype
Gerbera GP01, no surprises there
Hey that's pretty fucking rad and I can't wait for the style announcer mods.
Except I'm not sure if he's actually allowed to do that
you DT as nero for the first time, the animation can be completely bypassed if you are doing a move though
I learned most of Nero's moves on the con demos, V's learning curve was average & Dante is, well it's Dante
The first min? Yeah, very much and would have been super fucking okay if it was real. Mom shit was dumb though.
>Balrog Style announcer
>demon king Vergil
>Dante returns to his childhood home for a power boost
>FUCK YOU *wub wub*
>cinematic slow mo
>midmission dialog
>realistic character design
>huge increase in profanity
You're not wrong
>literally grows an entire arm back to flick off his deadbeat dad.
>romanian facemodel
>Imaginate a Trish siendo forzada contra una pared gris, del mismo color que su puto aburrido personaje que se hace pasar por mamas por que ella es literalmente una puta impia sin dignidad alguna, mientras que al mismo tiempo que la demonio-puta que chupo las gigantes triple bolas rojas de Mundus y tuvo tantisimo semen diabolico mezclado con pis derrochado sobre su pelo, que se tino rubio, esta siendo fist-fuckeada a traves de sus pantalones rotos de fetiche Matrix-2000, tan duramente que el termino infeccion de levadura es redefinido, y con su ultimo suspiro de putilla guarra, tose el costroso semen del Infierno por su boca octagonal de ps2, dejando su alma oscura sin llenar, pero con su culo lleno al completo
>DmC scene epitomizes everything that's wrong with the game
>DMC5 scene is the payoff to two games worth of Nero angst after finally coming face to face with his deadbeat autistic dad
What’s so good about gerbera? I rarely find myself using anything other than overture or rawhide. Really liked buster arm but Nero has his own now so it’s useless
Play it for the first time. Relish every moment of it cause you'll never be able to replay that cutscene again unless you start a whole new save game.
Devil trigger is a crutch that doesn't let you get good if you use it, ever.
Agree or disagree?
I forgot to put Helter lower
I agree that Ragtime BA is great but for me a arm become High tier if I have a lot of use for it's normal ability
I wonder what Yea Forums's style announcer would be like for each of the rankings.
>tfw King Cerberus music plays
>Imaginate a Trish siendo forzada contra una pared gris, del mismo color que su puto aburrido personaje que se hace pasar por mamas por que ella es literalmente una puta impia sin dignidad alguna, mientras que al mismo tiempo que la demonio-puta que chupo las gigantes triple bolas rojas de Mundus y tuvo tantisimo semen diabolico mezclado con pis derrochado sobre su pelo, que se tino rubio, esta siendo fist-fuckeada a traves de sus pantalones rotos de fetiche Matrix-2000, tan duramente que el termino infeccion de levadura es redefinido, y con su ultimo suspiro de putilla guarra, tose el costroso semen del Infierno por su boca octagonal de ps2, dejando su alma oscura sin llenar, pero con su culo lleno al completo
the only autism they have is saying Bayo would beat Dante
Meth not even once.
Bayonettafags don't have time to shitpost when they're too busy being beset by both console warfags and smashfags hating her just because she was broken in a dumb party game.
Gerbera GP01
Gerbera GP01
Buster Arm
Here's the Balrog style announcer
it can parry with no startup frames and has a longer i-frame than regular dodging.
Infinite jumps like a bootleg skystar
Two breakages both of which are obscenely good
GP01 can knock up and down even heavy shit.
>Nero has his own now so it’s useless
Buster arm does far more damage than Nero's Buster and it's buster breakage outright deletes enemies and quarters most bosses.
Settle down Beavis
Imagine using redd-
>style announcer
Well shit, mods when
yeah of course
rebellion only RG only no stinger no guns is the only way to play
Isn't it Reuben himself being the announcer?
Second dodge, easy airtime and handy to platform. Buster is god-tier for it´s damage and ability to bypass the pre-phase of damage threshold when charged stupid.
I can't listen ott hat theme on it's own but inside the fucking fight itself? 10/10/10/10/10/10/10
honestly it just made me love Itsuno even more
he's too nice a person to shit on the game in public even though it would be completely warranted, he went out of his way to say praise it even though he almost quit the company over it
we don't deserve this man
Shit, must have missed it while doing a move.
>I'm actually surprised we didn't get much Metacritic shitposting since DMC5 has lower rating than Bayo
Probably because Bayo fans are also DMC fans.
Playing as fully upgraded Dante is probably the greatest this genre has ever been up to this point. It feels so nice absolutely styling on enemies by changing between Cerberus, Beowulf and Dante's Sword.
>tfw can't finish the game because of sudden framerate drops on mission 19.
Thanks Denuvo.
No, DmC is shitty DMC4. Nero was sticking his middle finger up before Donte was born.
Get your own personality Donte, stop ripping off Nero's skills and his taunts.
Why do people like Gerbera01 so much?
>Not Overture
You retard
Reuben only mocapped morrison. The style announcer is Morrisons VA. He has the best one available right now imho.
But for some reason I get a sneaking suspicion we're going to get a ton more of the things.
I know, but falseflagging is a thing yet I haven't seen much of it
>DMD mission 3
>Die about 30 times
>Finally manage to reach Artemis
>20% health left, her DT is active
>She goes up to do the big blast
>Somehow can't bring her down
I have never lost the will to play a game so quickly in my entire life.
I honestly can't be mad at Donte no more.
The Up/Down boost is really fun. Beats the hell out of normal Gerbera's force palm.
>Not really sure what Quad S does so end up never buying it
>Finally get it
Holy shit this is amazing, still not 100% sure how long you can be in SDT before it starts draining your meter.
>DMC5 showed the demon forms of Gilgamesh from 4 and Artemis from 3
This is the kind of world building that I fucking love. Cerebrus was a bit off since it felt too samey and his Bael reference was too forced. Made up for the Devil Arm, though. Fucking loved it.
The fact that there also are demon weapon forgers is really interesting. DMC should throw more demon guns into the mix.
>tfw grinding Mission 13
what's so good about it?
I see I see, I’ll have to start using them more, I thought I was being crazy thinking Neros buster arm felt underwhelming in damage and style, glad to hear the buster arm breaker isn’t completely useless now
shit boss, cool boss theme
>Reuben only mocapped morrison
It was Dan
>V puts a blanket on her
>her boobs look enormous
what is this magic
I dont even know how to make him say that
You can try denuvoless if you think it'll help. I started using dx12 and it fixed literally all of my problems.
Is that how you fellas viewed the previous DMCs, too?
get the Denuvo-less exe
Pay no attention to the angry roasties, god's work user
Why would you rate rawhide that high? I only find its charge attack the only useful move. What "heavy" enemies can I actually pull with it? I've only pulled Malphas to do the LETS GO FOR A WALK LIL CHICKY.
Based and QUE TE JODANpilled
Imagine if Vergil DLC starts with a Dante fight
>unlock Real Impact
>use nothing else
Fist weapons are always the best
Explain to a brainlet like myself please
Well, Gilgamesh in 5 isn't exactly Gilgamesh from 4.
The gallery explains that "Gilgamesh" is actually some demon super metal and the boss in 5 is a bunch of Quliphoth roots melded to some
shit sucks, I had to turn my resolution scaling back down to 100%
Oh. So you're right. Sorry user.
Cerb was tons of fun
>literally all of his moves exist to be RG'd
Thank you Sparda for this fight
I only just found out that Kyrie's English VA is Orihime from Bleach.
Fucking meme loving fucks.
Gilgamesh in 5 is just Gilgamesh metal infused with Qliphoth roots
I find Gerbara completely unnecessary and don't understand why people like it. It has two Breakages but the ground one is weak and leaves you vulnerable as fuck and the air one is only good in confined spaces of which there aren't many and they're usually just filled with trash mobs anyway. The only projectiles worth reflecting are the big, high damage ones and all attacks can reflect them, while the increase to air time feels completely unnecessary when Nero has three jumps and can air taunt between each one, not to mention calibur for forward movement and being able to pull any enemy to himself (or vice-versa) for easy enemy step. Everything you can do with it can be done without it, aside from the breakages, and they don't hold up to most other breakages. I just don't get it.
what previous DMCs?
you mean dark souls?
Does a fuckton of damage, especially the slam on grounded enemies
Parries easily
Why don't people like V? Is it just because they're mentally deficient?
>he didn't do a welter move only run
That's been my feeling after seeing spanish Donte and youtube.com
Its really not that good user. Maybe in DH and SOS but in DMD its at best B-A tier
What the fuck, empathy on Yea Forums?
Godspeed user, I hope Sekiro is actually good.
>Balrog Big Smoke
Kek this guy is great
>Played Co-op for the first time
>Guy sucked but rated him stylish anyway, I love playing DMC with someone else
>Guy didn't rate me as far as I know
Fucking you too, V(irgin)
>starts with a Dante fight
>ends in a Dante fight
Time bomb breakage is underrated as fuck and is one of the best in the game breakages in the game.
When Malphas staggers you can do it with charged rawhide
>you will never go out drinking with Dante and Donte
fuck this gay earth
>DLC is a vidya adaptation of the divine comedy and the missions are equally split between Dante and Vergil
Training could be an early internal name for warm up, or it could be something else entirely. There's not enough info to go on with just what there is, but Ghost Survivors did have a training mode as well, so I'd lean towards your theory being correct. There's also UI elements for both "BPWarmingRetry" and "BPTrainingRetry," and a timeless+retryable-from-current-floor version of BP makes sense.
The only thing I see related to BP and gauntlet are references to "GauntletStage," which is more likely referring to the bonus stages that you can pick up breakers on than a different mode entirely.
Tell me if I missed something, because I only quickly skimmed.
I think your ratings only get counted when you get a new day's login bonus.
>I fucking hope I can be like you all when Sekiro hits.
Game looks awesome, dude. I'm sure you'll have fun.
Dealing with its threads on Yea Forums, probably not so much.
Nigga, it's literally 2 measly points apart, and DMC5 has the better user rating.
Rating is weird. You won't actually get that rating until the day after depending on when you got yours. Those server updates are late as fuck.
This is pretty cool. Only beef I got is that the other style announcers had their own spin on the ranks but this one doesn't, dead weight aside.
I like the normal DB attacks, good way to get style and extend air time and it just looks cool. But despite it being in SS tier I don't use it that much, I have entire magazine dedicated to Overture & Punchline
>D for dead weight
that's PR damage control since he wasn't supposed to say that.
>that entire scene
this game's story overall might not have been good but it had some god tier character interactions
I think they're put off because on a first playthrough he seems too easy, and on harder difficulties he becomes the most difficult character to play as
so yeah you're right
So is The Luce the go-to boss deleter for SDT?
It could be just fucking around against random stuff in the Void while you wait for matchmaking, like what Smash Bros does in its online
kek, I do this in every Dante mission with a hole in it now.
Like did you use DRI in DMC4, DT in DMC3, etc. Etc.
Huh. When does the prompt show? When you start the game again?
safe boss deleter* The L1 + sword does the most damage.
Hey, I recently saw a combo video of a guy moving in and out of sin DT as he was stringing together combos. What the fuck is that about?
I've recently gone back and played DmC. Holy hit I forgot how cringy Donte was. None of his dialogue ever feels natural.
>not pizza or sundae
Its easier to combo off and does a lot of damage. I find the upward and downward air attack useful and its good to end a combo.
Next day before you collect your daily gold orb.
if you have an SSS-ranking, and the skill that allows this, you can cancel out of Sin DT just like normal DT
>fighting V’s demons
>Griffon’s theme from DMC1 plays
>Griffon has some of the same moves
have you finally accepted that 5's story is just as good, if not better than 3?
>What went so right?
They made Nero really fun to play, unlike in DMC4.
With quadruple S you can unpop your sin trigger at triple S style
Holy shit
>they gave Shadow his triple bite back
>and people say DMC5 wasnt casualized
Same here
>milf kyrie's going to be a thick as fuck chick
He must've liked some aspects of it to use them in 5, must've been from working on the DE to fix some of the issues
Just as good? no. DMC3's plot is better crafted however I prefer 5's plot in a lot of ways.
you fucking jew
Oh shit, I never even thought about stacking them!
It feels like they de-aged Vergil. Or maybe Dante just aged like milk.
>you can oneshot Shadow from its spike again
Now that's what I call fisting
>if not better
Let's not do that, user. It's good but I wouldn't say better. The tone is different and stories of a more serious nature and conclusion are more well received when they're done better. While DMCVs ending where Dante and Vergil slice open the roots leaves a lot to be desired even if that final cutscene is good as shit.
>The L1 + sword
>Wasted dev time on a non-returning character
People like V, people hate playing as him though. Only shitty gamejournos and retards like playing as him as he gives easy SSS
Okay, so guess I'll find out. Thanks.
it's a legit good tactic though, and if you were fighting any other boss it would be difficult to pull off
the final fight is literally just a DT tutorial
>bullying the fuck out of vergil like this
as long as you're in sss rank and have bought quadruple s you can enter sdt for like 3 seconds and then leave like nothing without consuming any gauge
>struggling to S rank Mission 10 on SoS cause I don't like using DT when I could just be avoiding damage
>S rank it easily after using DT to tank damage sometimes
I'm feeling very conflicted about this.
>t. not played the game
You are not worthy of my (you)
Dude, it's a well trimmed happy trail. They're sexy as fuck.
>Dante just aged like milk.
That's what happens when you eat nothing but frozen milk for decades alongside pasteurized milk on bread.
You can use payline between each overture for extra damage.
personally I couldn't have imagined a better ending
having them both die would just be overly dramatic
That was fucking hype. Felt like a real boss at that point.
what are you grinding for? the expensive taunts? I was able to buy everything else just by going through DH, SoS, and some of DMD
he's literally the hardest to play as on DMD
oh you misunderstood me. The ending was great. The execution left a bit to be desired.
can Balrog get any more based?
Not by a long shot. The story is easily the part they stumbled the most in the game.
>replaying mission 20 is much harder than the first time you play since DT regenerates
>just realized buster arm does a fuck ton of damage more than devil bringer
>mission 20 on harder difficulties becomes as easy as the first time you played it
Mission 20 is really intended to be a meme tier fight. I still love it though.
Where'd you find the stuff on divergence? i've heard of bloody palace online, but not divergence.
Because it was good, and most importantly, FUN?
im sorry i meant DT DOESNT regenerate
Vergil in general stops being oppressively murderous once you realize that, just like Vergil 3, he doesn't have actual ways to stop you from murdering him.
Late reply but once you hit SSS you can transform into SDT instantly without the animation of Dante getting stabbed, and for a while your SDT bar won't deplete and you can cancel it.
So what i've been doing is get to SSS, transform, do a short combo and then transform back. Lets you essentially incorporate SDT moves into your combos
Fuck off reddit. And fuck off anyone upvoting this shit.
Dante's 5 loadout is his greatest and can't ever be topped.
Vergil just can't deal with most of the arms
>Can't do shit about Overture nuking his entire healthbar
>Gerbera breakage knocks him out of the air just like Kalina Ann's laser
>Helter Skelter + Knuckle breaks his guard when he starts trying to block at low HP
>Busters OHKO Doppelganger and if you DT and Buster you can slam their heads together for like a 5th of his HP
>Can be suplexed out of his flying attack
>Punchline interrupts him constantly just like Round Trip
>beat it on DH
>start SoS
>beat SoS
>start Heaven or Hell
>beat Heaven or Hell
>start Hell and Hell
>beat Hell and Hell
>start DMD
>beat DMD
The fight against nightmare & friends is so fucking chaotic holy fuck. No idea how to not get hit
You played the tutorial nigger
I still had problems on sos though
Nero just lacks the movement and I lack the skill to not just cheese vergil with devil bringer
Are enemies gonna DT in Bloody Palace? What difficulty will it be anyways? I'm hoping SoS.
does using the devil buster with the DT have an actual purpose?
They look nothing alike now